Weight Loss/get in better shape journey thread


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Row machine
Jogging outside
What's your/y'all poison?
Jumping rope is my favorite no excuses cardio... you can do it right in your house rain or shine, don't have to go anywhere. Shit, you dont even need a rope and you will get a great workout. Jumping rope and burpees will get you straight.

My knees can't handle running on concrete anymore :smh: and treadmill is boring as fuck


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Good stuff Sneed.

That’s where I started a few years ago. My goal was to run/walk two miles no matter how long it took. Eventually I worked on improving my time.
Bet, it’s a park trail wife and I use, our time together is under 40, she did that midway thru chemo

Friday is her last session, she gonna ring that bell

We’ll be back every weekend, I’m tryin to do more times per week at least 3

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
2023: Good first three months, stayed between 192 and 197. Mid-April was the start of a bad streak-- I was overeating and I stopped running due to knee issues. I consciously took a break, thinking it would set me up for longer term success if I let my body heal. Didn't weigh myself for a month and was up to 208 by the end of May. Ended June at 209. Got back out there in July, ended the month at 198. Ended August back at 192. Range: 17 pounds.

11 weeks since my Jumbo-sized June state, at my lowest weight in a year, currently 186:



Rising Star
OG Investor
So I hear yall with the whole eat less shit. I tried that shit and I dropped the weight, but I dropped muscle too. Not so good when youre training full contact martial arts. To be fair, I didnt push weights cuz I thought that more muscle would slow me down. Anyway, I started going to the gym again and I find I gotta eat more so I dont repeat past mistakes. But at the same time I dont wanna overdo it.

I need to drop 15 AND put some muscle on. Hell, I might hit the mat again.... Any pointers from the vets?

Mr. Lengthy

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I definitely have not hit that on mile 3...

Tuesday was my worst performance in a while-- I took a couple of days off and I never do as well on my first day:


Came back stronger than I expected last night-- No walk breaks, thought I toughed it out for a full four miles but turns out I stopped just short :smh:


I'd be very happy getting mile 3 below 8 minutes, not gonna hit 7:35 anytime soon! :cool:

yeah, but you burning heavy in those first two. That’s something I can’t do.

Do you have a lot of hills where you run. My first mile and a half is an incline. That sort of explains way my first two miles are slower and my last is faster.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
You did this 7 days a week?

I think Imma start this next week to get better at cardio.

Three to four days a week. You got to give your body time to recover. You can easily get injured and you’ll likely deal with shinsplints at some point.

If you’re already in decent shape, then you might be able to push a little harder starting off versus something just starting altogether.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Three to four days a week. You got to give your body time to recover. You can easily get injured and you’ll likely deal with shinsplints at some point.

If you’re already in decent shape, then you might be able to push a little harder starting off versus something just starting altogether.
I feel you. I just listen to my body. Haven't taken a day of with outdoor cardio since August 12. But looking back since the start of the year, was a period when I took off 10 days in a row and others where it's been 3 or 4 with 2 weeks straight between them.

My problem is if I'm up and it's 3 or 4 am, I'll go out and hit it. I love the peaceful night environment. We got a trail in the woods too. Shit is addicting. And I'm like the mailman. Rain, sleet, or snow. I'm going to get it the fuck in. Ohio weather too. So whether it's single digit windchill or 90 I'm out there. That's why I was in the thread tripping of the weatherpeople.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I feel you. I just listen to my body. Haven't taken a day of with outdoor cardio since August 12. But looking back since the start of the year, was a period when I took off 10 days in a row and others where it's been 3 or 4 with 2 weeks straight between them.

My problem is if I'm up and it's 3 or 4 am, I'll go out and hit it. I love the peaceful night environment. We got a trail in the woods too. Shit is addicting. And I'm like the mailman. Rain, sleet, or snow. I'm going to get it the fuck in. Ohio weather too. So whether it's single digit windchill or 90 I'm out there. That's why I was in the thread tripping of the weatherpeople.

Same. I run usually between 7 and 10 am. I prefer running in the rain during the summer. Nothing better. However, fall is upon us and I’m at my best during this season. The hot temps hinders my progress during the summer.

I’m going to do at least a 10k tomorrow morning. I still haven’t decided if I’m going to run the half marathon next month. My time has been tight and I need 2 hours of free time, plus recover time to train.

If not, then I’ll still with my high intensity runs. I go trails around my way. I’m definitely looking forward to fall leaves.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah I like sweet potato too much but my water intake has increased
Cut out alcohol
Gym training 3 days out the week
Catch wrestling class 3 times a week
Sweet potatoes actually assist your body while losing weight. They contain complex carbs that sustain your energy levels and kickstart your metabolism.

Also, are you more focused on losing weight or losing body fat? You can lose weight and still maintain an unhealthy body fat percentage, by wasting muscle and not losing fat if your caloric deficit is too high and your food intake lacks the appropriate amount of protein.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jumping rope is my favorite no excuses cardio... you can do it right in your house rain or shine, don't have to go anywhere. Shit, you dont even need a rope and you will get a great workout. Jumping rope and burpees will get you straight.

My knees can't handle running on concrete anymore :smh: and treadmill is boring as fuck
The same but crazy enough I can do hills with no problem


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sweet potatoes actually assist your body while losing weight. They contain complex carbs that sustain your energy levels and kickstart your metabolism.

Also, are you more focused on losing weight or losing body fat? You can lose weight and still maintain an unhealthy body fat percentage, by wasting muscle and not losing fat if your caloric deficit is too high and your food intake lacks the appropriate amount of protein.
Body fat


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I would up working doubles(getting my credit straight) so today was a rest day tmw as well(most likely just gone jump rope after work) but Saturday is back to running incline hills and sparring in class


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So I hear yall with the whole eat less shit. I tried that shit and I dropped the weight, but I dropped muscle too. Not so good when youre training full contact martial arts. To be fair, I didnt push weights cuz I thought that more muscle would slow me down. Anyway, I started going to the gym again and I find I gotta eat more so I dont repeat past mistakes. But at the same time I dont wanna overdo it.

I need to drop 15 AND put some muscle on. Hell, I might hit the mat again.... Any pointers from the vets?

Mr. Lengthy
Endurance reps. You'll actually build more muscle and resistance bands for flexibility
My coach has us doing push ups with the resistance bands that go up to 100lbs and I swear it ain't no joke. Rolling/sparring(light) will help out tremendously


Rising Star
OG Investor
You can lose weight and still maintain an unhealthy body fat percentage, by wasting muscle and not losing fat if your caloric deficit is too high and your food intake lacks the appropriate amount of protein.
^^^ This is my problem

Endurance reps. You'll actually build more muscle and resistance bands for flexibility
My coach has us doing push ups with the resistance bands that go up to 100lbs and I swear it ain't no joke. Rolling/sparring(light) will help out tremendously

PROPS! Appreciate it

4 words- apple cider vinegar gummies. Take 6 a day for 2 months straight and you fat cholesterol laden fucks will thank me later.

Thats triple the recommended dosage :oops: How much toilet time are we talking here?

Mr. Lengthy

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Endurance reps. You'll actually build more muscle and resistance bands for flexibility
My coach has us doing push ups with the resistance bands that go up to 100lbs and I swear it ain't no joke. Rolling/sparring(light) will help out tremendously
What you do for your back work? I prefer maximum strength/power and endurace. I love seal rows(so did the soviet grapplers who dominated everyone) and pulls ups. Weighted pulls and back offs with bodyweight/light weight(25 pounds or less) for endurance. Use the same formula for dips. Heavy weighted, less weight(45 pounds)/bodyweight for endurance. Now that I'm in the 240s, everything in bodyweight is even easier than before.

I came up in the soviet era and remember how dominant they were. The narrative was drugs. But in reality, they just had superior approach to strength training to us. Everyone was on drugs. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You put me on game with the seal reps I'll try those at crunch tmw
I study the Fedor, Khabib, Ukraine style workouts for wrestling. It's a mindset truthfully
I'm going to add more towel pull ups as well. But I do a lot of farmers carry, hex bar deadlifts/jumps (I got 405 once) I do allot of push up variations(diamond, pause rep, spider Man, Hindu) cable fly for back, rows mainly. I do more stability style lifts. My wrestling gym has atlas stones and I do those from time to time


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What you do for your back work? I prefer maximum strength/power and endurace. I love seal rows(so did the soviet grapplers who dominated everyone) and pulls ups. Weighted pulls and back offs with bodyweight/light weight(25 pounds or less) for endurance. Use the same formula for dips. Heavy weighted, less weight(45 pounds)/bodyweight for endurance. Now that I'm in the 240s, everything in bodyweight is even easier than before.

I came up in the soviet era and remember how dominant they were. The narrative was drugs. But in reality, they just had superior approach to strength training to us. Everyone was on drugs. :lol:

I've started doing this

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
yeah, but you burning heavy in those first two. That’s something I can’t do.

Do you have a lot of hills where you run. My first mile and a half is an incline. That sort of explains way my first two miles are slower and my last is faster.

Not a lot-- There is an incline for the first three blocks or so that probably contributes to me thinking "I can't do this" 30-45 seconds into nearly every run. Maybe 6-10 feet, hard to say. There are definitely some in the middle as well that I notice less because I'm into it already and they offset and aren't notably long stretches.

There is an alternate route I could do with a big ass hill maybe .7 miles in. Not sure if I like the idea of the terrain having more influence on my time. I'll have to google the value of running a mile uphill and a mile downhill versus two miles of flat running.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Came back stronger than I expected last night-- No walk breaks, thought I toughed it out for a full four miles but turns out I stopped just short :smh:
Last Thursday evening, I crossed the 4 mile mark I had been struggling toward with zero walking-- I for sure did, even heard the app announce it in my ear, but it fucked up and didn't record it, pissing me off.

The next night, I wanted to blow past it if I could... Did damn near 5 and a half miles. :dance:


The weekend was full of, as the song goes, "drinkin', smokin', straight west coastin'"... But I got out there again last night and got past 5 again:


I think I could have easily done 6 either time, it just wasn't built into my route and I was tired of adding little extra batches to it. Definitely think I can hit 7 in October.

Back in my heyday, I used to take creatine before running. I've done that a few times this year and it didn't seem to help much. But for no particular reason I started taking some old expired creatine before these runs and I feel like that has to be a part of why my endurance was suddenly so much better.

It reminds me of Michael Jordan saying "You don't play basketball to get in shape, you get in shape to play basketball." I think when you're building endurance, creatine doesn't help that much but when you have developed it already, it can be a big boost. At least that's how it seems to me, anecdotally.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Last Thursday evening, I crossed the 4 mile mark I had been struggling toward with zero walking-- I for sure did, even heard the app announce it in my ear, but it fucked up and didn't record it, pissing me off.

The next night, I wanted to blow past it if I could... Did damn near 5 and a half miles. :dance:


The weekend was full of, as the song goes, "drinkin', smokin', straight west coastin'"... But I got out there again last night and got past 5 again:


I think I could have easily done 6 either time, it just wasn't built into my route and I was tired of adding little extra batches to it. Definitely think I can hit 7 in October.

Back in my heyday, I used to take creatine before running. I've done that a few times this year and it didn't seem to help much. But for no particular reason I started taking some old expired creatine before these runs and I feel like that has to be a part of why my endurance was suddenly so much better.

It reminds me of Michael Jordan saying "You don't play basketball to get in shape, you get in shape to play basketball." I think when you're building endurance, creatine doesn't help that much but when you have developed it already, it can be a big boost. At least that's how it seems to me, anecdotally.

That’s impressive. That time was my best 5 miler, but that was in November of last year. Like two week after I ran a half marathon race. I did 6 in 57 minutes on Monday. That route is nothing my hills and a few steep ones that will zap the motivation out of you. Lol

Yes, the hills will fuck with your time. However, if you run them good and go back to a flatter surface, then you’ll definitely see improvement.

My 8 mile route has an elevation gain of about 400 feet. My half marathon had a gain of 600. And the last 2 miles of that race was just nothing but an incline.

My weight got down to 189 after my latest 6 mile run.

Here are my stats from last compared to this year. I ran more miles so far last year, but my pace is faster by nearly a minute this year.

I’ll likely push my mileage to 8 this weekend. If I manage to do that, then I may consider running the half marathon again this year.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good shit, bruh. In 2021, I decided to make a change. Changed my whole approach to food and fitness. Started weighing my food and counting calories. Started back lifting weights and mixed in some cardio. Went from 264 to 174 in a little less than a year. Now, my typical walk around weight is 185. Consistency is the key.

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Another important thing is to get all of your sleep. 7 to 8 hours of sleep is what people usually need. When you lose of all of your fat you need less sleep. I've heard people who only need 4 and 5 hours of sleep.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is ass-eating still on the menu??

Abd good on losing weight
Ass eating is ALWAYS on the menu

I been doing more HIIT with less recovery time
Today is wrestling class so I gotta start with either a mile of hills or a 1.5 mile run with a bridge. I'm honestly leaning towards the 1.5
My eating has improved and at least half a gallon of water
Re-up on sweet potato and salmon. I'm liking veggie pizza as well. I'm gone treat myself to a homemade seafood pizza for the Saints game. Alligator shrimp and hot sausage with Alfredo sauce and spinach


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Good shit, bruh. In 2021, I decided to make a change. Changed my whole approach to food and fitness. Started weighing my food and counting calories. Started back lifting weights and mixed in some cardio. Went from 264 to 174 in a little less than a year. Now, my typical walk around weight is 185. Consistency is the key.


:cheers: :thumbsup: