Well DAMN! Black Star Power: Michael Jordan donates $2M to help community-police relations


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I was just coming to post this. People finally have what they have been asking for, Michael to weigh in.

He's still trying to walk that line though, donating to both police and NAACP, so people can't say he is anti police:

“To support that effort, I am making contributions of $1 million each to two organizations, the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s newly established Institute for Community-Police Relations and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. The Institute for Community-Police Relations’ policy and oversight work is focused on building trust and promoting best practices in community policing. My donation to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the nation’s oldest civil rights law organization, will support its ongoing work in support of reforms that will build trust and respect between communities and law enforcement. Although I know these contributions alone are not enough to solve the problem, I hope the resources will help both organizations make a positive difference."

I'd rather have seen him donate to the Color of Change or Jesse William's group the Advancement Project.

I understand

but damn he actually did SOMETHING though..

he could have easily continued to do what he has always done for over 30 years.


And we ALL know the game and it is what it is, but he is at least making a REAL effort.

I think the fact that it will positively encourage so many others to get INVOLVED

I don't see him trying to appear 'fair' as a negative.

because if he did it the OTHER way?

that already have a multi million dollar fully funded media conglomerate that will just tear it apart

and that will just cause MORE division and f*ck up the reality of the situation.

Giving white folk the fog they need....and they want

Here what they gonna say?

They can't hate on Jordan

and it gives much needed positive light to the #blacklivesmateter movement.

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
A race soldier don't care what kind of a black you are. You could be an Oprah or michal Jordan or Pookie. They see niggaz all the same when it comes to murdering them and Jordan now sees this so he wants his ass saved


i posts nothing but dimes!!
BGOL Investor
:hmm: mike you ain't slick...you give up 2mill now . ..in order to get 10mill when the NBA bring that all star game back in 2017.. You got a good p.r. agent tho...:hmm:


Rising Star

The upper class negroes know Obama is out of office soon and they know after the poor blacks are targeted for extermination they would be next...

Now you make moves cause you see shit is serious and you realize you could be next..,

B4 u didn't care but you don't want to be a victim now....
So does this apply to all of them or just Jordan?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I understand

but damn he actually did SOMETHING though..

he could have easily continued to do what he has always done for over 30 years.


And we ALL know the game and it is what it is, but he is at least making a REAL effort.

I think the fact that it will positively encourage so many others to get INVOLVED

I don't see him trying to appear 'fair' as a negative.

because if he did it the OTHER way?

that already have a multi million dollar fully funded media conglomerate that will just tear it apart

and that will just cause MORE division and f*ck up the reality of the situation.

Giving white folk the fog they need....and they want

Here what they gonna say?

They can't hate on Jordan

and it gives much needed positive light to the #blacklivesmateter movement.

It's not my intent to criticize his gesture. I'm just pointing out how this still aligns with his past comments, "Republican's buy sneakers, too". He donated to both a police organization and an established "acceptable" black organization, even though the NAACP, is seen by many as too political and not enough grass roots, and not doing enough on trying to stop police brutality, or at least not being VISIBLE in the work they are doing to combat this problem. It's like he picked the most vanilla of black organizations to donate to. As I've said before though, visibility or lack there of is not an indicator of what work is being done.

That said, this is major. Jordan is highly respected. People will automatically assume if he is speaking out there MUST be a real problem that needs to be addressed. His involvement is not going to be excused as easily, and he does not have a history of being outspokenly "pro black" to where they can dismiss him as continuing a crusade on behalf of his people. Also, although I don't think the NAACP is as impactful as other groups, that will also be a plus with white media/white folks who are easily threatened and put on the defensive. More militant groups like BLM would be a distraction. He will automatically get interviews which will be replayed not only on sports related networks, but nationally, based simply off of his name, history, and reputation. Michael has an audience of young and old and has been admired by all. Kids are always wanting to jump on the band wagon of their favorite celebrity so they can feel involved. This is why Beyonce was attacked so, they don't want white kids taking up the cause (of protecting black life) she believes in. So I'm not belittling his actions at all. Considering his status this may have been the best, most effective move for him.

I don't think there is any one way to address the issue of police brutality and racism. I don't criticize the groups that protest, or the ones who seek change through the political system. I don't criticize those who go out in the streets, or those who can only help by donating or amplifying voices. The problem of police brutality needs to be attacked on all sides by as many different resources as possible. One means of doing the work does not negate the other means. Get in where you fit in, as far as I'm concerned.

Edit/Clarification: I don't consider BLM militant, but that is the perception of many white people, especially with Fox pushing the meme that they should be named a terrorist organization.
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Rising Star
It's not my intent to criticize his gesture. I'm just pointing out how this still aligns with his past comments, "Republican's buy sneakers, too". He donated to both a police organization and an established "acceptable" black organization, even though the NAACP, is seen by many as too political and not enough grass roots, and not doing enough on trying to stop police brutality, or at least not being VISIBLE in the work they are doing to combat this problem. It's like he picked the most vanilla of black organizations to donate to. As I've said before though, visibility or lack there of is not an indicator of what work is being done.

That said, this is major. Jordan is highly respected. People will automatically assume if he is speaking out there MUST be a real problem that needs to be addressed. His involvement is not going to be excused as easily, and he does not have a history of being outspokenly "pro black" to where they can dismiss him as continuing a crusade on behalf of his people. Also, although I don't think the NAACP is as impactful as other groups, that will also be a plus with white media/white folks who are easily threatened and put on the defensive. More militant groups like BLM would be a distraction. He will automatically get interviews which will be replayed not only on sports related networks, but nationally, based simply off of his name, history, and reputation. Michael has an audience of young and old and has been admired by all. Kids are always wanting to jump on the band wagon of their favorite celebrity so they can feel involved. This is why Beyonce was attacked so, they don't want white kids taking up the cause (of protecting black life) she believes in. So I'm not belittling his actions at all. Considering his status this may have been the best, most effective move for him.

I don't think there is any one way to address the issue of police brutality and racism. I don't criticize the groups that protest, or the ones who seek change through the political system. I don't criticize those who go out in the streets, or those who can only help by donating or amplifying voices. The problem of police brutality needs to be attacked on all sides by as many different resources as possible. One means of doing the work does not negate the other means. Get in where you fit in, as far as I'm concerned.
Do you use a talk to text app?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Make sure you run out and buy the next release of his old shoes so he can make some money to donate more...



Rising Star
Is this the first time he's ever given to any form of charity? I thought he had a long history of never ever giving to any charities.

He gives a lot, I think he really fucked himself with the republicans buy shoes shit.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
In his first couple of lines he calls himself American and then black. All the rest of us he referred to as African American. Why did he distance himself from the word African?

Our deaths at the hands of police are troubling. The deaths of police however are something he is angered about. The individuals who killed the police are cowards. Nothing said about the cops who killed unarmed African American men women and children.

He did however donate $2 million to the very safe and well funded Naacp and to the same people who created the atmosphere of mistrust between the police and the community in the first place. Maybe the police can use that money to make more nae nae and basketball videos instead of investigating the race soldiers the fbi warned us about.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
His platform to influence, persuade, and change minds have long since diminished and therefore THIS ACTION does not hold the same weight as it would 20 years ago. TOO LITTLE TOO LATE. This tactic wreaks of "Hilarity" Clinton. Change your views and policies when it becomes popular.

At this point the only course of action that would change my view of him would be to start competing league where black athletes are the players, managers, and owners who all donate charitably to empower black folks.
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Rising Star
In his first couple of lines he calls himself American and then black. All the rest of us he referred to as African American. Why did he distance himself from the word African?

Our deaths at the hands of police are troubling. The deaths of police however are something he is angered about. The individuals who killed the police are cowards. Nothing said about the cops who killed unarmed African American men women and children.

He did however donate $2 million to the very safe and well funded Naacp and to the same people who created the atmosphere of mistrust between the police and the community in the first place. Maybe the police can use that money to make more nae nae and basketball videos instead of investigating the race soldiers the fbi warned us about.
Youve got some long ass arms Bruh :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
Props to mike for taking a stance. Him saying he can no longer stay silent should inform all as to how fucked up things have gotten. There is no way as a black man you can sit quietly bye right now.
Truthfully... Him taking accountability for that outweighs all the rest of the whiny ass talking points fools are are bitching about.... Pops always told me, Bitches will sho nuff Bitch!:lol:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It's not my intent to criticize his gesture. I'm just pointing out how this still aligns with his past comments, "Republican's buy sneakers, too". He donated to both a police organization and an established "acceptable" black organization, even though the NAACP, is seen by many as too political and not enough grass roots, and not doing enough on trying to stop police brutality, or at least not being VISIBLE in the work they are doing to combat this problem. It's like he picked the most vanilla of black organizations to donate to. As I've said before though, visibility or lack there of is not an indicator of what work is being done.

That said, this is major. Jordan is highly respected. People will automatically assume if he is speaking out there MUST be a real problem that needs to be addressed. His involvement is not going to be excused as easily, and he does not have a history of being outspokenly "pro black" to where they can dismiss him as continuing a crusade on behalf of his people. Also, although I don't think the NAACP is as impactful as other groups, that will also be a plus with white media/white folks who are easily threatened and put on the defensive. More militant groups like BLM would be a distraction. He will automatically get interviews which will be replayed not only on sports related networks, but nationally, based simply off of his name, history, and reputation. Michael has an audience of young and old and has been admired by all. Kids are always wanting to jump on the band wagon of their favorite celebrity so they can feel involved. This is why Beyonce was attacked so, they don't want white kids taking up the cause (of protecting black life) she believes in. So I'm not belittling his actions at all. Considering his status this may have been the best, most effective move for him.

I don't think there is any one way to address the issue of police brutality and racism. I don't criticize the groups that protest, or the ones who seek change through the political system. I don't criticize those who go out in the streets, or those who can only help by donating or amplifying voices. The problem of police brutality needs to be attacked on all sides by as many different resources as possible. One means of doing the work does not negate the other means. Get in where you fit in, as far as I'm concerned.

Edit/Clarification: I don't consider BLM militant, but that is the perception of many white people, especially with Fox pushing the meme that they should be named a terrorist organization.

We agree completely.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Youve got some long ass arms Bruh :lol:

I learned a long time ago that wording means more than you think. A man in his position knows it also. Hence the silence or lack of words about our situation up until this point.

Re read his statement and think critically on every sentence. Then get back with me.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
In his first couple of lines he calls himself American and then black. All the rest of us he referred to as African American. Why did he distance himself from the word African?

Our deaths at the hands of police are troubling. The deaths of police however are something he is angered about. The individuals who killed the police are cowards. Nothing said about the cops who killed unarmed African American men women and children.

He did however donate $2 million to the very safe and well funded Naacp and to the same people who created the atmosphere of mistrust between the police and the community in the first place. Maybe the police can use that money to make more nae nae and basketball videos instead of investigating the race soldiers the fbi warned us about.

thinks for raining all over my little parade, couldn't let it go even 3 pages huh Ankh?


Rising Star
I learned a long time ago that wording means more than you think. A man in his position knows it also. Hence the silence or lack of words about our situation up until this point.

Re read his statement and think critically on every sentence. Then get back with me.
Dont have to... I read it and I also know when people have an 'agenda' they can pull whatever fits their narrative out of anything...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Whoa! How do we get this idea to him??? Great idea! Nike won't do it though. They don't want to appear sympathetic to those who fought and died for their sneakers.
If Jordan released a limited edition sneaker where proceeds would go to the Black families effected by police violence...

this dude would COMPLETELY change the narrative of his legacy as a Black man in our community as a whole.
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