Well DAMN! Black Star Power: Michael Jordan donates $2M to help community-police relations


Platinum Member
If Jordan released a limited edition sneaker where proceeds would go to the Black families effected by police violence...

this dude would COMPLETELY change the narrative of his legacy as a Black man in our community as a whole.

Man this


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
If Jordan released a limited edition sneaker where proceeds would go to the Black families effected by police violence...

this dude would COMPLETELY change the narrative of his legacy as a Black man in our community as a whole.
Then people would be killing each other over sneakers. Then what? #Sneakerheadlivesmatter


Rising Star
See, the comments in this thread are symbolic of the problems in our community. White people, they forgive former transgressions, give the benefit of the doubt, and they support each other for the most part. We Black Folk, crab mentality Jokers. No forgiveness, we stayed tearing each other down, no Unity, and are always divided. Smmfh


BGOL Patreon Investor
It's not my intent to criticize his gesture. I'm just pointing out how this still aligns with his past comments, "Republican's buy sneakers, too". He donated to both a police organization and an established "acceptable" black organization, even though the NAACP, is seen by many as too political and not enough grass roots, and not doing enough on trying to stop police brutality, or at least not being VISIBLE in the work they are doing to combat this problem. It's like he picked the most vanilla of black organizations to donate to. As I've said before though, visibility or lack there of is not an indicator of what work is being done.

That said, this is major. Jordan is highly respected. People will automatically assume if he is speaking out there MUST be a real problem that needs to be addressed. His involvement is not going to be excused as easily, and he does not have a history of being outspokenly "pro black" to where they can dismiss him as continuing a crusade on behalf of his people. Also, although I don't think the NAACP is as impactful as other groups, that will also be a plus with white media/white folks who are easily threatened and put on the defensive. More militant groups like BLM would be a distraction. He will automatically get interviews which will be replayed not only on sports related networks, but nationally, based simply off of his name, history, and reputation. Michael has an audience of young and old and has been admired by all. Kids are always wanting to jump on the band wagon of their favorite celebrity so they can feel involved. This is why Beyonce was attacked so, they don't want white kids taking up the cause (of protecting black life) she believes in. So I'm not belittling his actions at all. Considering his status this may have been the best, most effective move for him.

I don't think there is any one way to address the issue of police brutality and racism. I don't criticize the groups that protest, or the ones who seek change through the political system. I don't criticize those who go out in the streets, or those who can only help by donating or amplifying voices. The problem of police brutality needs to be attacked on all sides by as many different resources as possible. One means of doing the work does not negate the other means. Get in where you fit in, as far as I'm concerned.

Edit/Clarification: I don't consider BLM militant, but that is the perception of many white people, especially with Fox pushing the meme that they should be named a terrorist organization.
Good points. Thank you for the disclaimer at the end. You must have felt me coming. :lol:



Rising Star
Hopefully Jordan is coming around (probably realizing his nothing ass sons are not going to get his universal white people seal of approval protection) but he has a lot more proving to do.


Rising Star
See, the comments in this thread are symbolic of the problems in our community. White people, they forgive former transgressions, give the benefit of the doubt, and they support each other for the most part. We Black Folk, crab mentality Jokers. No forgiveness, we stayed tearing each other down, no Unity, and are always divided. Smmfh
Bomani Jones is on his broadcast right now, it going my same sentiments. It's amazing how we pick and choose who we want to support, but don't hold others to that same accountability. Being a black celebrity is being a black celebrity regardless of how many sneakers you sale.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I just let out a big OH SHIT in my office

Thats a DOPE idea!!

and you know something?

If Nike Jordan decided to have some type of Blue sneaker for THOSE police officers families in Texas

I wouldn't have an issue.

And if Grape Street decided to rock dem with Khakis with a cuff and crease?

I'm super cool with that too.

We got to play the long game with our oppressors...

cause we got to show we can play too if they want.

Cause we just need to keep waking up these folk...

and as you can see its happening.

slowly but surely.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I think as black people we've been betrayed so often that we are wary of any good "gift" from an unexpected source, but being realistic doesn't negate the "win". Celebrate, but recognize he is still trying to walk a fine line. Also take heart by realizing that if this this is happening on the SURFACE, the pressure and current underneath must be very forceful. Ripples, waves, tidal waves, tsunamis. (Yeah I know they aren't caused by the same things, but for the purpose of showing intensity, the example stands. Stop being so scientific :p) I've been saying for a while the narrative is changing. We are coming up on a tipping point. I'm not sure what to expect from Jordan going forward. This may be the extent of his involvement, or as he gets more comfortable he may speak out more boldly. But, like Jesse, his actions will help free the minds of others who are scared to speak up or take action, and enable them to be more vocal and active. Anyway you look at it, this is a good thing.

you are so right...

it is tangible

Unfortunately we dont REALLY have a reliable outlet to keep us informed and active outside twitter.

You would think THIS is when BET News would have been a POWERFUL media outlet for the Black Community as a whole.

Someone is going to create some type website with blogs and video...

like a REAL Black CNN

a type of Huffpost...but more set up like a traditional news station with live feeds and on the ground interviews.

I would LOVE to do that.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
you are so right...

it is tangible

Unfortunately we dont REALLY have a reliable outlet to keep us informed and active outside twitter.

You would think THIS is when BET News would have been a POWERFUL media outlet for the Black Community as a whole.

Someone is going to create some type website with blogs and video...

like a REAL Black CNN

a type of Huffpost...but more set up like a traditional news station with live feeds and on the ground interviews.

I would LOVE to do that.

@Spectrum can help you. Are y'all still doing that black start up project?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People who grew up in the era when Jordan was the man as a player knows this is huge because he never said anything during that time. L. A. riots happen during that time and crack was destroying our community and you heard nothing from him. I'm glad MJ finally spoke out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Donates 2mil to Community-Police Relations, which was launched in May by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund?...Kool..that 2mil will buy another 20yrs of the same b.s..

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Donates 2mil to Community-Police Relations, which was launched in May by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund?...Kool..that 2mil will buy another 20yrs of the same b.s..
How much have you donated?


Rising Star


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
It's a start...

I HOPE to see a concerted and sustained effort by MJ, to be a voice for these social issues. Time will tell.


BGOL Investor
People who grew up in the era when Jordan was the man as a player knows this is huge because he never said anything during that time. L. A. riots happen during that time and crack was destroying our community and you heard nothing from him. I'm glad MJ finally spoke out.


Im a MJ fan to the core, but id be lying if I said the randomness of this doesnt have me scratching my head.

For the most part I think that MJ is a apolitical type of guy. Which is fine. But I think that owning a NBA team, which is heavily supported by the public, and also having a lot of the players on his brand talking about this issue sort of forced him to speak about an issue that really doesnt concern him.

MJ recently had to talk about Gays because of whats going on in NC. Now he's about to miss out on money because the NBA got forced by the gays to pull the Allstar game.

Whereas I dont think MJ is being genuine, I hope Black folks are taking note of what just happened. When you join forces and let folk know you mean business, even the most apolitical guys will fall in line. Their motivation does not have to be the same as your motivation, but the point is you both accomplished a goal that was mutually favorable; Your goal is for law enforcement to be held accountable, the millionaire business owners goal is to protect his bottom line.
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