Life Lessons I Can Think of Right Now Part 2
Its a slave mentality taught to us from slavery, but its the reason why black people are broke and on the bottom. We are the only people on the planet that do not practice group economics.
Then we have the nerve to be mad at the white man for not hiring us. The Wake up call is to black people is that people look after there own first. White, Asian, Jew, Arab all practice group economies and are going to do what is best for there own people. While we sit around waiting on the white man for crumbs.
I think this is true to a certain extent now, but this was not always the case. When you had places like Tulsa/Black Wall Street burned to the ground by jealous whites whenever we did band together and progress, black people here "learned" culturally and collectively that white folks were only going to "let" us prosper only so much. Our history is one of literally burned and legislated out of progress we were making and I think
some, at least in the past or among older people, have passed down the idea that we are powerless to a degree because of these outside forces.. This isn't true of everyone, we've always had fighters who put their lives on the line for rights and freedoms.
I've said this before but I actually think we can learn a lot from blacks from other countries. We tend generally, in my opinion, to have a permissive attitude where we seek permission to do things, where blacks from other countries where the leadership and authority is also black, have an entitlement mindset to ownership. That is in my (admittedly narrow) experience witnessing just general attitudes. I think what actually holds us back in this day and age is the lack of knowledge of how to do things, not a lack of willingness or desire. Also a lack of trust in others. I don't think we are powerless, but I don't think we know how to effectively wield the power that is available to us.
Unpopular opinion incoming ...
....our position in the world collectively is hard to ignore, and naturally some people will have strong opinions about it.
Here is my thing: White people have done more than their share of evil, but we can't escape the reality that we have allowed ourselves to be put in the subordinate position we're in. The system of white supremacy was not built over night. It took centuries for CAC's to reach the level of dominance that they've achieved. If I could go back in time, I'd really like to know, while they were doing all that, what in the entire FUCK were WE doing?
I could accept if they were ahead of us by a little bit, but them motherfuckers got damn near everything, and most of us can't name a single cot-damn corporation that is black owned. Do you realize how fucking bad that shit look, man? How many of us, if sufficiently qualified, can walk out of our house and go apply for two jobs that would pay us 75k, and the company was started and is owned by blacks?
Unpopular opinion incoming ...
...we talk about how superior we are to CACs. Ok. Better at what, tho? My point is this, I'm tired of all the fucking talking. If we're better, prove it! If all the CAC invented was the patent office, and they're profiting from everything everyone else invented, then all they NEED is the patent office. Shit. I used to hang out with Five's, HI's, and NOI members talking all that damn shit. I woke up one day wondering if we don't just tell ourselves all of this shit to cope with where the fuck we are. Niggas gon' be in the year 2217 talking about cave dwellers, and still ain't got shit as a collective to call their own.
Then gon' talk shit about niggas who fuck cave bitches. Like, somehow, me sticking my dick in a thick up white girl's ass is somehow causing the problem in the black community. We got a HEEP more to be worried about than niggas turning Becky into a pretzel. Amazing how white men can fuck the shit out of black women and every other kind of woman they want, and still maintain the system they're in.
Yeah, I'm as mad as I sound.
See my answer above but also "allow" sort of means we had a choice, when often there wasn't one or the choice was do it my way or die, leaving your children and family unprotected.
First, we were out numbered. Even now black folks are only 13% of the population.
Secondly this nation has never had black people on an equal footing with white folks. There were laws in place to where we couldn't be taught to read. After slavery was over, there were laws that prevented us from migrating to other states. Laws that prevented us from owning land. Even building plans for cities were designed to keep us crowded in together, away from white folks. In this day and age there are cities with transportation routes set up so that black folks are isolated and unable to easily commute to areas with better jobs. We were denied loans for businesses. Discriminated against in the work force. Even now as recently as a few years ago there was a lawsuit where black consumers were given higher interest rates for car loans, regardless of their credit scores. The attack on blackness isn't something that is in the past. It is real and ongoing to this day.
We have areas with lead in the drinking water leading to behavior and mental issues, anger, etc. Cities are zoned so that all the pollution is in poor or black areas.
The miracle is that we aren't in worse shape. White supremacy has done everything they can to hold black folks down, yet still we prosper.
Black People as a Collective are not Smarter than White People. One Thing i will give the White Man, is that he is the smartest human on planet earth. You don't rule the world by being dumb and stupid.
They Play Chess While We Play Checkers. The Reason why we don't rule the world is because deep down we have a deep hatred for each other. Its the reason why the Europeans can come into Africa and got African Slaves. They could of tried to enslave the native americans, or other indigenous people. But the problem with them is that they stick together. The Africans were easy to manipulate because african tribes were beefing with each other and would not unify and even help some of the europeans.
White People are a minority on this planet earth and they know that. Its the reason why they are greedy and evil and have to try to get as much as wealth and resources as possible.
They may be more devious, cunning and deceitful, I can't say "smarter". Smarter is relative. White folks get a lot of things done not because they are smart, but they have wealth to hire someone who is, or power to control someone who is and who can be made to work to their advantage.
When you are are a person of honor and integrity and used to dealing with like minded people, you are unprepared for the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Had Africans known the conditions that would be in store for black people in America, I'm sure things would have been different, but there was no way of knowing the mistreatment that would follow.
Are your projecting issues you have with what some people are trying to do, or are you addressing me?
I'm not fucking my way into white supremacy and never said I was or even trying to.
I've stated numerous times, I don't want a white wife, nor do I want any kids with them.
The equation is simple: I see a thick white girl I like + I make moves to try to fuck + We kick it sometimes if it ain't a one night stand = The End.
All that other shit you're talking about don't apply to me.
I'm capable of walking, breathing, and chewing gum simultaneously. . .
. . . and no white girl gets to talk slick around me and get a second crack it.
I love you dearly, but you are destined to marry and reproduce with a white woman. You are still in denial about it, but just watch and see. You may as well just eliminate all the stress and mental frustration and accept it now. If by chance you marry a black woman, you are going to cheat on her with a white woman. The writing is on the wall, you just can't see it yet.
They're not. They're the ones without souls and thus are able to do shit that we just wouldn't naturally do.
Agreed. Cold-hearted folks.
Have you ever been to outer space??? How many "scientists" have been??? There's a thing called "indoctrination" where one is pulled into the ideas of another... You and "scientists" have been INDOCTRINATED into believing the world is a Sphere... No historical document says it's a sphere... The Bible doesn't say it, the Koran, nor anything else... High level NASA individuals are Masons sworn to secrecy...
The same Movie Director that brought you "2001 A Space Odyssey" directed the fake moon landing... Stanley Kubrick...
Let me say that another way: The moonlanding you believe in was faked and directed by Stanley Kubrick...
Google some images of the EARTH. THEY ARE ALL Computer Generated Images (CGI)... How long will you play "the fool"???
So all the other planets are spheres but we are pancaked up in the sky, huh? The book of Job mentions in the bible that the earth is a sphere.
Poverty and racism are intertwined. Racism is used to keep black folks in poverty.