Black men will never grow change/ if we will overlook anything just to say we have a man.
Apply that to every gripe about black men from this day forward.
I see what you did there...and I approve

Black men will never grow change/ if we will overlook anything just to say we have a man.
Apply that to every gripe about black men from this day forward.
Same niccas complaining of how the white man has stolen property from all the originals here, go home to their houses that were sold to them and are benefiting from those deals. If I steal a dvd player, and sell it to u with U knowing I stole ... and U buy it ... ur just as guilty as the person who stole it. So indirectly, these niccas are benefiting from the misdealings of whites ... but won't hold themselves accountable; instead, opting to blame whites only, for the misdealings today.
Thank you for your post. Just had a similar discussion with my lady. Will be sure to share your thoughts with her.
Why is the shape of the earth important?Why would NASA lie?? I can give you billions of reason why they would lie!!!
You gonna share with her that some anonymous woman, on a porn board you frequent, recommends that she shut the fuck up?
We were stolen right along with that land you genius. lol
Why is the shape of the earth important?
So because U/we/us/whoever was wronged, we get a pass for partaking in the disenfranchisement of others ... yeah that is genius.
any male who enjoys hardcore pornography is homosexual.
Fat women are disgusting
Colorism and sexual abuse are the 2 biggest taboo subjects in Black families.
Good sex at home wont stop a woman from cheating.
Most parents dont properly prepare their children for adulthood.
Waving guns in music videos is wack
Max B sucks
Correction: any male who enjoys softcore pornography is homosexual
Ciroc tastes like flavored rubbing alcohol. I don't see how people drink that shit. It's the WORST.
Sexual abuse is taboo in the black community because of whos doing the abuse. Alot of it is women or the men women put in their kids lives and they look the other way.
Mental health is another rarely discussed issue in our community.
White people hate us because they know we are the original people and they are doing everything to suppress it.
every other race hates us because we can turn any one of them into black people from our offspring.White people hate us because they know we are the original people and they are doing everything to suppress it.
She had a ton of unpaid ghost writers on her debut album. That's why she's never been able replicate her success.Lauryn Hill is the most over hyped artist ever