What unpopular opinions do you have?


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



(0_0)..l.. finger

Certified Pussy Poster
Majority of Black men don't take responsibility for their neighborhoods...

Every race have their trash people..

Most people are selfish....

Jay-Z new Album is really good, but not that deep. It's only deep only for ignorant folks...

Marrying women with kids is unrewarding...

If your prior relationships were bad, it a reflection on you because you have bad judgement on choosing your spouse...
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Majority of Black men don't take responsibility for their neighborhoods...

Every race have their trash of people..

Most people are selfish....

Jay-Z new Album is really good, but not that deep. It's only deep only for ignorant folks...

Marrying women with kids is unrewarding...

Your right on that


agreed and I think if people really understood the DEFINITION of selfish it wouldn't be considered a negative.

I hear you to an extent. I would disagree. What you mean by deep? Cause what I found DEEP in college? ESPECIALLY in rap music? Isn't now? But it can still resonate. Cause emotionally as self analysis? Yeah 4:44 was deep as f*ck. Economically? It wasn't deep and I don't think it was MEANT to be. I think it was meant to just educate and do something VERY important make black economic empowerment cool and popular and a topic of discussion.

the last one is not an unpopular opinion at all. But just complicated as f*ck and is really a case by case basis. But you aint WRONG.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
i have every episode of the wayans brothers downloaded on a hard drive
maybe like 5 pivotal episodes of fresh prince.

they were just FUNNIER
as soon as they got rid of white mike it was fucking classic.

Carlton - Black republican nerd
Hillary valley girl dumb?
Will...why doesn't he want me speech
OG Aunt Viv
Uncle Phil
Jazz - handshake, dumb jokes and the toss?

I don't know fam...that is CLASSIC TIMELESS WHOLESOME comedy right there.

I feel like the Wayans was FUNNY for US.

and a SILLY funny...a Martin funny...Jaime Foxx funny.

(I aint talking Tyler Perry CRINGE worthy sitcom funny of course)

Clownish? more physical a little over the top funny?

Isn't that a DIFFERENT form of comedy.

Cause like the Carmichael show and Roc, Different World Cosby show...to me?

now that was classic timeless FUNNY.


BGOL Legend
Carlton - Black republican nerd
Hillary valley girl dumb?
Will...why doesn't he want me speech
OG Aunt Viv
Uncle Phil
Jazz - handshake, dumb jokes and the toss?

I don't know fam...that is CLASSIC TIMELESS WHOLESOME comedy right there.

I feel like the Wayans was FUNNY for US.

and a SILLY funny...a Martin funny...Jaime Foxx funny.

(I aint talking Tyler Perry CRINGE worthy sitcom funny of course)

Clownish? more physical a little over the top funny?

Isn't that a DIFFERENT form of comedy.

Cause like the Carmichael show and Roc, Different World Cosby show...to me?

now that was classic timeless FUNNY.

It wasn't anymore silly than the other countless white silly comedies that nobody says is funny for "them"

Pops and Shawn were business owner's Shawn started working at ups and worked his way up. Marlon had to find himself and ended up finding his calling being an actor.
They dealt with gentrification, racism, they even dealt with times where each brother was doing bad and couldn't pay the bills. They tried to start a Taxi service because black people couldn't catch cabs.
Pops ran for mayor, they did it all and they did it their way.
That's timeless and classic funny.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It wasn't anymore silly than the other countless white silly comedies that nobody says is funny for "them"

Pops and Shawn were business owner's Shawn started working at ups and worked his way up. Marlon had to find himself and ended up finding his calling being an actor.
They dealt with gentrification, racism, they even dealt with times where each brother was doing bad and couldn't pay the bills. They tried to start a Taxi service because black people couldn't catch cabs.
Pops ran for mayor, they did it all and they did it their way.
That's timeless and classic funny.

damn...i got nothing

you Keenan's cousin or something?

OK here is my unpopular opinion....

Shawn is funnier than Marlon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
doctors and hospitals kill more people

then accidents and strokes per year..

  • 12,000 -- unnecessary surgery
  • 7,000 -- medication errors in hospitals
  • 20,000 -- other errors in hospitals
  • 80,000 -- infections in hospitals
  • 106,000 -- non-error, negative effects of drugs
These total to 225,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes!!

thats more than accidents and strokes...per year...

eat well and excercise mi amigos..


I IT!!!
Your right on that


agreed and I think if people really understood the DEFINITION of selfish it wouldn't be considered a negative.

self respect, self care, self love, making sure everything within YOUR code is in tact for YOU is not selfishness, its necessariness.

Many people dont understand this. Someone not respecting, loving themself is one thing, but when they think you're supposed to be doing all that shit at the expense of your own flow, and they get mad at you for it, thats a whole nother monster.

If you dont keep shit in tact you cant even be a service to yourself.

It seems like at times, the people that drain you (or that you let drain you) of your vital energy, act like your the selfish one for being self preserving (<---maybe thats a better term for selfish)

In the same breath, the same people that drain you, or that you let drain you, if they had a better understanding of "selfishness", they would be more self sufficient, therfore they wouldn't be draining anybody. I think the lines can get blurred easily tho.

Shit can be kinda oxymoronic.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I don't know about that one.

classic lines, scenes, moments and re-watch-ability?
When I think about it I rather watch a rerun of the Waynas Bros. than the Fresh Prince. The Fresh Prince did it's job putting a lot of black actors on prime time, but the show really sucked.


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Rap music is the main reason for the lack of promotion of other forms African American art....

So cheaply made and packaged, easily digested and discarded never to be remembered, it easily trumps something that takes training and a formal skill set...
If only for how little need be invested to make a profit...

As much as we all love hiphop, I myself grew up on that nineties boom bap ish, we have to admit that a lot of talentless hacks were able to muscle away an already small dollar percentage per capita for black performers leaving very little necessity to nurture alternative black musicians & artists.

When was the last time an artist like Savion Glover has been seen in the mainstream, he dont sing and he dont "dance" as such or even Robert Glasper same thing, they are both formally trained artists, why not them and droves of other clasically trained black talent, as opposed to "xyz" street poet of the street, who has next to no skills tecnically speaking, but a boatload of "swag"...lol..i mean no disrespect to Kendrick and any of his bgol fans but if the industry could make a star out of him, then surely it should/should've been able by know, to turn Robert Glasper into the same star by now, Gary Clarke Jr., who if anybody should be a superstar by now.
The problem with these artists imo, is music like this requires a certain amount of heavy lifting financially speaking, and again why do that if you can satisfy the masses for cheaper product with a higher return, sound financial practise, fucked up as it is.

To me this rap shit has officially tanked, too much white, "corporate" folks have taken a direct financial interest in it and we've veered to far from indepence, not too mention that the art of actually rappin to a beat in a certain time frame and rythm is pretty much a dead artform.


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
-The WNBA is pointless

-Sitting anywhere higher than the 100 level at your average stadium is a waste of time, energy and money. Certain exceptions can be made in some arenas for 200-level seats

-In the 21st Century, before there was Colin Kaepernick, Aaron Brooks was the first black NFL QB to be blackballed for his words and actions

-Jason Taylor had a nice career but is not HOF worthy
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Rising Star
-The WNBA is pointless

-Sitting anywhere higher than the 100 level at your average stadium is a waste of time, energy and money. Certain exceptions can be made in some arenas for 200-level seats

-In the 21st Century, before their was Colin Kaepernick, Aaron Brooks was the first black NFL QB to be blackballed for his words and actions

-Jason Taylor had a nice career but is not HOF worthy

Why was he blackballed?


Rising Star
Mike Tyson would beat Muhammad Ali in the ring

In order for us as black people to finally come together, it's going to have to unfortunately get ALOT worse b4 we wake up.

Well Done Steak is a sin

African Americans need to start setting up shop in other countries like the chinese do here. No reason why their can't be black towns in Europe, Asia, Carribean, South America, Africa, etc.