What unpopular opinions do you have?


BGOL Investor
I believe that big booty asian women (unicorn's) exist but they live on a remote island somewhere in the pacific off the grid with no contact to the modern world
Don't judge me :hmm:


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Black consciousness is not fake, its just fake black people repping it.

Most millenials are clueless and walk around with an undeserved sense of entitlement.

Black music in America has fallen off while blacks elsewhere in other countries are innovating it.

In less than 50 years humanity will be at cross roads of heading towards extinction.

Other worldly beings will make their presence known to all of mankind.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I give old people a lot of leeway when it comes to race.

Programming is programming. And besides, in the next 10-20 years, it won't matter.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The single, most effective thing that black people can do in this country to advance ourselves is vote. And there should be a person of color running in every local, state and national race.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
We should disengage with whites completely when it comes to addressing the problem of racism. Literally ignore and dismiss anything they have to say on the subject. The problem will never get solved if you spend all of energy trying to convince someone that it exists.

It's a distraction technique and blacks fall for it hook line and sinker because unfortunately we put more weight on words that come out of a white person's mouth.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
We should disengage with whites completely when it comes to addressing the problem of racism. Literally ignore and dismiss anything they have to say on the subject. The problem will never get solved if you spend all of energy trying to convince someone that it exists.

It's a distraction technique and blacks fall for it hook line and sinker because unfortunately we put more weight on words that come out of a white person's mouth.

Is that opinion REALLY that unpopular? I mean Ralph Ellison sort of alluded to this in Invisible Man...Im kind of the same way at this point...


Rising Star
Blacks hate to be accountable for our shit. We are always talking about white privilege as if it's foreign to us. White ain't the only privilege. There is Male privilege ... enjoyed by all men. There is female privilege ... enjoyed by all women. Now ... how likely are u to give up the advantages of being male or female? Right , right ... consider that when asking whites to give up their privilege. Ain't sayin it's right ... saying open ur minds up to see the WHOLE PICTURE.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The millennial generation is an often disparaged generation but I think it's worth noting that millennials are probably the one of the most varied generations. The youngest millennials are still in middle school, while the oldest millennials are pushing closer to middle age and I think for that reason you have to take millennials one at a time, even if it is hard to do.

Older millennials are in a situation where they are caught between Generation X and Younger millennials. Older millennials are often old enough to remember a life before the internet and but are young enough to understand why the internet is here. Older millennials are probably the last generation to typically do things as children that previous generations did growing up. Older millennials grew up directly under Gen X'ers and typically admire them greatly and are just as nostalgic about the past (especially the 1990's) as Gen X'ers are. Older millennials understood what the effects of 9/11 would have on society (or they would learn very quickly), they saw a world change, dramatically and finally, I would bet that most older millennials are just as irked by the craziness of their younger counterparts as everybody else.

I think history is going to have to reassess the millennials because so much shit happened between 1981-2004

There is already a term for "Older Millennials." It is called "The Oregon Trail Generation" Read up on it. It describes exactly what older millennials are about and how they have an interesting relationship between the old school technology and the new school technology.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is already a term for "Older Millennials." It is called "The Oregon Trail Generation" Read up on it. It describes exactly what older millennials are about and how they have an interesting relationship between the old school technology and the new school technology.

Good post, I did my google searches and all of the articles were very good and informative but as with all Generations, dates tend to very depending on the writer and their opinion. Many of the articles I found about the Oregon Trail Generation seemed to pin-point children born in the late 70s or early 80s. Personally I think you can reasonably put older millennials between 1976-1986.. Those mid 80s born kids might be only in their very early 30s but they are probably the last set of high schoolers to not have social media as a part of their high school experience and for most of them much of their childhood was with out the internet.

It's still too early, Gen Y and Gen Z will probably debating this for us in 30 years, lol.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
90% of our problems would be solved if we owned our own shit. Stores, hospitals, banks, farms, manufacturing plants, ect. The problem is that they aren't making land anymore. We need to buy as much of it as we can.


Rising Star
Expecting Obama to do something for all blacks is like me dictating to U (the reader) to volunteer in my community. Religion has duped us into waiting on a savior as oppose to getting up off our asses to save ourselves. Obama didnt' sign on to save all black people. He signed on to be a politician. Kn0w the difference.


Rising Star
All lives matter is inclusive of Black Lives Matter. Please don't get caught up arguing the point with the ignorant. To oppose BLM with the challenge of ALM is just stupid.


Rising Star
90% of our problems would be solved if we owned our own shit. Stores, hospitals, banks, farms, manufacturing plants, ect. The problem is that they aren't making land anymore. We need to buy as much of it as we can.

We won't ever get to that point because far too many blacks feel they shouldn't be called out on their shit. Lack of accountability stifles growth.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I believe that the powers to be have gone to extreme lengths (politically, economically, & socially) to make sure that Blacks in America will never again create another Greenwood (Black Wall Street) Oklahoma, Rosewood Florida, or Hayti (Druham, NC).
Yep, they put the Durham freeway right through the heart of Hayti. I know several other cities where a new highway did this. When I worked in Durham an old head use to tell me stories about Hayti.


Rising Star


- The problem with personal relationships is that people don't treat them like a business. If people conducted themselves at work like they did in their intimate dealings 95% of them would be fired within a month's time.

*two cents*


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Yep, they put the Durham freeway right through the heart of Hayti. I know several other cities where a new highway did this. When I worked in Durham an old head use to tell me stories about Hayti.

This happens all the time. Same thing happened in South Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They built a brand new school in the predominantly black area of town and within two years they tore it down for the interstate system.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
*Jay-Z bit off Two Chains lyric swag. Not a fan but I noticed the difference in Jay's cadence
*pretty toes are underrated
*cacs are overrated
*Kevin Hart is overrated
*double chocolate bitches are underrated

How can anybody disagree with you about pretty toes and double chocolate women?
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Tupac was a genius that could have led a revolution but was stupid and fell into the trap of gang culture (ended up costing him his own life).

Scarface was a very overrated movie that I only needed to see one time.

Can't disagree with the first one. I thought it was obvious.