What unpopular opinions do you have?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Puerto Rican women are, overall, the best looking women on the planet.

Its a damn shame how much I tricked in San Juan . . .

lol pr chicks aren't even the baddest latin chicks in ny...dr broads kill them by a long shot and don't let me get started with colombians


Rising Star
Super Moderator
It's interesting that you say this because I was looking at one of the 48 laws of power that says "Isolation is dangerous". Also the older you get, the less true friends you will have, as people age and mature, they will change and go their separate ways..
Why dangerous though?

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ima have to read some more of this thread, so excuse me if some of this is a rehash...

This board and brothers nowadays created these cartoon chicks..fake asses, tats, tits, lips, hair by gassing em up on social media..now ya got em thinking they're models, celebs..

Organized religion ..especially Christianity is the biggest scam in history, and the places it was brought to..the Americas, got pimped the hardest, yet they're the most devout. How do you worship the god that was essential to your enslavement..oppression..theft of your land's resources.

Apartheid was perfected in this country before it was used in Africa. Before white settlement here, there were millions of indigenous people living everywhere in this country. Now, there are only a handful either totally assimilated with no knowledge of their culture or living on small reservations...this is the role whites saw for us.

Facebook is a complete scam by govt agencies to get people to spy on themselves, and this board is also HEAVILY monitored by the same agencies...black groups have always been infiltrated and some of the mofos on here fomenting dissension are agents to keep us from uniting...same as gangsta rap was designed to stop Afrocentrism.

The word nigga proves our absolute genius and creativity! Words only have the meaning and power you give them. A word like "cool" doesn't usually describe temperature, in the context of a person. It's a compliment. Nigga was used as the most demeaning pejorative term white people could use against us. But, just as we turned table scraps into delicacies..not necessarily healthy ones, but we turned a terribly offensive word into a term of endearment to our closest friends..we took the power away from it....it doesn't mean "they" can use it, but now whites wanna call themselves that. I'm not advocating the acceptance of the use of the N word by whites for any reason, but I see nothing wrong with it being used in relaxed social settings by us towards each other.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
We just like different things, and thats more than okay.
i havent been to the colombian parade in yrsssss but truss me if that shit is still remotely the same like it was yrs ago u'd go nuts on how bad them bitches are.. i use to fuck with a few colombian chicks yrs ago and a colombian mix..actually the reason why i started goin back in 2000..when i tell you my boys was losing their mind i mean they was losing their mind..they all thanked me for deciding to go out there and asked how the fuck did i kno to go this quiet secret..i was like u kno the colombian/pr chick i fuck with well i knew it had to be more like her


Support BGOL
i havent been to the colombian parade in yrsssss but truss me if that shit is still remotely the same like it was yrs ago u'd go nuts on how bad them bitches are.. i use to fuck with a few colombian chicks yrs ago and a colombian mix..actually the reason why i started goin back in 2000..when i tell you my boys was losing their mind i mean they was losing their mind..they all thanked me for deciding to go out there and asked how the fuck did i kno to go this quiet secret..i was like u kno the colombian/pr chick i fuck with well i knew it had to be more like her

Don't have a lot of experience with Colombians.

No knock to Dominicans, because I've seen some BAAAD Dominican chicks.

But, 'cuz, I've seen some bad ass Puerto Rican chicks, bro'. Painfully bad.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
I JUST had this convo with my cousins the other day. I had to break it down line for line. People were obsessed with the Ether beat more than the lyrics. Plus, some things that Nas said were already addressed on the takeover, the rest of the song was average, just calling him ugly..... but how can you call somebody ugly but I fucked your BM. Even SuperUgly was better then Ether. "Left condoms on your babyseat" was a drop the mic moment. End game

The only thing I disagree with is that SuperUgly is better. IMO Jay made a tactical error by being so hasty in his response. He should have taken a longer time tpo craft a better song. I do think Takeover and Blueprint 2 were better disses when it comes to facts though. Nas took a year to respond and basically just called him gay,ugly, and on his dick.

I think y'all wrong on this one. I know Nas won so let's not get into that. Back in day, diss songs was always on the album. Running into the studio to respond on a track that won't sell is some new shit. The Take over was everywhere. He was taking about Prodigy too. And fucking somebody baby moms ain't a fucking diss. And Nas actually did respond with H to the OMO before Ether.

Rip the Freeway, shoot through Memphis with money bags
Stop in Philly, order cheese steaks and eat Beans fast

And bring it back up top, remove the fake king of New York
You show off, I count off when you sample my voice
I rule you, before, you used to rap like the Fu-Schnickens

Nas designed your Blueprint, who you kidding?
Is he H to the izzo, M to the izzo?
For shizzle you phony,the rapper version of Sisqo
And that's for certain, you cloned me, your wack clothes line
I'd rather Sean John, bore me with your fake coke rhymes
And those times, they never took place, you liar
Un was your first court case, you had no priors
You master fabricated stories of streets and sound slick
Have you surrounded, you and them faggot you down with

While they riding NAS, trying to boost their careers
Corny as Cormega, all you Hip-Hop queers
Since Illmatic, It Was Written: I Am... Nastradamus
That's the answers to the puzzle I gave you, now here's a promise
My next few albums, instead of projects
They'll be a difficult test inside the cover for the mind's optics

Come in my hood, but bring the guns with you, it's dark
Headed through Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, Staten, and Bronx
Headed through Compton, Oaktown, South Central, and Watts

New Orleans, Mississippi, Chi-town, every block
I'm trying to have my positive ways, I put my rhymes on page
Did crimes and headline on stage
I signed a contract, so here it is, you have it
Streets Disciple, I'm Stillmatic


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Don't have a lot of experience with Colombians.

No knock to Dominicans, because I've seen some BAAAD Dominican chicks.

But, 'cuz, I've seen some bad ass Puerto Rican chicks, bro'. Painfully bad.
all i gotta say it was a no battle btw dr vs pr here in ny once dr women started really being be seen in ny..more dudes was use to pr and not really dr cause of the language barrier..in the heights they really be on they spanish shit..but once they started talking more english and started comin around the hoods you really saw there was no contest..especially in the body department..hell i kno dudes that hate pr chicks or spanish chicks but when u say dr they go hey they can get a pass.. when nigs use to go to the heights it's like a parade on a reg day with how bad them bitches were..this is b4 all that plastic shit..the language barrier is and always the reason why it ain't more mixed dr/black babies in ny lol.. i kno dr nigs hate the fact them broads learning more english now or nigs is learning more spanish..truss i had some hideouts in heavy dr areas at 1 point in my life and oh man them bitches is something else and they love to fuck...best advice a dr chick gave me back when i was 18 was dr chicks love 2 things dick and money and as long as u can provide juss 1 u'll always get a lot of dr pussy..she was a good bitch and oh man she could fuck and she was rite dr chicks do love some dick

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some mo shit off the top ...I'm not a scientist, but forget flat earth vs round..think physics. In zero gravity, water, which earth is 70some % comprised of, forms spheres..matter of fact, bearings formed in zero gravity are damn near perfect to the point that we can't manufacture them as well on earth...look at when astronauts on the ISS use water..it floats around as a bubble.. I've never seen it form a flat disc.

IMO, the great pyramids of Giza are so old that they predate human history. I think they may be tens of thousands of years older than estimated. The others are simply attempts at replication...thus, you have some that look like kids tried to recreate what was there already..the slope changes, they collapsed, etc..also, when you consider that there are pyramids all along the equator and in other parts of the world, I'd rather say we just don't know, than to try to guess their age, purpose or who built them...I doubt they were used as grain storage...sorry Dr Carson.


Rising Star
Ideally, that's a true statement when the laws and law enforcement protocol is applied neutrally / equally in the US. In reality, that is often not the case.

I'm only speaking to those who choose one to shut down the other. In real life we know all lives don't matter. Not even to blacks. If all lives matter there wouldn't be so many black on black murders or there'd never be a stop snitching issue in our hoods.


searching for the remaining 143,999
Platinum Member
all three pyramids of ARE NOT comprised of a multitude of individuals stones.

a huge solid boulder forms the basis of each, and individuals stones were erected upon their exteriors into the form of pyramids.

these pyramids were erected by kush shephards (decendents of cham, the white race) approximately 3500 b.c..
IMO, the great pyramids of Giza are so old that they predate human history. I think they may be tens of thousands of years older than estimated. The others are simply attempts at replication...thus, you have some that look like kids tried to recreate what was there already..the slope changes, they collapsed, etc..also, when you consider that there are pyramids all along the equator and in other parts of the world, I'd rather say we just don't know, than to try to guess their age, purpose or who built them...I doubt they were used as grain storage...sorry Dr Carson.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The millennial generation is an often disparaged generation but I think it's worth noting that millennials are probably the one of the most varied generations. The youngest millennials are still in middle school, while the oldest millennials are pushing closer to middle age and I think for that reason you have to take millennials one at a time, even if it is hard to do.

Older millennials are in a situation where they are caught between Generation X and Younger millennials. Older millennials are often old enough to remember a life before the internet and but are young enough to understand why the internet is here. Older millennials are probably the last generation to typically do things as children that previous generations did growing up. Older millennials grew up directly under Gen X'ers and typically admire them greatly and are just as nostalgic about the past (especially the 1990's) as Gen X'ers are. Older millennials understood what the effects of 9/11 would have on society (or they would learn very quickly), they saw a world change, dramatically and finally, I would bet that most older millennials are just as irked by the craziness of their younger counterparts as everybody else.

I think history is going to have to reassess the millennials because so much shit happened between 1981-2004
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Rising Star
African Americans need to return to being conservative and vote republican, because republicans will force you to get off your ass, accept responsibility and accountability.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't think pets such as dogs and cats should be allowed to sit on furniture used by people. Sorry pet lovers. I hate sitting on furniture of friends and family members who pets sit on.

Dog doesn't sit on my furniture, but we don't get company like we use to anymore.

Dog bigger than most the houseguest anyway.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All able* white people are racist/white supremacist suspects until proven otherwise.

(Able refers to all white people that are in a position to practice and/or support, directly or indirectly, racism/white supremacy in all known nine areas of people activity)*.


Rising Star
I know this is definitely unpopular......
I don't ever say "nigga", I stopped using it almost 2yrs ago. I personally bleep it out or change it even when I'm reciting lyrics.
Also, I don't ever call black women bitches. But that's strictly for black women (yes, I'm bias IDGAF tho)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is the best Sonic the Hedgehog song ever, simply because it comes after Sandopolis Zone, which is the worst zone in any Sonic game from 1991 to the present.


II Dxnum

Rising Star
Playahatian bumping a bunch of his old threads at least once a week. What is that about? Plus he'll post the same thing in several different threads. It's as if he's trying to fill the front page with all of his threads. Its annoying as fuck. Slam will also pulll the same shit, but not nearly as often



Rising Star
Platinum Member
"All lives matter" is in fact inclusive of "Black lives matter". Only an idiot would use one to counter the other.
Yeah, right. "All Lives Matter" is just as big a punchline as "All Men Are Created Equal" to those that recognize its just lip service and there's no substance in it. The idiocy is actually believing that when people say it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most porn addicts have hundreds if not thousands of gigs of porn but probably watch the same scenes or same women over and over. I think the biggest issue of the porn addiction is searching for and finding new porn or seeing who's the hot new star, more so than excessive masturbation...

thinking about something that was said on another forum last night.


searching for the remaining 143,999
Platinum Member
cleopatra (queen of egypt) never existed.

this alleged personage was only a calendar.


The only thing I disagree with is that SuperUgly is better. IMO Jay made a tactical error by being so hasty in his response. He should have taken a longer time tpo craft a better song. I do think Takeover and Blueprint 2 were better disses when it comes to facts though. Nas took a year to respond and basically just called him gay,ugly, and on his dick.

Ether came out in December of 2001, a few months after Takeover.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That Black Men who chase women off a porn board are gay.
That most Black people aren't taken seriously for the most part because we're a joke.
Black people think being ignorant and ghetto is cool.
Black people don't care that we're being surpassed by other races.


I IT!!!
Sisqo's thong song>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Matter fact dru hill as a whole was a dope group, but I think most would agree with that.


Rising Star


Trump is great for America. Bet your ass gives a fuck about what them politicians are doing now....

*two cents*
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Support BGOL
- White people and black people tout the greatness of their race, when in reality, its only a small percentage of motherfuckers in both race achieving great things...

...and everybody else feeling racial pride, and claiming superiority to the other group, based off of what those people are doing.