Ima have to read some more of this thread, so excuse me if some of this is a rehash...
This board and brothers nowadays created these cartoon chicks..fake asses, tats, tits, lips, hair by gassing em up on social ya got em thinking they're models, celebs..
Organized religion ..especially Christianity is the biggest scam in history, and the places it was brought to..the Americas, got pimped the hardest, yet they're the most devout. How do you worship the god that was essential to your enslavement..oppression..theft of your land's resources.
Apartheid was perfected in this country before it was used in Africa. Before white settlement here, there were millions of indigenous people living everywhere in this country. Now, there are only a handful either totally assimilated with no knowledge of their culture or living on small reservations...this is the role whites saw for us.
Facebook is a complete scam by govt agencies to get people to spy on themselves, and this board is also HEAVILY monitored by the same groups have always been infiltrated and some of the mofos on here fomenting dissension are agents to keep us from uniting...same as gangsta rap was designed to stop Afrocentrism.
The word nigga proves our absolute genius and creativity! Words only have the meaning and power you give them. A word like "cool" doesn't usually describe temperature, in the context of a person. It's a compliment. Nigga was used as the most demeaning pejorative term white people could use against us. But, just as we turned table scraps into delicacies..not necessarily healthy ones, but we turned a terribly offensive word into a term of endearment to our closest friends..we took the power away from doesn't mean "they" can use it, but now whites wanna call themselves that. I'm not advocating the acceptance of the use of the N word by whites for any reason, but I see nothing wrong with it being used in relaxed social settings by us towards each other.