What unpopular opinions do you have?


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Last one before i leave for work. Nas is fucking trash. Most of his work his garbage. Nigga got legendary status for one good debut album

Wont call him trash, but his catalog is boring and hes not a great stage performer. From a technical rapping aspect and image wise he deserves legendary respect, but its hella people I know who feel EXACTLY how you feel even though it is unpopular.


Rising Star
Life Lessons I Can Think of Right Now

-Most People are Book Smart but Have no Basic Common Sense.

-The Most Racist White People are Liberals. Republicans are Wolfs and Democrats are a Fox.

-Welfare, FoodStamps, Big Government has NOT helped black people, but only made alot of black people lazy and comfortable.

-HipHop is super garbage now but almost every industry is at a stalemate because we have become a society where we only care about the dollar. Sales is all that matter.

-Don't let White People Fool You, The only reason why Donald Trump Got Elected is because he represents White Supremacy, and The White Birth Rate is way down. There in Crisis Mode

- People will treat you better when you are not trying to impress a person or you don't give a fuck about them

- Nice People Do Finish last.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Garbage. I felt like the only kat in the world, especially when I was at WSSU that thought and still think this album is garbage.


Starting with Stankonia, im not a big fan of Kast except for the 2 Big Boi solos, but their first 3 albums are classics so I just tune those other albums out.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Wont call him trash, but his catalog is boring and hes not a great stage performer. From a technical rapping aspect and image wise he deserves legendary respect, but its hella people I know who feel EXACTLY how you feel even though it is unpopular.

At one point I was digging AZ more than I was Nas. Nas career, especially late, was lacking terribly in the beat department. It was hard to listen to that kat rap over wack ass beats.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
-NYC pizza is terrible
-Obama isn't who we think he is
-The black woman is not your enemy
-Violence is needed
-Criminality is as common as being born with brown eyes
-Southern lifestyle is a silent killer
-chinese fastfood is terrible outside of the eggrolls
-smoking weed is overrated
-Fried chicken is overrated

gotdam!!! lol


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
-Notorious BIG is grossly overrated. 2 albums,lost his only battle,and really wasn't all that good as a rapper.
-Black folks are better off with no option of Public Assistance.
-Janet Jackson was just ok looking
-Rihanna is just ok looking.
-Nas lost the battle to JayZ.
He took too long to respond,his response was all false compared to Takeover which was facts,and he refused to continue the battle
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1 you dont need a wife and children to live a happy fruitful

2 you are not what you do for a living... just because you drive a bus dont mean you are a bus driver, you are more complex than that

3 a great fish dinner is better than a great steak dinner...

mmmmmm wild alaskan halibut... mmmm grilled wild salmon....

4. sleeping in the same bed with a chick is nice but having
a whole bed to yourself is GREAT.

5 you are your own God there are multiple versions of you, on different dimensions, and the parasitic elite cracker tricked billions into worshippin his image instead of their own..

6 -no such thing as death when you have a soul...your physical body aka your vehicle; has nothing to do with energy, which is what we truly are...

7 everyone reading this is addicted to the technology/internet and needs to take at least a two week or a month break from it, to get outside more... especially come summertime...

we need more human interaction
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
1 you dont need a wife and children to live a happy fruitful

2 you are not what you do for a living... just because you drive a bus dont mean you are a bus driver, you are more complex than that

3 a great fish dinner is better than a great steak dinner...

mmmmmm sea bass... mmmm grilled wild salmon....

4. sleeping in the same bed with a chick is nice but having
a whole bed to yourself is GREAT.

5 you are your own God there are multiple versions of you, on different dimensions, and the cracker tricked billions into worshippin his image instead of their own..

6 no such thing as death when you have a soul...your body has nothing to do with energy, which is what we truly are...

7 everyone reading this is addicted to the technology/internet and needs to take at least a two week or a month break from it, to get outside more... especially come summertime...

we need more human interaction

There is opinion and then there is truth.


Rising Star
Kendrick Lamar and J.Cole are highly overrated.

Single mothers should only date single fathers.

NWA is overrated....Geto Boys is underrated.

All Eyez on me was ass.

Lack of accountability is the single handed biggest killer in the Black community.

Theres a difference between being educated and being a good decision maker.

Mid-Late 90's was the best era for Porn.
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Mt Airy Groove

Rising Star
- Jay Z songs promote negativity and therefore he's a coon
- Cam Newton possesses amazing physical talents, but he is a mediocre QB. He can't read a defense
- Beyonce and Rhianna are overrated artists
- Constant use of the word nigga is psychologically damaging. The word is mostly used as a negative.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
does not believe in supporting big bizz that purposely puts out inferior products to consumers..hollywood, lot of big name tech, certain clothing lines, lot of other shit

i'm big on cord cutting, coupons, loopholes, hookups to save money or not supporting certain situations


I IT!!!
The first two Albums Pimp was the much better rapper than Bun was, plus he produced 90 percent of their catalog and came up with the song concepts.


Ima have to re listen to the first two.
Ridin Dirty was the best one imo.
I can respect the producin, but man who the fuck told him his vocals was nice. Dude was a lil delusional about his singing abilities. He's not nearly as bad, but dude reminds me of Max B with that singin shit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The first two Albums Pimp was the much better rapper than Bun was, plus he produced 90 percent of their catalog and came up with the song concepts.

Thank you, took the words right outta my mouth. But I will say, after prison, pimp fell off. All his verses sounded like hooks. By then, Bun had surpassed him. But overall Pimp > Bun


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1) Jesus and most Religions are based off superstition, mis information and interpretation.

2)When you employ IDGAF in your life you go further (Not being ugly or an ass about it, but just having less cares about trivial and irrelevant in the big picture situations)

3)In this era marriages for men are almost fruitless. The societal shift in attitudes have left most women not prepared to be a partner, so they become a dependent to the man. Most men are no longer ready cir able to shoulder the responsibility because they don't get the real support they should in a marriage. To put it short its a bad business deal for men.

4) Weighing in cause Im reading it. Nas is a way better example of what a hip hip artist should be. Humble but in his battles he goes for DOLO and wrecks shop. Has songs for kids, empowering Black people, Black women and talks about his short comings. One of the only artist who has actually grown with his consumer. Illmatic and Life is Good is a great example of how the culture should grow. BTW he won the battle, both their rhymes were lies (except the baby mama stuff, which who cares, cant control a woman who doesnt want to be controlled). Jay won the War monetarily but have a sneaky suspicion Jay is not as happy as Nas. Proud of Jay though.

5) Black community is in bad shape. Not the physical or even money but the mentality. I have Black people DAILY at my shop that think because they have purchased from me for a year or 6 months or 3 years that I owe them for my success. Even though I do have rewards, gifts etc. Talking to them about why they don't expect the same free shit from Best Buy, Walmart etc is pointless because they hate that they think Im doing well or atleast better then them.

6) Last and not least, BGOL has been important in my growth as a man as I don't have many male friends anymore cause cats be suspect and Ive relocated from my home city.. Its a couple of real brothers on here that I have built with in cyber space and in person. It has actually become part of who I am, and still wondering if @HNIC has a database so if and when something happens to the site we can reform like Voltron.

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