Everytime someone makes this thread it turns into Black people suck...
Unpopular opinion incoming ...
....our position in the world collectively is hard to ignore, and naturally some people will have strong opinions about it.
Here is my thing: White people have done more than their share of evil, but we can't escape the reality that we have allowed ourselves to be put in the subordinate position we're in. The system of white supremacy was not built over night. It took centuries for CAC's to reach the level of dominance that they've achieved. If I could go back in time, I'd really like to know, while they were doing all that, what in the entire FUCK were WE doing?
I could accept if they were ahead of us by a little bit, but them motherfuckers got damn near everything, and most of us can't name a single cot-damn corporation that is black owned. Do you realize how fucking bad that shit look, man? How many of us, if sufficiently qualified, can walk out of our house and go apply for two jobs that would pay us 75k, and the company was started and is owned by blacks?
Unpopular opinion incoming ...
...we talk about how superior we are to CACs. Ok. Better at what, tho? My point is this, I'm tired of all the fucking talking. If we're better, prove it! If all the CAC invented was the patent office, and they're profiting from everything everyone else invented, then all they NEED is the patent office. Shit. I used to hang out with Five's, HI's, and NOI members talking all that damn shit. I woke up one day wondering if we don't just tell ourselves all of this shit to cope with where the fuck we are. Niggas gon' be in the year 2217 talking about cave dwellers, and still ain't got shit as a collective to call their own.
Then gon' talk shit about niggas who fuck cave bitches. Like, somehow, me sticking my dick in a thick up white girl's ass is somehow causing the problem in the black community. We got a HEEP more to be worried about than niggas turning Becky into a pretzel. Amazing how white men can fuck the shit out of black women and every other kind of woman they want, and still maintain the system they're in.
Yeah, I'm as mad as I sound.