What unpopular opinions do you have?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's impossible for a man to blame a woman for being a baby mama...



BGOL Investor
Angela Yee really brings nothing to the breakfast club unless it's about industry gossip, they don't need her.. Whenever there's a black guest talking about black empowerment, she rarely interacts and gives off a standoffish vibe.
Been saying this


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I do believe death doesn't like to be cheated. I don't think it's like Final Destination, but if you keep playing with it it will fuck you up like that Chinese guy who fell from that building. I remember when I was 18 I did some construction on top of a 18 story building. Part of the roof didn't have a safety wall it was just a drop off. Whenever I got withing 5 feet of that ledge I felt something pushing me towards it. I was like fuck this I quit.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I do believe death doesn't like to be cheated. I don't think it's like Final Destination, but if you keep playing with it it will fuck you up like that Chinese guy who fell from that building. I remember when I was 18 I did some construction on top of a 18 story building. Part of the roof didn't have a safety wall it was just a drop off. Whenever I got withing 5 feet of that ledge I felt something pushing me towards it. I was like fuck this I quit.


Hey @shaddyvillethug, Your life is that ledge & I am what's pushing you.

I'm your pusherman.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The mark up on sneakers versus their actual cost to make, has gone completely out of control.

Many Nike’s are actually cheaper now than they were a few years ago. So with the exception of a few sneakers, many are relatively the same or less than they have been in the past 10-20 years.

But there’s many exceptions.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Roots as the Tonight Show's house band can't hold a candle to Doc Severin's Tonight Show Band.

Under them the theme song for the show sucks worst than a 2 dollar crack whore.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

No knock or disrespect to Howard because I love ALL HBCUs, not just HOWARD. Howard is an awesome school and will support them like I support any HBCU....Got accepted in the 11th grade and all....

My point was some people equate going to Howard as if it's Harvard...My point will always be it's best to go to a school that is considered top tier in the field you are looking to get your degree in...

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
The Big Lebowski is a shit movie with no real plot or jokes to be seen.
If an unknown or critically dislike director made that movie, it would called out for the shit it is.
Alas, the Coen brothers directed it, so crowds and critics came in already labeling it a classic.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The Big Lebowski is a shit movie with no real plot or jokes to be seen.
If an unknown or critically dislike director made that movie, it would called out for the shit it is.
Alas, the Coen brothers directed it, so crowds and critics came in already labeling it a classic.

No judgment

I am just flabbergasted


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
No offense to any of you members that have a child that is severely on the Spectrum

But if I found out my girl was having a child that was going to be severely on the Spectrum I would have an abortion.

My cousin went thru HELL with my cousin. Doctors advised her not to have another child because Jay Jay might kill it

I overheard my cousin telling my mother years ago that she would sometimes miss a bus on purpose just so she can have an extra 20 minutes of peace

She finally got her son potty trained at 7 years old. At 8 years old he discovered shit in the toilet and he would dig it out of the toilet and smear it on the walls.

After cleaning that up a half a dozen time she had to put him back in diapers for another 2 years

I wouldn't want to live like that. I wouldn't want anybody to have to deal with that. To know that my son would never have a piece of pussy without paying for it, would never be able to live independently...un-uh

Humans are the only ones that take care of their deformed. My cat had a deformed kitten and we had to keep her from killing it. So, she didn't kill it, she ignored it until it died

Like I said, there are some members of this board that have a child that is severely on the Spectrum or are related to someone who is severely on the Spectrum, but I've seen that hell firsthand. I've seen the effect it has on the parent and I'm not strong enough to deal with that without going crazy

My cousin looks older than her own mother


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I made 2 crackas retire because drove their asses like a rented mule every day for nearly a month. 1 died 2 weeks later. I will give a brother the benefit of doubt but I am granite when it comes to cacs as a general rule.
You are wrong as fuck....and I LIKE IT. Fuck em :giggle:

And the one who died didn't know when to say when:giggle:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
No offense to any of you members that have a child that is severely on the Spectrum

But if I found out my girl was having a child that was going to be severely on the Spectrum I would have an abortion.

My cousin went thru HELL with my cousin. Doctors advised her not to have another child because Jay Jay might kill it

I overheard my cousin telling my mother years ago that she would sometimes miss a bus on purpose just so she can have an extra 20 minutes of peace

She finally got her son potty trained at 7 years old. At 8 years old he discovered shit in the toilet and he would dig it out of the toilet and smear it on the walls.

After cleaning that up a half a dozen time she had to put him back in diapers for another 2 years

I wouldn't want to live like that. I wouldn't want anybody to have to deal with that. To know that my son would never have a piece of pussy without paying for it, would never be able to live independently...un-uh

Humans are the only ones that take care of their deformed. My cat had a deformed kitten and we had to keep her from killing it. So, she didn't kill it, she ignored it until it died

Like I said, there are some members of this board that have a child that is severely on the Spectrum or are related to someone who is severely on the Spectrum, but I've seen that hell firsthand. I've seen the effect it has on the parent and I'm not strong enough to deal with that without going crazy

My cousin looks older than her own mother

I understand witnessing all that from the outside this is how someone would feel

I can't respond to this properly here without getting way too personal

All I can say is when it's yours?

You would understand.