I agree with you but the issue at this point is...is THAT COMEDY?? Are we still in the realm of comedy?
A doctors first Hippocratic oath order is to do no harm....a comedian's first order (IMO) isn't to tell the truth..its TO ENTERTAIN. The truth (as you know it) can used to do that BUT it gets very dicey when you play that rule aggressively.
Blackface is a JOKE...back when it was first done in the 1800s and sarah silverman did it 10 years ago..as a joke in the 21st century... Again we're talking about COMEDY...should this episode be banned from airing in reruns?? Cuz it is...and its just a joke.
Dave stopped doing comedy when he said "I'm team TERF" thats not a set up to a punchline its a socio-political rant which changes the tone of whats supposed to be stand up comedy.
If Joe Rogan or Bill Burr did a series of specials where they kept coming back to BLM and the contradictions and inners issues that movement has and then declared I'M TEAM AMERICA and a whole theater of mostly non black people cheered and said he's telling the truth and thats how I feel.... honestly...how do you think the black community would take it??
You seem to think of comedy as making people laugh, and that's it. The history of comedy suggests otherwise.
The fool of the court in medieval Europe were tellers of truth; they often said in jest truths that other advisors might
be imprisoned for, if not worse.
The Divine Comedy, Dante's epic work of poetic fiction, had nothing about which to laugh, if memory serves. It has been a long time.
Chappelle is using his status as a celebrity to talk, jokingly, sometimes not, about a very real issue that nobody else seems to want to touch.
Perhaps this is the difference between "comedian" and "comic". A comic, it seems, would be the one expected to keep it down
to jokes sans social commentary.
Insisting that people buy into a belief system that it demonstrably false is what religion already does. The results are nothing to be proud of. The gravity of the situation calls for people with substantial audiences to address it.
There are already men post-sex change beating up women in mixed martial arts. If what is happening is not confronted and debated openly, it will only go down hill from there.
If he didn't do it, who would?