What unpopular opinions do you have?


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
Random sports media thoughts:

- Michael Smith’s career arc was ended by his friendship with Jemele Hill. To his credit, I’m sure ESPN had given him his money and he had no financial other incentive to cut bait 100% from his homie. But, she became toxic by her own doing (and at that point had become hard to listen to) and by not cutting and bailing, he was tied to her.

- ESPN’s current lack of black representation is another sign of the void into sport media that BET should have established and cornered the market on back in the traditional media days.

- Mike “The Italian Stallion” Tirico is an MBA case study in how you often, not always, have to abandon, or never acknowledge to begin with, any hint of acknowledgement of your African roots if you desire to scale the ladder of WPP America.

- Who fucked up easy long term post NFL money worse, Warren Sapp, Michael Irvin, or Aqib Talib?
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Random sports media thoughts:

- Michael Smith’s career arc was ended by his friendship with Jemele Hill. To his credit, I’m sure ESPN had given him his money and he had no financial other incentive to cut bait 100% from his homie. But, she became toxic by her own doing (and at that point had become hard to listen to) and by not cutting and bailing, he was tied to her.

- ESPN’s current lack of black representation is another sign of the void into sport media that BET should have established and cornered the market on back in the traditional media days.

- Mike “The Italian Stallion” Tirick is an MBA case study in how you often, not always, have to abandon, or never acknowledge to begin with, any hint of acknowledgement of your African roots if you desire to scale the ladder of WPP America.

- Who fucked up easy long term post NFL money worse, Warren Sapp, Michael Irvin, or Aqib Talib?
Aqib Talib. His stock was just started to rise as a commentator, until that pee wee game incident.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Based off of history white people aren't allowed to speak about Black issues.

Secondly criticism and critiques from the majority aren't usually kindly accepted from the minority.

Regarding Dr. Umar. He knows his history but to me he's viewed as a character and not a person that many take seriously.

Unless you paid to see him speak.

The messenger is very important, people will listen but who the messenger is is very essential.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
So speaking to a female friend of mine today, she remarks that a guy she was talking to, just up and ghosted her. So I take her phone and read the conversation going back to January of this year. (For context: Me and this woman have a history but are currently just friends, the guy she's talking to lives in California and they met on Facebook, he deleted his Facebook and they've since kept in touch via text, she is currently having an affair with a married man)

In reading the conversations which tend to range from platonic (him letting her vent) to explicitly sexual with some picture trading, every time she brought up the issue of money, the conversation would get awkward, have longish pauses and then he wouldn't speak to her for weeks at time after that.

Finally, in late July, during a conversation that started platonic, that she turned sexual, she casually sent a picture of a hairstyle and said "I need $150 for my next hairstyle". He jokingly mentions that her fuck-buddy (the married guy) needs to step up and help her with the cost, she replies "LOL" and he hasn't spoken to her since.

So I bluntly told her "You tried, multiple times to hint at wanting money and he's telling you (without telling) that he's not doing that" and I further told her that she probably has turned him off and should expect no response from him, really ever again.

I told her, she should have asked the married nigga for money, a nigga 2000 miles away in Los Angeles is not about to give you $150 just because you sent him a few nude selfies, you probably made him feel like a simp and he's cooled off on you.

Was I wrong, did I handle that correctly?
The only thing I would have done differently is that I wouldn't have told her. Some shit people have to figure out for themselves and that text history clearly speaks volumes.

That fact that she was confused about the situation would've had me giving her the side eye.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor

Beyonce' don't give a single shit about country music, but she did find some bad ass country music ass claps and wanted to wear them on an album and/or magazine cover.

I for one, am NOT mad at her for that decision.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
The only thing I would have done differently is that I wouldn't have told her. Some shit people have to figure out for themselves and that text history clearly speaks volumes.

That fact that she was confused about the situation would've had me giving her the side eye.

She shouldn't be asking for money - periodt.

She hasn't asked the married man, because she knows what the answer will be. What man with options would give her money like that? Also, why would a man who lives across the country from her give her any money? He's not getting any real tangible return for that investment. Besides, once the bitch asks for (and receives) money, she will continue to ask for money. And, of course, you'll never see that money again - especially if she says the classic line "I'll pay you back," knowing damn well she won't.

Women asking for money from me when we aren't in a solid relationship really pisses me the fuck off, and it really makes me very uncomfortable. I've told them no, then they get pissed off, call me stingy, and want to end what little relationship we had. I'm like, bitch, it's not my fault that you aren't fiscally responsible to the point that you have to ask men for money - especially if you're not really willing to give a real relationship in return. No man will do this unless he has no other options for women, or they're so rich that they don't give a fuck about money (and they still shouldn't give away money like that). I guess I'll keep being a stingy motherfucker then, while she looks for her next mark.

She better start reading books about money by Warren Buffett...if she can read.

Sorry for the rant, but I can't stand a bitch who tries to shake men down and shame them because they don't want to be a bitch's personal bank. Fuck 'em.