So speaking to a female friend of mine today, she remarks that a guy she was talking to, just up and ghosted her. So I take her phone and read the conversation going back to January of this year. (For context: Me and this woman have a history but are currently just friends, the guy she's talking to lives in California and they met on Facebook, he deleted his Facebook and they've since kept in touch via text, she is currently having an affair with a married man)
In reading the conversations which tend to range from platonic (him letting her vent) to explicitly sexual with some picture trading, every time she brought up the issue of money, the conversation would get awkward, have longish pauses and then he wouldn't speak to her for weeks at time after that.
Finally, in late July, during a conversation that started platonic, that she turned sexual, she casually sent a picture of a hairstyle and said "I need $150 for my next hairstyle". He jokingly mentions that her fuck-buddy (the married guy) needs to step up and help her with the cost, she replies "LOL" and he hasn't spoken to her since.
So I bluntly told her "You tried, multiple times to hint at wanting money and he's telling you (without telling) that he's not doing that" and I further told her that she probably has turned him off and should expect no response from him, really ever again.
I told her, she should have asked the married nigga for money, a nigga 2000 miles away in Los Angeles is not about to give you $150 just because you sent him a few nude selfies, you probably made him feel like a simp and he's cooled off on you.
Was I wrong, did I handle that correctly?