What unpopular opinions do you have?


Rising Star
-NYC pizza is terrible
-Obama isn't who we think he is
-The black woman is not your enemy
-Violence is needed
-Criminality is as common as being born with brown eyes
-Southern lifestyle is a silent killer
-chinese fastfood is terrible outside of the eggrolls
-smoking weed is overrated
-Fried chicken is overrated


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
-Jay-Z fell off musically after Vol. 1
-Rihanna's looks are overrated
-Michael Jordan isnt the GOAT
-Obama doesnt like or relate to everyday blacks
-Black people who are independent entrepreneurs should receive more adulation and praise then blacks who are wealthy working for and being controlled by corporate interest
-Single moms should NOT be the sacred lamb of the black community


I IT!!!
People do not think. Debates where things should be talked out to reach a common, forward moving, logical conclusion should be the goal imo, even if its just to agree to disagree. Debates usually turn into a egotistical low blow rebuttal match where silly mofos assume talking the loudest or saying the cruelest remark (usually to shield their own flawed logic, false pride, ego, arrogance etc b/c they dont want to accept their pov is wrong or look inferior) somehow "wins".

I always peeped this shit was flaw, but just couldn't put my finger on what was exactly going on, I wasn't thinking.

I now dodge people who move this, dodge em like the plague.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Garbage. I felt like the only kat in the world, especially when I was at WSSU that thought and still think this album is garbage.



Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Garbage. I felt like the only kat in the world, especially when I was at WSSU that thought and still think this album is garbage.


Speaxerboxx was trash off the rip. "Way You Move" and "Ghettomusik" were the only good songs. Love Below had a few songs but overall 2 discs was too much. Shouldve been compressed to one and they shouldve recorded together.