What unpopular opinions do you have?


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
Believe one political party being worse than the other or one is "looking out" and the other isn't is naive. One party bludgeons you over the head with a lead pipe of white supremacy unapologetically. While the other still beats you with a lead pipe, but it's wrapped in velvet and they serve spiked kool-ade to numb the pain. Both are equally deadly. One is just more subtle than the other.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If men in the U.S. stopped being so thirsty then U.S. women would respect them more. Men put women on a pedestal that they haven’t deserved as a result we are dealing with the aftermath of our thirst.

Take that thirsty energy into building up yourself and you will have a life better than anything pussy can offer


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
With 100 million in the bank I'd rather live like these "Patriots". Everything they fight for is everything we want for ourselves.

Hold onto our property
Maintain our way of life and culture
Better opportunities for our kids

In fact you're seeing some of us becoming...just like them when we get in power.

Minus the racism, I'd rather live a country lifestyle with land to myself than live luxurious in any American city.


Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
Y'all gonna suspect me as being a cac for this but I think potato salad is over rated. It does nothing for I neither love or hate it.
I feel you. And I like potato salad.

The problem is only a few of them are good, most are bad, and some are down right dangerous and weird.

I only really full-heartedly trust my mom's potato salad. I don't even trust myself to make it right.

Any food with that kinda small margin of error just isn't worth the trouble.

I'm looking at you too deviled eggs.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
I feel you. And I like potato salad.

The problem is only a few of them are good, most are bad, and some are down right dangerous and weird.

I only really full-heartedly trust my mom's potato salad. I don't even trust myself to make it right.

Any food with that kinda small margin of error just isn't worth the trouble.

I'm looking at you too deviled eggs.
It's no better than cold slaw. There's better side dishes to serve at a barbecue, 3 bean salad, barbecue swedish meatballs , and my favorite tuna macaroni salad.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't agree with your first point but I agree with the second part
Men and women are not equal. I am not saying that women are inferior.
I am saying they are different and therefore they should not be paid equally.
Women in the corporate world can take off for PMS and they are given lots of latitude on jobs.
Men don't have that. So why should they get paid the same amount?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
African Americans... Black Americans are not psychology prepared to have a serious conversation about their identity.

We're like that orphan child who rather believe the fantasy about our past and heritage than the reality.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Christmas songs sung by R&B singers of the last 35 years are the WORST!!! Absolute WORST!!

yeah I said it....fight me!!

Using a phrase like "worst Christmas song" is like saying "ugliest troll" or "worst tasting turd".

The Christmas spirit is a saccharin mix of cheesy, tacky, and greedy. Christmas music is no different.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Donny Hathaway's "this Christmas" is the saddest song ever recorded. Every time I hear it I can't help but think of Donny depressed, drunk, disheveled, and about to jump off a skyscraper ledge.

Every holiday I listen to it on repeat for 2 hours. It helps get all the tears out of my system before visiting Black family members.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The NBA should fix it so cities who are in the east/ west conference who are neighboring states play more often. It’s no way Memphis and Atlanta should only play twice per year. Minnesota and Milwaukee is another example. Hell, the bulls and timberwolves should play more than twice per season.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Donny Hathaway's "this Christmas" is the saddest song ever recorded. Every time I hear it I can't help but think of Donny depressed, drunk, disheveled, and about to jump off a skyscraper ledge.

Every holiday I listen to it on repeat for 2 hours. It helps get all the tears out of my system before visiting Black family members.
I wouldn't even call it the saddest Christmas song......


Race Harley

Rising Star
Platinum Member


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Drive-thrus should be banned.

Christmas morning I woke up at my BMs house. We didn't have coffee or the energy to make breakfast so we drove to Starbucks.

When we arrived there was a line of cars backed up to the turning lane. The driver in front of us nearly hit a car passing through the street. My BM laid on the horn to stop another driver from cutting the line from the opposite direction.

A few cars later a couple of walk-in customers passed the car with their orders and yelled "get the fuck out of the way." Turns out we were blocking their car. I was going to clap back, but the line moved up so we drove past them instead.

Later on we stopped to allow another customer to leave their parking space. They backed out and cut the line. My BM responded with honks and curses

A half hour later we had our food and made a cautious right turn into a four-lane street with a 40 mph speed limit. Since then I've been shaking my head.

I thought about the pollution those idling cars coughed into the air. Those assholes who probably would have lacked the balls to cuss us out in the street. The customers who came within inches of causing thousands in property damage. The non-customers performing mental geometry to navigate this mess. The fact that tens of millions of Americans start every morning this way.

Is it any wonder why we're always angry and stressed out? Why our environment is in a chokehold? Why our insurance rates are so high?

So why don't we declare drive-thrus of public nuisance and ban them?


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I wouldn't even call it the saddest Christmas song......

It's not a sad song! Other artists cover it and I have no reaction beyond an occasional eye roll.

But Donny's version hits me in the feels like a softball to the groin. I imagine him summoning every ounce of strength he had to pull himself together and plaster on a smile just to get through a handful of takes.

I know he recorded it more than a decade before his death. I have no idea what his mind state was like in 1968. But for whatever reason the song still summons those irrational feelings.

BTW the actual saddest Christmas song ever is "I'll be home for Christmas."


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If men in the U.S. stopped being so thirsty then U.S. women would respect them more. Men put women on a pedestal that they haven’t deserved as a result we are dealing with the aftermath of our thirst.

Take that thirsty energy into building up yourself and you will have a life better than anything pussy can offer


You really believe overwhelming men put women on a "pedestal"?

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Drive-thrus should be banned.

Christmas morning I woke up at my BMs house. We didn't have coffee or the energy to make breakfast so we drove to Starbucks.

When we arrived there was a line of cars backed up to the turning lane. The driver in front of us nearly hit a car passing through the street. My BM laid on the horn to stop another driver from cutting the line from the opposite direction.

A few cars later a couple of walk-in customers passed the car with their orders and yelled "get the fuck out of the way." Turns out we were blocking their car. I was going to clap back, but the line moved up so we drove past them instead.

Later on we stopped to allow another customer to leave their parking space. They backed out and cut the line. My BM responded with honks and curses

A half hour later we had our food and made a cautious right turn into a four-lane street with a 40 mph speed limit. Since then I've been shaking my head.

I thought about the pollution those idling cars coughed into the air. Those assholes who probably would have lacked the balls to cuss us out in the street. The customers who came within inches of causing thousands in property damage. The non-customers performing mental geometry to navigate this mess. The fact that tens of millions of Americans start every morning this way.

Is it any wonder why we're always angry and stressed out? Why our environment is in a chokehold? Why our insurance rates are so high?

So why don't we declare drive-thrus of public nuisance and ban them?

What you’re talking about goes way beyond drive-thrus. Sounds like you’re in an area with shitty ppl and shitty city planning.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
What you’re talking about goes way beyond drive-thrus. Sounds like you’re in an area with shitty ppl and shitty city planning.

Yes, the city planning is terrible! I don't understand how anyone in City Hall would allow a strip mall or drive-thru on a four-lane road with a 40 mile an hour speed limit.

Even worse, the sidewalk is lined with trees and utility poles which partially block your vision whenever you enter or exit these facilities.

Then again, most of the country is built this way!

I don't blame the people. Folks in that area treat me pretty nice when I'm eating, shopping, or taking transit. You don't see the shitty until you get in the car.

Still, I have to wonder about the guy who woke up Christmas morning and concocted a hair brained to cut the line at a damn Starbucks. It would have been safer and faster to park at the mall next door and walk inside.

But in this country were sold on the illusion of convenience even when it's a pain in the ass.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I heard last year Math Hoffa say all pussy is the same.

With all due respect...

Thats some sh*t a dude who been getting and attracting horrible women his whole life would say.

Dumb ass.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I heard last year Math Hoffa say all pussy is the same.

With all due respect...

Thats some sh*t a dude who been getting and attracting horrible women his whole life would say.

Dumb ass.

He's on record stating that slavery was a choice. Now you say that you heard him say that all pussy's the same.

I guess it's safe to say that the show should be renamed "My Asshole Opinion".