Who do you respect in government? Anyone? EVER?


Rising Star
There's so much shit on here about corrupt everything is, how much shady shit goes on, and it's real easy to complain. I think we might be able to learn more about solutions by looking at some people who actually tried to do some good. We all know about certain activists and leaders, but what about people who went into government? It's like everybody says "Fuck Obama" and we only praise the Mos Defs or concern ourselves with the opinions of Cosbys/Dysons/Farrakhans/etc. Even if they didn't succeed-- but especially if they did-- has anyone in Congress ever won your respect or even your admiration?


TWho do you respect in government? Anyone? EVER?


He seemed pretty honest.


Boy u need to read he did not free us or anybody he just transfered ownership over to the state so u still a slave u just not owned bya single person


Rising Star

He seemed pretty honest.
That's why I said Congress in the first post; I should've put "Congress" in the header instead of "government"-- because it's much harder to find a President worthy of respect because there have only been 42 and most of them were moderates, elected because they appealed to the majority and the majority is corrupt. Lincoln is a great example of this-- he was probably the very best president who could have been elected at that time, but he was still a racist and his concern was for the republic, not its black victims. If you read his debates with Stephen Douglas, he was clearly racist, but he was also anti-slavery, which obviously ended up being a lot more important. I can't hate Lincoln because he was far ahead of many ofhis contemporaries, but the "Honest Abe" character is a myth.

As far as presidents go, LBJ has always been my favorite, but I'm not as knowledgable of his personal racism as I am of Lincolns. But I was more interested in discussing Congress.

D-Nice 1

Boy u need to read he did not free us or anybody he just transfered ownership over to the state so u still a slave u just not owned bya single person
Here we go.........

Just saying that this has been a long running debate among Blacks for a long time. It's a good discussion though.

D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)


Boy u need to read he did not free us or anybody he just transfered ownership over to the state so u still a slave u just not owned bya single person
You can't blame him for bullshit that he was taught by the public school system.:smh: That's why I cut history class everyday.Nobody wanna hear that bullshit :dance: Christopher Columbus discovered AmeriKKKa...:rolleyes: gimme a fuckin' break.


Rising Star
Barbara Lee

(parts taken from another post of mine)

News: Self-described 'Army brat' Barbara Lee explains why she cast Congress' only vote against giving the president a free hand to attack suspected terrorists.

By Bill Hogan

September 20, 2001

"It was a vote of conscience," says California Democratic Representative Barbara Lee.

On September 15, the US Congress approved a resolution authorizing President Bush to use "all necessary and appropriate force" against anyone associated with the terrorist attacks of September 11. The measure passed 98-0 in the Senate and 420-1 in the House. The lone dissenting vote was a colonel's daughter and longtime maverick from California -- Democrat Barbara Lee.

"I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States," Lee said on the House floor on Sept. 15. "There must be some of us who say, 'Let's step back for a moment and think through the implications of our actions today -- let us more fully understand the consequences.'"

In the emotionally charged aftermath of the terrorist attacks, Lee's lone vote of dissent brought gridlock to the telephone system in her Capitol Hill office and threats against her life. In the wake of the vote, the Capitol Police assigned a detail of plainclothes officers to guard Lee 24 hours a day.

Lee, whose congressional district includes the liberal bastions of Berkeley and Oakland, is a former social worker who got her start in politics as an aide to legendary progressive Rep. Ron Dellums. When Dellums retired in 1998, Lee won his seat; she was reelected last year with 85 percent of the vote. [/SIZE]

(to read the rest: http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2001/09/lee.html)


There are not too many politicians like her out there for us to back.


D-Nice 1

As far as presidents go, LBJ has always been my favorite, but I'm not as knowledgable of his personal racism as I am of Lincolns.

LBJ was the biggest "bone-thrower" in American Presidential history. Yeah, he sign the Civil Rights Act of '64 but that was only to divert attention from the shitload of dough he and his cronies were making off the Vietnam war.

He laid the blueprint for what Bush is doing today except Bush said, "Fuck the 'charitable' efforts! There's money to be made from fighting a bullshit war."

And LBJ was a stone-cold, hard core racist but a politician first that didn't want to fuck himself out of the spoils by callin' anybody a "ni**er" outload.

D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)


Wikipedia is bullshit anybody can make a page on there

Most Americans are under the impression that Abraham Lincoln personally abolished slavery. It seems almost self-evident that “Lincoln freed the slaves.” For generations, many blacks voted Republican out of gratitude to Lincoln.

But the statement that “Lincoln freed the slaves” is a gross oversimplification. Its widespread acceptance shows not only ignorance of history, but a deep incomprehension of the U.S. Constitution.

No president, as Lincoln well knew, could simply pick up a pen and do away with slavery. To think that he could is remarkably naive — yet that is what most people do think.

Legally, slaves were the property of other men; that is what slavery means. And under the Constitution, nobody could be deprived of his property without “due process of law” — that is, a court proceeding had to prove to a jury that a slaveowner had somehow forfeited his property.

“Due process of law” didn’t mean a legislative act. Congress had no power to pass a law outlawing slavery. Lincoln acknowledged this in his first inaugural address and even said he could support an amendment to the Constitution protecting slavery where it already existed.

If the Constitution meant what today’s liberals say it means, Congress could have simply passed a law banning slavery by invoking its “Power ... to regulate Commerce ... among the several States.” But in the 1860s, nobody thought that this power was so broad as to nullify property rights. They understood that the Constitution would have to be amended to give Congress authority over slavery, which at the time seemed less likely than an amendment for the opposite purpose.

Lincoln knew that emancipation would be a risky business. Convinced that whites and blacks could never live together as equals, he contemplated resettling freed blacks in Africa and Latin America.

During the Civil War, Lincoln decided, after much agonizing, to declare that slaves in the seceding states were free. The Emancipation Proclamation didn’t apply to slaves in the states that remained within the Union. So it didn’t really “free the slaves.” It had little immediate effect on slaves in the Confederacy, of course, since they were beyond Lincoln’s reach. Wags quipped that Lincoln had freed the slaves he couldn’t help, while doing nothing for the slaves he could have helped.

The question everyone asked was by what authority Lincoln could help any slave. Lincoln admitted that Congress had no constitutional power to touch slavery by legislation; but he argued that he, in his capacity as commander in chief of the armed forces putting down what he defined as an insurrection, could punish “rebels” by stripping them of their property, even if that property happened to be slaves. In a civil war, he contended, this could be done without the peacetime niceties of “due process of law.”

So the Emancipation Proclamation was a limited, complex, and constitutionally dubious measure. Still, it was a brilliant propaganda coup that won foreign sympathy for the Union cause. It redefined the Civil War as a contest over slavery rather than secession, distracting attention from the basic question of whether a state could declare its independence of the Union.

That question was brutally answered anyway by the outcome of the war. Since 1865 it has been assumed that no state may secede for any reason, no matter how tyrannical the federal government may become, no matter how wildly it exceeds its constitutional powers. People still illogically associate secession with slavery; and even if the federal government is wrong in its claim of absolute sovereignty, the states and the people are helpless against it. The federal government can now change the meaning of the Constitution that is supposed to restrain it, and there is no practical remedy for its abuses.

Lincoln was in some ways a short-sighted man, who neither foresaw nor intended the ultimate results of the Civil War. But “preserving the Union” turned out to mean inverting its federal structure and creating a central government so strong that no countervailing forces can stop it from monopolizing power. The worst of it is that most people in the United States of Amnesia can’t even see this as a problem


BGOL Investor
to name a few, I respect/respected the following congressmen/woman, and sentators:

Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Cynthia McKinney, John Conyers, Barack Obama, Harold Ford, Elenor Holmes Norton, Shiela Jackson-Lee


Rising Star

And his brother Bobby.

The good ones are picked off so that the bad one breed and rule...


Support BGOL
Did yall hear Bush trying to sound all hard at the press conference. You can tell he ready to skate out of office. What will be the over under on the number of pardons to his boys?

Pres.Bill Piffton

Potential Star
I am very cynical when it comes to government officials, however, Former Texas Governor Ann Richards was the shit though!! Oh and Former Chicago Mayor Harold Washington was a respectable figure also...

Brown Bear

President: John F. Kennedy gets the vote. Check it, this guy told it like it was about the "Secret Societies" that try to boss people around. Listen to this speech, someone assist with this one :yes:


Congressman/other government official goes to Harold Washington. First Black Mayor of Chicago... Quiet as it's kept, he was assassinated too. I think it was either my grandmother or uncle (R.I.P.) that said he was poisoned and made it look like he died of natural causes :smh:


here's the un-edited version of that J.F.K. speech, split into parts (for time restrictions)

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C56QlmgMSFU

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWPXVBbMba8

Damn, was Kennedy the last REAL President of this piece or what? :smh:
Last edited:


President: John F. Kennedy gets the vote. Check it, this guy told it like it was about the "Secret Societies" that try to boss people around. Listen to this speech, someone assist with this one :yes:


Congressman/other government official goes to Harold Washington. First Black Mayor of Chicago... Quiet as it's kept, he was assassinated too. I think it was either my grandmother or uncle (R.I.P.) that said he was poisoned and made it look like he died of natural causes :smh:


here's the un-edited version of that J.F.K. speech, split into parts (for time restrictions)

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C56QlmgMSFU

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWPXVBbMba8

Damn, was Kennedy the last REAL President of this piece or what? :smh:

In all seriousness he gets my vote as well, he refused to be a puppet.


Rising Star
the "assist" i believe you asked for.. :yes:


Congressman/other government official goes to Harold Washington. First Black Mayor of Chicago... Quiet as it's kept, he was assassinated too. I think it was either my grandmother or uncle (R.I.P.) that said he was poisoned and made it look like he died of natural causes


here's the un-edited version of that J.F.K. speech, split into parts (for time restrictions)




Telling the truth about this, Cuba and Vietnam put him in the "crosshairs" - literally. :smh:



the "assist" i believe you asked for.. :yes:


Congressman/other government official goes to Harold Washington. First Black Mayor of Chicago... Quiet as it's kept, he was assassinated too. I think it was either my grandmother or uncle (R.I.P.) that said he was poisoned and made it look like he died of natural causes


here's the un-edited version of that J.F.K. speech, split into parts (for time restrictions)




Telling the truth about this, Cuba and Vietnam put him in the "crosshairs" - literally. :smh:


And Executive Order 11110 was the last straw

Don't know if it's true or not but I read he was going to tell the American public about the Alien presence if the C.I.A. didn't stop putting drugs onto the streets. Something to that effect.