Oh it wasn't your spelling, it was my ignorance.
I think I know that guy, isn't he Sherlock's brother? or something, I think he acts too?
Anyway I'm a weird Doctor Who fan
I remembering watching the episodes on PBS and having no earthly idea what in the hell was going on
so for me?
The reboot is canon..its what made ME a fan AND MOFFAT CANT DO ANY WRONG
He is like Joss Whedon to me
but obviously I am biased
so I really am careful in discussions because I aint qualified to really go in beyond
I liked it or I didn't.
I'm in a small group...I actually liked Christopher Eccleston
he was MY first doctor and is the reason I am a fan today
his portrayal to me was EXACTLY what the show needed at the time
But my favorite is Tennant hands down...that was the doctor I could relate to the most and to me?
He was the WAR doctor..."born of blood and fire and revenge"
the most human and also the most "god-like" and completely aware of his power.
And Rose was the best companion just because of the real sexual tension between her and Tennant
(and I firmly believe they had sex on the TARDIS)
but my favorite companion was Martha Jones
she was so well developed I honestly could have watched a limited series with JUST her...
sidebar: did NOT like Donna
moving on
Matt Smith grew on me...
and I realized the ONLY reason I didn't like him initially was JUST because of his chin.
Peter Capaldi took awhile...
and I was a little disappointed because he WANTED that role and I don't feel like he came to play ...
and its just RECENTLY that I saw him REALLY embrace the role and now he gone.
I'm SURE he would like a do over.
I STILL haven't finished his run...I think the last episode I saw was the living space suits?
Billy is OK (her mom is BEAUTIFUL) I think it was also her "look" that threw me off, but it grew on me.
and they addressed WAY MORE Black issues then I could have imagined in their first episodes...
that was a little surprising, but welcome
I guess it was cool that she was gay...even thought honestly
Because the Doctor can be male or female I didn't feel we need to know the companion's sexuality
and while its cool to have a woman Doctor?
I feel like Master/Missy already checked that box.
I will update you when I'm done with Capaldi's run.
Sidebar: I actually liked Nardole.
sidebar 2:
I still have absolutely NO IDEA what the f*ck was going on with the whole Clara thing.