Why do more white progressives say racism is a major problem than do black people?


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
If we ignored the data and just went by your depiction of reality, we'd have 100% of ̶z̶e̶b̶r̶a̶s̶ black people agreeing racism is a major problem but that isn't the case. It's wild that there are black people who agree "Irish, Italians, Jewish and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without special favors." But a good number do.

I'm not saying all white people who provide good answers on these polls are sincere but I think your outright dismissal of the data might stem from the diversity of people you encounter.

You may not, but I know a lot of people like this:

Those groups never have to deal with the constant bullshit,we have to deal with every single day.

And,to use those groups as an example as a way,how they pull themselves by the bootstraps is bullshit...We didn't need white folks until they burned our schools,businesses and hospitals down to the ground...e.g...Tulsa,Oklahoma and many black businesses in that era.

There's a reason,why black people are shut out for small business loans, while Asians,Arabs and other folks can come to this country barely speaking English and get those business loans.

Rembrandt Brown

Those groups never have to deal with the constant bullshit,we have to deal with every single day.

And,to use those groups as an example as a way,how they pull themselves by the bootstraps is bullshit...We didn't need white folks until they burned our schools,businesses and hospitals down to the ground...e.g...Tulsa,Oklahoma and many black businesses in that era.

There's a reason,why black people are shut out for small business loans, while Asians,Arabs and other folks can come to this country barely speaking English and get those business loans.

Yep. But not all black people understand that. And it's crazy for some people to adamantly assert otherwise with no evidence. Zebras don't disagree that they're zebras and that lions are lions, but some people are so locked into their ideology that they pretend all black people think alike as if we're zebras.

I'm very open to other surveys of black attitudes and ideology but the numbers presented for those agreeing "Blacks should do the same without special favors" is disturbingly high. People act as if black history is something all black people absorb by being alive but the truth is there's a great deal of ignorance and need for education.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Whites believe more than blacks cause we have to live this shyt. Progressive whites just think you can throw money at a problem/person and that will solve everything. We all got that one "relative" that is just a fcuk up. Racism didn't fcuk his life up HE did, yes that shyt exists but they ain't lumped in there.

Welfare when it first started, progressives (of that time) just trying to help the poor, helpless blacks all the while breaking the black family up.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Because lots of our people are downright cowards and never want to attack the problem head on.

They think other alternative ways are a substitute for immediate action.
Looking to do the same things we've done since the 60s ain't it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
news to them - what we've known for centuries!
They’re just now starting to understand how it affects them negatively also. They knew their family and friends were racist but now they realize its fucking them too. The greed of the wealthy has fucked them so much, they're starting to understand why they don't have healthcare but a ton of student debt is because of their racist kinfolks who are manipulated by the wealthy using racism. If you want to see what America would be without racism, just look north into Canada or at Australia and New Zealand. All are Anglo-Saxon countries with large European and Asian immigrant populations. Canada had slaves but racism wasn't codified in law like Jim Crow in America.

I think of the famous Lee Atwater tape. People always talk about how he uses the n-word. What's missed is he says that it's understood that the economic policies will hurt blacks more, acknowledges that whites will be hurt too.


deputy dawg

~wait a cotton pickin' minute...
BGOL Investor
Old CACs (that can still remember) LOVED Paul Harvey, an American radio broadcaster.
He originally broadcast this on April 3rd, 1965.
These Trump lovers need to listen and see what he does relative to this.
DAMN if this ain't a prediction of times today...



Rising Star
The problem with progressive and socialist is that they look too Sweden and Europe when a lot of these countries are moving towards Capitalism and the free market because there social programs have ballooned there budgets.

I would love for the USA to have free programs but remember we have a population of 350 million while Sweden has a population of 19.
I don't think the Nordic countries consider themselves socialist. We allow the GOP to control the language we use. Language is important, it's dictating the terms of the conversation. Europeans support free markets and capitalism, they also want something in return for investments.
The thing is America is already a socialism/socialist. Its just for the rich. This government has no problems being socialist for the rich. So that bullshit that Republicans try to spew is just bullshit. America is a socialist corporatism economy period.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I get a kick out of people who complain about socialism. I'll ask "Ok, how do you define socialism?" They almost always bring up Venezuela, universal healthcare and welfare. I always say "Wouldn't Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Holland, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand be considered Socialist under the definition they provide?"

Racism is a hell of a drug. It deteriorates the section of the brain that handles critical thinking and empathy.

If you want to see what America would be without the legacy of slavery and the following hundred years of Jim Crow, just look north at Canada or at Australia and New Zealand. All former colonies of the English, full of European immigrants, land forcibly taken from an indigenous population. The only thing missing is us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You are correct. The conservative movement in America is racist. But there is nothing wrong with a conservative philosophy. We should have debates about the size of government. There are conservatives in Africa and Latin American countries. Again, the problem is that conservatism has been corrupted by racism. The GOP base has exchanged their votes for the funding of their race war.

For the record, I'm a democrat. I have liberal views and I have conservative views. I don't want the government infringing on my morals. If I want to smoke a joint in my backyard, I should be able too. If I'm stupid enough to bet on the Detroit Lions, that's my business. If I want to pay an attractive young lady to look in my eyes and tell me she loves me, that's between me and her, not the government. I also want clean water and air. I want medicine that won't cause greater harm. I want food that has been inspected. I like a livable minimum wage. I would like everyone to have access to healthcare that doesn't effect my Cadillac care.

Yes, Black people want equality now but MLK preached patience. Wasn't it him he said the Arc of Justice is long? If we weren't patient, why aren't the streets like Baghdad or Kabul? We lived through 250 years of slavery, 100 years of segregation and Jim Crow, Colfax, Tulsa and lynchings. If we aren't patient, what are we?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I didn't look at the whole video, just skimmed through it. This is what I took from what I saw.

I have never thought what is considered a conservative in America is an actual conservative. They just called themselves that because as Lee Atwater said in the famous interview, the understanding is blacks get hurt worse than whites due to the economics policies. It's the devil's bargain. The rich get tax cuts, the rest of whites get some form of white supremacy.

They don't want a small limited government. They want a broad expansive and intrusive government to impose some form of extra-judicial Jim Crow. I don't know if they actually want an authoritarian government to tell them what to do but clearly they're willing to accept one in exchange white supremacy. In fact, I go so far to say that's what the south was. They want the government to tell us what to do. They want Jim Crow.

A great statement on conservationism I read is, there must be 2 groups, an in group that the law protects but does not bind and an out group that the law binds but does not protect. In other words, a group in power who uses government force to maintain power.

Rembrandt Brown

The first three sentences here did not lead me to expect the next two.

It's funny to me. On one hand I'm like "I appreciate your consciousness." On the other, I'm like "What? Yeah, I get it, you're one of the good ones but that's a little forced."



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you truly know your history as an indigenous Moorish American..

You awaken to the fact racism is the mind Fuck the distraction

We are being murdered for our resources are wealth.. Kill us all before enough

Of us wake up to what's real.

And what's real is

Moorish Americans are owners of the richest estate the globe has ever seen..

England has been mind fuckin us

Since they murdered Lincoln and turned our beautiful Republic into a democracy...sounds a lot like demon crazy don't it??

If we knew better we would stop calling

Ourselves black negro colored person

Of color or African American..

All of those are imaginary and hold no legal status in court or law.

Which is why most of my people feel so powerless in a courtroom...

All this shit is by design but just knowing the truth

Simply knowing it will empower you

And help break the spell to flip shit back on its head.