Will Biden Allow Another Dem To Challenge Trump? He has the lowest approval rating of the CENTURY for the start of a re-election year!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s not about what individuals focus on. Trump damn near won weeks after RBG died, probably would have won easily if not for Covid. People think they were better off 4 years ago. Telling America to focus isn’t a strategy, it’s a wish.
Bruh....this dude shit the bed during the biggest crisis in our lifetime

He lied to us all throughout COVID

and at the debate he is still lying to us 4 years later.

Better off??????

If folks want to get burnt again let them burn....


Rising Star
Bruh....this dude shit the bed during the biggest crisis in our lifetime

He lied to us all throughout COVID

and at the debate he is still lying to us 4 years later.

Better off??????

If folks want to get burnt again let them burn....

The problem with that is we burn with them.

Seems I care more about beating Trump than you do.

Walter Panov

Rising Star

Angry Staffer has to be the dumbest Twitter account after Occupy Democrats. The media didn't have to tell anyone that Biden's health was in decline. Biden told everyone that his health was in decline. Nobody's falling for anything. We saw it. That guy stays posting dumb shit. I doubt it matters much because no one was surprised. People would still pick a Biden with dementia over the alternative.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
So many saw this shit coming a mile away.

Truth be told, I don't even blame Biden; I blame the fucking DNC and its leaders. Their corporate backers told them Biden was their man, and they did everything in their power to suppress democracy in favor of Biden and Clinton being the party representatives for the elections. They fucked over Bernie, fucked over RFK, fucked over countless former prospects as candidates who could have easily taken down the orange oompa loompa.

Trump will win, and the DNC should be held accountable.

That's the dumbest shit I heard all week. Biden is probably the only one that can beat Trump. Biden received more votes than any president in history. One of the most successful presidents in history as well. If you think 81 million people are jumping ship because he's old than you crazy. He's has record breaking fund raising numbers. The DNC would be stupid not to run Biden again. Incumbent presidents hardly never lose. I could go on but nothing will change your mind because you just talking crazy anyway but most Americans are so Trump has a shot. There's a long way to November. Trump has a mountain of shit to get through.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Angry Staffer has to be the dumbest Twitter account after Occupy Democrats. The media didn't have to tell anyone that Biden's health was in decline. Biden told everyone that his health was in decline. Nobody's falling for anything. We saw it. That guy stays posting dumb shit. I doubt it matters much because no one was surprised. People would still pick a Biden with dementia over the alternative.

So why is this a problem other than because the media told you it is?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Angry Staffer has to be the dumbest Twitter account after Occupy Democrats. The media didn't have to tell anyone that Biden's health was in decline. Biden told everyone that his health was in decline. Nobody's falling for anything. We saw it. That guy stays posting dumb shit. I doubt it matters much because no one was surprised. People would still pick a Biden with dementia over the alternative.
The point here is the media's obsession on negative storys on Clinton back then and Biden now while no similar coverage of Trump. Just this week RFK Jr eating BBQ dog and confirmation from Ron DeSantis that Trump was an Epstein client. Wheres the coverage?

Walter Panov

Rising Star
The point here is the media's obsession on negative storys on Clinton back then and Biden now while no similar coverage of Trump. Just this week RFK Jr eating BBQ dog and confirmation from Ron DeSantis that Trump was an Epstein client. Wheres the coverage?
This makes no sense. The media's biased, but this is the "hot topic" right now so they will talk about it. And Angry Staffer is still an idiot. Hillary didn't lose because people thought her health was in decline. To me she looked healthier than Trump.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This makes no sense. The media's biased, but this is the "hot topic" right now so they will talk about it. And Angry Staffer is still an idiot. Hillary didn't lose because people thought her health was in decline. To me she looked healthier than Trump.
Who made it hot? Trump being a confirmed kid diddler should be a huge ass story but the fact that Ron DeSantis allowed the documents release should amp up the intensity but let's talk about old man Biden for the fifty eleventh time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I heard a pundit suggest that Biden replace Harris with Hillary.

They aren't saying it but they think the biggest issue is nobody wants Harris to step in if Biuden couldn't finish his term but that Hillary although he lost to Trump had more votes than him.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
That's the dumbest shit I heard all week. Biden is probably the only one that can beat Trump. Biden received more votes than any president in history. One of the most successful presidents in history as well. If you think 81 million people are jumping ship because he's old than you crazy. He's has record breaking fund raising numbers. The DNC would be stupid not to run Biden again. Incumbent presidents hardly never lose. I could go on but nothing will change your mind because you just talking crazy anyway but most Americans are so Trump has a shot. There's a long way to November. Trump has a mountain of shit to get through.

But yet, all polls and signs are pointing to him losing. One of the most what? Successful?!!!!
Nigga are you that dumb?

I'll see you in December with confirmation of his loss. I will bookmark this dumbass response post of yours.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
But yet, all polls and signs are pointing to him losing. One of the most what? Successful?!!!!
Nigga are you that dumb?

I'll see you in December with confirmation of his loss. I will bookmark this dumbass response post of yours.

It's an undisputed fact. Biden's legislative record is one of the best in history. You're just too fucking dumb to comprehend it. Win or lose no need to ever bookmark my shit or contact me. Ain't no saving you coons and CACs.


Rising Star




Rising Star
Platinum Member
I heard a pundit suggest that Biden replace Harris with Hillary.

They aren't saying it but they think the biggest issue is nobody wants Harris to step in if Biuden couldn't finish his term but that Hillary although he lost to Trump had more votes than him.

Some of these pundits are saying ANYTHING for shits n giggles. Nothing strategic about that dumbass suggestion.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Bruh....this dude shit the bed during the biggest crisis in our lifetime

He lied to us all throughout COVID

and at the debate he is still lying to us 4 years later.

Better off??????

If folks want to get burnt again let them burn....
and he still up in the polls, what does that say about Biden?


Rising Star


Rising Star
Sick motherfuckers wanting to vote for PEDO

Not sure what this has to do with the topic… Biden can’t beat the pedo, Kamala can.

^^^ I don’t think “radicalization” is the right word. I think Trump is basically the devil but Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and has warped the minds of many Democrats. The answer to every question is Trump. Trump is a pedo, Trump slept with a porn star, Trump is supported by Russian bots, etc etc etc…

Maybe 30% of people will vote against him no matter what just like 30% will vote for him no matter what. Neither 30% is going to win this election.

It takes more than proving the orange man is bad to win the election. It also requires minimal competence and confidence in the ability to do the job for the next four years. Right now, more people believe the Republican candidate can do that than the Democratic candidate. The best way to change that is switching to a better candidate before it is too late.
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Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
A lot those calling for this are Democrats in name only. MAGA already knows the Diaper Don doesn't have the votes to get elected. They trying every trick in the book and they keep falling short hell they can't even get a large number of Republicans to vote for him in those Primaries. This is a real hail mary cause with the Diaper Don immunity thing has backfired and put more power in Bidens hands and this scares them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This guy @Costanza is another trump supporter / no vote loser. He talks about "democracy" while posting nothing but negative articles about Biden. If he actually cared about "democracy" he would be convincing people to vote for Biden. Biden is the nominee until something changes. No amount of negative coverage is going to change that. He posts zero negative articles about trump. He actually defends trump when someone else posts a negative article about Diaper Don. Anyone that knows anything about politics knows that Biden is the nominee & that will only change if he decides he's done. And no amount of "negging" is going to change that. Costanza must think people are stupid to his tricks, but it's obvious what his intentions are. Show Biden in a negative light under the guise that he is going to lose & should be replaced by...someone. Particularly Kamala Harris. Costanza is a red hat wearing bitch who I believe is a cac & at minimum a coon.


Rising Star
This guy @Costanza is another trump supporter / no vote loser. He talks about "democracy" while posting nothing but negative articles about Biden. If he actually cared about "democracy" he would be convincing people to vote for Biden. Biden is the nominee until something changes. No amount of negative coverage is going to change that. He posts zero negative articles about trump. He actually defends trump when someone else posts a negative article about Diaper Don. Anyone that knows anything about politics knows that Biden is the nominee & that will only change if he decides he's done. And no amount of "negging" is going to change that. Costanza must think people are stupid to his tricks, but it's obvious what his intentions are. Show Biden in a negative light under the guise that he is going to lose & should be replaced by...someone. Particularly Kamala Harris. Costanza is a red hat wearing bitch who I believe is a cac & at minimum a coon.

Unlike you, I actually have a history on this board. Supporting Obama in 2008 and 2012, opposing Trump in 2016, 2020 and 2024. Anyone can search for those names in my posts and see my history. Plenty of people here know I’m a socialist, the furthest thing from a Trump supporter.

The idea that advocating to replace a weak Trump opponent with a stronger one is pro-Trump is evidence only of the utter stupidity of the moron making the argument.

Grow the fuck up, kool aide drinker. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Buying into the fallacy that there are only two options is what leaves us with only two options.

Self fulfilling prophecy.

350 million people in this country. Nobody seems to question why and how our political process only allows for two parties in the end. Other Western democracies are more democratic, with more options.

Doesn't have to be like this, but until people come together, it always will be.