Will Biden Allow Another Dem To Challenge Trump? He has the lowest approval rating of the CENTURY for the start of a re-election year!


Rising Star
I don't have a crystal ball. However, in spite of what so many public figures will tell you, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that america is a sexist and racist country. If harris is at the top of the ticket, there are a significant number of dems that wont support her. They may make other excuses, but it will boil down to those. Furthermore, there will be even a larger number of independents that won't support her. That said perhaps she can pull off an obama. Prior to that debate I thought it was Joe's to loose. Now?

Respectfully, if you thought that before the debate, you didn’t understand what was going on. The reason Biden’s campaign wanted a June debate is because he has been losing for a while. The goal was to prove Biden’s age is not an issue and to get people who have not been paying attention to focus on Trump running and what a threat he is. I thought that was a smart move but Biden made it backfire.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I think Biden withdraws within the next 3 weeks.

OP, promise us you won't delete this thread when this unrealistic outcome never occurs, and when your 34-COUNT FELON is unsuccessful.

A lot of people are falling for the same bullshit from the media that also was used about Hillary Clinton.

The media wants Trump to win because they had their highest ratings when he was in office. With Biden things run smoothly, there are no crazy leaks and no opportunities to write book.

Anyway here's a good thread about it....

Yep, I rest my case...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

“Likely headed for a landslide defeat”- David Axelrod



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Respectfully, if you thought that before the debate, you didn’t understand what was going on. The reason Biden’s campaign wanted a June debate is because he has been losing for a while. The goal was to prove Biden’s age is not an issue and to get people who have not been paying attention to focus on Trump running and what a threat he is. I thought that was a smart move but Biden made it backfire.


Transnational Member

The DNC had a rigged primary to guarantee eight year term in office for him. Alexander Hamilton found this was a threat to personal liberty any term length beyond four years.

You might see longer terms for governors, senators , or reps; and think this logic applies to the President. The founders gave a rationale for a governor having a longer term being that they cover a smaller territory. You can move like they do in California if it becomes tyrannical.

A President is not a failure if they get one term, it is good for us.


Rising Star
OP, promise us you won't delete this thread when this unrealistic outcome never occurs, and when your 34-COUNT FELON is unsuccessful.

Yep, I rest my case...

I won’t delete the thread…

And in 20+ years on this board, I’ve never said anything as dumb as to claim MSNBC is pro-Trump.

The anti-Trump cult that thinks Biden is a savior is not as bad as the MAGA cult… but you are both kool aide drinkers. Different flavors but zero critical thinking skills left. Same cult-like embrace of fantastical bullshit.

“MSNBC’s, the Washington Post and the New York Times’s coverage of Biden is because they are pro-Trump”— just breathtakingly blind.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I won’t delete the thread…

And in 20+ years on this board, I’ve never said anything as dumb as to claim MSNBC is pro-Trump.

The anti-Trump cult that thinks Biden is a savior is not as bad as the MAGA cult… but you are both kool aide drinkers. Different flavors but zero critical thinking skills left.

“MSNBC’s, the Washington Post and the New York Times’s coverage of Biden is because they are pro-Trump”— just breathtakingly blind.


That was a simple exercise is following the money instead of blindly following a manufactured media story (i.e. "kool-aid drinker") to the point where you actually believe Biden will drop out in 3-weeks. Anyways, I'll let you carry on with these WILD football fantasy assessments.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That cult is called Blue Maga.. Lol

It's unbelievable! They talked mad shit about Maga and here they are doing the same exact thing Maga does. This broad I know, we been going back and forth. She told me she will stick with Biden no matter what.. Smh lol.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I won’t delete the thread…

And in 20+ years on this board, I’ve never said anything as dumb as to claim MSNBC is pro-Trump.

The anti-Trump cult that thinks Biden is a savior is not as bad as the MAGA cult… but you are both kool aide drinkers. Different flavors but zero critical thinking skills left. Same cult-like embrace of fantastical bullshit.

“MSNBC’s, the Washington Post and the New York Times’s coverage of Biden is because they are pro-Trump”— just breathtakingly blind.

They're not pro Trump but they are pro ratings and pro drama.

Every news station had higher rating when Trump was in office because people either hate watched or every network was looking for a scoop. You have 24/7 coverage of Biden but only now are you hearing anything in the mainstream media about Project 2025. You haven't had the media ask Trump why his name is surrounding raping a 13 yr old girl wirh Epstein.

The double standard is pretty clear.

Here's a perfect example...

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Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Biden hasn't given certain media interviews and they are pissed about it and starting to admit it...



Rising Star
They're not pro Trump but they are pro ratings and pro drama.

That's a smarter argument.

But claiming MS motherfucking NBC is pro-Trump is the dumbest fucking thing that I've seen anyone say on this board all year.

It's like claiming FOX News is pro-Obama.

Perfect illustration of how blind and desperate the "Only Joe can save us" people are.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's a smarter argument.

But claiming MS motherfucking NBC is pro-Trump is the dumbest fucking thing that I've seen anyone say on this board all year.

It's like claiming FOX News is pro-Obama.

Perfect illustration of how blind and desperate the "Only Joe can save us" people are.


Rising Star

The View from 'The Doors'

An Organizer's View on Why It's Time for Biden to Concede to Political and Human Reality​

Last week I wrote that, given some room, I thought Joe Biden would figure out that he had a unique opportunity to help his country—that by stepping down and turning over the nomination to someone younger, he could make it clear that any ‘cognitive impairment’ he was suffering hadn’t affected his heart and soul. That may have been optimistic—the week since has been a display of what increasingly looks like bull-headed selfishness. His insistence to George Stephanopolous last night that only he could carry the ball echoed too closely the Trumpian insistence that he alone could save the Republic.

I’m grateful for Joe Biden’s presidency; it has been, by and large, successful, and it was psychically relaxing after the daily chaos of the Trump years, a respite I think we underestimate. But there is no reason to think he’s uniquely qualified to run the country, and in any event it doesn’t matter if he can’t win the election. There’s been a huge quantity of punditry and tweetery this past week, most of which I’ve tried to ignore—a lot of it has consisted of raging at journalists and other elites. I’ve been more interested in talking with fellow organizers around the country—people who do the work of campaigns, which involves knocking on doors and making phone calls. And it’s clear to most of them that I’ve talked to that dragging Biden across the finish line will be a hugely hard—probably impossibly hard—task.

I’ve talked with people who’ve spent their lives as union organizers, and people who are state legislators in swing states, and I’ve been out on an organizing tour for Third Act, speaking with people who between them will write hundreds of thousands of postcards and phone bank for untold hours between now and November. And what I hear, overwhelmingly, is that this view from ‘the doors’ makes them think Biden must do the realistic thing.

Yes, they’ll work for the president’s reelection if that’s the only choice. We all are so scared of Trumpism that, in that sense, Biden has us over a barrel—no one is going to walk away from this election. But there’s a growing sense of anger that we’re being put in an almost impossible situation. We want to talk, at every door and on every call, about the climate crisis, about abortion, about a dozen other places where the contrast between progressives and MAGA blowhards is enormous and works in our favor. But that’s impossible when you first have to have a conversation about whether or not Biden can do the job—a conversation none of us can win with any real conviction even in our own minds.

The perfect example is last week’s run of Supreme Court decisions, so radical in their implications that at any other time they’d be not just dominant stories but also a huge help in getting people to understand Trump’s threat. Instead, they’ve barely been noticed. You can blame the media for that, but one of the things you learn on ‘the doors’ is that people care mostly about things that seem immediate and real to them. We all have opinions about aging, because we’ve all gone through something like this with our parents or grandparents; it’s visceral, real, fascinating. Most people aren’t experts on constitutional law; most people have had an aunt or a father who needed to have their car keys negotiated away.

It’s precisely because the stakes are so high—the future of our democracy, and the chance to avoid the very worst of climate disaster—that there’s a desperate need to change this conversation, to get back on topics where we can win. We may wish there was some way other than Biden stepping aside to do that, but that’s kind of like wishing carbon didn’t trap heat. Political reality may not be as decisive as physical reality, but it’s stronger than wishful thinking.

What follows Biden doing the honorable thing is unclear—perhaps it’s the anointing of Kamala Harris, or perhaps some kind of open convention. It may well be messy (Biden’s obstinacy is a reminder that politicians do not usually let love of country trump love of self) and it too will be a distraction at least for a while, but it’s possible to imagine that distraction ending. And a change could, even, set off some new energy: America has been saying for two years that it hates the choice it’s been given, so maybe a new choice will unleash something that looks like hope.

But whatever the fallout, it will be something that we can work with on the doors and on the phones. It won’t be impossible.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The View from 'The Doors'

An Organizer's View on Why It's Time for Biden to Concede to Political and Human Reality​

Last week I wrote that, given some room, I thought Joe Biden would figure out that he had a unique opportunity to help his country—that by stepping down and turning over the nomination to someone younger, he could make it clear that any ‘cognitive impairment’ he was suffering hadn’t affected his heart and soul. That may have been optimistic—the week since has been a display of what increasingly looks like bull-headed selfishness. His insistence to George Stephanopolous last night that only he could carry the ball echoed too closely the Trumpian insistence that he alone could save the Republic.

I’m grateful for Joe Biden’s presidency; it has been, by and large, successful, and it was psychically relaxing after the daily chaos of the Trump years, a respite I think we underestimate. But there is no reason to think he’s uniquely qualified to run the country, and in any event it doesn’t matter if he can’t win the election. There’s been a huge quantity of punditry and tweetery this past week, most of which I’ve tried to ignore—a lot of it has consisted of raging at journalists and other elites. I’ve been more interested in talking with fellow organizers around the country—people who do the work of campaigns, which involves knocking on doors and making phone calls. And it’s clear to most of them that I’ve talked to that dragging Biden across the finish line will be a hugely hard—probably impossibly hard—task.

I’ve talked with people who’ve spent their lives as union organizers, and people who are state legislators in swing states, and I’ve been out on an organizing tour for Third Act, speaking with people who between them will write hundreds of thousands of postcards and phone bank for untold hours between now and November. And what I hear, overwhelmingly, is that this view from ‘the doors’ makes them think Biden must do the realistic thing.

Yes, they’ll work for the president’s reelection if that’s the only choice. We all are so scared of Trumpism that, in that sense, Biden has us over a barrel—no one is going to walk away from this election. But there’s a growing sense of anger that we’re being put in an almost impossible situation. We want to talk, at every door and on every call, about the climate crisis, about abortion, about a dozen other places where the contrast between progressives and MAGA blowhards is enormous and works in our favor. But that’s impossible when you first have to have a conversation about whether or not Biden can do the job—a conversation none of us can win with any real conviction even in our own minds.

The perfect example is last week’s run of Supreme Court decisions, so radical in their implications that at any other time they’d be not just dominant stories but also a huge help in getting people to understand Trump’s threat. Instead, they’ve barely been noticed. You can blame the media for that, but one of the things you learn on ‘the doors’ is that people care mostly about things that seem immediate and real to them. We all have opinions about aging, because we’ve all gone through something like this with our parents or grandparents; it’s visceral, real, fascinating. Most people aren’t experts on constitutional law; most people have had an aunt or a father who needed to have their car keys negotiated away.

It’s precisely because the stakes are so high—the future of our democracy, and the chance to avoid the very worst of climate disaster—that there’s a desperate need to change this conversation, to get back on topics where we can win. We may wish there was some way other than Biden stepping aside to do that, but that’s kind of like wishing carbon didn’t trap heat. Political reality may not be as decisive as physical reality, but it’s stronger than wishful thinking.

What follows Biden doing the honorable thing is unclear—perhaps it’s the anointing of Kamala Harris, or perhaps some kind of open convention. It may well be messy (Biden’s obstinacy is a reminder that politicians do not usually let love of country trump love of self) and it too will be a distraction at least for a while, but it’s possible to imagine that distraction ending. And a change could, even, set off some new energy: America has been saying for two years that it hates the choice it’s been given, so maybe a new choice will unleash something that looks like hope.

But whatever the fallout, it will be something that we can work with on the doors and on the phones. It won’t be impossible.



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
That's a smarter argument.

But claiming MS motherfucking NBC is pro-Trump is the dumbest fucking thing that I've seen anyone say on this board all year.

It's like claiming FOX News is pro-Obama.

Perfect illustration of how blind and desperate the "Only Joe can save us" people are

MSNBC isn't really pro Biden. The majority of their heavy hitters on the network are either Bernie Sanders fans (Chris Hayes), Elizabeth Warren fans (Joy Reid) or former Republicans.

Now you couple that with what I said earlier that these networks are pro ratings and you see how they can be anti Biden. MSNBC had their best ratings ever when they were the anti Trump network during his presidency. You don't think the network heads aren't thinking about that as they decide HOW to present the news?


Rising Star
MSNBC isn't really pro Biden. The majority of their heavy hitters on the network are either Bernie Sanders fans (Chris Hayes), Elizabeth Warren fans (Joy Reid) or former Republicans.

Joe Scarborough is 1/6th of MSNBC’s weekday programming (4 hours a day) and he literally professed his love for Biden on air after the debate.

The Democratic primary of 2020 is not a permanent divide. Bernie Sanders himself is one of Biden’s most loyal supporters. Those former Republicans have spent 4 years deifying Biden.

It absolutely has been a pro-Biden network since Biden was inaugurated.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Joe Scarborough is 1/6th of MSNBC’s weekday programming (4 hours a day) and he literally professed his love for Biden on air after the debate.

The Democratic primary of 2020 is not a permanent divide. Bernie Sanders himself is one of Biden’s most loyal supporters. Those former Republicans have spent 4 years deifying Biden.

It absolutely has been a pro-Biden network since Biden was inaugurated.


Rising Star

  • "The sh*t is going to hit the fan on Monday, when Congress returns," a House Democrat told us. "People are scared about their own races. But they're also worried about the country, and about democracy."
  • … based on Axios reporters' conversations with dozens of House members and senators, it's clear that scores are close to speaking out or signing letters telling Biden it should be over. These conversations will intensify this week.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

  • "The sh*t is going to hit the fan on Monday, when Congress returns," a House Democrat told us. "People are scared about their own races. But they're also worried about the country, and about democracy."
  • … based on Axios reporters' conversations with dozens of House members and senators, it's clear that scores are close to speaking out or signing letters telling Biden it should be over. These conversations will intensify this week.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is idiotic spam. Chill lil cuz you really are trending ftp right now
Firstly, I'm not your "lil cuz". The trump as a clown is as dumb as this thread. As long as he continues to post negative articles on Biden, I'll continue to reply with trump as a clown. Biden is the nominee. No amount of wish list casting is going to change that. I don't care how many tweets he finds of anonymous people claiming that blah blah blah is going to happen if he doesn't drop out. Just like with the media, it's all a deflection away from the republikkkan nominee who is a convicted criminal / pedophile / rapist / racist / draft dodger / treasonous / adulterer / overall dumbass.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Respectfully, if you thought that before the debate, you didn’t understand what was going on. The reason Biden’s campaign wanted a June debate is because he has been losing for a while. The goal was to prove Biden’s age is not an issue and to get people who have not been paying attention to focus on Trump running and what a threat he is. I thought that was a smart move but Biden made it backfire.
My point is that, though biden is mentally slower than he used to be, he's still better than harris as a candidate because of prejudice in american society. Your argument is that harris is better because the decline in biden's mental prowess has been unequivocally revealed to the public and people are worried that he'll slip further in the near future. He has bad days, so what he has a worthy back up in harris and a competent administration promoting good policies. He beat trump once, and imo wasn't the sharpest tool even then. How far did harris make it in that primary season, not even into the election year. If it happens I'd vote for her, but can't cosign a last minute switch up.

P.S.: My focus IS on trump, and I advise everyone to pay attention to his behavior, statements, and the plans that lay bare his bankrupt moral character.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Joe Scarborough is 1/6th of MSNBC’s weekday programming (4 hours a day) and he literally professed his love for Biden on air after the debate.

The Democratic primary of 2020 is not a permanent divide. Bernie Sanders himself is one of Biden’s most loyal supporters. Those former Republicans have spent 4 years deifying Biden.

It absolutely has been a pro-Biden network since Biden was inaugurated.

He's known Biden for a long time but how? I don't think you understand who Joe is. He's only on MSNBC for the money.

A former member of the Republican Party, Scarborough was in the United States House of Representatives for Florida's 1st district from 1995 to 2001. Scarborough was one of a group of about 40 freshmen Republican legislators who dubbed themselves the "New Federalists" after The Federalist Papers. Scarborough was elected political director of the incoming legislators. The New Federalists called for sweeping cuts in the U.S. government, including plans to "privatize, localize, consolidate, [or] eliminate the Departments of Commerce, Education, Energy and Housing and Urban Development.

  1. Scarborough supported a number of anti-abortion positions while in Congress including banning family planning funding in US aid abroad; banning partial-birth abortions; and making it illegal to transport minors to get an abortion.
  2. Scarborough sponsored a bill to force the U.S. to withdraw from the United Nations after a four-year transition and replace it with an international organization of democratic nations.
  3. He also voted for the "Medicare Preservation act of 1995," which cut the projected growth of Medicare by $270 billion over ten years.
  4. Scarborough was one of the 228 members of the House who voted to impeach Bill Clinton in December 1998.

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Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Joe Scarborough is 1/6th of MSNBC’s weekday programming (4 hours a day) and he literally professed his love for Biden on air after the debate.

The Democratic primary of 2020 is not a permanent divide. Bernie Sanders himself is one of Biden’s most loyal supporters. Those former Republicans have spent 4 years deifying Biden.

It absolutely has been a pro-Biden network since Biden was inaugurated.
Oh man you got a lot of that wrong.

First Scarborough was a huge Trumper until Trump turned on him and started insulting him and his cohost/girlfriend by name.

Sanders and his followers were never loyal to Biden. In fact that HATE that the Dems party came together behind Biden. You may not remember or know but Sanders strategy for 2020 was to sneak in with 30% of the primary vote. When other Dems dropped out and endorsed Biden it killed his strategy and locked him out. That the new reason so many Bernie fans say how the Dems party conspired against. Him.....they hated that he couldn't get in and REALLY HATED that Black voters got behind Biden from SC on. Most of the Bernie fans wanted to race called before South Carolina BECAUSE they knew which way Black voters were going. A perfect example is how Chris Hayes was the first mainstream news show that gave Tara Reid any coverage. She accused Biden of raping her but had no proof and her story didn't hold water. Then she took off to Russia and Chris Hayes does all he can to act like it never happened.

Finally the Warren fans absolutely hate Harris cause they felt like Warren should of been the nomination. Never mind that she came in THIRD in her own state. Warren and her fans outright dislike Kamala because she got tapped to be VP.

So no MSNBC isn't a Biden Network. It's a progressive network but progressives aren't fans of Biden or Kamala.



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Really good thread on the Dems that are trying to screw Biden. Basically they're a bunch of Bernie fans. Also this woman is a really good follow if you want political analysis.



Rising Star
Firstly, I'm not your "lil cuz". The trump as a clown is as dumb as this thread. As long as he continues to post negative articles on Biden, I'll continue to reply with trump as a clown. Biden is the nominee. No amount of wish list casting is going to change that. I don't care how many tweets he finds of anonymous people claiming that blah blah blah is going to happen if he doesn't drop out. Just like with the media, it's all a deflection away from the republikkkan nominee who is a convicted criminal / pedophile / rapist / racist / draft dodger / treasonous / adulterer / overall dumbass.
Why you so goddamned mouthy, boy? Ain't nobody voting for no goddamned Trump and that sure as shit don't excuse your annoying suspect ass spamming posting. You and Trump are a pair.