Will Biden Allow Another Dem To Challenge Trump? He has the lowest approval rating of the CENTURY for the start of a re-election year!


Rising Star
He's known Biden for a long time but how? I don't think you understand who Joe is. He's only on MSNBC for the money.

A former member of the Republican Party, Scarborough was in the United States House of Representatives for Florida's 1st district from 1995 to 2001. Scarborough was one of a group of about 40 freshmen Republican legislators who dubbed themselves the "New Federalists" after The Federalist Papers. Scarborough was elected political director of the incoming legislators. The New Federalists called for sweeping cuts in the U.S. government, including plans to "privatize, localize, consolidate, [or] eliminate the Departments of Commerce, Education, Energy and Housing and Urban Development.

  1. Scarborough supported a number of anti-abortion positions while in Congress including banning family planning funding in US aid abroad; banning partial-birth abortions; and making it illegal to transport minors to get an abortion.
  2. Scarborough sponsored a bill to force the U.S. to withdraw from the United Nations after a four-year transition and replace it with an international organization of democratic nations.
  3. He also voted for the "Medicare Preservation act of 1995," which cut the projected growth of Medicare by $270 billion over ten years.
  4. Scarborough was one of the 228 members of the House who voted to impeach Bill Clinton in December 1998.

So we can hold hin to account to this forever then, right? No redemption, right? Cuts both ways, right? Live your lie out loud bruh.


Transnational Member

The Obama legacy branch needs to ends hopefully with Biden leaving or in four years.

He was doing some strange dog whistle to white nationalist to do terrorism. I am just warnings folks don't be like me, young and dumb, run down to a white nationalist rally and get mixed with them. Any person like Kamala Harris or other folks you need to watch closely just like a Republican. The police/church mass shootings versus January 6, Trump showed you how they can get a loser to die for them.

I am not condemning left politics it is getting rid of toxic white nationalist garbage that will undermine us

He fits the typical pattern of one of their assets, taking him out of country to raise. His policy decision on trade and Unions, some of them had to take huge pay cuts. Elitist African and white is a deadly combo.
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Rising Star
Joe Scarborough is Biden’s chief knob polisher in the media.

Look at the bullshit he was pushing in March:



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
One day yall will learn that the media isn't about reporting the news. It's about trying to get the biggest scoop.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
One day yall will learn that the media isn't about reporting the news. It's about trying to get the biggest scoop.
No, it’s about selling ads as the owner of the newspaper mainstreams their opinions.

The newspaper business model never really existed.


Rising Star
One day yall will learn that the media isn't about reporting the news. It's about trying to get the biggest scoop.

You’re right to be skeptical of the media.

But you’re wrong to attribute the coverage completely to profit incentives.

Did you watch the immediate reaction on CNN or MSNBC after the debate? The reporting on political operatives and donors blowing up phones in panic? That was obviously real and honest.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You’re right to be skeptical of the media.

But you’re wrong to attribute the coverage completely to profit incentives.

Did you watch the immediate reaction on CNN or MSNBC after the debate? The reporting on political operatives and donors blowing up phones in panic? That was obviously real and honest.
No, it was scripted. It was coordinated.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some BITCH on this board posted a MAGA video of this young lady where it appeared he didn't hug the young lady that attends all of his events....

Yeah NAZIs are definitely on this board...Shit's terrible...

Did that post get deleted? I know I saw it too.


Rising Star

The latest example:

That's not a vote of confidence, especially coming from Sanders.

While some lawmakers like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have stood behind the president, many Democratic senators have remained mum.
I hadn’t seen the full interview when I posted that. I have now and you should watch it. It is the best vote of confidence he could possibly get from Sanders.



waking people up
BGOL Investor
Wow. Deflection, "I've already answered this somewhere else.", with a touch of "Do your own research". As I predicted, you started to actually describe... whatever half-baked plan you have is when it comes to not voting. But as is customary of those that think like you (no voters / tangibles). You have no plan. No way to implement whatever plan you don't have. And if you're challenged in any way, you resort to the same nonanswers coupled with name calling. All the slave terms from history won't make your plan of nothing more viable to anyone with an IQ above 24.
like clockwork, keep asking questions until they get tired of answering questions and then say, aha! you don't have answers!

no one is challenged by your questions. its common sense and you are being disingenuous. you want to stay on your plantation and be a slave. keep challenging the black man who is trying to set you free and go back to defending the white man who doesn't give a shit about your black ass. you're slave minded bro and you can't control it.

if you truly want answers, I answered these questions countless times on here. ask Camille or others what have I said. it's been told too many times. go and research. or read the art of war. or look up any book on negotiation. stop being lazy and wanting everything packaged for you to get freedom.


Rising Star
This tweet is garbage which makes me think it’s supposed to be garbage.

Why do you say that?

I think it’s a good point. I was more confident Biden could win 4-6 weeks ago when he had a big fundraising edge.

The “Forever Biden” people argue that he should stay because polling hasn’t gotten that much worse. But when you look under the hood, the fact that he’s massively outspending Trump right now but Trump has more money— that’s reason to believe Biden’s weaknesses have not been fully exploited and his polling could and probably will get worse.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why do you say that?

I think it’s a good point. I was more confident Biden could win 4-6 weeks ago when he had a big fundraising edge.

The “Forever Biden” people argue that he should stay because polling hasn’t gotten that much worse. But when you look under the hood, the fact that he’s massively outspending Trump right now but Trump has more money— that’s reason to believe Biden’s weaknesses have not been fully exploited and his polling could and probably will get worse.
Biden isn’t outspending him. The former president just doesn’t have any money or infrastructure. He doesn’t have any of the latter because he lacks the former.

How many offices does the former president have in Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, etc?

What does a campaign office do? Is the former president even running a campaign?


Rising Star
Biden isn’t outspending him. The former president just doesn’t have any money or infrastructure. He doesn’t have any of the latter because he lacks the former.

How many offices does the former president have in Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, etc?

What does a campaign office do? Is the former president even running a campaign?

I think Biden has better infrastructure, that’s true.

“Biden isn’t outspending him”— Source? Sure seems like he’s spending a lot more on ads.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I think Biden has better infrastructure, that’s true.

“Biden isn’t outspending him”— Source? Sure seems like he’s spending a lot more on ads.
He’s spending more because he’s running a campaign. In a campaign, you run ads. If your opponent isn’t running ads it’s because he isn’t running a campaign. He’s not running ads because he doesn’t have an office there. And he doesn’t have an office there because he’s not running a campaign because he doesn’t have a spit chance in hell of winning there.

You can’t place one soldier on a map and say you’re declaring war.


Rising Star
And he doesn’t have an office there because he’s not running a campaign because he doesn’t have a spit chance in hell of winning there.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
You can have a million offices but if you have the pipeline you’re gonna win every time. It’s why one week folks were protesting and the next week they weren’t. One week they didn’t have gambling and the next week they did.


Rising Star
I was curious and took a look at my Biden posts from before his 2020 run for president.

My oldest Biden mention on here, from 2007: "'Select Your Candidate Quiz' -results may surprise you":
Dodd, Biden, then Clinton/Obama/Gravel

January 2008-- Ironically, I was impressed at what a great debater Biden was:
I was impressed by Biden's mocking sarcasm with regard to this in the debate at Las Vegas two months ago. Wolf Blitzer, after opening the debate with several questions trying to instigate shit between Clinton and Edwards/Obama and Clinton, finally asked Biden a question and he yelled out "No!!! Don't do it, don't make me speak!!!!"

Then he started to answer the question and Wolf Blitzer cut him off pretty quickly. He didn't fight; he stopped suddenly, bowed his head, and said "you're right," and everyone got the point. It was a funny ass "Fuck You" moment.

October 2008-- Cheering on Biden bringing the ether in a debate and how he didn't let shit slide:
I'm now 43 minutes in and see absolutely no style points for Palin, just pitiful recitation and dodging, and it is Biden delivering the ether.

I had to stop and make this post the second time he shit-hammered her "doesn't support the troops" argument by stating loud and clear that John McCain voted against a funding bill just as Obama did. I LOVE the way he didn't let that shit slide.

But I knew enough to be critical of his pushing that Crime Bill in 2010-- before Black Lives Matter & almost 10 years before it became a commonly made criticism:
Excluding Presidents and trying to stay close to my life time, I would pick these people plus a few more

Joe Biden
Robert Kennedy
Sherrod Brown
Tip O'Neil from back in the day
Dennis Kucinich

I used to like John McCain but I've found out he was a complete fraud. He's against whoever just beat him in the last election: when he lost to Bush, he was a moderate, he lost to Obama, he's a hard right conservative.
Why did you exclude presidents? Were there any you would cite?

What do you think of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the largest crime bill in history authored by Biden? It had the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which I favor, but it expanded the death penalty and eliminated the Higher Education Act of 1965 for inmate education, which I see as just vicious. Spending almost $10 billion to build new jails is a gallon of salt added to the chest wounds.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have this odd feeling that if Biden wins he wont serve the full term. Then if the seat is given to Kamala Harris people on both sides will revolt against that too. If inability to serve is obvious at some point i guess Congress will use the 25th Amendment to remove Biden.


Rising Star
Fools tried to school me on Scarborough.

I know what the fuck I’m talking about.

Joe Scarborough is 1/6th of MSNBC’s weekday programming (4 hours a day) and he literally professed his love for Biden on air after the debate.

The Democratic primary of 2020 is not a permanent divide. Bernie Sanders himself is one of Biden’s most loyal supporters. Those former Republicans have spent 4 years deifying Biden.

It absolutely has been a pro-Biden network since Biden was inaugurated.
Y’all are wild. Joe Scarborough talks about being a former Republican every day… I am well aware of that. Has nothing to do with his show being Biden’s favorite program and it being 100% pro-Biden his entire time in office.
Joe Scarborough is Biden’s chief knob polisher in the media.

Look at the bullshit he was pushing in March:

Look who popped up on Morning Joe today:



Rising Star
Hilarious. Boy huh? So, are we supposed to e-fight now? Feeling tough? Must suck to be so stupid. Yet, have no clue how stupid you actually are. You can put me on ignore like your buddy. Until you actually say something intelligent, I'll treat you like the toddler you are. Though I suspect most toddlers have more brains than you possess.
Chill boy tf you gettin hot under the collar for? See this what I'm talkin about you can't stay on topic because you are just a smart alecky little boy. What's that got to do with your ftp antics, maggot?