Will Harvey Weinstein get the Cosby treatment? Decades of Alleged Sexual Assault and Harassment


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh please, if he's guilty of actual physical rape then yes, he deserves the public relations shellacking he's getting, perhaps even more. But if all those allegations of "harassment" were just him hitting on women then most men are guilty because trying to get some is as natural to us as eating. Does asking a women out or even asking if she wants to fuck amount to harassment? Only if the pursuer continues asking after being told no.

What bothers me most about Weinstein's and Cosby's situation is all the women who have now suddenly given in to their collective conscious and recite chapter and verse what supposedly happened to them. Add to that all the other celebrities who now say they're just appalled even though they say they've known about Weinstein for years. Well, why didn't they speak up before now? Guess they feel there's safety in numbers and they can now come forward. Bullshit... Seems to me the now suddenly outraged are just jumping on the band wagon much like they did with Cosby and are reveling in that most favorite of American pasttimes, that of putting people on pedestals just so they can enjoy knocking them off. :hmm:

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
All these big Hollywood execs grope, fondle, fuck,make women eat their ass and cum. Even men. I hear Tom Cruise sucked mad dick to get on. Hollywood is Dubai west.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
It's funny how they're covering this political, because he's a democrat

Hillary and Obama must denounce them. It took them five days.

It took Trump a week and a half to go to Puerto Rico. Almost a week to go to Houston.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



older version

A version older
"Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status. We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture -- including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect -- so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future." - President Obama



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
just wait until some former or current child stars come out and start naming names... I know Frodo said what goes on, but I don't think he named anyone.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think the will if the rape allegations are within the statute of limitations. The fact that one chick was wearing a wire provided by the nypd shows that they at least have investigated him.

i wonder if they gonna go hard at criminally prosecuting this guy like they did cosby

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I can't keep up with all this shit. :eek:

Seriously. Cosby supposedly drugged women, and they came out late as fuck. I don't even know who this Harvey guy is. I see Louis CK caught up too, but what are they calling sexual misconduct?

All this shit is crazy. And I can't keep up with people playing political and other agendas on this shit. Crazy times.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bryan Singer should be next....

(2014 article)

Bryan Singer's Connection to Hollywood Kid Sex Scene Explored in Doc

Rich Juzwiak
11/15/14 04:47PM
Filed to: Bryan Singer

If Amy Berg's documentary An Open Secret eventually finds the distribution that is currently eluding it, it's going to mean more problems for director Bryan Singer, who earlier this year was accused of repeatedly drugging, threatening and forcibly sodomizing a minor in a lawsuit. It could mean problems, in fact, for a whole lot of people in Hollywood. Our awareness of the exploitation of minors by powerful men is just the tip of an iceberg, according to Anne Henry of the non-profit BizParentz.

Lawsuit Alleges X-Men Director Drugged, Raped Underage Boy
X-Men: Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer was accused of repeatedly drugging, threatening…

Watching An Open Secret last night at its world premiere at DOC NYC, I was floored by its power. It struck me that this movie, if seen by enough people, could change things. It could contribute to making the world a better place by righting objective wrongs, a la Blackfish.

SeaWorld Is So Pissed Over the Blackfish Documentary
Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite recently told the New York Times that she approached her…

Singer's accuser Michael Egan has since dropped his case, but Singer's connection to Marc Collins-Rector's teen-filled party scene hosted at his Hollywood mansion is detailed with specificity in the damning An Open Secret. Singer, according the doc, was an investor in Collins-Rector's Digital Entertainment Network, an early purveyor of original video content on the internet a la Netflix. Collins-Rector founded DEN with Chad Shackley. Collins-Rector and Shackley became romantically involved, according to the documentary, when Shackley was 15. DEN, then, was their way of luring teen guys (some of whom were interviewed in An Open Secret) who aspired to stardom. Some of these guys would attend the parties at Collins-Rector's house—parties that Singer allegedly frequented.

Michael Egan Drops Sex Abuse Lawsuit Against X-Men Director Bryan Singer
One of the men accusing X-Men director Bryan Singer of sex abuse voluntarily dropped his lawsuit…

Though much of our reporting focused on the "barely legal" relations at Collins-Rector's parties, An Open Secret suggests that there were decidedly illegal guys who were being preyed upon. Guys who were 14, 15, 16, 17. We see footage of a young Ben Savage being greeted by Collins-Rector at his home. Collins-Rector's embrace drops so that he can grope Savage's ass. "Your buddy's here: Michael Huffington," says Collins-Rector. Savage replies that he's excited. Huffington, a former congressman and film producer, was another of DEN's investors.

The allegations against Singer seem like a distant memory, just months later. Egan, who's interviewed in the film and provided boxes and boxes of documents that he'd Xeroxed after sneaking into Collins-Rector's office, eventually dropped his case. Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past was a huge hit, and he's already at work on X-Men: Apocalypse. Since the allegations, he announced that he is bisexual and having a child with a woman he says he'd previously had a romantic relationship with. Terrific timing.

Bryan Singer, Best Friend Michelle Clunie Expecting First Child
Bryan Singer is becoming a father and expecting his first child with his best friend Michelle…

But consider the company Singer has kept. Consider the fact that he enlisted his buddy Brian Peck to record the commentary for the first X-Men. In 2003, Peck was arrested for lewd acts with a child. He pled guilty to two. He is a registered sex offender. The child actor was well-known for his work on a Nickelodeon show that Peck also worked on. In his lawsuit, the kid remained anonymous so that he could continue working. Part of what complicates this particular line of abuse is that the survivors who speak out risk either never being hired or never working again. That An Open Secret presents multiple examples of kids who were abused by men of power in Hollywood is a feat in itself. The movie is brimming with courage.

Singer's attorney Marty Singer spoke to The Hollywood Reporter regarding An Open Secret:

Singer's attorney Marty Singer (no relation) has not seen the film yet, but he questions why Egan's allegations were included. "It's disappointing and pathetic that Amy Berg would rely on the word of Michael Egan, a proven liar, who recently was admonished by a federal judge for lying in court," Singer tells THR. "Egan has no credibility at all and can hardly be considered a reliable source for her so-called documentary."

The movie's climax has nothing to do with Singer, but concerns Michael Harrah, who until recently worked as the Chairperson of the Young Performers Committee at the Screen Actors Guild. When a publicist named Bob Villard was arrested for child molestation, the LAPD publicly sought additional victims of Villard to step forward. The LAPD specifically called on SAG to help with the investigation. At a meeting, Harrah "vehemently opposed SAG getting involved," according to Anne Henry, who worked on the YPC, as well.

Harrah would at times have several aspiring young actors living with him. One of them, identified in the movie as Joey C., calls Harrah on camera, and says, "I didn't like when you tried to make me sleep in your bed and touch me. I hated that."

"That was something unwanted I shouldn't have done, and there's no way you can undo that," says Harrah who doesn't know he's being recorded.

When Harrah is interviewed about the allegation he unwittingly admitted to, he says, "I don't know what Joey is remembering, but I don't remember anything that would have caused him to feel that way. All I can say is that as a result of the situation he was in, not only with me but with others, that that was how he perceived something. It certainly wasn't anything I intended and that was going to be my response to it."

Berg asks Harrah if he's attracted to young boys and his response is, "Not particularly, no."

To the Hollywood Reporter, Harrah and SAG had this to say:

"[Berg] quoted someone she had apparently talked to, and that information didn't seem to be correct," Harrah tells THR. "It's hard to respond to anything that is so nebulous." Adds a SAG-AFTRA rep, "We have not received complaints nor suggestions of any wrongdoing regarding the former committee member who resigned earlier this year."

An Open Secret does not yet have distribution, as Berg told the crowed after the screening last night. Here's more on that, again from The Hollywood Reporter:

Will a distributor now step forward, or will the film, which cost about $1 million to make, prove too hot for Hollywood, forcing the filmmakers to take the self-distribution route? Several distributors have looked at it, and [producer Matthew] Valentinas says there is one, which he would not name, that has expressed definite interest. Says another distributor who passed, explaining there wasn't room for it on his release slate: "It's extremely compelling. How explosive it is remains to be seen. But I would not have any issue working on this film and think it would be a very interesting release." Valentinas adds, "I think it's going to come down to how courageous the executives are who look at this film. I think Hollywood is obviously nervous about the film, but I think once it is out there and everyone sees it, I'm sure we'll have a lot of suitors for the film. I'm glad it's premiering in New York, and I'm grateful for [artistic director of DOC NYC] Thom Powers for giving us this venue to get the film out there."

People need to see this movie.



here is the documentary:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If it was just a guy asking women out or asking them for some pussy and letting it go when they say no, that would be one thing... but this appears to be a bit more than that. Like he didn't give it up, and since he has been extremely powerful in the industry, it takes it to that next level. He had the power to hurt careers and may have done just that. That's shit that even Bill wasn't accused of. ...and remember, this is more than just talk because like Faux News, Weinstein's company has been paying chicks off left and right apparently over the last 20 years to keep them quiet, AND he has come out and at least admitted to bad behaviour, although not rape.

I can't keep up with all this shit. :eek:

Seriously. Cosby supposedly drugged women, and they came out late as fuck. I don't even know who this Harvey guy is. I see Louis CK caught up too, but what are they calling sexual misconduct?

All this shit is crazy. And I can't keep up with people playing political and other agendas on this shit. Crazy times.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Bryan Singer should be next....

(2014 article)

Bryan Singer's Connection to Hollywood Kid Sex Scene Explored in Doc

Rich Juzwiak
11/15/14 04:47PM
Filed to: Bryan Singer

If Amy Berg's documentary An Open Secret eventually finds the distribution that is currently eluding it, it's going to mean more problems for director Bryan Singer, who earlier this year was accused of repeatedly drugging, threatening and forcibly sodomizing a minor in a lawsuit. It could mean problems, in fact, for a whole lot of people in Hollywood. Our awareness of the exploitation of minors by powerful men is just the tip of an iceberg, according to Anne Henry of the non-profit BizParentz.

Lawsuit Alleges X-Men Director Drugged, Raped Underage Boy
X-Men: Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer was accused of repeatedly drugging, threatening…

Watching An Open Secret last night at its world premiere at DOC NYC, I was floored by its power. It struck me that this movie, if seen by enough people, could change things. It could contribute to making the world a better place by righting objective wrongs, a la Blackfish.

SeaWorld Is So Pissed Over the Blackfish Documentary
Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite recently told the New York Times that she approached her…

Singer's accuser Michael Egan has since dropped his case, but Singer's connection to Marc Collins-Rector's teen-filled party scene hosted at his Hollywood mansion is detailed with specificity in the damning An Open Secret. Singer, according the doc, was an investor in Collins-Rector's Digital Entertainment Network, an early purveyor of original video content on the internet a la Netflix. Collins-Rector founded DEN with Chad Shackley. Collins-Rector and Shackley became romantically involved, according to the documentary, when Shackley was 15. DEN, then, was their way of luring teen guys (some of whom were interviewed in An Open Secret) who aspired to stardom. Some of these guys would attend the parties at Collins-Rector's house—parties that Singer allegedly frequented.

Michael Egan Drops Sex Abuse Lawsuit Against X-Men Director Bryan Singer
One of the men accusing X-Men director Bryan Singer of sex abuse voluntarily dropped his lawsuit…

Though much of our reporting focused on the "barely legal" relations at Collins-Rector's parties, An Open Secret suggests that there were decidedly illegal guys who were being preyed upon. Guys who were 14, 15, 16, 17. We see footage of a young Ben Savage being greeted by Collins-Rector at his home. Collins-Rector's embrace drops so that he can grope Savage's ass. "Your buddy's here: Michael Huffington," says Collins-Rector. Savage replies that he's excited. Huffington, a former congressman and film producer, was another of DEN's investors.

The allegations against Singer seem like a distant memory, just months later. Egan, who's interviewed in the film and provided boxes and boxes of documents that he'd Xeroxed after sneaking into Collins-Rector's office, eventually dropped his case. Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past was a huge hit, and he's already at work on X-Men: Apocalypse. Since the allegations, he announced that he is bisexual and having a child with a woman he says he'd previously had a romantic relationship with. Terrific timing.

Bryan Singer, Best Friend Michelle Clunie Expecting First Child
Bryan Singer is becoming a father and expecting his first child with his best friend Michelle…

But consider the company Singer has kept. Consider the fact that he enlisted his buddy Brian Peck to record the commentary for the first X-Men. In 2003, Peck was arrested for lewd acts with a child. He pled guilty to two. He is a registered sex offender. The child actor was well-known for his work on a Nickelodeon show that Peck also worked on. In his lawsuit, the kid remained anonymous so that he could continue working. Part of what complicates this particular line of abuse is that the survivors who speak out risk either never being hired or never working again. That An Open Secret presents multiple examples of kids who were abused by men of power in Hollywood is a feat in itself. The movie is brimming with courage.

Singer's attorney Marty Singer spoke to The Hollywood Reporter regarding An Open Secret:

Singer's attorney Marty Singer (no relation) has not seen the film yet, but he questions why Egan's allegations were included. "It's disappointing and pathetic that Amy Berg would rely on the word of Michael Egan, a proven liar, who recently was admonished by a federal judge for lying in court," Singer tells THR. "Egan has no credibility at all and can hardly be considered a reliable source for her so-called documentary."

The movie's climax has nothing to do with Singer, but concerns Michael Harrah, who until recently worked as the Chairperson of the Young Performers Committee at the Screen Actors Guild. When a publicist named Bob Villard was arrested for child molestation, the LAPD publicly sought additional victims of Villard to step forward. The LAPD specifically called on SAG to help with the investigation. At a meeting, Harrah "vehemently opposed SAG getting involved," according to Anne Henry, who worked on the YPC, as well.

Harrah would at times have several aspiring young actors living with him. One of them, identified in the movie as Joey C., calls Harrah on camera, and says, "I didn't like when you tried to make me sleep in your bed and touch me. I hated that."

"That was something unwanted I shouldn't have done, and there's no way you can undo that," says Harrah who doesn't know he's being recorded.

When Harrah is interviewed about the allegation he unwittingly admitted to, he says, "I don't know what Joey is remembering, but I don't remember anything that would have caused him to feel that way. All I can say is that as a result of the situation he was in, not only with me but with others, that that was how he perceived something. It certainly wasn't anything I intended and that was going to be my response to it."

Berg asks Harrah if he's attracted to young boys and his response is, "Not particularly, no."

To the Hollywood Reporter, Harrah and SAG had this to say:

"[Berg] quoted someone she had apparently talked to, and that information didn't seem to be correct," Harrah tells THR. "It's hard to respond to anything that is so nebulous." Adds a SAG-AFTRA rep, "We have not received complaints nor suggestions of any wrongdoing regarding the former committee member who resigned earlier this year."

An Open Secret does not yet have distribution, as Berg told the crowed after the screening last night. Here's more on that, again from The Hollywood Reporter:

Will a distributor now step forward, or will the film, which cost about $1 million to make, prove too hot for Hollywood, forcing the filmmakers to take the self-distribution route? Several distributors have looked at it, and [producer Matthew] Valentinas says there is one, which he would not name, that has expressed definite interest. Says another distributor who passed, explaining there wasn't room for it on his release slate: "It's extremely compelling. How explosive it is remains to be seen. But I would not have any issue working on this film and think it would be a very interesting release." Valentinas adds, "I think it's going to come down to how courageous the executives are who look at this film. I think Hollywood is obviously nervous about the film, but I think once it is out there and everyone sees it, I'm sure we'll have a lot of suitors for the film. I'm glad it's premiering in New York, and I'm grateful for [artistic director of DOC NYC] Thom Powers for giving us this venue to get the film out there."

People need to see this movie.



here is the documentary:


So he likes women now.. :rolleyes:

There a pic of this mofo at a costume party dressed as a Catholic priest.. :smh:


Rising Star
I can't keep up with all this shit. :eek:

Seriously. Cosby supposedly drugged women, and they came out late as fuck. I don't even know who this Harvey guy is. I see Louis CK caught up too, but what are they calling sexual misconduct?

All this shit is crazy. And I can't keep up with people playing political and other agendas on this shit. Crazy times.

Of course u wouldn't know who Weinstein is. Breh u are in ohio not Mahattan nor L.A. and u don't run in certain circles.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's not really about where you're from. The guy has been a huge name in the movie industry since like the mid 90s. If you're into keeping up with who produced what film, etc, you know his name. If not, you may not know his name.

Of course u wouldn't know who Weinstein is. Breh u are in ohio not Mahattan nor L.A. and u don't run in certain circles.


Rising Star
It's not really about where you're from. The guy has been a huge name in the movie industry since like the mid 90s. If you're into keeping up with who produced what film, etc, you know his name. If not, you may not know his name.

Its not in the overall scheme but many of these small town bgolers are out of touch either via being older or living in bumble fuck rural usa. Im a movie buff so i keep up but it also helps because of who i know. I understand a lot of behind the scences stuff.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
by the way, if you google harvey weinstein and agc blind item you'll see some shit about Harvey going back a few years. I can only imagine that more players are gonna get called out because the casting couch has been a known thing for decades, and there's no way that a whole lot of those old dudes aren't dealing in roles for pussy.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Looks Like Ben Affleck... Needs to stay quiet before he gets the Cosby treatment as well.

Hilarie Burton Says Ben Affleck Groped Her on TRL


Not everyone is buying Ben Affleck’s condemnation of Harvey Weinstein. Following Ben Affleck public statement on Weinstein’s history of sexual assault and harassment, One Tree Hill actress Hilarie Burton is reminding fans that Affleck once groped her when she was just “a kid” on TRL.

Affleck’s statement was quickly shot down by Rose McGowan, who wrote on Twitter that Affleck knew all about her experiences with Weinstein.


Shanice Brim @ShaniceBrim
Replying to @naimaism
He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Everyone forgot though.

Hilarie Burton


I didn't forget.

6:45 PM - Oct 10, 2017


Side Note... Rose Mcgowan is not fucking playing around.....



Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Bryan Singer should be next....

(2014 article)

Bryan Singer's Connection to Hollywood Kid Sex Scene Explored in Doc

Rich Juzwiak
11/15/14 04:47PM
Filed to: Bryan Singer

If Amy Berg's documentary An Open Secret eventually finds the distribution that is currently eluding it, it's going to mean more problems for director Bryan Singer, who earlier this year was accused of repeatedly drugging, threatening and forcibly sodomizing a minor in a lawsuit. It could mean problems, in fact, for a whole lot of people in Hollywood. Our awareness of the exploitation of minors by powerful men is just the tip of an iceberg, according to Anne Henry of the non-profit BizParentz.

Lawsuit Alleges X-Men Director Drugged, Raped Underage Boy
X-Men: Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer was accused of repeatedly drugging, threatening…

Watching An Open Secret last night at its world premiere at DOC NYC, I was floored by its power. It struck me that this movie, if seen by enough people, could change things. It could contribute to making the world a better place by righting objective wrongs, a la Blackfish.

SeaWorld Is So Pissed Over the Blackfish Documentary
Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite recently told the New York Times that she approached her…

Singer's accuser Michael Egan has since dropped his case, but Singer's connection to Marc Collins-Rector's teen-filled party scene hosted at his Hollywood mansion is detailed with specificity in the damning An Open Secret. Singer, according the doc, was an investor in Collins-Rector's Digital Entertainment Network, an early purveyor of original video content on the internet a la Netflix. Collins-Rector founded DEN with Chad Shackley. Collins-Rector and Shackley became romantically involved, according to the documentary, when Shackley was 15. DEN, then, was their way of luring teen guys (some of whom were interviewed in An Open Secret) who aspired to stardom. Some of these guys would attend the parties at Collins-Rector's house—parties that Singer allegedly frequented.

Michael Egan Drops Sex Abuse Lawsuit Against X-Men Director Bryan Singer
One of the men accusing X-Men director Bryan Singer of sex abuse voluntarily dropped his lawsuit…

Though much of our reporting focused on the "barely legal" relations at Collins-Rector's parties, An Open Secret suggests that there were decidedly illegal guys who were being preyed upon. Guys who were 14, 15, 16, 17. We see footage of a young Ben Savage being greeted by Collins-Rector at his home. Collins-Rector's embrace drops so that he can grope Savage's ass. "Your buddy's here: Michael Huffington," says Collins-Rector. Savage replies that he's excited. Huffington, a former congressman and film producer, was another of DEN's investors.

The allegations against Singer seem like a distant memory, just months later. Egan, who's interviewed in the film and provided boxes and boxes of documents that he'd Xeroxed after sneaking into Collins-Rector's office, eventually dropped his case. Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past was a huge hit, and he's already at work on X-Men: Apocalypse. Since the allegations, he announced that he is bisexual and having a child with a woman he says he'd previously had a romantic relationship with. Terrific timing.

Bryan Singer, Best Friend Michelle Clunie Expecting First Child
Bryan Singer is becoming a father and expecting his first child with his best friend Michelle…

But consider the company Singer has kept. Consider the fact that he enlisted his buddy Brian Peck to record the commentary for the first X-Men. In 2003, Peck was arrested for lewd acts with a child. He pled guilty to two. He is a registered sex offender. The child actor was well-known for his work on a Nickelodeon show that Peck also worked on. In his lawsuit, the kid remained anonymous so that he could continue working. Part of what complicates this particular line of abuse is that the survivors who speak out risk either never being hired or never working again. That An Open Secret presents multiple examples of kids who were abused by men of power in Hollywood is a feat in itself. The movie is brimming with courage.

Singer's attorney Marty Singer spoke to The Hollywood Reporter regarding An Open Secret:

Singer's attorney Marty Singer (no relation) has not seen the film yet, but he questions why Egan's allegations were included. "It's disappointing and pathetic that Amy Berg would rely on the word of Michael Egan, a proven liar, who recently was admonished by a federal judge for lying in court," Singer tells THR. "Egan has no credibility at all and can hardly be considered a reliable source for her so-called documentary."

The movie's climax has nothing to do with Singer, but concerns Michael Harrah, who until recently worked as the Chairperson of the Young Performers Committee at the Screen Actors Guild. When a publicist named Bob Villard was arrested for child molestation, the LAPD publicly sought additional victims of Villard to step forward. The LAPD specifically called on SAG to help with the investigation. At a meeting, Harrah "vehemently opposed SAG getting involved," according to Anne Henry, who worked on the YPC, as well.

Harrah would at times have several aspiring young actors living with him. One of them, identified in the movie as Joey C., calls Harrah on camera, and says, "I didn't like when you tried to make me sleep in your bed and touch me. I hated that."

"That was something unwanted I shouldn't have done, and there's no way you can undo that," says Harrah who doesn't know he's being recorded.

When Harrah is interviewed about the allegation he unwittingly admitted to, he says, "I don't know what Joey is remembering, but I don't remember anything that would have caused him to feel that way. All I can say is that as a result of the situation he was in, not only with me but with others, that that was how he perceived something. It certainly wasn't anything I intended and that was going to be my response to it."

Berg asks Harrah if he's attracted to young boys and his response is, "Not particularly, no."

To the Hollywood Reporter, Harrah and SAG had this to say:

"[Berg] quoted someone she had apparently talked to, and that information didn't seem to be correct," Harrah tells THR. "It's hard to respond to anything that is so nebulous." Adds a SAG-AFTRA rep, "We have not received complaints nor suggestions of any wrongdoing regarding the former committee member who resigned earlier this year."

An Open Secret does not yet have distribution, as Berg told the crowed after the screening last night. Here's more on that, again from The Hollywood Reporter:

Will a distributor now step forward, or will the film, which cost about $1 million to make, prove too hot for Hollywood, forcing the filmmakers to take the self-distribution route? Several distributors have looked at it, and [producer Matthew] Valentinas says there is one, which he would not name, that has expressed definite interest. Says another distributor who passed, explaining there wasn't room for it on his release slate: "It's extremely compelling. How explosive it is remains to be seen. But I would not have any issue working on this film and think it would be a very interesting release." Valentinas adds, "I think it's going to come down to how courageous the executives are who look at this film. I think Hollywood is obviously nervous about the film, but I think once it is out there and everyone sees it, I'm sure we'll have a lot of suitors for the film. I'm glad it's premiering in New York, and I'm grateful for [artistic director of DOC NYC] Thom Powers for giving us this venue to get the film out there."

People need to see this movie.



here is the documentary:

While,sexually assaulting women is wrong,when are they going to go after men like Roman Polanski,Bryan Singer,Woody Allen,the 7th Heaven guy and etc that molest child actors.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
i wonder if they gonna go hard at criminally prosecuting this guy like they did cosby

Come on man. Harvey has a sex addiction. He is headed to Europe to seek treatment. Coz was just a thug. Let that man get the help he sorely needs so that he can return an resume making great movies.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Looks Like Ben Affleck... Needs to stay quiet before he gets the Cosby treatment as well.

Hilarie Burton Says Ben Affleck Groped Her on TRL


Not everyone is buying Ben Affleck’s condemnation of Harvey Weinstein. Following Ben Affleck public statement on Weinstein’s history of sexual assault and harassment, One Tree Hill actress Hilarie Burton is reminding fans that Affleck once groped her when she was just “a kid” on TRL.

Affleck’s statement was quickly shot down by Rose McGowan, who wrote on Twitter that Affleck knew all about her experiences with Weinstein.

Shanice Brim @ShaniceBrim
Replying to @naimaism
He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Everyone forgot though.

Hilarie Burton


I didn't forget.

6:45 PM - Oct 10, 2017


Side Note... Rose Mcgowan is not fucking playing around.....


dude - I don't see anything on that bitch to be groped...


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Looks Like Ben Affleck... Needs to stay quiet before he gets the Cosby treatment as well.

Hilarie Burton Says Ben Affleck Groped Her on TRL


Not everyone is buying Ben Affleck’s condemnation of Harvey Weinstein. Following Ben Affleck public statement on Weinstein’s history of sexual assault and harassment, One Tree Hill actress Hilarie Burton is reminding fans that Affleck once groped her when she was just “a kid” on TRL.

Affleck’s statement was quickly shot down by Rose McGowan, who wrote on Twitter that Affleck knew all about her experiences with Weinstein.

Shanice Brim @ShaniceBrim
Replying to @naimaism
He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Everyone forgot though.

Hilarie Burton


I didn't forget.

6:45 PM - Oct 10, 2017


Side Note... Rose Mcgowan is not fucking playing around.....


oh shit - Hold the fuck up!! Here's the full headline

Hilarie Burton groped by Ben Affleck on TRL: 'When I was a kid'

Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Following the Times' exposé, in which Ashley Judd went on the record to accuse Weinstein of sexual harassment, Weinstein said that his wife was standing by him. "She stands 100 percent behind me. Georgina and I have talked about this at length," Weinstein previously told Page Six. "We went out with [attorney] Lisa Bloom last night when we knew the article was coming out. Georgina will be with Lisa and others kicking my ass to be a better human being and to apologize to people for my bad behavior, to say I’m sorry, and to absolutely mean it."

****Georgina Chapman's Marchesa Jewelry Dropped by Licensee After Harvey Weinstein Scandal
The brand's new deal with Helzberg Diamonds, announced the same day the Weinstein sexual misconduct story hit, is off.

"My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions. I have chosen to leave my husband. Caring for my young children is my first priority and I ask the media for privacy at this time," Chapman said Tuesday in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter.

now is that a RIDE OR DIE CHICK or what???:giggle::giggle::giggle:


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member