Will Harvey Weinstein get the Cosby treatment? Decades of Alleged Sexual Assault and Harassment


Rising Star
Platinum Member
....I'm thoroughly enjoying this shit show......Tell me more.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Yeah, I guess Harvey Weinstein only wanted them to watch?

“At that point, after that, is when he assaulted me,” Evans said. “He forced me to perform oral sex on him.” As she objected, Weinstein took his penis out of his pants and pulled her head down onto it. “I said, over and over, ‘I don’t want to do this, stop, don’t,’ ” she said. “I tried to get away, but maybe I didn’t try hard enough. I didn’t want to kick him or fight him.” In the end, she said, “He’s a big guy. He overpowered me.” At a certain point, she said, “I just sort of gave up. That’s the most horrible part of it, and that’s why he’s been able to do this for so long to so many women: people give up, and then they feel like it’s their fault.”


Damnn, didn't want to kick or fight him and then just gave up and went on and sucked his dick?:smh::smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Looks Like Ben Affleck... Needs to stay quiet before he gets the Cosby treatment as well.

Hilarie Burton Says Ben Affleck Groped Her on TRL


Not everyone is buying Ben Affleck’s condemnation of Harvey Weinstein. Following Ben Affleck public statement on Weinstein’s history of sexual assault and harassment, One Tree Hill actress Hilarie Burton is reminding fans that Affleck once groped her when she was just “a kid” on TRL.

Affleck’s statement was quickly shot down by Rose McGowan, who wrote on Twitter that Affleck knew all about her experiences with Weinstein.

Shanice Brim @ShaniceBrim
Replying to @naimaism
He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Everyone forgot though.

Hilarie Burton


I didn't forget.

6:45 PM - Oct 10, 2017


Side Note... Rose Mcgowan is not fucking playing around.....


Half of Hollywood is about to self destruct right now.

I'm just sitting back and watching all the carnage unfold.

I wonder if there will ever be a movie about all this.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
It's not really about where you're from. The guy has been a huge name in the movie industry since like the mid 90s. If you're into keeping up with who produced what film, etc, you know his name. If not, you may not know his name.

You cats might remember the arc in Entourage when Vinnie and E decided to sell the movie Medellin to the studio boss "Harvey Weingard" or something like that, then last second decided not to sell to him and then he threatened them at a restaurant.

That character was based on Harvey Weinstein.

At the time I saw the show, I figured he was based on him due to the similarities in the name, but as you said, anyone who has even a passing interest in movies and who makes them know the name. I remember the press singing he and his brother's praises. Miramax named after their parents, middle class boys did good blah blah bullshit.

I realize now and what I didn't understand then is what they failed to mention that also contributed to their success: Jewish

Hey, I'm not knocking it though. I think we can learn a thing of two from it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are some allegations out there that he has a habit of out of nowhere just playing with himself in front of women. Like they're in a room talking comedy or some shit and he allegedly locks the door, whips it out and starts going at it.
I don't want to call this a whiteboy thing, but it seems like a whiteboy thing. Not harassment in general, but wanting random chicks to see you playing with yourself... wtf?

What happened with him?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
damn; I missed some of the last season or so, but yeah that does seem to be a Harvey based on Harvey. I'm surprised they didn't show him pushing up on Sloane or some shit... glad they didn't cause that would make me mad (Sloane is mine!).

:lol: @ Tyrion Lannister in the clip

You cats might remember the arc in Entourage when Vinnie and E decided to sell the movie Medellin to the studio boss "Harvey Weingard" or something like that, then last second decided not to sell to him and then he threatened them at a restaurant.

That character was based on Harvey Weinstein.

At the time I saw the show, I figured he was based on him due to the similarities in the name, but as you said, anyone who has even a passing interest in movies and who makes them know the name. I remember the press singing he and his brother's praises. Miramax named after their parents, middle class boys did good blah blah bullshit.

I realize now and what I didn't understand then is what they failed to mention that also contributed to their success: Jewish

Hey, I'm not knocking it though. I think we can learn a thing of two from it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't like the title of this thread. Not trying to offend the OP, just when did Bill Cosby become the poster child for rape? Countless white people have done waaay worse in terms of rape, and still counting.. Why is someone 'The white version of Bill"? Wouldn't it be the other way around really?:dunno:

Two high profile people in the entertainment industry are accused of sexually assaulting women and paying them off for decades and you don't see the similarities? According to one of the women in an article, Weinstein actually compares his behavior to Cosby's. It's important to point out how the media and some in Hollywood went after Cosby and how they'll treat Weinstein. That's the reason behind the title.


Rising Star
Not sure if it has been said in this thread but looking at all the women he harassed or tried to fuck tells me that there are a whole shit load of actresses and I bet some A listers he did fuck. You don't get that brazen without some success in what you were doing. Look at the list of women whom have appeared in more than one Harvey movie and is not part of the group of women making allegations and those are the women he actually fucked and they not gone say shit.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Two high profile people in the entertainment industry are accused of sexually assaulting women and paying them off for decades and you don't see the similarities? According to one of the women in an article, Weinstein actually compares his behavior to Cosby's. It's important to point out how the media and some in Hollywood went after Cosby and how they'll treat Weinstein. That's the reason behind the title.
they have nothing on Cosby - absolutely nothing
Cosby has 1 settlement - only 1
Weinstein has over 10 at last count, an NYPD sting operation and a rape victim going ham on him and Hollywood on twitter and a growing parade of women that have corroborating witnesses!

its criminal to compare Cosby to Weinstein - if anything the details of Weinstein's story makes the Cosby accusers even less credible


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
they have nothing on Cosby - absolutely nothing
Cosby has 1 settlement - only 1
Weinstein has over 10 at last count, an NYPD sting operation and a rape victim going ham on him and Hollywood on twitter and a growing parade of women that have corroborating witnesses!

its criminal to compare Cosby to Weinstein - if anything the details of Weinstein's story makes the Cosby accusers even less credible

If some cats think Cosby is innocent because of x, y, and z that's fine. I respect your opinion. I'm only comparing them because of the double standard in the media. We all know it, but it needs still pointing out. Lorne Michaels didn't have any Weinstein jokes on SNL because of a "New York thing" but wanted Eddie Murphy to do a Cosby joke on the SNL anniversary. The Late Night shows had a field day with Cosby jokes but haven't gone after Harvey last time I checked.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
If some cats think Cosby is innocent because of x, y, and z that's fine. I respect your opinion. I'm only comparing them because of the double standard in the media. We all know it, but it needs still pointing out. Lorne Michaels didn't have any Weinstein jokes on SNL because of a "New York thing" but wanted Eddie Murphy to do a Cosby joke on the SNL anniversary. The Late Night shows had a field day with Cosby jokes but haven't gone after Harvey last time I checked.
doesn't matter if Cosby is innocent...
what I'm saying is 2 things

-if the Cosby details / facts applied to Weinstein
we would never hear about it ever...

-The Weinstein story as detailed in the NYTimes? If compared- destroys the credibility of any reporting on Cosby's story
and definitely incinerates the popular theory / excuse of all the alleged victims being too scared to share tales of their assault WITH ANYONE for decades


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
doesn't matter if Cosby is innocent...
what I'm saying is 2 things

-if the Cosby details / facts applied to Weinstein
we would never hear about it ever...

-The Weinstein story as detailed in the NYTimes? If compared- destroys the credibility of any reporting on Cosby's story
and definitely incinerates the popular theory / excuse of all the alleged victims being too scared to share tales of their assault WITH ANYONE for decades

I don't disagree with what you're saying. I'm going to try and make my point as clear as possible: The media and Hollywood made Cosby out to be a monster because of his alleged decades sexual misconduct. Let's see them do the same thing to Weinstein, who's talking about going to sex rehab and eventually making some semblance of a comeback.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are some allegations out there that he has a habit of out of nowhere just playing with himself in front of women. Like they're in a room talking comedy or some shit and he allegedly locks the door, whips it out and starts going at it.
I don't want to call this a whiteboy thing, but it seems like a whiteboy thing. Not harassment in general, but wanting random chicks to see you playing with yourself... wtf?
Some black football player (COWBOYS AND San Fran, I believe) was known to do the same around his team mates in the locker room. Years later he was finally diagnosed with some sort of mental illness.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I don't disagree with what you're saying. I'm going to try and make my point as clear as possible: The media and Hollywood made Cosby out to be a monster because of his alleged decades sexual misconduct. Let's see them do the same thing to Weinstein, who's talking about going to sex rehab and eventually making some semblance of a comeback.
in the news:
white people are always humanized so there is a chance for redemption
black people are always characterized as beasts or habitual criminals

a white murderer was tortured past his limit or under influence or living in pain etc... that loved his mother and his her caring family
a black murder has a criminal past or prior run ins with police - even its just a speeding ticket, or a no seatbelt violation its the first thing mentioned in the description and rarely any mention of family employment etc until the last paragraph of the report

Weinstein will never be a monster outside of the feminist press- shit Donna Karan was caping for him a few days ago- saying the women wanted it look how they dressed - until the vagina crew hit her with the act-right txt msg

Anthony Bourdain's wife says this dude held her down to eat her out, another bitch says he cornered her while he masterbated, Rose McGowan got a settlement but the report is he raped her... the parade of women actresses employees and reporters etc and their stories is already longer than the ones reported on for Cosby (the media will avoid noting that)
You can already see the media attempting to move on... except the famous people are still coming forward.

When this is all said and done in 6 months or a year this PoS will go to Israel spend a lot of $$ there and on women's groups =do a come to jesus tour and be NOW's bitch and step right back in to his throne


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
The title sucks. This is way more damning that Cosby. Cosby has strung out white women whose stories keep changing. This dude has credible witnesses,settlements, and audio. Even though the media pounded in our heads that Cosby is guilty, don't make him the face of rape because of some BS.