Will Harvey Weinstein get the Cosby treatment? Decades of Alleged Sexual Assault and Harassment


Rising Star
Platinum Member
No matter if they're Conservative or Liberal, (for the most part) White People will ALWAYS defend other White People.

The Hollywood Hypocrisy has been exposed. Now look at all these big-named peeps trying to be all sanctimonious and shit. Especially after Cosby.

First Washington DC.
Now Hollywood.
White Supremacy and Hypocrisy has been exposed this year.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
No matter if they're Conservative or Liberal, (for the most part) White People will ALWAYS defend other White People.

The Hollywood Hypocrisy has been exposed. Now look at all these big-named peeps trying to be all sanctimonious and shit. Especially after Cosby.

First Washington DC.
Now Hollywood.
White Supremacy and Hypocrisy has been exposed this year.

I tried to tell people about white liberals on this board.......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
they got half of the justice league movie now LOL

Warner Bros. executives are like this right now



BGOL Legend

This dude knew about it yet didn't say shit..... :smh:

I disagree. Rumors are rumors so if it wasn't true how would you look saying that someone did something like this and they didn't?
Wasn't his place to speak on it unless he had 1st hand knowledge of an incident that happened
THEN he should speak out and say something
Some could tell me Gouki likes octopus porn but that don't mean I'm supposed to speak up and out and tell the world you like that shit.


Rising Star
Everyone in Hollywood is full of shit. I don’t care if they say they just heard “rumours”. By not acting on it, they were just as compliant. Fuck everyone coming out against Weinstein now just to save face. The hypocrisy is astounding. Hollywood needs to burn down.


BGOL Legend
Everyone in Hollywood is full of shit. I don’t care if they say they just heard “rumours”. By not acting on it, they were just as compliant. Fuck everyone coming out against Weinstein now just to save face. The hypocrisy is astounding. Hollywood needs to burn down.

Again, if they had 1st hand knowledge about it then I agree
if they just heard some shit in passing from someone random and that was the extent of their dealings or knowing about him then I can't say they're complicit. They're not detectives or police officers so its not their job to fully investigate it. Plus in that town cats just say shit about people


if they had an experience or know someone who had an experience directly as a man you supposed to speak up about it and defend the person who was a victim of the predator. Those guys need to sit down and they are complicit because they knew for a fact and didn't defend.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everyone in Hollywood is full of shit. I don’t care if they say they just heard “rumours”. By not acting on it, they were just as compliant. Fuck everyone coming out against Weinstein now just to save face. The hypocrisy is astounding. Hollywood needs to burn down.
Heard a radio show earlier where some CAC was painting him as a victim...needs help...he's a sex addict..he needs to go into treatment..hope he and his wife can work it out "when he gets well". Can't they work out a treatment option for Cosby too?


BGOL Legend
Both Marvel and DC characters are connected to Harvey.. Batman,Agent Carter,the Enchantress :roflmao2:

They should've known. this is how their business operates. It's all good until it isn't and then all the phony comes out and everyone turns on you. Harvey has done it to countless people in the industry for decades probably
but now it's his turn on the summer jam screen.


Rising Star
Again, if they had 1st hand knowledge about it then I agree
if they just heard some shit in passing from someone random and that was the extent of their dealings or knowing about him then I can't say they're complicit. They're not detectives or police officers so its not their job to fully investigate it. Plus in that town cats just say shit about people


if they had an experience or know someone who had an experience directly as a man you supposed to speak up about it and defend the person who was a victim of the predator. Those guys need to sit down and they are complicit because they knew for a fact and didn't defend.
Man, when I saw most of Hollywood give Pedo Polanski a standing ovation and sign a petition to prevent his extradition back to America for his pedo crimes, I was done with Hollywood.

I refuse to believe they didn’t know someone who was directly assaulted by Weinstein or others like him. The whole industry is one pedo/rape ring. Anyone who still wants to get themselves or their children involved deserves everything they get. This has been an open secret for years now.

Hollywood is filled with predators and broken people, a perfect recipe for exploitation and abuse. I’ll accept maybe a very small minority of those in Hollywood genuinely didn’t know or believe what Weinstein did but most of these guys will put their career before morals.


Rising Star
Heard a radio show earlier where some CAC was painting him as a victim...needs help...he's a sex addict..he needs to go into treatment..hope he and his wife can work it out "when he gets well". Can't they work out a treatment option for Cosby too?
Nothing surprises me with them. They’ll make every excuse under the sun for their deviances. But if you’re non-white, you don’t deserve the same benefit of forgiveness or second chances.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor

I don't know how to take her

She seems bat shit crazy these days

Is it a product of Hollywood?

It just seems weird seeing pics of her with him, but now she's on this crusade against him.

It's like it's cool until my career ain't hot or he can't help me anymore :dunno:


BGOL Legend
Man, when I saw most of Hollywood give Pedo Polanski a standing ovation and sign a petition to prevent his extradition back to America for his pedo crimes, I was done with Hollywood.

I refuse to believe they didn’t know someone who was directly assaulted by Weinstein or others like him. The whole industry is one pedo/rape ring. Anyone who still wants to get themselves or their children involved deserves everything they get. This has been an open secret for years now.

Hollywood is filled with predators and broken people, a perfect recipe for exploitation and abuse. I’ll accept maybe a very small minority of those in Hollywood genuinely didn’t know or believe what Weinstein did but most of these guys will put their career before morals.

See that's different issues. I don't have the numbers nor speaking on the numbers as far as who know for a fact and who just heard stuff.
Hollywood overall is exactly as you described the history of it.
At the same time there HAS TO BE people who were not involved. Just by the numbers. So until we confirm who did know and who didn't we can't paint with a broad brush but we can persecute those we know for a fact are predators and complicit.


BGOL Legend
I don't know how to take her

She seems bat shit crazy these days

Is it a product of Hollywood?

It just seems weird seeing pics of her with him, but now she's on this crusade against him.

It's like it's cool until my career ain't hot or he can't help me anymore :dunno:

Could be a mixture of all of it
It could be I needed my career but this is so wrong and if I say something then I'm done..

You know on movies where the guy says "You'll never work in this town again!" ?
Harvey is one of those guys. He's an actual real life one of those guys that can say you'll never work in this town again, and you're done.
Weigh that with fulfilling a lifelong dream. Cause its still your life feel me?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I don't know how to take her

She seems bat shit crazy these days

Is it a product of Hollywood?

It just seems weird seeing pics of her with him, but now she's on this crusade against him.

It's like it's cool until my career ain't hot or he can't help me anymore :dunno:
NDA and contract obligations... she and Asia Argento have been going at Harvey vaguely indirectly for years - mostly gagged because of the restrictions

how could Twitter suspend her account but not suspend Trump's account despite numerous complaints?


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Could be a mixture of all of it
It could be I needed my career but this is so wrong and if I say something then I'm done..

You know on movies where the guy says "You'll never work in this town again!" ?
Harvey is one of those guys. He's an actual real life one of those guys that can say you'll never work in this town again, and you're done.
Weigh that with fulfilling a lifelong dream. Cause its still your life feel me?

Yeah, that's why I don't want to condemn her. Shits, just crazy to me.


BGOL Legend
Yeah, that's why I don't want to condemn her. Shits, just crazy to me.

It's murky but also the culture is real some women are assaulted and some women lie about being assaulted so you can't auto-take any side in some cases. We just got through seeing nelly get drug thru the mud as a rapist for like 17 hours and then his name was cleared and now folks that jumped the gun are gonna act like they didn't even just disown him 17 hours earlier.

With Harvey its been decades its been rampant and Rose is not the only one she's not even the most famous one.


Rising Star
See that's different issues. I don't have the numbers nor speaking on the numbers as far as who know for a fact and who just heard stuff.
Hollywood overall is exactly as you described the history of it.
At the same time there HAS TO BE people who were not involved. Just by the numbers. So until we confirm who did know and who didn't we can't paint with a broad brush but we can persecute those we know for a fact are predators and complicit.
Well I think it’s a combination of “you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours” relationship with a lot of these actors. Then once their career dries up, they feel regret or shame at being sexually exploited and that’s when they come out with the whole “abuse.”

Just let me be clear, I’m sure a lot of these “stars”, male and female had to do a lot of sexual favours to get on in Hollywood, and that’s not a crime or my gripe. My gripe is when they sexually abuse children, and these stars either know by first or second hand experience and say NOTHING to protect their careers.

All I’m seeing now are these stars speaking out saying “Weinstein did x,y,z to me.” And only NOW they want to speak out because it’s safe to poke your head from the bushes. Again, all these phonies care about is their career. It was all good when they winning awards and getting their roles... but now they want to speak out?

Fuck each and every one of them. Yes I am painting them all with broad brush.


Rising Star
No matter if they're Conservative or Liberal, (for the most part) White People will ALWAYS defend other White People.

The Hollywood Hypocrisy has been exposed. Now look at all these big-named peeps trying to be all sanctimonious and shit. Especially after Cosby.

First Washington DC.
Now Hollywood.
White Supremacy and Hypocrisy has been exposed this year.
This all day.


BGOL Legend
Well I think it’s a combination of “you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours” relationship with a lot of these actors. Then once their career dries up, they feel regret or shame at being sexually exploited and that’s when they come out with the whole “abuse.”

Just let me be clear, I’m sure a lot of these “stars”, male and female had to do a lot of sexual favours to get on in Hollywood, and that’s not a crime or my gripe. My gripe is when they sexually abuse children, and these stars either know by first or second hand experience and say NOTHING to protect their careers.

All I’m seeing now are these stars speaking out saying “Weinstein did x,y,z to me.” And only NOW they want to speak out because it’s safe to poke your head from the bushes. Again, all these phonies care about is their career. It was all good when they winning awards and getting their roles... but now they want to speak out?

Fuck each and every one of them. Yes I am painting them all with broad brush.

That's the same in anything though. That's why the people who speak up first are courageous. See how many people kneeled with kap last year vs everybody trying to kneel this year.

I have a problem with the entire sexual favors aspect of it all and it does happen.
I have a gripe with Brian Singer.
I have a problem with the child abuse that goes on
I have a problem with all of it. But its an opportunity to pounce and get points.
That's all Hollywood has ever been
"Once you tagged lame the game is follow the leader"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sooooo is the academy gonna harvey to return his awards?? Is hollywood gonna strike any plaques and awards they gave him? How about honorary degrees from any colleges he donated to??

whats good for the cosby is good for the jew!


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Sooooo is the academy gonna harvey to return his awards?? Is hollywood gonna strike any plaques and awards they gave him? How about honorary degrees from any colleges he donated to??

whats good for the cosby is good for the jew!
your Uber is waiting
