Words and Phrases you are tired of hearing. GO!


I IT!!!
BGOL Investor
Bae ..I can't stand that shit.bum ass millennials can't even come up with good slang.thats what happens when you grow up without Saturday morning cartoons.

nigga we had saturday morning cartoons. I dont fuck with that word though


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I haven't gone through all 9 pages so if this is a repeat, my bad.

Big Upping

That one irks me. I'm not a grammar teacher but damn.

It is implied to heap praise, give props,etc., so UP is the verb; Big is the adjective.
It's Big Upping muhfuckas!:angry:

isnt that kinda like a jamaican thingy... personally I think its one of those phrases that is timeless... like.. thats cool...

like going to an r&b or rap concert... and someone on stage will yell...

everybody make some noise... somethings will just be around forever..

big up is one of those things..

do you live in england or canada??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the worst.. the fuckin worst is..

big mad...

as in are you big mad..?

shit sounds so corny... if new yorkers start sayin that stupid shit..

Im moving to ecuador..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That song. :smh:

Gotta be a fat church homo singing that shit.

:lol:yea when I first heard it I was like whaa da fuck is this crap..

then I listened to the hook and realized it was that philosophy that changed my life for good as a teen ager..

not so much the living my best life part, but the part about going back and forth with people..

what a waste of fuckin time and nothing gets accomplished.. I learned not to waste time tryin to change anyones mind..

the best way to change someones mind is by being a living example...and the majority of people out there respond much more favorably to visual examples

moreso then verbal ones...

I havent had an argument since I was a sophmore in highschool..

disagreements sure.. but arguments nope, and family tried me big time..

I felt so empowered when I realized I didnt have to go back and forth with kniggas... taught me how to master my own emotions...and this is a must have trait living in

places like nyc where you WILL interact with people everyday..if Im in a good mood, Im stayin in a good mood.. nobody has enough power to change that..

pissed off a lot of people

but made my life a whole hell of a lot more pleasurable...

I got so many life examples.. but Id save them for another thread......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
isnt that kinda like a jamaican thingy... personally I think its one of those phrases that is timeless... like.. thats cool...

like going to an r&b or rap concert... and someone on stage will yell...

everybody make some noise... somethings will just be around forever..

big up is one of those things..

do you live in england or canada??
I meant Bigging Up. :(
:lol::lol::lol: No, I'm in the US.
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