Words and Phrases you are tired of hearing. GO!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Any double negatives like...

I'll never not support Trump/Biden.
Most podcasters and YouTubers. While scrolling YouTube I see lengthy, redundant titles like “The Real Reason Why Single Mothers Are Unhappy. Here’s why.” “The real reason why..” is overkill, then they explain the title again with “Here’s why.” Babble. “The Pitfalls of Single-motherhood.” No need to say “explained” or “here’s why” because you’ve stated it in 4 words. Less is more. I wrote reports for work. I keep them concise.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One thing's for sure, two thing's for certain.
He/she's invited to the BBQ. (Specifically, when used in conjunction with some pilgrim doing some "n-word" fuckrey).
I said, what I said.
He/she ate and left no crumbs.

In the past couple of months I've noticed Pilgrims using certain racist dog whistles. They are now being used by chico and them now as well. They are typically in the comment sections of videos showing our folks in a negative fashion. These fucks typically go unnoticed, but get many likes.

1. I can feel my credit score dropping just watching this
2. Not a pair of work boots in sight.
3. 13% committing 50% of the violent crimes
4. Usual suspects