Words and Phrases you are tired of hearing. GO!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
One thing's for sure, two thing's for certain.
He/she's invited to the BBQ. (Specifically, when used in conjunction with some pilgrim doing some "n-word" fuckrey).
I said, what I said.
He/she ate and left no crumbs.

In the past couple of months I've noticed Pilgrims using certain racist dog whistles. They are now being used by chico and them now as well. They are typically in the comment sections of videos showing our folks in a negative fashion. These fucks typically go unnoticed, but get many likes.

1. I can feel my credit score dropping just watching this
2. Not a pair of work boots in sight.
3. 13% committing 50% of the violent crimes
4. Usual suspects



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
One thing's for sure, two thing's for certain.
He/she's invited to the BBQ. (Specifically, when used in conjunction with some pilgrim doing some "n-word" fuckrey).
I said, what I said.
He/she ate and left no crumbs.

In the past couple of months I've noticed Pilgrims using certain racist dog whistles. They are now being used by chico and them now as well. They are typically in the comment sections of videos showing our folks in a negative fashion. These fucks typically go unnoticed, but get many likes.

1. I can feel my credit score dropping just watching this
2. Not a pair of work boots in sight.
3. 13% committing 50% of the violent crimes
4. Usual suspects

I don't use it

But I do still kinda like it

I don't really hear it frequently though


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
One thing's for sure, two thing's for certain.
He/she's invited to the BBQ. (Specifically, when used in conjunction with some pilgrim doing some "n-word" fuckrey).
I said, what I said.
He/she ate and left no crumbs.

In the past couple of months I've noticed Pilgrims using certain racist dog whistles. They are now being used by chico and them now as well. They are typically in the comment sections of videos showing our folks in a negative fashion. These fucks typically go unnoticed, but get many likes.

1. I can feel my credit score dropping just watching this
2. Not a pair of work boots in sight.
3. 13% committing 50% of the violent crimes
4. Usual suspects

Bro come on...

That is never going to get old.

Now the issue is people with absolutely no weight tend to try to use that.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
"I'm not gonna lie" I'm so tired of hearing this shit. I know we started it but when I hear cacs using it, it's irritating like nails on a chalkboard

This little idiot says it so many f@#kin' times in this video. It's sounds like an habitual liar who has to convince someone he's telling the truth but it has no real meaning. People say it just to say it. "I'm not gonna lie" then don't, say what you haven't say and stfu.


Rising Star
My first born was a girl.
I wasn’t a dam girl dad I was fucking dad!!! Regardless of gender. Now I have twins B/G im not a twin dad. I’m fucking dad. That girl dad shit is for men who really wanted boys and to make themselves feel good about having daughters they say shit like “girl dad”.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
My wife: "I've been thinking..."

"I'ma need you to stop thinking. Every time you think, I get fucked over and end up having to drive to one of your relative's house that they had built way out in Buttfuck, Ga. somewhere and having my whole Saturday blown up."
And she or the relatives suggest yall stay overnight cause it's a long drive back. I FUCKING HATE STAYING AT OTHERS HOMES...EVEN MY RELATIVES


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Pet peeve.

“The real truth about why…” preceding any sentence.
Fact ARE real; leading with “the real truth” or “The real reason why men cheat on women..” is overs-peak. The word “Reasons”or “Truth” confirms the “why” and nullifies a lie. Also drop “Here’s..”. Why dogs chase their tails.” is enough. “Why men cheat.” is the proper title of any blog, video, etc—the previous is a grammatical dumpster fire. I see titles like: The REAL reasons why R. Kelly was convicted: EXPLAINED. Again; the word “reason” implies an impending clarification of lies and negates the usage of “why”. Less is more. Simply say “5 reasons men cheat.” “The..” implies there’s only 5. Drop “The..”. Shit like this comes across my desk and I return it. Briefly articulate your point. If you’re writing a report or article there’s no need to say “Here’s the real reasons I think women lie..” What you think is opinion. “5 common lies deceptive women tell.” is better. That eliminates having to mansplain or add “not all”; you’ve clearly stated deceptive women tell these 5 lies. Any woman blurting out “NOT ALL!” merely confirms her ignorance. Job applications and resumes are no different. I’m my field your work speaks for you—be concise.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Saying "ok?" after every sentence or point you're trying to make. Especially when trying to make a directive. It I infuriates me and is a bit condescending.

It's why I'll never date a doctor...my doctor friend does it all the time.