Words and Phrases you are tired of hearing. GO!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When my grandma was pissed off, she’d often compare you to someone else she was currently angry with (friend, husband, relative) and say ...

“You are 2 peas in a POT!”

My mom used to say dollars to doughnuts...usually in reference to when I was messing up in school or life.

Like..."I bet you dollars to doughnuts, you'll regret that one day" .

OOOOOOOHWEE that used to burn me up inside lol...

And of course, she was right.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
My mom used to say dollars to doughnuts...usually in reference to when I was messing up in school or life.

Like..."I bet you dollars to doughnuts, you'll regret that one day" .

OOOOOOOHWEE that used to burn me up inside lol...

And of course, she was right.

It’s always funny when family says some shit that irks you and sticks with you, lol.

My dad to this day refers to a schedule as SHED-yule.

My mom always called fajitas FRAheatas. And called a bra a BRAssiere.

I would say - “where is the extra letter coming from in fajita?”

And “just call it a bra like everyone else. WTF!?”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From laying like this after some good head


then hearing the words "Ok my turn".



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"Your lost"

SMH. You really don't know the difference between "loss" and "lost"?

It's usually the finest women who never paid attention in English class or read much...cause they "prettied" their way through school/life (in my experience).

I've overlooked some horrendous grammatical errors due to overwhelming gorgeousness...and it is a good indicator of character.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Women who write "women" when they mean "woman".

"I'm a women with no time for games"

"Consistency is key" That means they want YOU to go all in on them while they continue to play the field.

"I like eating out, traveling, trying something new" = I'm using men for meals and trips and don't expect me to ever pay for anything.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You new Yorkers invented that shit.

Lies and more lies..LOL,

we use TIGHT... not big mad bruh...

as in...

Yo he got mad tight when I skipped the line in front of him or...

or just use mad as in,


but never big mad bruh, thats like some shit a child made up

on his way to nursery school, as in...

Ma Im sorry I ate the last cookie, are you still big mad with me??

Akata King

D3port Th3m @ll!!
BGOL Investor
Lies and more lies..LOL,

we use TIGHT... not big mad bruh...

as in...

Yo he got mad tight when I skipped the line in front of him or...

or just use mad as in,


but never big mad bruh, thats like some shit a child made up

on his way to nursery school, as in...

Ma Im sorry I ate the last cookie, are you still big mad with me??

Two NYers!


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor

Once other races start using it, time to stop
I hate it, and it’s been around for mad long. Niggas were saying cap when I was in elementary school. Not sure why it’s so popular again. Niggas got “capped” on or quit capping.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That's like the new hot term to label people and most times it's not correct at all, or they're picking out select incidents where those traits are on display all the while discounting the 90% of the time they're normal, or the things that YOU did to push them to their reaction


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last week, I participated in a panel of other professionals to college students about "Overcoming imposter syndrome as a minority in STEM"

First off the only reason I even know what imposture syndrome is , was because it came up in some management training I had in a previous role, but I definitely felt like the old guy in the room with the phrases that were being thrown around

"Safe space"
"Give yourself grace"

Of course, I had heard all these phrases before but I hadn't realized the amount of currency they had gained with this particular demographic.

I was the oldest person on the panel by at least 10 years and the only 1 who had really worked in corporate America and I felt like they were not preparing these kids for the real world if the expect this shit to serve them in a professional sense outside of an academic environment