When describing restaurants: "Hidden Gem"
Generational wealth.
The scammers have ruined it.
Hits different
Cracked ruined that shit
I hate how fuck.boy is used in the wrong context.Anything that starts with "Issa"
Calling yourself or some one else " a snack"
"Mayweather" - seriously be glad when august is over.
"All smiles"
girls saying "Fuck Boy"
Girls saying "Whole" ex. "You got a whole bitch at home"
Key describes it perfectly starting at 00:30When Obama first got elected he said um a lot. A whole lot. Check out his speeches when he first got elected and then maybe eight months to a year afterward and you can tell he worked on that shit too. In fact he’ll eliminated it all together.
A lot of.people.wbo say this never played a game of chess in their life.Chess not checkers
That comes from an old elementary school playground rhyme ikjnds forgot how it goes"Trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents" in a lot of rap songs...
Glow up
Hot girl summer
Keep that same energy for…
People hardly talk like this in real life. Internet slang has a zesty effeminate borderline gay vibe to it. I never hear people in the streets talking like this.The math ain’t mathin
Standing on business
“Type shit”
First heard being cacsterdized in a fast food commercial. To hear a white voice say is cringe worthy.Different
Hits different
Cracked ruined that shit
i can't stand that bro shit.....especially when chicks use it....And don't call everyone you speak to bro