Words and Phrases you are tired of hearing. GO!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hits different

Cracked ruined that shit


Deion and the boys had shirts and hoodies with "We Comin" as a slogan.

Some asshole from my job wrote it in a company email like it was supposed to be funny. No. Don't mock how my people speak, not only that don't steal our lingo cause yours is so dry and uncool that you have to use our swag to get laid and procreate.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Anything that starts with "Issa"

Calling yourself or some one else " a snack"

"Mayweather" - seriously be glad when august is over.

"All smiles"

girls saying "Fuck Boy"

Girls saying "Whole" ex. "You got a whole bitch at home"
I hate how fuck.boy is used in the wrong context.
Fuck boi is supposed to be an insult like "fuck nigga"

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
When Obama first got elected he said um a lot. A whole lot. Check out his speeches when he first got elected and then maybe eight months to a year afterward and you can tell he worked on that shit too. In fact he’ll eliminated it all together.
Key describes it perfectly starting at 00:30

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
"Trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents" in a lot of rap songs...

:smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
That comes from an old elementary school playground rhyme ikjnds forgot how it goes

" something something something siting on a fence, trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. He mixed, he mixed, he mixed like this....!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We would like to thank Coach__________for his contributions to the program and wish him well moving forward. We've decided to go in another direction.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck you mean

Fuck is you talkn bout


I just imagine these people arguing in front of the Supreme Court finishing arguments with these terms.

When you can't express yourself without cursing, or use restraint with it in front of elders and kids, it just speaks to your lack of character and possibly home training and education.

You shouldn't need to be told not to curse in front of kids and elders, although these days they're the ones doing the cursing!


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Got a coworker who does shift exchange and constantly uses the crutch words “I think” and “you know”.

It’s certainly troubling when she was the one on duty and is relaying information to the rest of us who were NOT there.

How do “we know” when we were off-duty and at home!?