World's 'Most Monstrous Bodybuilder' Dead At 36 After Heart Attack


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that appears minor or can't be seen by others.

Yup I trained around some guys who sufferered from that - Greg Kovacs, Scott Milne.....these dudes were MONSTERS.....both were over 300lbs...Milne was more comfortable in his own but Kovacs was always saying he looked too small, and stayed with a Fish tackle sized box of Pills :smh:


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
My thing is this,

Even if steroids were perfectly healthy, I STILL wouldn't take them because being super big is lame to me

.....ok, Maybe I would take a small dose, but fact simply is, that shit will kill you!!!! Ain't no way I'm taking that shit!
Exactly, you really don't even need to be that big.

Just keep your body tight and eat right with a healthy diet and you should be good.

I want to live a long time and using steroids would cut your life short with a high chance of killing you someday no matter the dosage.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mean people be taking that anabolic steroids which is dangerous.

The TRT isn't like steroids to my knowledge after doing more research on it.

But I can't believe people think this shit is safe when we've plenty of wrestlers, bodybuilders or whoever else died young taking them anabolic steroids.
TRT will take a couple of years off your natural life if you choose to take it.
Many don't care. Do you. But to say it is very safe is false.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Right. I want to see my kids grow and their kids. That’s what life is about.
Some people won't get that because they think too highly of themselves or want to compete with others and always feel they aren't doing enough which they be killing themselves usually leading to their early demise.

We need to change the narrative of wanting to live longer as the the old generation starts to fade out living long which will be the next generation time to do the same.

Yeah, that should always be a person's dream to live old enough to see your kids grow up and also being a grandparent as well.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Neither are you. Again to say taking them is very safe is simply untrue. Breathing air isn't even very safe. SMH.
He said taking them were very safe but posted TRT YouTube videos instead.

That bodybuilder who died didn't take that shit at all, he more so was taking anabolic steroids which is dangerous.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
TRT will take a couple of years off your natural life if you choose to take it.
Many don't care. Do you. But to say it is very safe is false.
Im just doing research on it, saying that TRT isn't steroids like anabolic even though they both can be dangerous.

I never said I wanted to take it, just was curious learning more about it and it's benefits.

But then again, there's pros and cons taking TRT no matter what with some people on this thread have posted some articles about if you want to scroll up to read it yourself.

My health will always come first and I'll never want to risk it using something I know can kill me..


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Cool, but what about the following.
Toenail clippings, hair that you lost in your early 40s, what if your leg got chopped off, will it be there waiting for you with glue, will it be rotten, or if you were a baby when it got chopped, will it be a baby foot, what about BBL will it be there for them or will they go back to flat ass when they get there.
Wait hold up, I'm doing that thing that got me permanently kicked out of all Sunday school again, aren't I.... :(


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Im just doing research on it, saying that TRT isn't steroids like anabolic even though they both can be dangerous.

I never said I wanted to take it, just was curious learning more about it and it's benefits.

But then again, there's pros and cons taking TRT no matter what with some people on this thread have posted some articles about if you want to scroll up to read it yourself.

My health will always come first and I'll never want to risk it using something I know can kill me..
The air you breathe is literally killing you slowly.
If it wasn't for our lungs oxygen would kill us.
You know why anti oxidants are good? Because oxygen kills.
That being said if you live long enough you will eventually die from breathing air.
That is ONE of the causes of "old age death".
Red Meat is a known carcinogen eat it in moderation.

My only point is that phrase that steroids under doctor's supervision is "very safe". I know it will eventually kill you.
It might be safer that doing it recklessly but it is "very safe".
That might cause someone who doesn't do the research, to try it.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
The air you breathe is literally killing you slowly.
If it wasn't for our lungs oxygen would kill us.
You know why anti oxidants are good? Because oxygen kills.
That being said if you live long enough you will eventually die from breathing air.
That is ONE of the causes of "old age death".
Red Meat is a known carcinogen eat it in moderation.

My only point is that phrase that steroids under doctor's supervision is "very safe". I know it will eventually kill you.
It might be safer that doing it recklessly but it is "very safe".
That might cause someone who doesn't do the research, to try it.

Aww shit, since the air that I breathe is killing me I might as well take Steroids under a doctor's supervision then, we all die one day right? :lol:


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
It might be safer that doing it recklessly but it is "very safe".
That might cause someone who doesn't do the research, to try it.
I don't know nobody who said anything about doing it recklessly on this thread unless I'm missing something.

But it was said doing it on low dosage is safe as long as you're doing it under a doctor's orders. But you know people don't listen and will do whatever they want because it's the same for pills when people aren't careful about their dosages that they can easily overdose.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mean I can’t speak for him but throughout your life you set goals. You hit them or you don’t. He hit his but fuck dying at 35 I’d have to set a new goal that doesn’t involve me maxing my heart out.
I'm pretty sure he probably didn't plan to die at such an early age either.
- No one ever really does.

However, this still doesn't negate the fact that he achieved whatever personal (physical) goals he set for himself in his short life.

I mean think about it.
In every physically taxing sport, physically demanding job, physical modification or surgery there is always an element of risk.
- Professional NASCAR drivers all KNOW there's a damn good chance they may crash and burn every time they compete in a race.
- Professional boxers and MMA fighters KNOW there's a chance they can be killed during their next match.
- Professional pilots KNOW there's always a chance their plane may experience difficulties resulting in a fiery crash.
- Professional snake wranglers KNOW there's a chance they'll get bitten by a venomous snake and die.
And yes...
- Professional strippers KNOW there's a risk of death or mutilation whenever they get an illegal BBL performed by a non-surgeon in a motel room or back alley clinic.

My point is, these folks still CHOOSE to go forward with whatever highly risky endeavor because it's what they want to do. And regardless of their age, they do these things because it's what they WANTED and they set a goal for themselves.
-Risks be damned.
Clearly, this dude was no different...
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Rising Star
Cool, but what about the following.
Toenail clippings, hair that you lost in your early 40s, what if your leg got chopped off, will it be there waiting for you with glue, will it be rotten, or if you were a baby when it got chopped, will it be a baby foot, what about BBL will it be there for them or will they go back to flat ass when they get there.
Wait hold up, I'm doing that thing that got me permanently kicked out of all Sunday school again, aren't I.... :(
Yes whatever you look like physically at the time you die carries over to the spiritual world. The only difference is it feels like you are in some pussy 24/7 365 days per year.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't want to be the biggest, just enough to where I have the strength to handle my everyday needs which could be physical since you have to lift things.

But I heard steroids can affect with how you perform in bed, unless I'm wrong about that. I would like to read up more info about the benefits of using TRT as long as it doesn't affect nothing else I want to do when having sex.

Does a doctor have to perform a test before prescribing a person TRT?

You definitely want to talk to a doctor before you start doing hormone therapy or TRT. I know a couple friends that did it. It definitely effect erections and will speed up hair loss too. That why those ED meds became more popular. Nowadays there are many of them

Roids change the constitution of the myocardium muscles making them denser and less flexible as well as causing them to swell due to hypertrophic anabolic factors brought on by the steroid use. Better cycling would help but cardio aint gonna do shit.

Say it louder I don't think they heard you.


I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor
Don't worry about getting big on steroids, that's like women saying they don't lift weights because it'll make them "bulky"
You're in no danger.
It takes a lot of hard work to get swole, steroids makes it easier to go hard and recover quicker.
It's up to your genetics and diet after that.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Yes whatever you look like physically at the time you die carries over to the spiritual world. The only difference is it feels like you are in some pussy 24/7 365 day per year.
Yeah, I read somewhere that, that feeling usually last 9 months after death, then lord knows what happens after that.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
You definitely want to talk to a doctor before you start doing hormone therapy or TRT. I know a couple friends that did it. It definitely effect erections and will speed up hair loss too. That why those ED meds became more popular. Nowadays there are many of them
Thank you, I figured that would be true.

Oh yeah, I'll never try or take something without talking to my doctor first.

I prefer to go the natural route and if my body doesn't have it anymore then I'm good on taking a chance on something that could affect other things in my body or worse death.

So, therefore if someone takes TRT then that's cool and more power to them, I rather stay away from that shit but was just curious learning more about it.

People forget these steroids can fuck up your erections and I don't want that especially for a person who loves sex.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Don't worry about getting big on steroids, that's like women saying they don't lift weights because it'll make them "bulky"
You're in no danger.
It takes a lot of hard work to get swole, steroids makes it easier to go hard and recover quicker.
It's up to your genetics and diet after that.
Women go under the knife for all kinds of fucked up reasons, that's why BBL and breast implants keep them surgeons rich which always keep them staying busy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't worry about getting big on steroids, that's like women saying they don't lift weights because it'll make them "bulky"
You're in no danger.
It takes a lot of hard work to get swole, steroids makes it easier to go hard and recover quicker.
It's up to your genetics and diet after that.
Yeah you aint gonna get "big". But it is all relative. Being on anabolic steroids you will gain some muscle even if you don't work out.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Anabolic steroids is the fast drug for people who don't want to put in the work to get those muscles. So, using steroids to speed things up will also speed things up with a person life being cut short early as well.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Anabolic steroids is the fast drug for people who don't want to put in the work to get those muscles. So, using steroids to speed things up will also speed things up with a person life being cut short early as well.
My dude, this ain't scientifically or medically true :lol:


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Those deaths prove that those dudes were addicts.

Any addiction can kill.
i'm good, I don't want to use no anabolic steroids, don't care about being the biggest. As long as I have enough strength to lift things on my own and the women I'm smashing are cool with my body is all that matters.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
i'm good, I don't want to use no anabolic steroids, don't care about being the biggest. As long as I have enough strength to lift things on my own and the women I'm smashing are cool with my body is all that matters.
I wasn't trying to convince anyone to start taking testosterone.

I am rubbed the wrong way when folks make erroneous statements about subjects I happen to be experienced in.

Aye, im Neurodivergent :dunno:


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I wasn't trying to convince anyone to start taking testosterone.

I am rubbed the wrong way when folks make erroneous statements about subjects I happen to be experienced in.

Aye, im Neurodivergent :dunno:
No problem, I hope you live for as long as possible. Be safe brah and take care.


Rising Star
You definitely want to talk to a doctor before you start doing hormone therapy or TRT. I know a couple friends that did it. It definitely effect erections and will speed up hair loss too. That why those ED meds became more popular. Nowadays there are many of them

Say it louder I don't think they heard you.
That shit is growth hormone it accelerates aging by default. That increased metabolic rate which leads to superhuman recovery times means acclerated telomere degeneration... dna just getting shredded


Rising Star
How long are you talking? There's plenty of people that are overweight, men and women living longer than most people who are fit.

yet, Some of you on this board thinking steroids are safe to take and last time that i checked, former bodybuilders were saying to stay away from that shit.

People diet will not be good since the food we eat aren't clean most of the time living in America when we don't produce our own foods, fruits and vegetables.
I didn't say anything about steroids being safe....ANYTHING abused is bad and potentially deadly....and super overweight people do NOT live long lives....I guarantee you anybody you ever saw that lives into their late 80s 90s SLIM