World's 'Most Monstrous Bodybuilder' Dead At 36 After Heart Attack


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I didn't say anything about steroids being safe....ANYTHING abused is bad and potentially deadly....and super overweight people do NOT live long lives....I guarantee you anybody you ever saw that lives into their late 80s 90s SLIM
You never said super overweight and never did you give me a number of how long you're talking about with age.

Plenty of overweight people out here living long lives and they might not be 300+ but damn sure close to it. Just look at these grandmothers out there, they are overweight and I'm not sating 300+ pounds but still living in their 80s and 90s meanwhile people who work out and stay fit are dying young.

My grandmother isn't slim and she's 90. There was a grandmother on twitter who passed away and she was 93 and guess what, she wasn't slim either.


Rising Star
You never said super overweight and never did you give me a number of how long you're talking about with age.

Plenty of overweight people out here living long lives and they might not be 300+ but damn sure close to it. Just look at these grandmothers out there, they are overweight and I'm not sating 300+ pounds but still living in their 80s and 90s meanwhile people who work out and stay fit are dying young.

My grandmother isn't slim and she's 90. There was a grandmother on twitter who passed away and she was 93 and guess what, she wasn't slim either.
lol ain't no 80 year old gotesquely obese grandmas.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Thank you for the explanation but that bodybuilder who died, he didn't take no TRT because it was anabolic steroids to gain muscle mass, but then again they know the dangers of taking this shit.
No matter the amount you take, it's still dangerous regardless because people can't or are too lazy to put in the work and want fast results. Also, that's why you see they are different when they no longer use steroids anymore.

Also, I want to clear something up, TRT isn't steroids after doing more research on it.
that's what i was getting at. If your numbers fall within the reference range on TRT, well, that is what your body is SUPPOSED to be doing anyway. you want/need to be in that healthy range. However, if your levels are elevated well over the general accepted range, you are ON STEROIDS at that point.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Some people won't get that because they think too highly of themselves or want to compete with others and always feel they aren't doing enough which they be killing themselves usually leading to their early demise.

We need to change the narrative of wanting to live longer as the the old generation starts to fade out living long which will be the next generation time to do the same.

Yeah, that should always be a person's dream to live old enough to see your kids grow up and also being a grandparent as well.

Also about quality life in being old. We dont grow old just to be old. I told my son that I never want to be a burden to him (he's a teenager now) and his future family so if I ever become that, just put me in a home and come see me. He said he's not going to do that because he's planning to be making enough to have someone come in and take care of me if it comes to my mind, i'm thinking, this is the correct answer son.. :yes:


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
that's what i was getting at. If your numbers fall within the reference range on TRT, well, that is what your body is SUPPOSED to be doing anyway. you want/need to be in that healthy range. However, if your levels are elevated well over the general accepted range, you are ON STEROIDS at that point.
Right, and I'm good, I don't want no steroids.

The older you get, your T is gonna be lower and that's just how life is. Now some people would want to take steroids for whatever reason to bring it back up but that's just as dangerous.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Also about quality life in being old. We dont grow old just to be old. I told my son that I never want to be a burden to him (he's a teenager now) and his future family so if I ever become that, just put me in a home and come see me. He said he's not going to do that because he's planning to be making enough to have someone come in and take care of me if it comes to my mind, i'm thinking, this is the correct answer son.. :yes:
Well if they want to take care of you when you get old or hire somebody to do it then it goes to show how much they love you especially with the fact how you raised them. Because I know some families can't wait for their relative to die to get their money and would be glad to put them in a home not caring if the nurse will take care then or not because they treated their kids like shit.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Lol, y'all stay adding shit that I never said to try to support y'all claims and I'm saying there's grandmas out there who would be categorized as fat but they're in their 80s and 90s who aren't slim.
Shit a fat nigga says to make himself feel better about being a fat nigga...

I dont see alot of fat people in their 70s. Them "big mommas" youre referring to are usually in their 50s and 60s but look like theyre in their 70s and 80s.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Shit a fat nigga says to make himself feel better about being a fat nigga...

I dont see alot of fat people in their 70s. Them "big mommas" youre referring to are usually in their 50s and 60s but look like theyre in their 70s and 80s.
Lol, I'm not even fat, just saying how idiots think there aren't fat older people out there who are living in their 80s and 90s.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lol, y'all stay adding shit that I never said to try to support y'all claims and I'm saying there's grandmas out there who would be categorized as fat but they're in their 80s and 90s who aren't slim.

Im going to be well into my hundreds, doing the exact same shit

Im doing now!!! Im telling yall kniggas NOW...

if you aint takin healthy shits EVERYDAY,

meaning you getting your proper daily nutrition, then you

planning on getting old fast..

you Regular... with a proper healthy stool, I aint going to be in my

golden years, having a doctor stick his hand up my ass because I cant shit...

Nah I practicing all that PREVENTIVE SHIT NOW... my dinner plate

is a fuckin Medicine Plate.. if the food serves no purpose in my body

I dont eat it.... to me red meat pork dairy, sugary shit, sugar shit alternatives etc.. serves NO PURPOSE and slowly kills you

working out eating green leafy shit, meditation, breathing excercises




I want to hear from all of yall in 2050!!! and the way time is moving,

sheeet its gonna feel like next week.

If it doesnt have a positive purpose its NOT going

Dont live to eat

eat to live

I always say
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I am a former personal trainer and have never personally met lifters who were dissatisfied with their physical appearance to the point where they began to use or abuse steroids. It may stem from previous existing insecurities that spiral into something more dangerous. Weak minds often lead to making detrimental decisions.

Sounds like the same mentality some women have with plastic surgery.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
He was on borrowed time taking all those roids :smh:



It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
He was on borrowed time taking all those roids :smh:

Sadly, some on this board think that shit is safe to take even in low dosages along with saying people abuse steroids but then again, why take that shit when you know it's dangerous and there's been many deaths of people using steroids.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Im going to be well into my hundreds, doing the exact same shit

Im doing now!!! Im telling yall kniggas NOW...

if you aint takin healthy shits EVERYDAY,

meaning you getting your proper daily nutrition, then you

planning on getting old fast..

you Regular... with a proper healthy stool, I aint going to be in my

golden years, having a doctor stick his hand up my ass because I cant shit...

Nah I practicing all that PREVENTIVE SHIT NOW... my dinner plate

is a fuckin Medicine Plate.. if the food serves no purpose in my body

I dont eat it.... to me red meat pork dairy, sugary shit, sugar shit alternatives etc.. serves NO PURPOSE and slowly kills you

working out eating green leafy shit, meditation, breathing excercises




I want to hear from all of yall in 2050!!! and the way time is moving,

sheeet its gonna feel like next week.

If it doesnt have a positive purpose its NOT going

Dont live to eat

eat to live

I always say




still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
My thing is this,

Even if steroids were perfectly healthy, I STILL wouldn't take them because being super big is lame to me

.....ok, Maybe I would take a small dose, but fact simply is, that shit will kill you!!!! Ain't no way I'm taking that shit!
okay, let me clear this up.

testosterone cypionate is a synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle. Such hormones are used medicinally to treat some forms of weight loss and (illegally) by some athletes and others to enhance physical performance.

A medical dose of testosterone usually is between 150 and 250 mg ONCE per week. thats it. you aint having catastrophic side effects on that.

those huge motherfuckers are usually taking 200 mg of test TWICE per week, PLUS Deca, NPP, Equipoise, Masteron, Primobolan, Dbal, Anavar , Winstrol and Oxymetholone. they're taking high doses EVERY DAY of the week, totaling 4000 to 6000 mgs of steroids PER WEEK. thats 14 to 24 times a medically safe amount.

THEN they fuck around with growth hormone and Insulin AND estrogen blockers.

THEN they eat like shit, causing their cholesterol to go thru the roof and their heart muscles to harden.

again, its not the steroids killing these dudes, its the totality of a completely unhealthy lifestyle.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
okay, let me clear this up.

testosterone cypionate is a synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle. Such hormones are used medicinally to treat some forms of weight loss and (illegally) by some athletes and others to enhance physical performance.

A medical dose of testosterone usually is between 150 and 250 mg ONCE per week. thats it. you aint having catastrophic side effects on that.

those huge motherfuckers are usually taking 200 mg of test TWICE per week, PLUS Deca, NPP, Equipoise, Masteron, Primobolan, Dbal, Anavar , Winstrol and Oxymetholone. they're taking high doses EVERY DAY of the week, totaling 4000 to 6000 mgs of steroids PER WEEK. thats 14 to 24 times a medically safe amount.

THEN they fuck around with growth hormone and Insulin AND estrogen blockers.

THEN they eat like shit, causing their cholesterol to go thru the roof and their heart muscles to harden.

again, its not the steroids killing these dudes, its the totality of a completely unhealthy lifestyle.



Rising Star
For some reason ( :money: )the medical complex likes to split hairs on definitions when it comes to steroids and HGH specifically but all steroids regulated GH. it's an indirect path to unnaturally elevated levels of HGH. All the nitpicking is a hustle. Testosterone stimulates growth hormone secretion by modulating the pituitary growth hormone response to GHRH.

"(GH), probably acting indirectly through locally produced insulin-like growth factor I, stimulates myocardial hypertrophy and increases myocyte contractility."


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
What i found out when i first started TRT is that it increases red blood count or thickens your blood. This can cause a heart attack or stroke. So you need to be tested at least every 3 months to be careful. The clinic i went to would have you donate blood. Most of these guys have died from a heart attack or stroke.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
What i found out when i first started TRT is that it increases red blood count or thickens your blood. This can cause a heart attack or stroke. So you need to be tested at least every 3 months to be careful. The clinic i went to would have you donate blood. Most of these guys have died from a heart attack or stroke.
Thank you for your input and yet this still won't stop idiots from saying this is safe to take because they haven't died from it yet taking TRT.