Writer's Circle: How would YOU write Marvel's Black Panther movie? UPDATE:What about the sequel?


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Older than Tony Stark but that's not a bad thing as old as Robert Downey is. How come it wouldn't tie in to MCU? Especially after X-Men DOFP? The Avengers movie has already mentioned Tony Stark as having Vibranium and we all know where that comes from.

I chose the late 60's intro because I feel that's why they chose Ava Duvernay to direct she could put a nice 60's feel to the movie since she did Selma. But you could always keep it as T'Chaka if BP being older than Tony is a problem then it would make since, then intro younger BP later in the MCU.

Mello, your story is outstanding. I dug the fuck out of it. We should talk. I need help with the subplots


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Me personally? I'd let this man run the show. I'd say, "Here you go bruh, do your thing."


Ummm, who is this?

And how would I get a hold of those stories you posted? Is there a comic read site where I can see them? Is it kindle friendly?



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Really only need 5 key things to make it iconic.

-Take a mixture of the most compelling origins from him and mesh them when they intersect so it makes sense.

-Make sure to really SHOWCASE why he's superior and special. Don't tone any of his true power and intelligence down it needs to shine through.

-Make sure all the side characters are people and not just things on the screen that happen to be there. Make people vested in their interests as well. Even the main villain, and especially the main villain make that figure a fixture so the audience feels some kind of way about the things he does and understands the need for the villain to be stopped.

-No filler dull moments. Everything has to be surgical and working towards something. Make sure that even the smallest detail ties in somehow so that it's one big puzzle that comes together in the end. With it being a puzzle don't make it predictable. arrive at the end unorthodox so that even though it's the ending you expected, it's freshly done so you want more.

- Leave room for more. Fill them up with an experience they want to see again. I'd go with focusing on 1 villain but introducing a minor person who is to step up and be the villain for the next movie. Feel fulfilled that this conflict was resolved but the one guy you paid attention to 45 minutes into the movie has the juice now and he's even worse than the one before him and it's going to take something epic to kill him off...and i can't wait to see how they do it.

Bills don't know shit about the comics. and as usual will get everything wrong.

WTGGT, how is the formula that Bills laid down a bad direction to go in? Justified did the 3rd thing (make side villains interesting) and it really worked for the series. Each of his five points work for nearly every book or movie - though not many follow it. Interesting side characters works, because in Justified you don't really classify Boyd Crowder as a bad guy. If the lead villain is believable and the story isn't a closed loop all five of his points can work.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
WTGGT, how is the formula that Bills laid down a bad direction to go in? Justified did the 3rd thing (make side villains interesting) and it really worked for the series. Each of his five points work for nearly every book or movie - though not many follow it. Interesting side characters works, because in Justified you don't really classify Boyd Crowder as a bad guy. If the lead villain is believable and the story isn't a closed loop all five of his points can work.

GOW forgot to add your name to the mix as editor.

the Justified observation is EXACTLY what we all are thinking.

to give the film a feeling of a stand alone while still working in MCU.
Last edited:


Rising Star
WTGGT, how is the formula that Bills laid down a bad direction to go in? Justified did the 3rd thing (make side villains interesting) and it really worked for the series. Each of his five points work for nearly every book or movie - though not many follow it. Interesting side characters works, because in Justified you don't really classify Boyd Crowder as a bad guy. If the lead villain is believable and the story isn't a closed loop all five of his points can work.

lol i'm messing with bills. I always give him shit for the sake of giving him shit.


BGOL Legend
I think they need to use the short lived BET animated series as a template.

I would start it off as a big flashback of his grandfather going thorough the trails the legend....

then flash forward to Captain America in a meeting with the feds about going into Wakanda to TAKE their resources he is a loyal solider but this is the beginning of his doubts we see proven in winter Solider.

They give a complete overview of Wakanda and the origins of the Black Panther as THEY know it and that educates the audience.

Seeing Tony Stark's dad and Cap will help them accept the MCU connection....might even mention Hydra or AIM

And show that iconic scene of Cap landing in Wakanda in the dead of night and having T'Chaka's dad basically serve Cap up while also detailing to the audience the long line of blood and death brought about by foreign nations raping Africa and this also explain Wakanda's complete separation from the rest of the world.

the shock of the audience seeing Cap beaten to a pulp by a Black man AND shown mercy BUT warned severely will be polarizing but I think is the best way to show that America isn't perfect (much like they did in Winter Solider...greed power racism etc)

the rest of the film can show T'Challa's doubts with leading being raised in a more modern world

show how he traveled the world to educate himself (and meets a young silver haired thief in Egypt) and his people no longer think he is BLACK ENOUGH to lead Wakanda and prefer his cousin.

His cousin's jealously the pressures (very Barack Obama in his first term) burden him.

Our FIRST look at Wakanda has to inspire awe in every Black person in the audience they must feel like THAT is possible and COULD be possible

He is torn throughout and is reminded he is the descendent of kings to honor our history to hold ourselves to a higher standard but NOT set by OTHERS but set by ourselves.

That he WILL join the fight (on his own terms) and the Avengers as a SYMBOL to his people and the world about Black people's contributions importance legacy and humanity BUT will defend his PEOPLE'S best interest at all costs...

just like Cap and Tony.

I would study many speeches and interviews of Malcolm X, MLK Jr, Bomani Jones, Amiri Baraka, John Stewart, Jesse Williams, Barack Obama (mix of a variety of voices to try to connect to the audience on different levels but still be clever funny relevant and SMART)...to make the quick debates and slick comments and retorts about race throughout the movie and not bog it down with preachy speeches.

"Stark, I am no man's puppet"

"You believe it is much easier to handle a man in chains"

"You keep reaching into another man's plate. prepare for your hand to be chopped off"

mentions of the confederate flag, the unjust between law enforcement in the US

That action pieces need to be raw like Daredevil on Netflix...

more MMA, African, Brazilian, Boxing....

He has to be smart and cool distant regal aloof focused measured adamant quick to check you....Black James Bond

but NOT immediately we need to see him as almost 'AMERICAN' in the beginning and grow and develop more mature as the film progresses.

study the first Iron Man and see Starks transformation

I think Ava could do this...because the emotions of the interactions especially the aftermath is key to translating to a wider audience.

When and whoever the BIG BAD is who conquers and enslaves the Wakandas has to illicit the colonialism and slavery...and when they rise up it has to feel like something every black person in that audience has dreamed of their whole lives.

this would be dope to play off an internal conflict.. dig deep inside and bring it out of him and explain what makes him who he is.

we have to make sure that we convey the message that he can't be fucked with. we need his intelligence to shine through at all times. stark needs to pass the intelligence torch to him imo. its crazy because he's smarter than stark but on the silver screen iron man is the smart symbol and if he gives you intelligence respect then you get it.. like how nobody believed the hulk was smart until stark was asking for his help..

drive home that point and we're good imo.

you could easily write this as a trilogy off the top

lets do this for US


BGOL Legend
GOW forgot to add your name to the mix as editor.

the Justified observation is EXACTLY what we all are thinking.

to give the film a feeling of a stand alone while still working in MCU.

we only get 1 shot. you know how this goes. if this fails won't be a reboot of this and all the black characters that aren't sidekicks won't see the light of day. ... ever.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
we only get 1 shot. you know how this goes. if this fails won't be a reboot of this and all the black characters that aren't sidekicks won't see the light of day. ... ever.

That's no lie. Set up to fail from the jump with cheaped out everything just so they can say that, "Well. We gave the Blacks a shot. People just don't wanna see them."

Look how they did the movie Dope. That is an end of August movie, not a June release. What did they do? Release it the week after Jurassic World and it tanked. It wasn't a bad movie. Wasn't great, but wasn't bad either


BGOL Legend
That's no lie. Set up to fail from the jump with cheaped out everything just so they can say that, "Well. We gave the Blacks a shot. People just don't wanna see them."

Look how they did the movie Dope. That is an end of August movie, not a June release. What did they do? Release it the week after Jurassic World and it tanked. It wasn't a bad movie. Wasn't great, but wasn't bad either

they pushed dope too hard imo.

it was an indie flick originally that got picked up. it should have gotten the indie treatment. release it gradually and everything it does is gravy. it becomes a cult hit and then they make money on the back end.

instead they did what they did on purpose. which was release it when they did and use all that money for promo how they did so they can use that as an excuse to not do it for a movie that is better for it.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
they pushed dope too hard imo.

it was an indie flick originally that got picked up. it should have gotten the indie treatment. release it gradually and everything it does is gravy. it becomes a cult hit and then they make money on the back end.

instead they did what they did on purpose. which was release it when they did and use all that money for promo how they did so they can use that as an excuse to not do it for a movie that is better for it.

This is why we need our own theaters, but do you think we would support a Black run theater? I've got an idea, but it's all theory and probability. The older I get the more I see them setting us up for failure, even when we have good/decent material. These motherfuckers brought in a major league pitcher for a Little League game and we get fucked every time.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
we're never getting a black panther movie :( a cameo @ best in one of the avenger flicks


Occasional Superstar **
Im rewatching Avengers:Earth's Mightiest Heroes just cuz it was a good series. I really liked how they did BP on this show. they didnt always play him up to full potential, but in the episodes that introduced him and at several points all throughout, they highlighted him as being on par with Captain America in hand to hand combat, on par with Tony Stark and Hank Pym as far as technical know how...and really a step above because he had access to vibranium which they weren't really up on....one of the best strategists out of all the Avengers and really only matched by Reed Richards in terms of all out intellectual prowess....best shown by his uncanny ability at pragmatically assessing threats in real time. I liked the BET series but the janky animation style took it down a couple notches for me....but I feel like if they could take notes from that and from Avengers EMH they would have a really good blueprint for the character we need to see.

And just to reiterate...I thought Mello's idea was dope...I just see issues with a 60's storyline...mainly because I wanna see BP as an Avenger interacting with the other heroes in present day. I dont think you can really highlight all of his strengths without juxtaposing him against the other heroes like they did on A:EMH.


BGOL Legend
Im rewatching Avengers:Earth's Mightiest Heroes just cuz it was a good series. I really liked how they did BP on this show. they didnt always play him up to full potential, but in the episodes that introduced him and at several points all throughout, they highlighted him as being on par with Captain America in hand to hand combat, on par with Tony Stark and Hank Pym as far as technical know how...and really a step above because he had access to vibranium which they weren't really up on....one of the best strategists out of all the Avengers and really only matched by Reed Richards in terms of all out intellectual prowess....best shown by his uncanny ability at pragmatically assessing threats in real time. I liked the BET series but the janky animation style took it down a couple notches for me....but I feel like if they could take notes from that and from Avengers EMH they would have a really good blueprint for the character we need to see.

And just to reiterate...I thought Mello's idea was dope...I just see issues with a 60's storyline...mainly because I wanna see BP as an Avenger interacting with the other heroes in present day. I dont think you can really highlight all of his strengths without juxtaposing him against the other heroes like they did on A:EMH.

yea no you're right. no 60's storyline. bring him up to today and have him be integral in this current run thats going on


Occasional Superstar **
Just thinking off hand...it could be cool if they brought in Michael Douglas' Hank Pym character on some....i knew your father.....have him be the one outsider that T'Chaka got it in with on some tech shit....that survives him to pass knowledge on to T'Challa...to highlight the level that his tech game is on. And since it's inevitable that they gotta have other hero tie ins that would open up a lane for the Scott Lang character to be in it....maybe have T'Challa put him on to how to fully utilize his tech and go Giant Man.


Rising Star
Just thinking off hand...it could be cool if they brought in Michael Douglas' Hank Pym character on some....i knew your father.....have him be the one outsider that T'Chaka got it in with on some tech shit....that survives him to pass knowledge on to T'Challa...to highlight the level that his tech game is on. And since it's inevitable that they gotta have other hero tie ins that would open up a lane for the Scott Lang character to be in it....maybe have T'Challa put him on to how to fully utilize his tech and go Giant Man.

Tchalla and Hank have never really had a connection so this is kinda new. Out there. Kinda Tony Stark and buddies with Banner.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bump so I can review all this during lunch...

We need hnic to open up the writer in forum so we all have a spot to work online.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Adapt Christopher Priest's or Reginald Hudlin's run on the book.

Both gave BP the air of a major character but made the character accessible to people not familiar. Both also made him integral to the Avengers and the greater Marvel Universe.


Rising Star
Was discussing this earlier with a friend who's also a comic fan. Knows BP as well as i do. And i was saying that my main issue with this is how in this day and age. Wakanda couldn't be a secret. It couldn't be the most technologically advanced nation on the planet because in the day of the internet and global marketing. Finance. Tech. You couldn't keep something like this a secret. So he mentioned the techno jungle. And then that got me thinking. You could camophlage the city with the technojungle. Keeping wakanda as advanced as it is with just the jungle used for the tech.

To keep people from talking about it you just instill in the people who have computers and the internet to just not talking about Wakanda. With national pride being so high, EVERYONE believes in keeping Wakanda hidden. But even that would be weird and unlikely. I just wonder how they'll get over that hump.






Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
You know, it doesn't have to be secret at all. Just an African economic and technological powerhouse that works with other nations at it's own discretion and has very tight borders with limited tourism.
It's not secret in the Marvel Universe as much as it's secretive.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Adapt Christopher Priest's or Reginald Hudlin's run on the book.

Both gave BP the air of a major character but made the character accessible to people not familiar. Both also made him integral to the Avengers and the greater Marvel Universe.

my favorite runs

I'll find the download links and send them to those who want to be involved...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You know, it doesn't have to be secret at all. Just an African economic and technological powerhouse that works with other nations at it's own discretion and has very tight borders with limited tourism.
It's not secret in the Marvel Universe as much as it's secretive.


but we cold make that white people don't BELIEVE it exists like that.

Black people COULD NEVER create a a place like that to actually exist.

Right wingers range from its a myth to we should invade them.

We need to find a politician in the Marvel mythos that hates mutants and use him as a anti-Wakanda figure leading the charge...

and making the American government SHIELD and Cap and the Avengers have to do this.

he or she is appearing in newspapers cable networks magazines even the Daily Bugle.


Rising Star
You know, it doesn't have to be secret at all. Just an African economic and technological powerhouse that works with other nations at it's own discretion and has very tight borders with limited tourism.
It's not secret in the Marvel Universe as much as it's secretive.

But if i REMEMBER RIGHT. Tony and them in A2 didn't even know what wakdanda was. I don't have a clear dl of the movie but can ya'll remember that? I thought they didn't know what Wakanda was.

You cant be the business person Tony is and NOT know what a nation like Wakanda is. Right?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
But if i REMEMBER RIGHT. Tony and them in A2 didn't even know what wakdanda was. I don't have a clear dl of the movie but can ya'll remember that? I thought they didn't know what Wakanda was.

You cant be the business person Tony is and NOT know what a nation like Wakanda is. Right?

I like the fact that its a known unknown...

because it is going to be difficult as hell to convince the audience that a wonderful damn near paradise like this exists built by Black people and NO ONE knows about it...

it has to be a place that is known but is just one of the ONLY mysteries on earth.

its like Thor some believe he is a god some an alien.

Hydra hid in plain sight.

it is actually why this movie is such a challenge like Bills said it has work as a complete stand alone BUT fir into the MCU.

and it leads perfectly to the sequels where some Black people are resentful that Wakanda has chosen NOW to show up after all the atrocities in the states and worldwide against Black people.

that is another major challenge...how in the hell do we explain THAT?

Its like on 9 11 where were all the heroes?


Occasional Superstar **
maybe one way to approach the unknown factor is to have it play out that Wakanda has been dropping innovations here and there over time through...what I guess would basically be like shell corporations. Like...Tony been doing business with them and didnt even know it. I dont think it would be that hard to play the angle of the world didnt see it because the world didnt want to believe that anything this good could come out of Africa.


Rising Star
I like the fact that its a known unknown...

because it is going to be difficult as hell to convince the audience that a wonderful damn near paradise like this exists built by Black people and NO ONE knows about it...

it has to be a place that is known but is just one of the ONLY mysteries on earth.

its like Thor some believe he is a god some an alien.

Hydra hid in plain sight.

it is actually why this movie is such a challenge like Bills said it has work as a complete stand alone BUT fir into the MCU.

and it leads perfectly to the sequels where some Black people are resentful that Wakanda has chosen NOW to show up after all the atrocities in the states and worldwide against Black people.

that is another major challenge...how in the hell do we explain THAT?

Its like on 9 11 where were all the heroes?

I agree. There's lots of things here that will be difficult to show. More difficult than Cap America. Cap was wrapped up in a nice bow. You can't wrap a whole nation up like that. And have him be as powerful as he is and tell the story.

They're going to fuck this up.

lukas james

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
Marvel's Kevin Feige explains how Black Panther fits in Captain America: Civil War
Trent Moore
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 - 10:26am

From the outside, Captain America: Civil War is kind of starting to look like a cameo-fest that is essentially Avengers 2.5 -- but Marvel’s Kevin Feige promises there’s a method to the madness. Just look at the curious case of Black Panther.

In a chat with Birth. Movies. Death., Feige opened up about the decision to introduce Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) in Civil War. Though it might seem like Marvel is just taking an easy route to establish the character in a blockbuster movie before his solo outing scheduled for 2018, Feige said there’s a distinct method to the madness when it comes to T’Challa. Basically: They needed a new hero with no allegiances to either Cap or Iron Man, to provide a middle ground in the conflict between the two.

It also sounds like (not surprisingly) the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron will play a key role in bringing Black Panther out of his homeland of Wakanda. The plot of Age of Ultron focused on some Vibranium (which is only found in Wakanda) causing havoc, and Feige teased that incident might lead T’Challa to venture out and see what’s going on in the world. Since Age of Ultron went so far as to namedrop Wakanda, you had to know they were planting those seeds.

Here’s an excerpt from his comments:

"The reason we introduced him in Civil War is because we needed a third party. We needed fresh eyes who wasn’t embedded with the Avengers and who has a very different point of view than either Tony or Steve. We said, ‘We need somebody like Black Panther ... why don’t we just use Black Panther?’ That’s how it went in the development process.

Today, pre-Civil War, post-Ultron I think [the Black Panther] and his father are saying, ‘A bunch of vibranium just got out of here and wreaked a lot of havoc. Maybe we can’t stay behind these borders anymore, maybe we have to stick our heads out and make at least an attempt to be a part of the rest of the world right now, while at the same time protecting our people.’ That’s sort of where we meet him in Civil War."

It’ll be fascinating to see how Marvel moves forward through the next few movies, introducing a new phase of characters set to take on a major role in the MCU. The finale of Age of Ultron made that very clear — but heroes like Black Panther will be the ones rounding out the new-look version of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I agree. There's lots of things here that will be difficult to show. More difficult than Cap America. Cap was wrapped up in a nice bow. You can't wrap a whole nation up like that. And have him be as powerful as he is and tell the story.

They're going to fuck this up.

maybe not.

something I think Jay Dade said and something I learned from Bill writing about other bgol members and making extensions of their existing online personalities.

the audience WILL except a lot if your honest to the universe YOU create.

if you create rules and laws of physics and science and HONOR them throughout the audience will follow.

nobody REALLY understood the Matrix

but it was fun cool to look and mad sci fi sense in the context of THAT film and the films before it.

If we establish guidelines and HONOR them it WILL work.

Marvel makes up countries left and right, there is a city on the damn moon, the Inhumans????

No one saw the SHIELD Helocarrier in the sky before Avengers???

NY was DECIMATED...but repaired overnight.

No one knew who the Kingpin was? But EVERYBODY knows the Kingpin.

the reason BP is going to be so difficult is really ONE thing...

He is Black.

that's it in a nutshell.

If he was Tony Starks rich African buddy he knew from college and sharing models together the audience wouldn't question it one bit...

Wait a minute that isn't a bad idea....


I digress

I think this is not only a great writing exercise for all involved

how to take criticism, how to start and actually COMPLETE a project, getting CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, getting encouragement from your writing peers, getting ideas for your OWN projects and just fun.

but I think if it leaks and they 'borrow' from it...

it was worth the effort.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

T'Challa or Charlie to his friends (Obama/Barry) is an old friend of Tony Starks. both rich and running away from any real responsibility.

Charlie was destined to become the ruler of a small very prosperous country in Africa, no one really heard of it or had been there but it is 'known' to be rich and powerful. Much like Dubai no one can find it on a map but has heard about it occasionally on world news sites and ignored it.

Charlie and Tony used to shut down clubs hotels restaurants and racetracks all over Europe. But oddly Charlie's name was never on gossip sites and his pictures were always blurry or slightly obscured. Go figure, just lucky I guess.

The few times they had a 'serious' talk Tony felt like Charlie was MUCH more intelligent then he let on...alarmingly so (James Bond). He always got straight A's and while woman were all over him Tony can't really ever hearing anything specific about Charlie's exploits (Bruce Wayne).


Occasional Superstar **

T'Challa or Charlie to his friends (Obama/Barry) is an old friend of Tony Starks. both rich and running away from any real responsibility.

Charlie was destined to become the ruler of a small very prosperous country in Africa, no one really heard of it or had been there but it is 'known' to be rich and powerful. Much like Dubai no one can find it on a map but has heard about it occasionally on world news sites and ignored it.

Charlie and Tony used to shut down clubs hotels restaurants and racetracks all over Europe. But oddly Charlie's name was never on gossip sites and his pictures were always blurry or slightly obscured. Go figure, just lucky I guess.

The few times they had a 'serious' talk Tony felt like Charlie was MUCH more intelligent then he let on...alarmingly so (James Bond). He always got straight A's and while woman were all over him Tony can't really ever hearing anything specific about Charlie's exploits (Bruce Wayne).

not a bad idea....my only question is how old/young they intend to make T'Challa. Chadwick Boseman could go either way, but for me, when I look at him I just dont see him being the same age as RDJ's Tony Stark.