Writer's Circle: How would YOU write Marvel's Black Panther movie? UPDATE:What about the sequel?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
not a bad idea....my only question is how old/young they intend to make T'Challa. Chadwick Boseman could go either way, but for me, when I look at him I just dont see him being the same age as RDJ's Tony Stark.

Tony could be the older big brother bad influence when BP was coming up...

sent specifically by the Wakandian gov't to spy on Tony Stark and his company and later the Avengers much like in the comics.

Stark underestimated him...thought he was just a smart kid, and reminded Tony of himself.

The betrayal could be played up and later T'Challa could confront Cap and tell him that he did what his country NEEDED him to do. What has Cap done?


International Member
Check this one out from iron man armored adventures, they did right by T'challa with this ep, flipped his origins a bit and made him younger they also introduced moses magnum


Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
Mello, your story is outstanding. I dug the fuck out of it. We should talk. I need help with the subplots

Im rewatching Avengers:Earth's Mightiest Heroes just cuz it was a good series. I really liked how they did BP on this show. they didnt always play him up to full potential, but in the episodes that introduced him and at several points all throughout, they highlighted him as being on par with Captain America in hand to hand combat, on par with Tony Stark and Hank Pym as far as technical know how...and really a step above because he had access to vibranium which they weren't really up on....one of the best strategists out of all the Avengers and really only matched by Reed Richards in terms of all out intellectual prowess....best shown by his uncanny ability at pragmatically assessing threats in real time. I liked the BET series but the janky animation style took it down a couple notches for me....but I feel like if they could take notes from that and from Avengers EMH they would have a really good blueprint for the character we need to see.

And just to reiterate...I thought Mello's idea was dope...I just see issues with a 60's storyline...mainly because I wanna see BP as an Avenger interacting with the other heroes in present day. I dont think you can really highlight all of his strengths without juxtaposing him against the other heroes like they did on A:EMH.

yea no you're right. no 60's storyline. bring him up to today and have him be integral in this current run thats going on

What we can do is take the first half of playahatians story about Captain America invading with the help of Tony Starks father and getting whooped by T'Chaka to emphasize the might and advancement of who Wakandans are how what their civilization is like as a backstory on Wakandan history. Kinda have them look like your average African Zulu tribe with shields and spears up against these advanced warfare westerners. Seems like easy work. However these Wakandans are more than meets the eye. Flip the script. Their shields are made of Vibranium. Their spears are actually cluster-bomb warheads that take out half of the invading forces. All manner of booby-traps are all around when the invading Cap realizes they walked into an ambush set by T'Chaka.

Then we are lead into the secret hide away of Wakanda and all its beauty and exoticness never before seen white Gorillas and other animals. Totems and things that symbolize the panther gods. Then we are led into a montage of old Wakanda and how the old technology turned into new modern technology.

Finally arriving to present day or modern day Wakanda, picking up where playahatians and my story overlap where T'Challa is being prepped to assume the mantle of Black Panther but sneaks away to see the world to get away from all the pressures of being the Black Panther have him meet Storm as Orroro when she tries to steal his camera or something like that or sets him up to be robbed. He pursues her in a chase they eventually develop a friendship and short fling relationship. Give them a secret meeting spot where they can always meet each other. Then interject WTGGT segments about Eric Killmonger as a sub-plot challenging antagonist to the BP mantle and show his supporters and division in the kingdom. Also show Killmonger connection with Dr.Klaw. Killmonger leads his campaign for BP and he is winning because T'Challa is a no show missing several ceremonial events in his absence. Add in where playahatian says the people don't think he is Black enough to be the Panther and all types of false rumors and jokes are made about T'Chaka and his lineage and the people criticize T'Chakas rule (draw similarities between Barack Obama vs GOP) T'Chaka is embarrassed T'Challa is ruining everything he planned for their tribe feels like the kingdom is slipping away. Fearing their tribe may be eliminated, exiled or forced into low class from the kingdom if Killmonger is elected Black Panther as all manner of Wakandan tribes seek to coup T'Chaka.

T'Chaka sends the Dora Male or Hunter to find T'Challa quickly they find him as he is returning to Wakanda. Dora Male sense someone is watching them maybe following them uncertain who. When T'Challa shows in the nick of time before he can be completely disqualified from the BP competiton. The competition narrows to T'Challa and Killmonger with Killmonger being bested by T'Challa in a way he never could before (thanks to being exposed to MMA, Bruce Lee etc while he was away) perhaps interject some American humor mixed with some Wakandan proverbs like playahatian was saying when he's talking trash to Killmonger in during the fight. But before they can complete the final ceremony Dr.Klaw invades. Killmonger says something under his breath like "It's too early" unbeknownst to him T'Challa hears it and suspects Killmongers involvement. The kingdom puts aside their criticism of T'Chaka and looks for him to now protect them from Klaw.

Then pick up on my story where Dr.Klaw and friends begin their invasion and T'Chaka is killed but not before giving Klaw a servere maiming and scarring to remember him by. Have Klaw gain new powers to compensate for his injuries sustained by his fight with T'Chaka. Have Killmonger help in the repairs on Klaws body. Killmonger becomes defacto Black Panther doing the bidding of Klaw for western nations saying he will lead Wakanda into the 21-22nd century with the help of Klaw. Show here what WTGGT says he wrestles kills one of the exotic white gorilla then turns around to signs his sellout papers to allow dr. Klaw to mine the Vibranium. Have Killmoger shaking hands with Captain America like WTGGT mentions, Cap thinking Killmonger respected T'Chaka as he did whe he first fought him but Killmonger insults T'Chaka in death. His arrogance rubs Cap the wrong way and thinks America has made a mistske aligning with the wrong people. Killmonger sells other Wakandan goods to the west for the low low with new plans on turning Wakanda into a tourist destination. But Klaw has no plans on helping Wakandas into the future and enslaves them to mine the Vibranium (Rhodesian like imperialism) he just wants power and profit to best Stark industries for embarrassingly defeating his father decades ago during the arms race.

Then have T'Challa his family and tribe flee in hiding from Wakanda. T'Challa must figure out how to defeat Klaw. (Here is a moment for a MCU tie-ins perhaps what silentking mention with Hank Pym ) The Dora Male spy on Wakanda and tell of Klaws new form and resistance. The weight of Wakandas future on his shoulders he seeks Panther god advice after hearing all the complaints from his family and fathers advisors. Perhaps whoever the MCU tie in is also has interest in Wakanda Vibranium (maybe it's Stark) and wants to help T'Challa remove Klaw and Killmonger for T'Challa to help them get the Vibranium instead and not Klaw. T'Challa takes the help but has secret plans of his own. Playahatians dialogue bits here: "Stark I'm no man's puppet. You believe it's much easier to handle a man in chains. You keep reaching into another man's plate prepare to have your hand chopped off". T'Challa uses the help to plot a coup'd ta of Killmomger and Klaw then double cross Stark and take all of Wakanda back with no western influences.

Klaw becomes crueler and Killmomger begins to regret his involvement with Klaw and seeks a way to double cross him, likewise Klaw seeks a way to rid himself of Killmonger. But the profits are too much for either of them to give up their involvement just yet. We then see Klaw and Killmonger on Time magazine as leading Africa into the future and talk of all the hidden beauties and exotic animals there and how it would be a great place for the west to invest. But back in Wakanda pockets of resistance rise up agaisnt Klaw and Killmomger oppressive regime asking for the spirit of T'Chaka and the Panther gods to deliver them. When T'Challa arrives wearing the Black Panther costume and disrupting Klaws mining equipment. The people are inspired thinking Chaka is not dead and begin to revolt. But Killmonger knows it's T'Challa and retreats to hide to let T'Challa dispose of Klaw for him only to reveal himself when he has a chance to kill two birds with one stone. Maybe Iron Man and Cap come to help T'Challa in this moment as he takes back Wakanda. Cap thinking BP was suppose to be dead but T'Challa reveals he is his father son. They fight Klaw rescue the people, save the mound of Vibranium.

Klaw is defeated. Tony Stark comes to T'Challa with his hand out asking for his piece of the pie. T'Challa scoffs (haven't figured out how this double cross goes yet. But knowing T'Challa he has a plan) Tony Stark is appalled at the double cross determined not to leave empty handed snags a piece of Vibranium to take with him. Then show Cap and BP doing a symbolic "respect bro" handshake at the end as Cap extends an invite for BP into the avengers. T'Challa considers it but no definite yes.

It's not over yet as BP returns to Wakanda he still must defeat Eric Killmonger again in ceremony to officially win back Wakanda and bring his tribe and family out of exile. Killmongers leanred a thing or two since the last fight and there are still other adversaries that want to see T'Challa fail. They fight long and hard and their fight takes them out of the ceremonial ring and into the dark of the Wakandan jungle where Killmonger admits his motives and regrets. He whips T'Challa ass something serious close to death. Near defeat T'Challa draws strength from his fathers wisdom and the Panther gods he feels have given their blessing to him. Killmonger and T'Challa clash one last time. Then out of the jungle emerges Killmonger walking back into the ceremonial ring holding the mask of the BP barely making it as he stumbles before them. His supports cheers for his victory talking mad shit and T'Challas tribe and family hang their heads in shame and defeat weeping. Then Eric Killmonger collapses in the center of the ring and standing behind him is T'Challa, chest poked out proud as shit. The new Black Panther. He throws up a black power fist and the crowd goes wild and the T'Challa naysayers sink in defeat hiding their faces in shame.

T'Challa reveals the truth to them of what happened and pledges to always protect Wakanda from outsiders the people drag Killmomger off to jail or whatever. As all of Wakanda celebrates their independence and new king. But some still aren't satisfied and secretly align themselves with outsiders who seek to destroy Wakanda (insert new bad guy here). A new Wakanda army at his helm BP is ready to take on all new challengers. Insert end portions of my story here.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Mello my man.

That is the new bible.

We using that as the foundation.

What say the rest of the writer's circle?

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
cant use Storm. X-men are off the table.
I forgot but said that after I already posted it.

Can't we get away with it as a technicality of her not being Storm but her Orroro persona?

We can use that scene as a flashback segment like T'Challa has always had a secret way out of Wakanda since a kid and that's how he met Orroro and he yerns to recapture that old feeling of simpler times as a kid while on the helm inheriting the BP mantle.

If not Orroro a love interest is the only part I kinda left out of my synopsis. I don't too much care for it but I'm sure the Hollywood machine wants that in. Maybe have some groupies after T'Challa and one of the groupies isn't so much a groupie but she is from an opposing tribe in Wakanda that is against T'Chaka's tribe. So it's kind of a Romeo & Juliet type romance.

Mello my man.

That is the new bible.

We using that as the foundation.

What say the rest of the writer's circle?

Im with it. Seems like we all know enough about BP's back story to fill in the blanks when needed. We've all posted enough content here for a good well rounded story. Just mixing and matching to a complete story.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
cant use Storm. X-men are off the table.

A beautiful silver haired girl...but in

No name used but when they finally make love the weather changes accordingly. ..

Rain, lighting, thunder, earthquake, and the sun and rainbow...great for humor, easter egg wink to the audience.

We don't even see her REAL hair color till the next morning when he wakes up alone and finds a long silver strand that he saved.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
A beautiful silver haired girl...but in

No name used but when they finally make love the weather changes accordingly. ..

Rain, lighting, thunder, earthquake, and the sun and rainbow...great for humor, easter egg wink to the audience.

We don't even see her REAL hair color till the next morning when he wakes up alone and finds a long silver strand that he saved.

Dope! :yes:


Occasional Superstar **
I forgot but said that after I already posted it.

Can't we get away with it as a technicality of her not being Storm but her Orroro persona?

We can use that scene as a flashback segment like T'Challa has always had a secret way out of Wakanda since a kid and that's how he met Orroro and he yerns to recapture that old feeling of simpler times as a kid while on the helm inheriting the BP mantle.

If not Orroro a love interest is the only part I kinda left out of my synopsis. I don't too much care for it but I'm sure the Hollywood machine wants that in. Maybe have some groupies after T'Challa and one of the groupies isn't so much a groupie but she is from an opposing tribe in Wakanda that is against T'Chaka's tribe. So it's kind of a Romeo & Juliet type romance.

Im with it. Seems like we all know enough about BP's back story to fill in the blanks when needed. We've all posted enough content here for a good well rounded story. Just mixing and matching to a complete story.

A beautiful silver haired girl...but in

No name used but when they finally make love the weather changes accordingly. ..

Rain, lighting, thunder, earthquake, and the sun and rainbow...great for humor, easter egg wink to the audience.

We don't even see her REAL hair color till the next morning when he wakes up alone and finds a long silver strand that he saved.

story wise I love it....but realistically its not happening. lol


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
this board never ceases to amaze....

probably putting together a better story than hollywood


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
In this case, a deliberate implication that she might be Ororo/Storm would infringe on 20th Century Fox's license.


so no parody rule would apply here? (like SNL, Sesame Street etc)

even if we NEVER show her hair?

JUST the single strand...

have the weather man on the radio or TV state...

"We are continuing to experience a series of peculiar and unprecedented weather events in the area perhaps we need to give a call out to Thor (ha ha ha)"

btw lukas...you are now officially a member of bgol entertainment legal team.

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star

T'Challa or Charlie to his friends (Obama/Barry) is an old friend of Tony Starks. both rich and running away from any real responsibility.

Charlie was destined to become the ruler of a small very prosperous country in Africa, no one really heard of it or had been there but it is 'known' to be rich and powerful. Much like Dubai no one can find it on a map but has heard about it occasionally on world news sites and ignored it.

Charlie and Tony used to shut down clubs hotels restaurants and racetracks all over Europe. But oddly Charlie's name was never on gossip sites and his pictures were always blurry or slightly obscured. Go figure, just lucky I guess.

The few times they had a 'serious' talk Tony felt like Charlie was MUCH more intelligent then he let on...alarmingly so (James Bond). He always got straight A's and while woman were all over him Tony can't really ever hearing anything specific about Charlie's exploits (Bruce Wayne).



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

THAT is the Panther I want the world to see.

I want young Black people to want to be smart.

I want him to inspire like A different world did.

I want him to light a fire within us like Roots did.

The best of us...Harlem Renaissance.

I want him to be the new generation Shaft. Apollo Creed. Obama. Serena. Michael Jordan.

But represent intelligence and Black pride tradition excellence.

If they say no one will believe it like they told Cosby, say if they believe Tom Cruise hanging off an airplane, Neo battling the matrix and Bond fighting in space they can wrap their narrow minds around this.

lukas james

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member

so no parody rule would apply here? (like SNL, Sesame Street etc)

even if we NEVER show her hair?

JUST the single strand...

have the weather man on the radio or TV state...

"We are continuing to experience a series of peculiar and unprecedented weather events in the area perhaps we need to give a call out to Thor (ha ha ha)"

btw lukas...you are now officially a member of bgol entertainment legal team.

Nope, the Fox/Marvel beef over licenses is strong right now. Marvel wants their IP back. Fox wants revenge for Fantastic Four and half the X-men comics being cancelled.
Neither side is going to let shit slide. If a white cat hair gets stuck to the camera lens, Fox legal team be like...

We're going to need to test that hair.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nope, the Fox/Marvel beef over licenses is strong right now. Marvel wants their IP back. Fox wants revenge for Fantastic Four and half the X-men comics being cancelled.
Neither side is going to let shit slide. If a white cat hair gets stuck to the camera lens, Fox legal team be like...

We're going to need to test that hair.


They make love and the weather changes....

And he tells her

"I look in your eyes and I can see the stars the sun moon I feel struck by lightning thunder in my soul...what have you done to me?"

How's that?

lukas james

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member

They make love and the weather changes....

And he tells her

"I look in your eyes and I can see the stars the sun moon I feel struck by lightning thunder in my soul...what have you done to me?"

How's that?

I guess they could try something like that, but even if they could get away with it, it's not worth it when they're deliberately trying to "starve" X-men characters in the long game.
Remember, Marvel annulled the Black Panther/Storm marriage 2-3 years ago in order to make sure Storm couldn't gain popularity from Black Panther making it to film.


BGOL Legend
I guess they could try something like that, but even if they could get away with it, it's not worth it when they're deliberately trying to "starve" X-men characters in the long game.
Remember, Marvel annulled the Black Panther/Storm marriage 2-3 years ago in order to make sure Storm couldn't gain popularity from Black Panther making it to film.

white people stay breaking up black love for their own selfish reasons


Rising Star
They didn't break up their marriage for that reason. They broke them up specifically to be with Wolverine for his bullshit ending. They couldn't bring Jean back so Storm was pretty much what was left. You'll have to scour down Bendis's tumblr to find the info.

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star

THAT is the Panther I want the world to see.

I want young Black people to want to be smart.

I want him to inspire like A different world did.

I want him to light a fire within us like Roots did.

The best of us...Harlem Renaissance.

I want him to be the new generation Shaft. Apollo Creed. Obama. Serena. Michael Jordan.

But represent intelligence and Black pride tradition excellence.

If they say no one will believe it like they told Cosby, say if they believe Tom Cruise hanging off an airplane, Neo battling the matrix and Bond fighting in space they can wrap their narrow minds around this.











Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I guess they could try something like that, but even if they could get away with it, it's not worth it when they're deliberately trying to "starve" X-men characters in the long game.
Remember, Marvel annulled the Black Panther/Storm marriage 2-3 years ago in order to make sure Storm couldn't gain popularity from Black Panther making it to film.

Damn...I'm still leaving it on the first draft let bgol editing handle that

Really appreciateall your help.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They didn't break up their marriage for that reason. They broke them up specifically to be with Wolverine for his bullshit ending. They couldn't bring Jean back so Storm was pretty much what was left. You'll have to scour down Bendis's tumblr to find the info.


That is so stupid I totally believe it.


Rising Star
When he fought the red skull was 1 of my favorite moments ever. I hope by movie 2 - 3 they get into the mysticism of the Black Panther Cult. I loved that shit. Especially when he became King of the Dead.


Rising Star

That is so stupid I totally believe it.

Storm being married to BP from the beginning was hated by MOST of the comic community. Like they really hated it. But Hudlin did it anyway. He wanted to marry his favorite black characters together and he did. There was precedence of a romance between them before. And eric jerone dickey did a short Storm series telling of their youth.

But even before he did that Claremont, the guy who wrote Storm for 20+ years had them allude to a romance between them. Being friends and shit like that. it didn't pop up a LOT. but it was there. But the fandom for the most part wanted her with a white man or Forge. Specifically Wolverine.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Storm being married to BP from the beginning was hated by MOST of the comic community. Like they really hated it. But Hudlin did it anyway. He wanted to marry his favorite black characters together and he did. There was precedence of a romance between them before. And eric jerone dickey did a short Storm series telling of their youth.

But even before he did that Claremont, the guy who wrote Storm for 20+ years had them allude to a romance between them. Being friends and shit like that. it didn't pop up a LOT. but it was there. But the fandom for the most part wanted her with a white man or Forge. Specifically Wolverine.

WE gonna need u to official historian & fact checker.

And on everything else fuck that bullshit.