Writer's Circle: How would YOU write Marvel's Black Panther movie? UPDATE:What about the sequel?

lukas james

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
They didn't break up their marriage for that reason. They broke them up specifically to be with Wolverine for his bullshit ending. They couldn't bring Jean back so Storm was pretty much what was left. You'll have to scour down Bendis's tumblr to find the info.

Nah, Wolverine's involvement seemed more like a convenient slap in the face rather than a reason as to why. No reason to think Bendis or anybody else with 2 grains of sense would admit to the real reason on the record or in print. Besides, they love an excuse to bring Jean Grey back. That bitch has died and been reborn more times than Kenny.

It doesn't matter how the writers justified it or tried to make sense of it. Marvel quietly and deliberately began segregating their characters based on movie licenses sometime back. They can afford to kill off a character's popularity if it strengthens their negotiating power or puts them in a position to reclaim the rights.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I'm going on vacation tomorrow. lol Majestik is just as up on his comic knowledge as i am though. lol

I have absolutely no, acknowledged. My mother wouldn't allow me to read anything other than Archie comics when I was a kid. "They are too violent," she said. unlike most of you, I don't have anything to draw from.

before I watched the very first episode of the BET Black Panther series, I had the same idea that they displayed there. and invasion gone horribly wrong on a Marlo Stanfield level. the invaders thought it was one way, but it was the other way. there are a hell of a lot of great ideas in this thread. We have some amazingly talented people here. one of you spoke of T'Chaka thwarting that invasion,and later playing on the prodigal son angle. I liked that very much. I believe there was also talk of a foiled coup, from inside Wakanda. I can't wait to read what you guys come up with


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I have absolutely no, acknowledged. My mother wouldn't allow me to read anything other than Archie comics when I was a kid. "They are too violent," she said. unlike most of you, I don't have anything to draw from.

before I watched the very first episode of the BET Black Panther series, I had the same idea that they displayed there. and invasion gone horribly wrong on a Marlo Stanfield level. the invaders thought it was one way, but it was the other way. there are a hell of a lot of great ideas in this thread. We have some amazingly talented people here. one of you spoke of T'Chaka thwarting that invasion,and later playing on the prodigal son angle. I liked that very much. I believe there was also talk of a foiled coup, from inside Wakanda. I can't wait to read what you guys come up with

You aint got away that easy gow...we gonna need your expertise!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Cape Watch: Which Black Panther Will We Get in Captain America, Anyway?

As the entire superhero movie industry prepares for Comic-Con International in San Diego—yes, Marvel Studios isn’t attending the show this year, but you know that they’re going to be avidly waiting to see what Warner Bros. does—the machine continues to move on, with hints of what to expect from Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man, and a Suicide Squad star potentially provoking a complicated reaction if she shows up at the Con.

These, then, are the highlights of the last week of superhero movie news.

SUPER IDEA: Cara Delevingne Commits Superhero Movie Career Suicide

What’s the best way to win over superhero fans who are already suspicious of movies that don’t bear the Marvel logo? If you’re Suicide Squad’s Cara Delevingne, you point out that most superhero movies have terrible roles for women. “Generally though, superhero movies are totally sexist,” she told Empire magazine. “Female superheroes are normally naked or in bikinis. No one would be able to fight like that. Wonder Woman, how the hell does she fight? She would be dead in a minute.” Although her greater point was spot-on, it was nonetheless nit-picked by fanboys who, amongst other things, suggested she was wrong because Black Widow and Peggy Carter don’t wear bikinis.

Why this is super: Delevingne’s involvement was exciting in the first place, but knowing that she’s so critical of the way women are treated in other superhero movies, but supportive of their Suicide Squad roles (“There are only three girls in [the movie] but in my opinion they have the best roles,” she said), makes this feel a lot more interesting. What if this movie lives up to the hype?

SUPER IDEA: It Takes (Volume) 2 to Make a Thing Go Right

Not only do we now know that the sequel to last year’s space superhero hit will be Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2, but director James Gunn is promising a more emotional second installment, in which we’ll “learn a lot about fathers.” Considering that we don’t know who Star-Lord’s father is yet, and that Gamora’s adopted dad is none other than Thanos, that’s a pretty big tease to drop.

Why this is super: As fun as the first Guardians was, the prospect of a second movie that ups the emotional aspects of the series is something very promising indeed. We know Gunn and his crew can do funny and spectacular well. Let’s see if they can deliver genuine emotional payoff too.

SUPER IDEA: Peter Parker’s Day Off? The Spider Club? No, Wait, Weird Spiders!

If you’ve been worried that the new Spider-Man movie will just retread the same ground as the last five, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige is here to reassure you otherwise. “We haven’t seen a John Hughes movie in a long time,” he explained about the reboot for Marvel’s web-slinger during a promotional appearance for Ant-Man. “Not that we can make a John Hughes movie—only John Hughes could—but we’re inspired by him, and merging that with the superhero genre in a way we haven’t done before excites us.” He also promised big emotional stakes, and—thank God—”villains we haven’t seen before.” (Please use Mysterio, please use Mysterio, please use Mysterio.)

Why this is super: A Spider-Man movie that isn’t just doing what we’ve already seen? That’s almost enough to make us forgive you for casting yet another white guy as Peter Parker this time around, Sony/Marvel.

SUPER IDEA: Which Black Panther Are We Going to Meet in Captain America, Anyway?

Feige has also been talking about the role that Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther is going to play in next year’s Captain America: Civil War, telling Birth.Movies.Death that being the Black Panther is “a role that he is still in the beginning phases of taking on, it’s a mantle he is only beginning to take on because his father is older.” He’ll become embroiled with the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe as a result of events in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Feige teased, and when he meets Iron Man and Captain America, he’ll stand aside from their stroppy civil war. “The reason we introduced him in Civil War is because we needed a third party,” Feige said. “We needed fresh eyes who wasn’t embedded with the Avengers and who has a very different point of view than either Tony or Steve.”

Why this is super: The suggestion that T’Challa isn’t going to be introduced as a character in the background to serve the greater needs of Cap or Iron Man is a welcome one indeed. What are the odds that Civil War could end with everyone accepting that Black Panther is the best and should lead the Avengers?

MEH IDEA: Channing Tatum in Pink Is Too Much of a Gambit

Meanwhile, promotion for Magic Mike XXL has been hijacked to get some more details on next year’s Gambit movie, with Digital Spy asking Channing Tatum how the accent is going and producer Reid Carolin how much the movie will interact with the larger X-Men movie universe. (Short answers: Slowly and not so much, although the character will move into the larger universe later, apparently.) Far more importantly, will Tatum wear the character’s pink-and-purple comic book costume? “That’s the fun part, to massage in,” he said. “You can’t just do it the way people think.” So that’s a no, then.

Why this is villainy: Channing, listen. The entire reason we’re cool with a Gambit movie in the first place is to see you wear the classic outfit. If that’s not happening, then we’re going to have to rethink this whole thing.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
A lot of Black fanboys and fangirls are relieved. Now what? Rick Famuyiwa?

EXCLUSIVE: Ava DuVernay Won’t Be Directing ‘Black Panther’ Movie


The first Black female superhero movie director moment is going to have to be put on hold, folks.

It turns out those rumors of Ava DuVernay directing Marvel’s Black Panther movie were not totally factual—she considered it, but passed.

The Selma director tells ESSENCE she did meet with execs about bringing the story of Marvel’s first superhero of color to life, but they had different ideas of how to move forward.

“I guess I'll declare my independence from this rumor on 4th of July weekend and Essence weekend!” DuVernay said on her way to accept a McDonald’s 365 Award during the ESSENCE Festival in New Orleans.

“I'm not signing on to direct Black Panther,” she added. “I think I’ll just say we had different ideas about what the story would be. Marvel has a certain way of doing things and I think they’re fantastic and a lot of people love what they do. I loved that they reached out to me.”

The Black Panther movie is currently in the works, with Chadwick Boseman (Get on Up) slated to play the role of T’Challa, the ruler of the fictional nation of Wakanda and the first Black superhero to appear in a mainstream comic book franchise in the 60s.

“I loved meeting Chadwick and writers and all the Marvel execs,” said DuVernay. “In the end, it comes down to story and perspective. And we just didn't see eye to eye. Better for me to realize that now than cite creative differences later.”

The civil right pilot she recently shot for CBS, tentatively titled For Justice, didn’t get picked up. “We turned it in the week of the Baltimore uprising, and we had an uprising in our piece when we filmed it,” she said. “I think they thought it was a little close to real life. But I had an absolute ball making it.”

DuVernay, a 2013 ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood honoree, is currently filming a love story set against Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

As for the Black Panther movie, she says she’s in full support of the project.

“I love the character of Black Panther, the nation of Wakanda and all that that could be visually. I wish them well and will be first in line to see it."



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Kickass Torrents has this. I'm downloading now

Black Panther (v1-v5+Extras)(1977-2012)(Scans+Digital) REQUESTED (- Nem -)

Black Panther (v1-v5+Extras)(1977-2012)(Scans+Digital) REQUESTED (- Nem -) (Size: 4.17 GB)
Black Panther - The Man Without Fear (513-523)(2011) (Scans+Digital)
Black Panther - The Most Dangerous Man Alive (523.1-529)(2011-2012) (Scans+Digital)
Black Panther v1 (001-015 (1977-1979) (Digital+Scans)
Black Panther v2 (001-004) (1988) (DarthScanner-Mediozo-DCP)
Black Panther v3 (001-062 (1998-2003) (DarthScanner-DCP)
Black Panther v4 (001-041+Annual)(2005-2008)
Black Panther v5 (001-012)(2009-2010)
Variant Covers



Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
Wait so we about to see a Gambit movie sooner than a BP movie slated for 2018? :hmm:

With the way Fox treats the characters that's not a good thing. Remember, Howard the Duck has beaten The Justice League, Apocalypse, and the real Galactus to being on the big screen. Marvel has it under control. He will be on screen soon enough.

Sent From My Galaxy S5


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
I think they need to use the short lived BET animated series as a template.

I would start it off as a big flashback of his grandfather going thorough the trails the legend....

then flash forward to Captain America in a meeting with the feds about going into Wakanda to TAKE their resources he is a loyal solider but this is the beginning of his doubts we see proven in winter Solider.

They give a complete overview of Wakanda and the origins of the Black Panther as THEY know it and that educates the audience.

Seeing Tony Stark's dad and Cap will help them accept the MCU connection....might even mention Hydra or AIM

And show that iconic scene of Cap landing in Wakanda in the dead of night and having T'Chaka's dad basically serve Cap up while also detailing to the audience the long line of blood and death brought about by foreign nations raping Africa and this also explain Wakanda's complete separation from the rest of the world.

the shock of the audience seeing Cap beaten to a pulp by a Black man AND shown mercy BUT warned severely will be polarizing but I think is the best way to show that America isn't perfect (much like they did in Winter Solider...greed power racism etc)

the rest of the film can show T'Challa's doubts with leading being raised in a more modern world

show how he traveled the world to educate himself (and meets a young silver haired thief in Egypt) and his people no longer think he is BLACK ENOUGH to lead Wakanda and prefer his cousin.

His cousin's jealously the pressures (very Barack Obama in his first term) burden him.

Our FIRST look at Wakanda has to inspire awe in every Black person in the audience they must feel like THAT is possible and COULD be possible

He is torn throughout and is reminded he is the descendent of kings to honor our history to hold ourselves to a higher standard but NOT set by OTHERS but set by ourselves.

That he WILL join the fight (on his own terms) and the Avengers as a SYMBOL to his people and the world about Black people's contributions importance legacy and humanity BUT will defend his PEOPLE'S best interest at all costs...

just like Cap and Tony.

I would study many speeches and interviews of Malcolm X, MLK Jr, Bomani Jones, Amiri Baraka, John Stewart, Jesse Williams, Barack Obama (mix of a variety of voices to try to connect to the audience on different levels but still be clever funny relevant and SMART)...to make the quick debates and slick comments and retorts about race throughout the movie and not bog it down with preachy speeches.

"Stark, I am no man's puppet"

"You believe it is much easier to handle a man in chains"

"You keep reaching into another man's plate. prepare for your hand to be chopped off"

mentions of the confederate flag, the unjust between law enforcement in the US

That action pieces need to be raw like Daredevil on Netflix...

more MMA, African, Brazilian, Boxing....

He has to be smart and cool distant regal aloof focused measured adamant quick to check you....Black James Bond

but NOT immediately we need to see him as almost 'AMERICAN' in the beginning and grow and develop more mature as the film progresses.

study the first Iron Man and see Starks transformation

I think Ava could do this...because the emotions of the interactions especially the aftermath is key to translating to a wider audience.

When and whoever the BIG BAD is who conquers and enslaves the Wakandas has to illicit the colonialism and slavery...and when they rise up it has to feel like something every black person in that audience has dreamed of their whole lives.

OK I'm finding this and watching it RIGHT NOW

My post has ended. Stop reading, jackass :hmm:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Why Black Panther Was One of the Easiest Marvel Superheroes to Cast


A high-profile superhero role usually becomes one of the most coveted parts in Hollywood — and whenever Marvel Studios is looking for a new actor to suit up, you can count on months of speculation and casting short lists before it settles on its man. That's why it was so surprising last fall when Marvel pulled the veil off its highly anticipated hero Black Panther with a one-two-three punch of news: The character would be getting his own movie (now dated for summer 2018), he'd be showing up first in 2016's Captain America: Civil War, and the role was already cast with Get On Up actor Chadwick Boseman. How did Marvel manage to pull off such a big announcement without any significant leaks? I asked Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige about it last week in Los Angeles.

"We were working on the Civil War draft, and we realized we wanted to do things a little different than the comics and bring in a third party," said Feige, who had already wooed Robert Downey Jr. to reprise his role of Tony Stark in the Captain America sequel, which finds Tony butting heads with Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) over a superhero registration act. "We wanted someone who could look at this argument between Tony and Steve with fresh eyes, who wasn't siding with either of them. We started saying, 'What about someone like Black Panther?'"

At that point, Feige had planned to give Black Panther a stand-alone film sometime in the next few years, but nothing was set in stone about the character's introduction. "We knew we were heading towards a Black Panther movie, but after the second or third time you're in a Civil War meeting, sitting around a table, and someone says, 'Let's bring in a character like Black Panther,' you go, 'It should just be Black Panther.' And that's how that happened."

A decision that major would normally kick off a months-long casting search like the one Marvel recently embarked on to cast its new Spider-Man, but Feige already had a man in mind to play T'Challa, who made his comic-book debut as Black Panther in 1966 and became the first black superhero in American comics. "We just called Chadwick. He was the only choice," said Feige. Boseman learned of the fateful pick on September 25 of last year while in Switzerland, where his James Brown biopic Get On Up was opening the Zurich Film Festival. Said Feige, "He had just done the red carpet, and instead of going into the theater he went back into his car because we had a call scheduled with him, and we said, 'Have you ever heard of this character Black Panther, and do you want to do it?' And he said, 'Yes!' and it was done." No muss, no fuss.

Boseman had to keep silent on that casting for a month more, and he held up his end of the bargain awfully well: When I interviewed him two weeks after Zurich and asked whether he had any interest in playing a superhero, Boseman convinced me that he was utterly uninterested in the notion even as his reps were busy hammering out a secret five-picture deal with Marvel. The casting was announced a few days before Halloween at a big Marvel event in Los Angeles where Feige brought out Boseman (alongside Downey Jr. and Evans) and revealed a huge new slate of movies, including Black Panther, that would stretch until 2019.

"It's always gratifying to see fans respond to something, and to be able to introduce Chadwick, which hadn't leaked," said Feige. Still, even though he'd been able to pull off a massive info dump that announced Marvel's full lineup for years to come, Feige found himself with two preoccupations after he left the stage.

"One was, now we actually have to deliver on all this stuff and get to work," he said, "and two, I did a tiny Q&A afterwards with some press, and even though I'd just announced ten movies — more of an upcoming slate than anyone's ever announced in history, really — all the questions were, 'What about this other character?' and 'What about this other movie?'" He laughed. "Which, again, is a testament to Marvel."


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I would love to have this be his hallmark...
have the audience think he has made a mistake or

worse turned evil betrayed the avengers...let the white audience feel their preexisting prejudices have been proven correct and then at the last moment...

* boom

not aheist movie but more a James Bond Ocean's 11 Usual Suspects reveal.

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
I would love to have this be his hallmark...
have the audience think he has made a mistake or

worse turned evil betrayed the avengers...let the white audience feel their preexisting prejudices have been proven correct and then at the last moment...

* boom

not aheist movie but more a James Bond Ocean's 11 Usual Suspects reveal.

You and me both my bro. :yes:


Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
Storm being married to BP from the beginning was hated by MOST of the comic community. Like they really hated it. But Hudlin did it anyway. He wanted to marry his favorite black characters together and he did. There was precedence of a romance between them before. And eric jerone dickey did a short Storm series telling of their youth.

But even before he did that Claremont, the guy who wrote Storm for 20+ years had them allude to a romance between them. Being friends and shit like that. it didn't pop up a LOT. but it was there. But the fandom for the most part wanted her with a white man or Forge. Specifically Wolverine.






Last edited:

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
I have no idea how to outline something like that...

do have to come up with the dialogue and scene breakdown FIRST

do you create the entire scheme first???

I think you need to have a basic story idea in place first before building dialogue and the inevitasble scene breakdown. :)


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I think you need to have a basic story idea in place first before building dialogue and the inevitasble scene breakdown. :)

I'm using THIS as an outline

What we can do is take the first half of playahatians story about Captain America invading with the help of Tony Starks father and getting whooped by T'Chaka to emphasize the might and advancement of who Wakandans are how what their civilization is like as a backstory on Wakandan history. Kinda have them look like your average African Zulu tribe with shields and spears up against these advanced warfare westerners. Seems like easy work. However these Wakandans are more than meets the eye. Flip the script. Their shields are made of Vibranium. Their spears are actually cluster-bomb warheads that take out half of the invading forces. All manner of booby-traps are all around when the invading Cap realizes they walked into an ambush set by T'Chaka.

Then we are lead into the secret hide away of Wakanda and all its beauty and exoticness never before seen white Gorillas and other animals. Totems and things that symbolize the panther gods. Then we are led into a montage of old Wakanda and how the old technology turned into new modern technology.

Finally arriving to present day or modern day Wakanda, picking up where playahatians and my story overlap where T'Challa is being prepped to assume the mantle of Black Panther but sneaks away to see the world to get away from all the pressures of being the Black Panther have him meet Storm as Orroro when she tries to steal his camera or something like that or sets him up to be robbed. He pursues her in a chase they eventually develop a friendship and short fling relationship. Give them a secret meeting spot where they can always meet each other. Then interject WTGGT segments about Eric Killmonger as a sub-plot challenging antagonist to the BP mantle and show his supporters and division in the kingdom. Also show Killmonger connection with Dr.Klaw. Killmonger leads his campaign for BP and he is winning because T'Challa is a no show missing several ceremonial events in his absence. Add in where playahatian says the people don't think he is Black enough to be the Panther and all types of false rumors and jokes are made about T'Chaka and his lineage and the people criticize T'Chakas rule (draw similarities between Barack Obama vs GOP) T'Chaka is embarrassed T'Challa is ruining everything he planned for their tribe feels like the kingdom is slipping away. Fearing their tribe may be eliminated, exiled or forced into low class from the kingdom if Killmonger is elected Black Panther as all manner of Wakandan tribes seek to coup T'Chaka.

T'Chaka sends the Dora Male or Hunter to find T'Challa quickly they find him as he is returning to Wakanda. Dora Male sense someone is watching them maybe following them uncertain who. When T'Challa shows in the nick of time before he can be completely disqualified from the BP competiton. The competition narrows to T'Challa and Killmonger with Killmonger being bested by T'Challa in a way he never could before (thanks to being exposed to MMA, Bruce Lee etc while he was away) perhaps interject some American humor mixed with some Wakandan proverbs like playahatian was saying when he's talking trash to Killmonger in during the fight. But before they can complete the final ceremony Dr.Klaw invades. Killmonger says something under his breath like "It's too early" unbeknownst to him T'Challa hears it and suspects Killmongers involvement. The kingdom puts aside their criticism of T'Chaka and looks for him to now protect them from Klaw.

Then pick up on my story where Dr.Klaw and friends begin their invasion and T'Chaka is killed but not before giving Klaw a servere maiming and scarring to remember him by. Have Klaw gain new powers to compensate for his injuries sustained by his fight with T'Chaka. Have Killmonger help in the repairs on Klaws body. Killmonger becomes defacto Black Panther doing the bidding of Klaw for western nations saying he will lead Wakanda into the 21-22nd century with the help of Klaw. Show here what WTGGT says he wrestles kills one of the exotic white gorilla then turns around to signs his sellout papers to allow dr. Klaw to mine the Vibranium. Have Killmoger shaking hands with Captain America like WTGGT mentions, Cap thinking Killmonger respected T'Chaka as he did whe he first fought him but Killmonger insults T'Chaka in death. His arrogance rubs Cap the wrong way and thinks America has made a mistske aligning with the wrong people. Killmonger sells other Wakandan goods to the west for the low low with new plans on turning Wakanda into a tourist destination. But Klaw has no plans on helping Wakandas into the future and enslaves them to mine the Vibranium (Rhodesian like imperialism) he just wants power and profit to best Stark industries for embarrassingly defeating his father decades ago during the arms race.

Then have T'Challa his family and tribe flee in hiding from Wakanda. T'Challa must figure out how to defeat Klaw. (Here is a moment for a MCU tie-ins perhaps what silentking mention with Hank Pym ) The Dora Male spy on Wakanda and tell of Klaws new form and resistance. The weight of Wakandas future on his shoulders he seeks Panther god advice after hearing all the complaints from his family and fathers advisors. Perhaps whoever the MCU tie in is also has interest in Wakanda Vibranium (maybe it's Stark) and wants to help T'Challa remove Klaw and Killmonger for T'Challa to help them get the Vibranium instead and not Klaw. T'Challa takes the help but has secret plans of his own. Playahatians dialogue bits here: "Stark I'm no man's puppet. You believe it's much easier to handle a man in chains. You keep reaching into another man's plate prepare to have your hand chopped off". T'Challa uses the help to plot a coup'd ta of Killmomger and Klaw then double cross Stark and take all of Wakanda back with no western influences.

Klaw becomes crueler and Killmomger begins to regret his involvement with Klaw and seeks a way to double cross him, likewise Klaw seeks a way to rid himself of Killmonger. But the profits are too much for either of them to give up their involvement just yet. We then see Klaw and Killmonger on Time magazine as leading Africa into the future and talk of all the hidden beauties and exotic animals there and how it would be a great place for the west to invest. But back in Wakanda pockets of resistance rise up agaisnt Klaw and Killmomger oppressive regime asking for the spirit of T'Chaka and the Panther gods to deliver them. When T'Challa arrives wearing the Black Panther costume and disrupting Klaws mining equipment. The people are inspired thinking Chaka is not dead and begin to revolt. But Killmonger knows it's T'Challa and retreats to hide to let T'Challa dispose of Klaw for him only to reveal himself when he has a chance to kill two birds with one stone. Maybe Iron Man and Cap come to help T'Challa in this moment as he takes back Wakanda. Cap thinking BP was suppose to be dead but T'Challa reveals he is his father son. They fight Klaw rescue the people, save the mound of Vibranium.

Klaw is defeated. Tony Stark comes to T'Challa with his hand out asking for his piece of the pie. T'Challa scoffs (haven't figured out how this double cross goes yet. But knowing T'Challa he has a plan) Tony Stark is appalled at the double cross determined not to leave empty handed snags a piece of Vibranium to take with him. Then show Cap and BP doing a symbolic "respect bro" handshake at the end as Cap extends an invite for BP into the avengers. T'Challa considers it but no definite yes.

It's not over yet as BP returns to Wakanda he still must defeat Eric Killmonger again in ceremony to officially win back Wakanda and bring his tribe and family out of exile. Killmongers leanred a thing or two since the last fight and there are still other adversaries that want to see T'Challa fail. They fight long and hard and their fight takes them out of the ceremonial ring and into the dark of the Wakandan jungle where Killmonger admits his motives and regrets. He whips T'Challa ass something serious close to death. Near defeat T'Challa draws strength from his fathers wisdom and the Panther gods he feels have given their blessing to him. Killmonger and T'Challa clash one last time. Then out of the jungle emerges Killmonger walking back into the ceremonial ring holding the mask of the BP barely making it as he stumbles before them. His supports cheers for his victory talking mad shit and T'Challas tribe and family hang their heads in shame and defeat weeping. Then Eric Killmonger collapses in the center of the ring and standing behind him is T'Challa, chest poked out proud as shit. The new Black Panther. He throws up a black power fist and the crowd goes wild and the T'Challa naysayers sink in defeat hiding their faces in shame.

T'Challa reveals the truth to them of what happened and pledges to always protect Wakanda from outsiders the people drag Killmomger off to jail or whatever. As all of Wakanda celebrates their independence and new king. But some still aren't satisfied and secretly align themselves with outsiders who seek to destroy Wakanda (insert new bad guy here). A new Wakanda army at his helm BP is ready to take on all new challengers. Insert end portions of my story here.

I'm wondering after you got a a basic skeleton do you go BACK over to add the 'heist/scheme'?


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Opening Scene:

Wide Shot - Night. A robber is struggling with an unusually large older African-American woman... he knocks her down, grabs her purse and swiftly runs out of the alley into the adjacent street. As he rounds the corner a leg darts out of the blackness of the night and kicks him in the face, sending him sprawling back into the alley.

Close Shot: Robbers awestruck face. Cut to the dominating presence of the Black Panther.

Wide Shot: Woman turns around

Madea: Thank yer!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Opening Scene:

Wide Shot - Night. A robber is struggling with an unusually large older African-American woman... he knocks her down, grabs her purse and swiftly runs out of the alley into the adjacent street. As he rounds the corner a leg darts out of the blackness of the night and kicks him in the face, sending him sprawling back into the alley.

Close Shot: Robbers awestruck face. Cut to the dominating presence of the Black Panther.

Wide Shot: Woman turns around

Madea: Thank yer!

You actually raise a good point.

Ant-man, thor, iron man, avengers guardians had straight jokes.

How FUNNY do u think this movie has to be?


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
You actually raise a good point.

Ant-man, thor, iron man, avengers guardians had straight jokes.

How FUNNY do u think this movie has to be?

Aww man my post was straight bullshit bro :lol:

Let me take my ass out of here before I derail y'alls productive ass thread haha.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Aww man my post was straight bullshit bro :lol:

Let me take my ass out of here before I derail y'alls productive ass thread haha.


even the bullshit can help ffam...

cause you accidentally raised a good point about humor.

Many times we have an issue balancing humor and drama with Black lead films.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Why Top Directors Do Not Want to Work for Marvel

Marvel has driven away another creative, innovative filmmaker with its overly strict movie-making machine. Ava DuVernay was widely rumored to be the studio’s top choice to direct Black Panther, which will be the first Marvel film centered on an African American character, but the Selma director recently told Essence magazine that she had discussions with Marvel about the film and decided not to pursue the project. Apparently her and the company had some different ideas about how the movie should go. Marvel seems to want acclaimed directors to come and make superhero movies for them, but won’t let the filmmakers have the creative control they’re going to want/need/probably demand in order to make the movies.

The company is seeking to get a person of color to direct Black Panther and a woman to direct Captain Marvel, which will be the company’s first movie focusing on a female superhero. Black Panther is set to star Chadwick Boseman as the titular hero, the prince of the fictional African nation of Wakanda who has to take on his father’s throne and avenge the king’s death.

Marvel’s aspirations have always been high, as the company has made comic book-based movies that appeal to both wide audiences and critics. It has seduced the most famous and the most acclaimed actors in the business into roles as superheroes. But Marvel has had a harder time with getting big name directors on board. Not that they haven’t had talented filmmakers work with the company, but the need for the movies to have continuity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well as comply with the vision of Marvel head Kevin Feige has been a turnoff for filmmakers who are used to having creative control over their films.

“I’m not signing on to direct Black Panther,” DuVernay told Essence. “I think I’ll just say we had different ideas about what the story would be. Marvel has a certain way of doing things and I think they’re fantastic and a lot of people love what they do. I loved that they reached out to me.”

“I loved meeting Chadwick and writers and all the Marvel execs,” DuVernay continued. “In the end, it comes down to story and perspective. And we just didn’t see eye to eye. Better for me to realize that now than cite creative differences later.”

She’s alluding to Marvel’s last director snafu, one that will be fresh in people’s minds as Ant-Man is due to come out later this month. Filmmaker Edgar Wright, best known for the trilogy Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World’s End, developed that project for the better part of a decade before finally dropping out, citing creative differences with Marvel. Peyton Reed was brought in to replace him and Wright is still getting screenwriting and other credits for his contributions to the film, but he still essentially lost years of work due to the inability to find common ground with Marvel on the project.

This happened yet again with Monster director Patty Jenkins and the Thor sequel, The Dark World. Monster was a widely acclaimed look at serial killer Aileen Wuornos, who murdered seven men while working as a prostitute. Charlize Theron won pretty much every award there is to win, including the Oscar, for her portrayal of Wuornos. Jenkins signed on to direct The Dark World, but exited the project citing creative differences. She said she remained open to the idea of doing a superhero movie and Marvel, a company in need of a female director as it’s under fire for a lack of diversity at every level of filmmaking, allowed Jenkins to get scooped up by Warner Bros. and DC first. She’ll be directing Wonder Woman for that studio.

If Marvel really wants to get these interesting and acclaimed filmmakers on board with its projects, then the company needs to allow more room for their varying creative interpretations. The way the studio has all of its movies planned out for so many years in advance, with their varying interlocking plots, there’s little room for experimentation with story.

Ditto goes for style with the way Marvel has established the feel of its films and hasn’t shown much willingness to stray from that aesthetic.

If the studio wants the best and most distinctive filmmakers in the business to work for it, then it’s going to have to loosen up.

Black Panther is due to be released on July 6, 2018 and DuVernay remains supportive of the movie. “I love the character of Black Panther, the nation of Wakanda and all that that could be visually. I wish them well and will be first in line to see it,” she said.