"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...Here we go again 2025 are we ready for Trump to fuck this up again?


Rising Star
Americans forgot we live on a planet though. Shit load of countries can't get vaccination rates up. But world leaders don't want to be honest and just say this is our new normal. Don't want to be truthful on how fucked we are. It's just better to let the masses fight and play politics. :smh:

Meanwhile, variants will pop-up all over the world and get here.

Yeah, we were supposed to get the rate up to a certain level domestically, but them fools rushed it just for clout. See how quick they took their masks off in their profile pictures in Spring?

Goalposts are about to be moved with this shit. In the U.K, a scientist already said these frequent vaccinations ain't sustainable -- even though they started given 4th doses to immune compromised people. :smh: Politicians just don't have the heart to tell us how fucked up this is.

5th dose might be on deck by summer. Meanwhile, most the world won't even be on 3.

On New Year’s Eve, Israel – which in 2021 led the world’s fastest vaccine roll-out – began administering a fourth dose of Covid vaccinations to the over-60s, health workers and immunocompromised patients. Meanwhile, Germany’s health minister has said a fourth jab will be necessary to combat the Omicron variant.

But will the UK offer fourth vaccinations?

The UK government has already accepted advice that severely immunosuppressed people should be given a fourth vaccination three months after their booster. But, for the moment, the government has not said it will start administering fourth doses for everyone else and is focused on encouraging people to get their third dose. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which advises the government on vaccine policy, is expected to announce its recommendations on fourth doses shortly.

The chair of the JCVI Andrew Pollard has spoken out against fourth vaccines for the general population. “It really is not affordable, sustainable or probably even needed to vaccinate everyone on the planet every four to six months,” Pollard told the BBC.

They updated the numbers for NYC today and it is 54 unvaccinated v. 4.6 vaccinated per 100K for hospitalizations. :smh: If you need a liver transplant because you are a heavy drinker, you need 6 months of sobriety or you will not get the transplant. I think some places will move toward something similar with this as this isn't a crisis anymore but for the unvaccinated. You clear the unvaccinated from the hospitals and you have plenty of ability to deal with the increases in vaccinated illness that will occur until we have a plan for actually vaccinating the globe and really dealing with this.

For me, this is another example of the fatal flaw in our system. This isn't Germany or France. Macron or Scholz have the power to implement national policies while we are reliant on people like DeSantis to do the right thing on the state level. Clown just let 1MM tests expire trying to keep his numbers down but forgot he actually needs the testing to prove that the federal response is failing. :smh::lol:

The way I look at it is that I pay high city/state taxes and cost of living but I also benefit from a very high vaccination rate where I live and relatively sane politicians. I said last week that watching highly vaccinated NYC v. less vaccinated upstate NY would illustrate the difference and it already has. :smh:



Rising Star
OG Investor
Somewhat true.

But like I said, Biden and the Democrats have more power than what they are using.

A good example is President Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. It is a fact Lincoln didn’t give two fucks about the slaves. There were plenty of people on his cabinet, advisors, people in the Republican and Democratic Party that wanted the war to end immediately and just give in to the Confederates because the war was not popular

Lincoln didn’t think about himself or the slaves. He looked at the Big Picture and looked beyond and saw the potential of the United States long after he was dead and forgotten.

He knew in the long term, slavery would be the downfall of the country and could lead to something worse not just for Americans, but the world.

Biden has to think like that.

Yes, decisions he would make to get this pandemic under control in this country will not be popular amongst his party, the GOP and the American people, but it’s what is needed to be done for the future of the country long after we are all dead, buried and forgotten for future generations.

I hope Biden surprises us with some bold action. He may not have any congressional support at all after the midterms.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last edited:


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


That's 9 months from now, there's no way people will not need another shot in the next few months, especially people who started getting their booster shots in the summer/fall.

Those peoples booster shots effectiveness is probably at 30% or less at this point, I can't see them being able to wait over a year.

If they did they'd essentially be unvaccinated by the spring.


Rising Star
OG Investor

That's 9 months from now, there's no way people will not need another shot in the next few months, especially people who started getting their booster shots in the summer/fall.

Those peoples booster shots effectiveness is probably at 30% or less at this point, I can't see them being able to wait over a year.

If they did they'd essentially be unvaccinated by the spring.

Word. This entire thing is a shit show.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
SCOTUS hears oral arguments on Biden vaccine and testing mandates

Click Link For Up To The Minute Information


Rising Star
SCOTUS hears oral arguments on Biden vaccine and testing mandates

Click Link For Up To The Minute Information

2 lawyers arguing against Biden's vaccine mandate before the Supreme Court will have to do it remotely after testing positive for COVID-19



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
SCOTUS hears oral arguments on Biden vaccine and testing mandates

Click Link For Up To The Minute Information
The Supreme Court better make the right decision on this


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
2 lawyers arguing against Biden's vaccine mandate before the Supreme Court will have to do it remotely after testing positive for COVID-19

I am not surprised and you cannot make this up :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
2 lawyers arguing against Biden's vaccine mandate before the Supreme Court will have to do it remotely after testing positive for COVID-19

Crazy as fuck, doesn't seem like real life, but it looks like the SC will end the mandate on private businesses. We will be on this Covid trend for LONG time

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Does anyone have a link to the dude in the video? I would like to remind him Jesus saves from all evils. That he needs trust no others healing spirit. Than his Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Not my words. No sir I can't take the credit. Those are good old boy Jim Baker classics.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Can anyone in this thread tell me how the science is different on the other side of the globe? Anyone? Yet another country has dropped the shit down to 3 months for the boosters. Why isn't the 'follow the science' crowd hot about this shit?

So the U.S. is going to 'follow the science' in one month increments, huh? :angry: :angry: :angry: Feels like I'm in a fucking circus. The shit people can get away with when the media is on their side is frightening. I guess we got to wait for our fellow Americans to be told what to think and what's cools before we catch up to other countries. :angry::angry::angry:

Luxembourg's Ministry of State and the Ministry of Health have announced that the waiting time for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots is being reduced to three months; booster shots will also be offered to children aged 12 and over.
Due to the current wave of COVID-19 infections and the threat of the Omicron variant, the Government Council decided on Friday to reduce the waiting time for booster shots to three months after a two-dose mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech) and a “mix and match” vaccine scheme (first dose of AstraZeneca followed by second dose of mRNA vaccine) and to offer booster shots to children aged 12 and over.

The following intervals must be respected for a booster shot:
  • from 10 January 2022, three months after a complete two-dose mRNA vaccine and a “mix and match” vaccine scheme;
  • from 10 January 2022, three months after a complete two-dose AstraZeneca vaccine;
  • a mRNA vaccine booster dose one month after the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
People who have tested positive for COVID-19 can receive their booster shot one month after their positive PCR test.
Those concerned will receive an invitation from the Luxembourg government by post to get vaccinated, with details on making an appointment in one of the country's five vaccination centres or with their GP.
The authorities recalled that Luxembourg residents who received their initial vaccination abroad are able to get their booster shot at one of the vaccination centres without an appointment.
The list of vaccination centres and GPs participating in the vaccination campaign is available on the website www.impfen.lu.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man folks don’t believe in wearing that fucking mask. Just pulled up to the civic center. My daughter having a biddy basketball tournament.

watching folks walk in, only a handful

That's why I don't really respect the anti-vaccination argument since a lot of people who refuse to be vaccinated also refuse to wear a mask, adhere to social distancing, and seem to have an unreasonable sense of entitlement.

If they were against vaccination but respected every other safeguard I could respect their stance but that obviously isn't the case.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

See. It's dumb shit like this that will fuel anti-vaxxers. Just release the fucking info. And they really went hard by requesting the release in 108 days(the time it took the FDA to approve the vaccine). If the FDA appeals, just makes the anti-vaxxers stronger. :smh: People might be soon getting their 4th dose.

I'm far from an anti-vaxxer, but I do get why people just want some transparency. Goal posts are constantly moving.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
40 hospitals statewide ordered to pause elective surgeries for at least two weeks

Forty hospitals across New York State have been notified to stop non-essential, non-urgent elective surgeries due to limited staffed patient bed capacity, the New York State Department of Health announced Saturday.

The state says the hospitals have met state’s threshold for “high risk regions" or low capacity facilities.

"We will use every available tool to help ensure that hospitals can manage the COVID-19 winter surge," said Acting State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett. "I want to remind New Yorkers that getting vaccinated and boosted remain the best way to protect against serious illness and hospitalization from COVID-19. Vaccination also protects our hospital system. We cannot return to the early months of the pandemic when hospitals were overwhelmed."

As part of an executive order signed by Gov. Hochul on Nov. 26, elective surgeries and other procedures were halted at 32 hospitals that were under a capacity strain amid a rise in COVID-19 cases on Dec. 7. These hospitals were found to have remaining staffed bed capacity of 10% or less, or faced other capacity issues deemed to be of enough concern to limit elective procedures and surgeries.

The following facilities must stop performing in-hospital elective surgery. Additionally, if their occupancy is above 95%, they will be required to stop elective surgeries at hospital-owned ambulatory surgical centers for a minimum of two weeks. Some of these hospitals already halted elective surgeries on Dec. 7.

Mohawk Valley Region

  • Faxton-St Luke’s Healthcare St Luke’s Division
  • Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital
  • St. Mary's Healthcare
  • A.O. Fox Memorial Hospital
  • Cobleskill Regional Hospital
  • Little Falls Hospital
  • Nathan Littauer Hospital
  • Rome Memorial Hospital, Inc
  • St Elizabeth Medical Center
  • St. Mary's Healthcare - Amsterdam Memorial Campus
Finger Lakes Region

  • F.F. Thompson Hospital
  • Geneva General Hospital
  • Newark-Wayne Community Hospital
  • Rochester General Hospital
  • The Unity Hospital of Rochester
  • United Memorial Medical Center North Street Campus
  • Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic
  • Highland Hospital
  • Medina Memorial Hospital
  • Nicholas H. Noyes Memorial Hospital
  • Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital of Yates County Inc
  • Strong Memorial Hospital
  • Wyoming County Community Hospital
Central New York Region

  • Crouse Hospital
  • Oneida Health Hospital
  • Oswego Hospital
  • St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center
  • University Hospital SUNY Health Science Center
  • UPSTATE University Hospital at Community General
  • Auburn Community Hospital
  • Community Memorial Hospital Inc
  • Guthrie Cortland Medical Center
Impacted hospitals in other regions

  • Brooks-TLC Hospital System, Inc.
  • Mount St Mary’s Hospital and Health Center
  • Erie County Medical Center
  • Mercy Hospital of Buffalo
  • Sisters of Charity Hospital
  • The University of Vermont Health Network - Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital
  • Bertrand Chaffee Hospital
  • Olean General Hospital
40 hospitals statewide to pause elective surgeries for now (ny1.com)