Americans forgot we live on a planet though. Shit load of countries can't get vaccination rates up. But world leaders don't want to be honest and just say this is our new normal. Don't want to be truthful on how fucked we are. It's just better to let the masses fight and play politics.
Meanwhile, variants will pop-up all over the world and get here.
Yeah, we were supposed to get the rate up to a certain level domestically, but them fools rushed it just for clout. See how quick they took their masks off in their profile pictures in Spring?
Goalposts are about to be moved with this shit. In the U.K, a scientist already said these frequent vaccinations ain't sustainable -- even though they started given 4th doses to immune compromised people.Politicians just don't have the heart to tell us how fucked up this is.
5th dose might be on deck by summer. Meanwhile, most the world won't even be on 3.
Will the UK offer everyone a fourth Covid vaccine?
The JCVI chair says a fourth dose is “not affordable, sustainable or probably even needed”
On New Year’s Eve, Israel – which in 2021 led the world’s fastest vaccine roll-out – began administering a fourth dose of Covid vaccinations to the over-60s, health workers and immunocompromised patients. Meanwhile, Germany’s health minister has said a fourth jab will be necessary to combat the Omicron variant.
But will the UK offer fourth vaccinations?
The UK government has already accepted advice that severely immunosuppressed people should be given a fourth vaccination three months after their booster. But, for the moment, the government has not said it will start administering fourth doses for everyone else and is focused on encouraging people to get their third dose. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which advises the government on vaccine policy, is expected to announce its recommendations on fourth doses shortly.
The chair of the JCVI Andrew Pollard has spoken out against fourth vaccines for the general population. “It really is not affordable, sustainable or probably even needed to vaccinate everyone on the planet every four to six months,” Pollard told the BBC.
They updated the numbers for NYC today and it is 54 unvaccinated v. 4.6 vaccinated per 100K for hospitalizations.

For me, this is another example of the fatal flaw in our system. This isn't Germany or France. Macron or Scholz have the power to implement national policies while we are reliant on people like DeSantis to do the right thing on the state level. Clown just let 1MM tests expire trying to keep his numbers down but forgot he actually needs the testing to prove that the federal response is failing.

The way I look at it is that I pay high city/state taxes and cost of living but I also benefit from a very high vaccination rate where I live and relatively sane politicians. I said last week that watching highly vaccinated NYC v. less vaccinated upstate NY would illustrate the difference and it already has.