"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...Here we go again 2025 are we ready for Trump to fuck this up again?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Mike DeFraud is a fucking bitch.... :smh:
Crazy how that shit went man. When this shit first broke out, Mike was one of the best leaders in the WORLD on this issue. Not just the U.S., the fucking world. Never liked him, but his March 2020 response was great. Shut down events, sports, etc. Wasn't pulling any punches. Then politics happened. Turned into one of the biggest bitches in the world. :angry:

It's hard to stop this shit when even the people who are doing the right things aren't being properly informed. Regular masks are just useless against this shit. Have to use N95. Problem is to be most effective N95 can only be worn once. Costs and supply are definite problems(Home depot got some masks for those here who need them -- stock up).

The old social distancing shit doesn't work nearly as well nor does keeping indoor time under 15 minutes. Vaccine seems to need more frequent doses than most people in the U.S. are aware of and can even fucking get. :smh: And remember, 73 percent of this country is overweight/obese and that shit makes people more likely to have COVID problems. Can't really compare us to other countries that get this shit. That fatness of this country will be a problem with every fucking variant.

People better get their asses off twitter and get informed about protecting themselves. This virus don't give a fuck about race, politics, or profound social media posts.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
The WH could be doing more yes. But we also need to call out the Repubs more. They fight and scream and kick and sue to not have to follow federal mandates. I wish Dems would just fight back and use their words instead of expecting common sense from voters. Make them see the bullshit going on.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Crazy how that shit went man. When this shit first broke out, Mike was one of the best leaders in the WORLD on this issue. Not just the U.S., the fucking world. Never liked him, but his March 2020 response was great. Shut down events, sports, etc. Wasn't pulling any punches. Then politics happened. Turned into one of the biggest bitches in the world. :angry:

It's hard to stop this shit when even the people who are doing the right things aren't being properly informed. Regular masks are just useless against this shit. Have to use N95. Problem is to be most effective N95 can only be worn once. Costs and supply are definite problems(Home depot got some masks for those here who need them -- stock up).

The old social distancing shit doesn't work nearly as well nor does keeping indoor time under 15 minutes. Vaccine seems to need more frequent doses than most people in the U.S. are aware of and can even fucking get. :smh: And remember, 73 percent of this country is overweight/obese and that shit makes people more likely to have COVID problems. Can't really compare us to other countries that get this shit. That fatness of this country will be a problem with every fucking variant.

People better get their asses off twitter and get informed about protecting themselves. This virus don't give a fuck about race, politics, or profound social media posts.

Folks care more about politics than doin' what needs to be done. Hell, all you gotta do is look at some of these posts in this thread as well as others to see da political gangbangin'/cheerleading when it comes to this virus. That applies to governmental leadership as well. I ain't e'en gotta point 'em out cause it's always da usual suspect(s).


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

It’s January 2022.

Covid transmissions are surging. Some school districts are shutting down. Hospitals around the country ICUs are filling up.

We just finished Christmas and New Years.

Folks have spent the past two weeks getting into each other’s face breathing, sneezing and coughing on one another and not following safety protocols.

The surge will continue thru January into February.

In February, if you live south of the Mason/Dixon line. It starts warming up. Transmissions from the holidays will start to decrease and we go into March.

Majority of the country starts warming up going into Spring. Folks want to get out of the house for some Sun and Fun.

Spring Break arrives.

And we have another surge.

Why does this sound familiar?…..


Rising Star


Clearly a body double or even hologram just like they are using with Biden.


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I'ma order me some N95's today. Fuck da bullshit.
Yeah man, I'm getting everyone to order them before government finally comes out and tells people the truth. And they fucking know. Only reason why I was still able to get some N95s is because they ain't been telling people the real and there hasn't been a run on the N95 yet.

Sadly, Covid safety is about to price people out. Keeping N95 masks for a family of four that has to go out every fucking day can get expensive for some folks budgets. :smh:

If you someone who has to be out and about, might have to splurge on the bulk order. This shit ain't stopping with omnicron.

Man, not to mention we are the country of 'body positivity' and if a virus could feel COVID would LOVE us for that dumb shit. How mild can a virus be when it targets fat asses and this country is full of fat asses? It's not going to hit us the same it would hit Japan or other places. And if less-fat countries are boosting up at 3 months rather than 6, won't it be more mild for them?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Yeah man, I'm getting everyone to order them before government finally comes out and tells people the truth. And they fucking know. Only reason why I was still able to get some N95s is because they ain't been telling people the real and there hasn't been a run on the N95 yet.

Sadly, Covid safety is about to price people out. Keeping N95 masks for a family of four that has to go out every fucking day can get expensive for some folks budgets. :smh:

If you someone who has to be out and about, might have to splurge on the bulk order. This shit ain't stopping with omnicron.

Man, not to mention we are the country of 'body positivity' and if a virus could feel COVID would LOVE us for that dumb shit. How mild can a virus be when it targets fat asses and this country is full of fat asses? It's not going to hit us the same it would hit Japan or other places. And if less-fat countries are boosting up at 3 months rather than 6, won't it be more mild for them?

I want another booster shot soon. I wonder if these ghouls will let me get a 2nd one.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

Don’t get yourself thinking that mask is really doing anything.

Remember this is a biohazard. That word is not being used by the US Government, WHO and Governments around the world because they are afraid of panic.

Notice how at Covid testing sites, the medical teams are completely covered in full PPE gear.




They are dealing with a biohazard.

When they stop to take bathroom breaks, lunch and end of shift. They go thru a complete decontamination procedure to sterilize themselves.

It is a time consuming procedure. If you are not fully protecting yourself with full PPE when you are out and about, you are at a risk of catching this virus. The mask is just a false sense of protection to give people a false sense of security.

Anybody who has had extensive medical training or served in the US military knows what I am talking about.


Rising Star
Don’t get yourself thinking that mask is really doing anything.

Remember this is a biohazard. That word is not being used by the US Government, WHO and Governments around the world because they are afraid of panic.

Notice how at Covid testing sites, the medical teams are completely covered in full PPE gear.




They are dealing with a biohazard.

When they stop to take bathroom breaks, lunch and end of shift. They go thru a complete decontamination procedure to sterilize themselves.

It is a time consuming procedure. If you are not fully protecting yourself with full PPE when you are out and about, you are at a risk of catching this virus. The mask is just a false sense of protection to give people a false sense of security.

Anybody who has had extensive medical training or served in the US military knows what I am talking about.

I saw this last year and it confirmed that my decision to keep myself and the family inside was a good one. :lol:


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Don’t get yourself thinking that mask is really doing anything.

Remember this is a biohazard. That word is not being used by the US Government, WHO and Governments around the world because they are afraid of panic.

Notice how at Covid testing sites, the medical teams are completely covered in full PPE gear.




They are dealing with a biohazard.

When they stop to take bathroom breaks, lunch and end of shift. They go thru a complete decontamination procedure to sterilize themselves.

It is a time consuming procedure. If you are not fully protecting yourself with full PPE when you are out and about, you are at a risk of catching this virus. The mask is just a false sense of protection to give people a false sense of security.

Anybody who has had extensive medical training or served in the US military knows what I am talking about.
The point is to use it with common sense. Like condoms. Condoms offer a certain level of protection, but if a person goes around fucking Meth whores, it's just a matter of time.

There are degrees of risk to this shit. Something is better than nothing. Posted the studies on viral load theories last March. What is a person doing? Just running to the bank or store once in awhile like me(that's out now it's back to all delivery)? Well, the n95 mask potentially makes all the difference in the world. The poor bastard stocking shelves at Walmart for 8 hours with customers in and out, not so much. So much room for error.

But you're right, they giving the masses a false sense of security in the sense they just want their bitches back to work and the daycares ...errr I mean schools in-person. Picture working a factory, office, or warehouse job with just one n95 mask all day. Taking it on and off. Not washing hand every fucking time. Now gaps in the mask. Hot breath people breathing everywhere. :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I want another booster shot soon. I wonder if these ghouls will let me get a 2nd one.
That's the thing. Swear if you look online you can find articles from just a few months ago saying people shouldn't be rushing to get the 3rd booster. American articles of course, because we all know other countries were doing the 3rd one. MSM had their 'experts' and everything backing their blatant bullshit. No misinformation tag for them although they were acting like we were on a totally different planet from the countries already doing the 3rd one for everyone.

They playing games out here in the states and this our lives man. :angry: