Ya boy Dak Prescott is officially EXPOSED

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Exactly. What I've said from day one. Those are the two throws NFL QBs are judged on. dallas doesn't put the routes in because he can't make the throws. Imagine Bryant with a QB that could make them.

Damn. So Zeke sitting back watching Dallas realize just how important he is.

Speaking of Zeke, dude got suspended and wasn't even charged. Meanwhile, the Browns' owner is on a secret recording encouraging fraud and nothing. :smh: The player's union better grow some balls. Charges or it didn't happen -- just like the owners.


Rising Star
Damn. So Zeke sitting back watching Dallas realize just how important he is.

Speaking of Zeke, dude got suspended and wasn't even charged. Meanwhile, the Browns' owner is on a secret recording encouraging fraud and nothing. :smh: The player's union better grow some balls. Charges or it didn't happen -- just like the owners.
no matter how great he can carry a football hes just a ni$$$r to them bruh :smh:


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Wow! lol...

Quick question, what are your thoughts on my QB in Philly?

He always could make the throws. Like most rookie QBs it was the complicated D schemes he had to learn. Seems like he's doing okay with that.
Very few colleges run pro offenses anymore so scouts look for those throws and check down ability.
I don't get all the philly games but the ones I've seen he looks good and the playbook is open. With Prescott they ran the same 20 plays all the time. If the coaches won't open the playbook that tells you all you need to know.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

My stance on Dak is he's a young qb. He played flawless last year but was far from it. His policy is that he only throws to wide open guys. These niggas aren't getting open.

I don't mind Garrett as a head coach but his playbook is ass. If they are still using that outdated Tecmo bowl bullshit then Dak is destined to fail.
Everyone is going to credit Zeke for Dak's success.....fair enough but this team isn't prepared for what happens when a guy goes down. They did the same shit with Romo.....can't win a game without him....it's embarsssingly bad.

In regards to dudes post....he's speaking on what he saw in college. I ever watched Dak in college so my viewpoint is what I've seen from him in the league......I've seen him make every single throw. I see a guy who no longer has the luxury of extending plays and now has to get the ball out 3 seconds because his line is getting him killed and no one is open because of this shitty playbook that is catered to you having All Pro Running Back and a All Pro defensive line.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He always could make the throws. Like most rookie QBs it was the complicated D schemes he had to learn. Seems like he's doing okay with that.
Very few colleges run pro offenses anymore so scouts look for those throws and check down ability.
I don't get all the philly games but the ones I've seen he looks good and the playbook is open. With Prescott they ran the same 20 plays all the time. If the coaches won't open the playbook that tells you all you need to know.

The playbook is wide open it's just trash.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My stance on Dak is he's a young qb. He played flawless last year but was far from it. His policy is that he only throws to wide open guys. These niggas aren't getting open.

I don't mind Garrett as a head coach but his playbook is ass. If they are still using that outdated Tecmo bowl bullshit then Dak is destined to fail.
Everyone is going to credit Zeke for Dak's success.....fair enough but this team isn't prepared for what happens when a guy goes down. They did the same shit with Romo.....can't win a game without him....it's embarsssingly bad.

In regards to dudes post....he's speaking on what he saw in college. I ever watched Dak in college so my viewpoint is what I've seen from him in the league......I've seen him make every single throw. I see a guy who no longer has the luxury of extending plays and now has to get the ball out 3 seconds because his line is getting him killed and no one is open because of this shitty playbook that is catered to you having All Pro Running Back and a All Pro defensive line.

That's the problem with those type of college QBs. Bro, in the NFL...most of the time guys aren't open like that. The good ones throw good, accurate, timely balls. Ball placement beats coverage. You have to throw guys open, it's why Romo kept saying if the D is playing Dez 1 on 1 you have to throw to him. Dak can consistently hit tight windows or control where the ball is going on those throws...so he goes to easy throws.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's the problem with those type of college QBs. Bro, in the NFL...most of the time guys aren't open like that. The good ones throw good, accurate, timely balls. Ball placement beats coverage. You have to throw guys open, it's why Romo kept saying if the D is playing Dez 1 on 1 you have to throw to him. Dak can consistently hit tight windows or control where the ball is going on those throws...so he goes to easy throws.

You right. But man....I watch other teams play....these niggas are wide open. Just look at some of the best offenses man....the lack of separation these dudes get isn't normal. And a big part of why they don't get any seperation is the lack of creativity in the route trees. Dez only runs three routes. I'll give Dez the pass though. He's never been that guy. But the rest of these guys? It's almost like they run the same route every play....and props to Witten on his career but if I see this nigga ok 3rd and 8 run a 3 yard drag route one more time I'm gonna lose my shit.

Teams caught up to this outdated ass Tecmo Bowl playbook we been using and Zeke ain't here to get 10 yards on 1st down for us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You right. But man....I watch other teams play....these niggas are wide open. Just look at some of the best offenses man....the lack of separation these dudes get isn't normal. And a big part of why they don't get any seperation is the lack of creativity in the route trees. Dez only runs three routes. I'll give Dez the pass though. He's never been that guy. But the rest of these guys? It's almost like they run the same route every play....and props to Witten on his career but if I see this nigga ok 3rd and 8 run a 3 yard drag route one more time I'm gonna lose my shit.

Teams caught up to this outdated ass Tecmo Bowl playbook we been using and Zeke ain't here to get 10 yards on 1st down for us.

Does anyone on the offense run more than three routes? Recall TO’s biggest beef with Garrett was that the offense was vanilla and restricted his route tree. I think Dez’s route running issues are overblown.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's the problem with those type of college QBs. Bro, in the NFL...most of the time guys aren't open like that. The good ones throw good, accurate, timely balls. Ball placement beats coverage. You have to throw guys open, it's why Romo kept saying if the D is playing Dez 1 on 1 you have to throw to him. Dak can consistently hit tight windows or control where the ball is going on those throws...so he goes to easy throws.

Niggas be running wide open in the NFL just for the Cowboys cuz they don’t have those type of players and don’t have that type of play calling to fuck defenses off

Niggas been running free on the Cowboys defense for years

Everyone is going to credit Zeke for Dak's success.....fair enough but this team isn't prepared for what happens when a guy goes down. They did the same shit with Romo.....can't win a game without him....it's embarsssingly bad.

And that’s why the whole staff gotta go
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American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
That's the problem with those type of college QBs. Bro, in the NFL...most of the time guys aren't open like that. The good ones throw good, accurate, timely balls. Ball placement beats coverage. You have to throw guys open, it's why Romo kept saying if the D is playing Dez 1 on 1 you have to throw to him. Dak can consistently hit tight windows or control where the ball is going on those throws...so he goes to easy throws.

Nail on the head. What homey doesn't seem to understand is in the NFL you throw the rock before the cut. That's why the out and the skinny post are the yardsticks. You have to throw the receiver open. If you don't have the ability the DBs will pick it every damn time. On an out route you're throwing a good 1-2 seconds before the receiver cuts; skinny post maybe 2-3 depending on how fast the receiver is. Wheel routes over and over is not an open playbook.


Rising Star
My stance on Dak is he's a young qb. He played flawless last year but was far from it. His policy is that he only throws to wide open guys. These niggas aren't getting open.

I don't mind Garrett as a head coach but his playbook is ass. If they are still using that outdated Tecmo bowl bullshit then Dak is destined to fail.
Everyone is going to credit Zeke for Dak's success.....fair enough but this team isn't prepared for what happens when a guy goes down. They did the same shit with Romo.....can't win a game without him....it's embarsssingly bad.

In regards to dudes post....he's speaking on what he saw in college. I ever watched Dak in college so my viewpoint is what I've seen from him in the league......I've seen him make every single throw. I see a guy who no longer has the luxury of extending plays and now has to get the ball out 3 seconds because his line is getting him killed and no one is open because of this shitty playbook that is catered to you having All Pro Running Back and a All Pro defensive line.
Respect Good Brother... Dude is in the middle of his second year and you take ANY young QBs biggest weapon from him they are going to struggle...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Respect Good Brother... Dude is in the middle of his second year and you take ANY young QBs biggest weapon from him they are going to struggle...
Yeah it's been one good season and one bad. Hard to tell what he is when the good season was the first one. Dude in a huge funk and his playbook not helping him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No excuse today, just not that good at reading defenses or blitzes. Coach does not trust him or allow him to audible. That pick 6 was an awful throw, inexcusable.

Having bad coaches does not help either.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've never seen no shit like this in my life. So these niggas went 13-3...should've went 14-2 but they let up the last game of the season......

They go 13-3....and these niggas......get worse. Not just by record. I mean literally they get worse. Dez can't catch. Receivers can't get open. Playbook is old and outdated.

Dak hasn't been good. But I ain't blaming shit on Dak. He has to succeed despite the trash around him.

Somebody gotta go. Garrett probably ain't going nowhere so LInehan can go. He doing the same shit he did in Detroit. Dak shouldn't have no damn read option in the shotgun with Zeke on the 3 yard line. Shit is moronic.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They need to blow up the team. Get rid of the coaches and any player over 27.

They already blew the shit up. :lol: Cowboys age-wise are the youngest team in the league. And that's with Witten, Scandrick and that place holder LP who's probably like 50 years old lol. Witten and Scandrick can go. Its been real. Hell Dez can go to. They got enough skill to go somewhere and get a ring like Ware did. Time to move on now though.


Rising Star
Seriously, Dak has some work to do in the off season. I know its his second year and he has some talent, but he was a key reason for a lot of the cowboys collapse this season. He hurt them today, and on a side note, I would fucking cut Dez's ass!! He's more of a liability at this point, doesn't perform at a high level anymore, disappears more than he shows up and is a fucking prima donna and a distraction. Hes a Romo Dude, and over time, his obviously jealousy for Zeke will fuck up team chemistry. Get rid of his ass maybe in a trade while he still has some value, but its obvious his days as a prime time player and an elite receiver are over...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No excuse today, just not that good at reading defenses or blitzes. Coach does not trust him or allow him to audible. That pick 6 was an awful throw, inexcusable.

Having bad coaches does not help either.

Dak needs to work on his footwork which will improve his accuracy. Also, he’s behind on some of his throws, and I’m not sure if it’s because he’s not working with his group enough or what?

Lastly, we need to wipe the slate clean with a new HC and OC that doesn’t call predictable passes.


Rising Star
Dak needs to work on his footwork which will improve his accuracy. Also, he’s behind on some of his throws, and I’m not sure if it’s because he’s not working with his group enough or what?

Lastly, we need to wipe the slate clean with a new HC and OC that doesn’t call predictable passes.

Dak needs a real #1 WR to grow with too, not an over the hill whiner who thinks he's better than he is... :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dak needs a real #1 WR to grow with too, not an over the hill whiner who thinks he's better than he is... :hmm:

A receiver with speed that can run good routes and has solid hands. We ain’t getting nothing for Dez. The rest of the league knows he ain’t shit. He will get picked up and but his number one days are over unless he goes to a talentless team.


Rising Star
A receiver with speed that can run good routes and has solid hands. We ain’t getting nothing for Dez. The rest of the league knows he ain’t shit. He will get picked up and but his number one days are over unless he goes to a talentless team.

Yep... I would LOVE to see a dude like DeDe Westbook or JuJu from the Steelers on the cowboys... Dez is a cancer at this point man... :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A receiver with speed that can run good routes and has solid hands. We ain’t getting nothing for Dez. The rest of the league knows he ain’t shit. He will get picked up and but his number one days are over unless he goes to a talentless team.

I think Dez got skill. Just not for this offense. This offense is for route runners with speed. He and Witten are holding this offense back. Witten too damn slow and Dez.....the nigga can't catch no more. Dez just needs a change of scenery. Tired of watching him on this fuck shit.


Rising Star
I think Dez got skill. Just not for this offense. This offense is for route runners with speed. He and Witten are holding this offense back. Witten too damn slow and Dez.....the nigga can't catch no more. Dez just needs a change of scenery. Tired of watching him on this fuck shit.

Isnt Witten retiring after the season?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dak needs a real #1 WR to grow with too, not an over the hill whiner who thinks he's better than he is... :hmm:

Dez is winding down, but he still has elite ability. The primary issue is Dak can’t get the guy the ball, and unfortunately Dak lacks accuracy with ball placement.

Secondly, the offensive system sucks, you have to admit running the ball every first down is stupid because teams are expecting it, which leaves us with very obvious passing downs with a group of WRs that only run 3-4 routes minimum. At some point as a defender, you can predict what’s coming, and that’s what has happened to Dallas all year. We run a pee wee offense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Earl Thomas wants to go play with Dallas?
I'm on my phone but he was seen talking to Garrett on his way to the locker room saying "if y'all have the chance, come get me"