I have similar sentiments. We gave them over 175 Billion. They would have lost the war a long time ago without us. Hell yeah we should get a return. I don't agree with how Trump came at him, but I agree with his stance. Biden/Kamala would have continued giving them Billions and not ask for anything in return. I have a feeling that Zelensky is going to end up agreeing to the deal too. He kind of has to.
you really believe any country would fund and send aid for no reason??? Countries dont have friends they have interests and those interests doesnt have to be overt or some kind of monetary exchange. There is a reason why the US spent trillions and over 70 years positioning itself as not only A world leader but THE world leader.
Its the reason why we have the biggest military and influence worldwide. BUT there is a way to go about using that leadership and how trump is playing zelensky is NOT the way.
I'm sure that shit sent shockwaves across the EU and Asia....they see now how trumpism diplomacy comes with just strings attached (which is standard) but also an expected level of public kowtowing/humiliation in exchange for any aid from the americans.
I'm sure bibi and israel saw that too and know that now....
WILL israel share in Gaza?? or is that an AMERICAN PROPERTY that they have to lease from us??? The US has always turned a blind eye and NEVER ONCE during any public meeting ever called Israel on their shit and said they owed us for all the money and military aid sent over the decades...You think trump is going to play it that discrete if netanyahu or any leader of that country pisses him off??
This could very well be a step towards geopolitical isolation that the US hasnt seen since before WW2.
That whole farce was a set up on zelensky with the first volley being trump saying that ukraine started the war..then for about a week talked about peace talks with russia and only mentioning ukraine as an afterthought to the point where EU leaders were like "umm are you going to notify ukraine about this development??" And now we see trump talk about and DEFEND putin as if russia is the put-upon party in this whole thing and they are clearly buddies in cahoots.
All my life russia was ALWAYS spoken about as enemies of the state...US good russia bad...and you know who said that the loudest? CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS! Thru the 50s RED SCARE and the cold war of the 60 - 2k ANYONE not expressing enough suspicion and animosity to and about russia/soviet union was called a commie sympathizer! EXCEPT TODAY where under this president the GOP has softened its stance on russia to the point of being mute.
If a democrat president who doesnt express enough stern opposition to putin is called SOFT on russia... then WTF is trump? cuz he sucked about a mile of putin's dick in defending him in that meeting with what was SUPPOSED to be a potential ally!