What unpopular opinions do you have?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People who leave time remaining on the microwave after they're done annoy me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The 2 of you are knuckle heads.

Both of you are saying "working smart is better than working hard".

Yall are just too stupid to understand that this tried and tested motto doesn't need to be reinterpreted.

What I should have said is

Getting shit done> working smarter or harder

At the end of the day when people trade their money for your product or service they want results equal or greater to what they paid for.
They don't care if you invented a new time saving technique.

They don't care if you busted your ass for 16 hours straight.

It's your job to consider these factors and negotiate fair compensation. Not theirs!

This holds true whether you're dealing with clients, customers, bosses, or anyone else willing to put a dollar in your pocket.

Now when you're talking about passive income. That's the hardest work of all!

For instance, suppose you're investing your money in an Index fund based on the s&p 500.

It's not a bad idea, but think about how much research it takes to even know this fund exists. Think about how long it takes to figure out the right provider. If you choose the vanguard fund think about how long it would take to earn the minimum $5,000 deposit.

Then, after you put in all that work, the fund either makes you money or it doesn't. The result is exactly the same whether you put in 100 hours, 10 hours, or a half hour to get to that point.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As much as white Americans depend on white immigration to maintain their numbers and purity, seem applies to black Americans who will need to depend Africa immigration to maintain their numbers and purity

I am sure you are having a large influx of people from Ukraine coming to America, but I don't know how large the migration numbers are from other European countries?

The current administration seems hell bent on allowing a large influx of people from Latin American countries into America.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I'm so sick of this misgendering bullshit. There are three sexes: male, female and intersex ( a rare genetical anomaly where they have boy parts and girl parts/chromosomes). There's no non-binary.

Except for a very select few, you were either born with a dick or born with a vagina and ovaries in the rest of that shit. Take an x-ray, take that x-ray to an arthropologist and they will tell you whether you are male or female and there isn't a surgery made that can fix that or confuse one of them

If you don't like the fact that God made you a boy, that's on you. Feel free to have the surgery but that doesn't make you what you this figured yourself to emulate.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. Pussy has a face
2. Romantic love has a price tag
3. The TV show FIRST 48 is racist show
4. The TV show The Love Boat should have called The Sex Boat
5. The TV show Fantasy Island was limited, no contestant ever asked for "Freedom for Black People."
6. The TV show Happy Days were not Happy Days for Black People; hell, we couldn't even have good times on Good Times.
7. American Football is not a world sport so in reality, you really cannot win a world championship.
8. Superhead was a pioneer
9. Spike Lee must be the cleanest man in Hollywood, because when METOO happened his name was never mentioned. Spike could be fucking young actresses left and right, promising them roles, but he doesn't do that.
10. The idea of the United States is a fiction, and the US President works for the P.R. department of an Empire.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. Pussy has a face
2. Romantic love has a price tag
3. The TV show FIRST 48 is racist show
4. The TV show The Love Boat should have called The Sex Boat
5. The TV show Fantasy Island was limited, no contestant ever asked for "Freedom for Black People."
6. The TV show Happy Days were not Happy Days for Black People; hell, we couldn't even have good times on Good Times.
7. American Football is not a world sport so in reality, you really cannot win a world championship.
8. Superhead was a pioneer
9. Spike Lee must be the cleanest man in Hollywood, because when METOO happened his name was never mentioned. Spike could be fucking young actresses left and right, promising them roles, but he doesn't do that.
10. The idea of the United States is a fiction, and the US President works for the P.R. department of an Empire.
Rosie Perez has complained about spikes behavior during do the right thing.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
In general, on a balance of probability, the father is usually the better parent

Man I couldn't disagree more.


There is a commonly accepted idea that almost all women are good mothers

And good fathers are few and far between

Now THAT is complete and utter bullsh*t

Yet and still working with at risk families and in a shelter?

I don't think men overall would out pace women in good parenting


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
There was a news story today about a school district being sued for letting trans kids use communal bathrooms

They have single occupancy bathrooms, but kids tease them for using the "sissy bathroom"

Look, if you have all the issues of an alien wanting to attend school and pretend they are like every else.

Yes, these issues are similar to issues Black people went thru during integration (white parents not wanting Black kids using their bathrooms and White kids teasing black kids, asking pervasive questions about their genitals), but it isn't the same, though they try to make it seem like it is.

While I should have some sympathy considering what my ancestors went through trying to go to school, these are a handful of kids. And it's different if we were talking about handicap kids and wheelchairs or with physical disabilities, they have their separate bathrooms but don't want to use it because of teasing and the REAL girls (or their parents) don't want to them in the bathroom with them.

Tough titty.

They have accommodations, if they don't want to use them, then homeschool your kid. I don't know what else to tell you.

They want to use the regular bathroom like everyone else, well you're not like everyone else. It sucks to suck.

You want sympathy, well, I'm fresh out.

You're not a REAL girl. You're a boy playing dress up, taking hormones, desperately wanting to be something other than God made you. If I wore a giraffe costume to school everyday and then God mad or sad because people teased me WTF did I expect?

And expecting people to call me giraffe, too? Saying that not calling me giraffe is misgendering?

Good luck with that.

The trans issue is not what our ancestors dealt with because their gender issue is their choice. I can't choose to be Black. If these biological boys didn't dress like girls and pretend to act feminine no-one would know about their orientation

I'm done.

This is part of the article from total stating the complaints of the trans kid

Even if you home school your trans kids, after graduation the real world ain't easier. It sucks to suck

“I started noticing that other students would taunt and harass me for using the ‘sissy bathroom,'” the student wrote in the ACLU’s filing. “Some of the other students would shout transphobic remarks or slurs, refuse to use my preferred pronouns, or ask inappropriate and invasive questions about my body.”

She started holding in her urine and avoided drinking while at school, the filing states. Not using the restroom began negatively affecting her school performance and physical health. During this time, the student had two urinary tract infections and said she felt dehydrated."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Women should never use the word "diva" around a man that they are interested in or otherwise. Black women seem to think that shit is a term of honor. It's not!!!!

Men with a lick of sense should know not fuck with a woman who labels herself a diva.

I'll tell you whats an unpopular opinion... Women shouldn't be running around trying to tell a man (or anyone really) that she's a "queen." If she truly is a queen a man will treat her as one or have no problem calling her one.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
There was a news story today about a school district being sued for letting trans kids use communal bathrooms

They have single occupancy bathrooms, but kids tease them for using the "sissy bathroom"

Look, if you have all the issues of an alien wanting to attend school and pretend they are like every else.

Yes, these issues are similar to issues Black people went thru during integration (white parents not wanting Black kids using their bathrooms and White kids teasing black kids, asking pervasive questions about their genitals), but it isn't the same, though they try to make it seem like it is.

While I should have some sympathy considering what my ancestors went through trying to go to school, these are a handful of kids. And it's different if we were talking about handicap kids and wheelchairs or with physical disabilities, they have their separate bathrooms but don't want to use it because of teasing and the REAL girls (or their parents) don't want to them in the bathroom with them.

Tough titty.

They have accommodations, if they don't want to use them, then homeschool your kid. I don't know what else to tell you.

They want to use the regular bathroom like everyone else, well you're not like everyone else. It sucks to suck.

You want sympathy, well, I'm fresh out.

You're not a REAL girl. You're a boy playing dress up, taking hormones, desperately wanting to be something other than God made you. If I wore a giraffe costume to school everyday and then God mad or sad because people teased me WTF did I expect?

And expecting people to call me giraffe, too? Saying that not calling me giraffe is misgendering?

Good luck with that.

The trans issue is not what our ancestors dealt with because their gender issue is their choice. I can't choose to be Black. If these biological boys didn't dress like girls and pretend to act feminine no-one would know about their orientation

I'm done.

This is part of the article from total stating the complaints of the trans kid

Even if you home school your trans kids, after graduation the real world ain't easier. It sucks to suck

“I started noticing that other students would taunt and harass me for using the ‘sissy bathroom,'” the student wrote in the ACLU’s filing. “Some of the other students would shout transphobic remarks or slurs, refuse to use my preferred pronouns, or ask inappropriate and invasive questions about my body.”

She started holding in her urine and avoided drinking while at school, the filing states. Not using the restroom began negatively affecting her school performance and physical health. During this time, the student had two urinary tract infections and said she felt dehydrated."

I blame the school for that one. They should have just let her use the girls restroom. Especially if they're all single occupancy anyway.

I have some trans friends and they're just regular people. Whatever they got going below or above the waist is none of my concern.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Hygiene is vitally important to everyone

Fresh out the shower is great

But don't under estimate the natural scent of the right woman.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think one of the most uncomfortable and unpopular discussions is the discussion of Black nerds and their relation to Black women.

I think these discussions always become egg-shell environments because nobody wants to get labeled a nerd, incel, or hater but at the same time, I think we can have a discussion about the roles Black nerds play in our community and Black women's choice of mate and how that affects her future and the four letter word of

Also for clarity, when I speak of Black nerds, I'm speaking of the Marques Brownlee types, I'm not talking about the Carlton Banks or Steve Urkels of the world or anybody with an almost comical lack of social skills.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Flo'rida is a goat after that lawsuit win. Sir Mix a lot a Goat too. The game is not about being famous, but having enough money for generations.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I think one of the most uncomfortable and unpopular discussions is the discussion of Black nerds and their relation to Black women.

I think these discussions always become egg-shell environments because nobody wants to get labeled a nerd, incel, or hater but at the same time, I think we can have a discussion about the roles Black nerds play in our community and Black women's choice of mate and how that affects her future and the four letter word of

Also for clarity, when I speak of Black nerds, I'm speaking of the Marques Brownlee types, I'm not talking about the Carlton Banks or Steve Urkels of the world or anybody with an almost comical lack of social skills.

I think we CAN have that conversation

If we use Dwayne and Whitley as a starting point


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think one of the most uncomfortable and unpopular discussions is the discussion of Black nerds and their relation to Black women.

I think these discussions always become egg-shell environments because nobody wants to get labeled a nerd, incel, or hater but at the same time, I think we can have a discussion about the roles Black nerds play in our community and Black women's choice of mate and how that affects her future and the four letter word of

Also for clarity, when I speak of Black nerds, I'm speaking of the Marques Brownlee types, I'm not talking about the Carlton Banks or Steve Urkels of the world or anybody with an almost comical lack of social skills.
You really think a brother like MKBHD has issues attracting Black women tho??

Also I'd love to have an honest conversation about black men and women and relationships but it's hard when too many dudes around here are too busy protecting their egos about shit.


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
There was a news story today about a school district being sued for letting trans kids use communal bathrooms

They have single occupancy bathrooms, but kids tease them for using the "sissy bathroom"

Look, if you have all the issues of an alien wanting to attend school and pretend they are like every else.

Yes, these issues are similar to issues Black people went thru during integration (white parents not wanting Black kids using their bathrooms and White kids teasing black kids, asking pervasive questions about their genitals), but it isn't the same, though they try to make it seem like it is.

While I should have some sympathy considering what my ancestors went through trying to go to school, these are a handful of kids. And it's different if we were talking about handicap kids and wheelchairs or with physical disabilities, they have their separate bathrooms but don't want to use it because of teasing and the REAL girls (or their parents) don't want to them in the bathroom with them.

Tough titty.

They have accommodations, if they don't want to use them, then homeschool your kid. I don't know what else to tell you.

They want to use the regular bathroom like everyone else, well you're not like everyone else. It sucks to suck.

You want sympathy, well, I'm fresh out.

You're not a REAL girl. You're a boy playing dress up, taking hormones, desperately wanting to be something other than God made you. If I wore a giraffe costume to school everyday and then God mad or sad because people teased me WTF did I expect?

And expecting people to call me giraffe, too? Saying that not calling me giraffe is misgendering?

Good luck with that.

The trans issue is not what our ancestors dealt with because their gender issue is their choice. I can't choose to be Black. If these biological boys didn't dress like girls and pretend to act feminine no-one would know about their orientation

I'm done.

This is part of the article from total stating the complaints of the trans kid

Even if you home school your trans kids, after graduation the real world ain't easier. It sucks to suck

“I started noticing that other students would taunt and harass me for using the ‘sissy bathroom,'” the student wrote in the ACLU’s filing. “Some of the other students would shout transphobic remarks or slurs, refuse to use my preferred pronouns, or ask inappropriate and invasive questions about my body.”

She started holding in her urine and avoided drinking while at school, the filing states. Not using the restroom began negatively affecting her school performance and physical health. During this time, the student had two urinary tract infections and said she felt dehydrated."
Also, “sissy”, very much an underrated, all-encompassing term that should still have a place in popular culture.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You really think a brother like MKBHD has issues attracting Black women tho??

Also I'd love to have an honest conversation about black men and women and relationships but it's hard when too many dudes around here are too busy protecting their egos about shit.

I don't think it's an issue of attracting Black women, because a dude who is seemingly similar to MKBHD, Judner Aura, (uravgconsumer) has a beautiful Black wife and a beautiful family and both of them are into Gundams, pokemon cards, and all of the things we would generally associate with nerds.

I think it becomes an issue of having Black nerds being able to find and interact with each other. I think sometimes the community can be a bit harsh on them and they start drifting away from the community and ending up in interracial relationships that they didn't exactly set out to be in and then they start dealing the bullshit that goes along with that and it's just a spider-web if issues across the board.

Recently there was a Twitter tag about Black nerds or Alt Blacks talking about negative experiences at HBCUs and it drew a somewhat mixed response on both sides.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most Passport bros are simps and are bigger simps where they go. The reason women say black men are running away is because the worst broads have full DM’s and wet asses at all times. 250 lbs chicks get more dick than bad chicks, so somebody is lying.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think one of the most uncomfortable and unpopular discussions is the discussion of Black nerds and their relation to Black women.

I think these discussions always become egg-shell environments because nobody wants to get labeled a nerd, incel, or hater but at the same time, I think we can have a discussion about the roles Black nerds play in our community and Black women's choice of mate and how that affects her future and the four letter word of

Also for clarity, when I speak of Black nerds, I'm speaking of the Marques Brownlee types, I'm not talking about the Carlton Banks or Steve Urkels of the world or anybody with an almost comical lack of social skills.

I REALLY don't think that's one of the MOST uncomfortable, unpopular discussions or conversations in relation to Black women.

Unless that person's classified as a nerd.

Black women are attracted to who they're attracted to and if they come across a so-called "Nerd" that they're attracted to, then they'll be in a relationship with them.

We aren't monolith's but when one isn't the norm of the expected, it can be a turn off to others. But there's still someone Black for them but maybe not in their immediate area.

So they get in relationships with others.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I REALLY don't think that's one of the MOST uncomfortable, unpopular discussions or conversations in relation to Black women.

Unless that person's classified as a nerd.

And this is exactly why the discussion is uncomfortable and unpopular because nobody wants to get labeled a nerd while trying to have the discussion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And this is exactly why the discussion is uncomfortable and unpopular because nobody wants to get labeled a nerd while trying to have the discussion.

Well the term "Nerd" is a negative connotation and no one wants to be labeled that.

I wouldn't call MKBHD or Uravgconsumer nerds, like many they have different interests.

But I get what you're saying.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
And this is exactly why the discussion is uncomfortable and unpopular because nobody wants to get labeled a nerd while trying to have the discussion.

I think @REDLINE has a point

It's difficult to have these types of conversations PERIOD because of the amount of generalization.

I'm a nerd. But I played ball, had a car, a job and was funny, loved comic books, got good grades, went to church, had glasses...

Thank you forever Kadeem Hardison

And there was a point where girls gave me the too nice your my friend etc etc thing

And all it took was for me to get the courage to talk to the baddest latina in school. Got laughed at and then basically followed her around like a hurt a puppy till her FRIEND asked me for a ride and less than a week later I was on the school stage with her giving me...

Anyway the term nerd is complicated

Also there were female black nerds too.

If you were a church kid, too nice, too smart, bad dresser?

You were a nerd. It all depended on your peer group.

And yeah most times nobody wanted a nerd

until that person wasn't a nerd to YOU.

I think it's more that women of a certain age don't want the NICE GUY.

Nerd or not.