► Alien megastructure mystery deepens: 'Dyson sphere' star found to be dimming dramatically AND plenty of other space / science links, articles & pics


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
More questions mk23666

1) Are tardigrades(water bears) miniature insectoid species? They are the only organism we earthlings know that can survive in the vacuum of space. Or are tardigrades something else?

2) Have any other non Earth dwelling hue-mans elsewhere managed to develop beyond a type 1 civilization? A civilization free of racism, corruption, war, and violence.

3) Will the coming of the constellation we call Aquarius change how the Earth organisms will behave? Will the constellation bring about an evolution for some and oblivion for others? Pices has been very violent and we see what is happening as it is winding down.

4) If we don't get our act together on Earth will others intervene to prevent us from destroying it and each other all together? In other words how valuable is Earth to others and do they have an interest in seeing it survive despite us?

5) How far have the Old/Ancient/First Ones developed or evolved ? Did they ascend into godhood become immortal and/or did they become Solarians and Etherians?

1 In a way yes ... but remember, all things insect do not evolve into sentient beings. Just as all simian creatures won't evolve into sentient beings as well. Tardigrades are not indestructible and if left in high radiation, or the vacuum of space long enough they will succumb to the environment.

2 Yes, there are many Type 1 and higher Hue-Mans out there. Some interfere with their lower brethen's development for the better and some for the worse. Some Type 0 civilizations come out on the other side of the Type 1 evolution with all of their bigotry, racism, corruption, war and violence intact.

3 No, but the coming of the Age of Aquarius should usher in a (return) relationship with one of your nearest neighbors. Be open to it, but cautious.

4 No, the conflict isn't a Hue-Man one, you are merely a pawn in it. The true conflict is between these beings who are your nearest neighbors ... who will be returning soon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So which is the more appropriate classification (we humans need to compartmentalize everything): Alien, Extra Terrestrial, or Offworlder?
Technically they are all the same to me. I prefer Alien because I am foreign to this solar system whereas an Extra Terrestrial and an Offworlder could still refer to Hue-Mans.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
^^^^^ Wasnt that just how this movie got started..


Don't forget the cave art and hieroglyphs that they misinterpreted as an invitation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
English...I mean say it so us humans can understand please....

*two cents *
The aliens they chose for the movie (the radially symmetric creature you get a glimpse of) are rarely if ever sentient creatures in the first place ... unless you count octopi and squids, and when they are they can't travel off world without help from another species, and that species often looks like you and I (bilaterally symmetric).



Rising Star
The aliens they chose for the movie (the radially symmetric creature you get a glimpse of) are rarely if ever sentient creatures in the first place ... unless you count octopi and squids, and when they are they can't travel off world without help from another species, and that species often looks like you and I (bilaterally symmetric).


So the octopi ARE aliens?:eek:

*two cents *


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the octopi ARE aliens?:eek:

*two cents *
Not on this world. Your octopi and squids are relatively stupid. Now, give then a few hundred thousand or so more years to develop and you *might* get something a bit more developed, but if they don't evolve to become a land dweller or at least amphibian you are basically stuck with a multi limbed chimp of the seas.


Rising Star
Not on this world. Your octopi and squids are relatively stupid. Now, give then a few hundred thousand or so more years to develop and you *might* get something a bit more developed, but if they don't evolve to become a land dweller or at least amphibian you are basically stuck with a multi limbed chimp of the seas.

:eek:They taste good fried...a little lemon, marinara sauce....

Where you been? There's been a lot of activity going on ad of late that we - BGOL- could have used your imput on...

One in particular is if we went to the moon in the 60's and why haven't we been back considering I have an video game app on my phone that has more code than the shuttle launch and the advancements in materials and metals?

Were we told not to come back?

*two cents *


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:eek:They taste good fried...a little lemon, marinara sauce....

Where you been? There's been a lot of activity going on ad of late that we - BGOL- could have used your imput on...

One in particular is if we went to the moon in the 60's and why haven't we been back considering I have an video game app on my phone that has more code than the shuttle launch and the advancements in materials and metals?

Were we told not to come back?

*two cents *

I was called in by my superiors to explain my posts here ... it happens occasionally, they think I talk too much.

Yes, Hue-Mans went to the Moon. Your astronauts continue to pay the price for going into space because your bodies aren't really suited for space. (That is why we changed our form) You haven't returned because you were tricked into losing interest in it by the powers that be. So in a way, you were told not to go back ... just not in the way most conspiracists would have you believe. There are others on the Moon (and Mars and other spots in this solar system) as well, but they really don't care if you show up there. You can't interfere with what they are doing anyway ... Hell, you can't interfere with what they are doing on your own planet.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Can you elaborate on this, please?
Well, the brown dwarf star that orbits your Sun has planets in orbit around it. There is an Earth sized planet within the extended "Goldilocks Zone" which is inhabited by a sentient Type 1 species that look uncannily like you Hue-Mans do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hmmm...so is it true that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built to stabilize the planet after earth was knocked off it's axis millions of years ago?
Not true. But they are placed on natural energy nodes that correlate to the Earth's core, and how it transmits this energy up to the surface and beyond. The pyramids are used to focus this energy and amplify it so that it can be used to power devices and for worldwide communication.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
...which is...

Can you give us a hint?

*two cents *
They run you, each and every last one of you. You are working to develop tech which will suit them in the end without knowing it. Your military budgets aren't that sky high for fighting other Earthlings. They are preparing for war with their brothers who will return to Earth soon enough. Funny thing it's all spelled out in most of your religious texts. They have since then tricked you into believe it isn't talking about flesh and blood beings but of spiritual beings. They have since then tricked you into believing in winged angels and daemons when all the scriptures are really saying is that these beings had the capability of flight.


Rising Star
They run you, each and every last one of you. You are working to develop tech which will suit them in the end without knowing it. Your military budgets aren't that sky high for fighting other Earthlings. They are preparing for war with their brothers who will return to Earth soon enough. Funny thing it's all spelled out in most of your religious texts. They have since then tricked you into believe it isn't talking about flesh and blood beings but of spiritual beings. They have since then tricked you into believing in winged angels and daemons when all the scriptures are really saying is that these beings had the capability of flight.


So you're saying when you pull back the lens on the chaos that is humanity, all our petty internal feuds and irrational nonsense could be seen as nothing more than the heat cause by friction in a machine...and we are all really working together to build this THING that is to service a purpose that we do not know of by our 'betters' via a hive-mind controlling device three steps beyond our full understanding....


IS THAT WHY WE HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA? Cause we have this technological advancement and it doesn't seem like we aren't fully aware of how to properly use it (it's fucking up people's lives by the text/tweet/post) . Once we master it is the next step telepaphy?

What's your take in this video...does it have any relevance to what we're up against?

- How do black people play into all this, or is our skin color irrelevant.

*two cents *
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Rising Star


-Either cat is lying and even then he's in the top 10 of most fascinating posters every just for his ability to stay in character for over a decade.

-Dude ISN'T lying, he's a Grey ass Grey, and by default he's the most fascinating poster in BGOL history.

What do you have to lose.

Me personally, I think he is WANT him to be a Grey ass Grey.

*two cents *


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

-Either cat is lying and even then he's in the top 10 of most fascinating posters every just for his ability to stay in character for over a decade.

-Dude ISN'T lying, he's a Grey ass Grey, and by default he's the most fascinating poster in BGOL history.

What do you have to lose.

Me personally, I think he is WANT him to be a Grey ass Grey.

*two cents *
Top ten? No ... top 100 maybe. Thank you for the support. I am watching the video you posted and will get back to you in a bit.


Rising Star
Top ten? No ... top 100 maybe. Thank you for the support. I am watching the video you posted and will get back to you in a bit.

Well if you are who I HOPE you are you claim to be you're the most fascinating motherfucker to ever post here period.

*two cents *


Rising Star
I will do my best, but some of the answers are restricted for various reasons.

1 I am both a physical copy of an earlier me and I am also the memories and experiences of that/those earlier versions. I have also made copies of myself in this fashion so that I can sort of be in more than one place at the same time. BUT, I am also a separate entity unto myself (as well as my other clones). Downloading the electrical impulses of a brain is easier said than done. Memories are the tricky part because they are dormant in the brain until triggered, but it too can be done.
a. True, your religions have touched on what a soul is. So will your sciences one day. Your religions are after all, an attempt by more advanced beings (than you were back then) trying to explain very complex things in a simplistic way. I hope that helps.

2 182 elements at the moment, there may be more. All past 120 are unstable to us so they are purely academic.

3 The Old Ones are not the Anunnaki, they are children in comparison. The Anunnaki do know of the Old Ones, all Type 1 civilizations and up eventually get a visit from the Old Ones.

4 I have to keep this simple because there is info in it I am not allowed to divulge ... also, it is difficult to explain because we are confined to 3 dimensional constructs. Imagine two bed sheets that are soaking wet (I'm using two bed sheets here because it is easier to conceptualize) the two sheets are spread out evenly on top of the other. Now imagine that you can somehow pull the sheets apart equally at the same time throughout the sheets. The surface tension the water creates between the sheets is gravity. The sheets are the Universes. Gravity doesn't originate from the dimensions that life exists on, it instead originates in the space between the dimensions and leaks over. That is why it is so weak on this side compared to the other forces.

5 Abduction is a tool for the study of your development ... your bodies AND souls. Each sentient life is similar, but also unique enough that we like to understand you better.
a. Cattle mutilations, I will just say that the parts taken are used to make beings.
b. Chosen people, yes there are chosen people. There are special genetic combinations that often come up naturally (and also by design) that are extremely interesting to us and other alien species observing you Hue-Mans.
c. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but ALL of you have been visited at least once in your life by one or another alien groups.
You are an entertaining personality on this board. I can tell you watch a lot of SYFY channel and Ancient Aliens. Good shit though


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member

-Either cat is lying and even then he's in the top 10 of most fascinating posters every just for his ability to stay in character for over a decade.

-Dude ISN'T lying, he's a Grey ass Grey, and by default he's the most fascinating poster in BGOL history.

What do you have to lose.

Me personally, I think he is WANT him to be a Grey ass Grey.

*two cents *
As someone who works in the field of space science, and has a longtime and deeply held fascination with it, from the fringe to the mainstream, seeing a mix of readily available data and readily available folklore synthesized into a character and presented as secret knowledge is borderline irksome.

Imagine if you were a doctor listening to a guy selling snake oil and patent medicines by mixing random medical facts with interesting sounding fiction. At best, you would roll your eyes every time the crowd oohed and ahhed.

I'll stand down and let people enjoy it though, lest I be labeled a hater.

But I will gleefully reverse that opinion when he says something I don't already know or that isn't fiction.

If this was a fiction writer's forum I'd probably be upvoting, for what it's worth.


Rising Star
As someone who works in the field of space science, and has a longtime and deeply held fascination with it, from the fringe to the mainstream, seeing a mix of readily available data and readily available folklore synthesized into a character and presented as secret knowledge is borderline irksome.

Imagine if you were a doctor listening to a guy selling snake oil and patent medicines by mixing random medical facts with interesting sounding fiction. At best, you would roll your eyes every time the crowd oohed and ahhed.

I'll stand down and let people enjoy it though, lest I be labeled a hater.

But I will gleefully reverse that opinion when he says something I don't already know or that isn't fiction.

If this was a fiction writer's forum I'd probably be upvoting, for what it's worth.

That's fair.

You sound like me when I hear someone say they can build a QUALITY building/structure in less TIME and under BUDGET after being in the construction industry for damn near 15 years.


PICK TWO and the one you don't pick is going to be where your sweat goes. Anyone PROVE to me they can have all three I'll drop whatever I'm doing and work for them that day.

THAT BEING SAID...imma run with Grey Ass Grey here. Stranger things have happen.

*two cents *


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you're saying when you pull back the lens on the chaos that is humanity, all our petty internal feuds and irrational nonsense could be seen as nothing more than the heat cause by friction...and we are all really working together to build this THING that'll be used in a war that we do not know off by our 'betters' via a hive-mind controlling device 3 steps beyond our full understanding....

IS THAT WHY WE HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA? Cause we have this technological advancement and it doesn't seem like we aren't fully aware of how to properly use it (it's fucking up people's lives by the text/tweet/post) . Once we master it is the next step telepaphy?

What's your take in this video...does it have any relevance to what we're up against?

- How do black people play into all this, or is our skin color irrelevant.

*two cents *

To a degree yes, your conflicts are stoked by hidden players who fight among themselves for dominance on this planet through their proxies and pawns. These wars also keep you disorganized as a whole until they want you to get organized behind their own cause. You see, those beings who stayed here (exiled actually) they all agree that their kin on the homeworld must be defeated when they return so they will need Hue-Mans to be of one accord eventually. They are also using these wars to stoke a mindset within the world for unity under one upcoming (to be revealed) guiding principle.

The social media networks can be used as a sort of mind control, they are nothing more than the evolution of the techniques started with radio and television. You can see now how easily they can shape a story or start/end a trend. That is small potatoes for what it could be used for eventually. You are quite perceptive, your social media is also a type of hive mind and a peek into what telepathy is like. Becoming truly telepathic would require some biological manipulation at first and then some genetic manipulation later tho.

The video was good but predictable, it reminds me of the "To Serve Man" episode. But it is telling as well, often times there are truths hidden in these sci-fi/fantasy shows you just gotta know where to look ... there are even truths in what I'm saying, but I'm not allowed to tell it all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As someone who works in the field of space science, and has a longtime and deeply held fascination with it, from the fringe to the mainstream, seeing a mix of readily available data and readily available folklore synthesized into a character and presented as secret knowledge is borderline irksome.

Imagine if you were a doctor listening to a guy selling snake oil and patent medicines by mixing random medical facts with interesting sounding fiction. At best, you would roll your eyes every time the crowd oohed and ahhed.

I'll stand down and let people enjoy it though, lest I be labeled a hater.

But I will gleefully reverse that opinion when he says something I don't already know or that isn't fiction.

If this was a fiction writer's forum I'd probably be upvoting, for what it's worth.



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
That's fair.

You sound like me when I hear someone say they can build a QUALITY building/structure in less TIME and under BUDGET after being in the construction industry for damn near 15 years.


PICK TWO and the one you don't pick is going to be where your sweat goes. Anyone PROVE to me they can have all three I'll drop whatever I'm doing and work for them that day.

THAT BEING SAID...imma run with Grey Ass Grey here. Stranger things have happen.

*two cents *
that plus some borderline cac/coonish statements homie has made on the low that flew under most members radars kind of turned me off of the whole grey ass grey thing too. If he an alien, aliens don't fuck with our black asses either.

I'ma stop pissing on the parade though.

Like I said, from a fiction writer's standpoint, most of it is thoughtful and well written. So he's got that going for him, which is nice.


Rising Star
that plus some borderline cac/coonish statements homie has made on the low that flew under most members radars kind of turned me off of the whole grey ass grey thing too. If he an alien, aliens don't fuck with our black asses either.


*two cents *

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
As someone who works in the field of space science, and has a longtime and deeply held fascination with it, from the fringe to the mainstream, seeing a mix of readily available data and readily available folklore synthesized into a character and presented as secret knowledge is borderline irksome.

Imagine if you were a doctor listening to a guy selling snake oil and patent medicines by mixing random medical facts with interesting sounding fiction. At best, you would roll your eyes every time the crowd oohed and ahhed.

I'll stand down and let people enjoy it though, lest I be labeled a hater.

But I will gleefully reverse that opinion when he says something I don't already know or that isn't fiction.

If this was a fiction writer's forum I'd probably be upvoting, for what it's worth.

Co-sign..the shit is more annoying than entertainment to me.

No biggie...I have some information about this wierdo and I will be ocking this CAC soon!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man let him live, he don't troll nobody he only talks about space shit. There are real trolls on this spot who go out of their way to get reactions.
Thanks for the support.
that plus some borderline cac/coonish statements homie has made on the low that flew under most members radars kind of turned me off of the whole grey ass grey thing too. If he an alien, aliens don't fuck with our black asses either.

I'ma stop pissing on the parade though.

Like I said, from a fiction writer's standpoint, most of it is thoughtful and well written. So he's got that going for him, which is nice.
What cac/coonish statements are you referring to? Maybe you misinterpreted them, point them out so I can see why you think the way you do about them. The term "Grey ass Grey" was started by another BGOL member, I can't remember if it was SamSneed or ThaBurgerPimp since it happened a few years ago. I was referring to that.
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