A group of white men attacked a black security guard after he asked them to move their pontoon boat: A group of black men seen & went to defend him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was a once in a lifetime multi-layered fight.

Fight had 3 acts and shit. Like a R. Kelly "Trapped on the Dock" type shit.

Swimmer Man gets all my respect. Love all the Black men and Women that got that good get back on those cowardly ass cacs.

Oh yeah... When that one bitch got shoved in the water :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I wanna see a news report on this I need details. What's with the purple shirts and polo/alligator navy blue shits and khakis? What with the election banners on the ferries. Was this some kind of political event?
Ppl in the purple shirts were probably part of a family function that was scheduled on the boat ride.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
We also gave you the concept of the black panthers too. Go check out Lownes County Alabama and learn something this day. Not trying to argue but there is not one state of blacks that has contributed more in America to black rights. It’s a reason King and other civil rights leaders kept coming here.
I.was.joking about the carlee Russell thing though so don't take it too hard.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
That hat flip by the security guard. Dude was bout it for real. :lol2:


that was my favorite part
he was like fuck this job


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

Earlier today at a river pier in the city of Montgomery, Alabama (famous for the Montgomery Bus Boycott, led by a then unknown Dr. King and Rosa Parks), the sons of an owner of a mini mart (a kind of general store in America) who are white got into an argument with a black pier worker.

The white mini mart owner had his pleasure boat on a slip in the pier and was asked to move by the black pier worker so a ferry could dock on the slip. Well, the mini mart owner, his son, and I believe his son's friends decided to just assault the black pier worker for asking them to move. Other black folks at the pier saw the brawl and joined in to help the black pier worker being assaulted.

Eventually, the black folks overwhelmed the white folks and the police appeared and made arrests.

Once this news hit Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter it's becoming a national story.

And here's the Facebook page of the mini mart and pleasure boat owner. As you can see, the owner of the mini mart and admin for the page has limited comments as folks are leaving nasty comments about him/her.

I've checked their Google Maps page and the same thing is happening there which they've limited as well. Not sure if they have a Yelp page but if so they've probably shut down ratings there, too.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was a once in a lifetime multi-layered fight.

Fight had 3 acts and shit. Like a R. Kelly "Trapped on the Dock" type shit.

Swimmer Man gets all my respect. Love all the Black men and Women that got that good get back on those cowardly ass cacs.

Oh yeah... When that one bitch got shoved in the water :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
:lol: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This shows from the beginning. They guy in the white and turquoise hat was trying to stop it and they guy in the orange shorts who laid over the worker to protect him from blows. Have to be logged into yt to view.

COTDAMN!!! This really helps fill in the middle right before the bruhs got involved.

Looks like the big boat had not docked yet. Once it docked, that's when all the Bruhs jumped off to regulate!

That one security guard in blue was whoopin' that one cacs ass!!!

That one store owner talkin' about he ran away. GTFOH