Actor Shemar Moore is gonna be a 1st time dad at 52.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You could be right. i work in Manhattan's Upper E. Side and it seems like maybe 45% of those white kids are on the spectrum. Often times I do see older fathers with them.

Side note question:
Because you work on the Upper East side is it rare for you to see black women with small black children? Or do you see more black women with small white children (think Au pair)?

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Poor people shit. Financial well off and wealthy typically have children later in life. Raising that child in a stable environment and being able to afford best education trumps being able to play sports with him any day.

If i had a kid today id just pay your broke ass to come over and play with him. Like Richard Pryor and "The Toy".
You’re an idiot , kids want their parents around you stupid old fuck. The sports thing was just an example . He will be in his 70s when that kid graduates high school. Probably won’t even be alive to see him grow into an independent adult but to you the only thing that matters is money. Guaranteed I have enough money that I could get your 60 year old son to murder you.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
It doesn't matter. The fact is that he has a child who will have a better quality of life than most American kids. My 54-year-old cousin just had one. I want a boy and I'm thinking about having another kid at 54 too.
Better quality of life meaning what? Life is more than raising your kid as an old man and spoiling them like a bitch. Being there and guiding them is more valuable than being trust fund daddy

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Shits fouls for the kids , he’ll be too old to do any sports or play with them.

If you old as fuck, out of shape and too sick to play with a child then this would be true but that’s more of an opinion. At least this man had a child with a young fertile woman and not one of them stanky ass rotten fish decrepit wombed women in Hollywood. I’m sure their rancid boxes wouldn’t have even be able to carry a child to term because it’s so diseased and nasty like a cesspool. Like fucking a biohazard. But that’s just me. Ain’t that right Brigette Nelson?


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
A ring dosent create life.. a ring dosent make you a great dad or father.. shits not magical.. just a piece of metal that big bizz convinced the world it meant something.. the diamond companies literally spend money to push commercials decades ago so that they could make diamonds more valuable so that they could generate money..this is actual fact and have documented proof supporting that.. “marriage” was just a big financial hustle for various big bizz in America.. notice all these people plagiarize weddings no original ideas.. “honeymoons” hotel and travel agencies benefitted off this.. dress makers generated money off of wedding dress industry.. limo/ transportation services benefitted off of weddings.. rental halls for after marriage ceremonies.. the church for “priest” reading vows having a location to have the wedding.. so many other industries benefitted off of marriage/wedding.. 1 big hustle.. so don’t let the hustle prevent you from finding a special female to create life with.. a life partner is significant compared to marriage..illegal immigrants can get married for green love behind that and all bizzness
I know. I just don't want to be a baby daddy is all. I see too much of that shit and I'm sick of it. I don't want to add to the total of people recklessly fucking and whoops, here's a baby as if they don't know how babies get here.

I know all about how DeBeers or whomever wanted to make people think diamonds were rarer than they truly are and make them a symbol more than anything else of love and commitment and relationship. And since they were the holder of diamonds, they would benefit.

I see the hustle you're talking about though a big expensive party where everyone benefits which is entirely unnecessary

Finding a special woman has been difficult. Too many women have too many kids. I just started talking to this one Nigerian chick who has a five-year-old, but she left Nigeria before the child was born to get away from his abusive ass, so now I have a child who is ways around with no grandparents or father to pick her up so I can have a long time with the mother

But real talk she's the nicest woman I've met in a while so cross your fingers on that

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
If you old as fuck, out of shape and too sick to play with a child then this would be true but that’s more of an opinion. At least this man had a child with a young fertile woman and not one of them stanky ass rotten fish decrepit wombed women in Hollywood. I’m sure their rancid boxes wouldn’t have even be able to carry a child to term because it’s so diseased and nasty like a cesspool. Like fucking a biohazard. But that’s just me. Ain’t that right Brigette Nelson?
Anybody who has kids knows how much attention they want and require. Old is old you slow down and don’t have energy like that for kids after a certain point. My point was it’s selfish because ain’t no way he will have the stamina to do normal Dad shit after a certain point it’s like asking grandparents to be young. Also best time to have kids is in your early 30s to mid 30s poor people have kids in their teens and early 20s. Of people also want to risk health problems for the kids later in life that’s what they going to end up doing. There’s a reason child birth is a younger persons thing

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Anybody who has kids knows how much attention they want and require. Old is old you slow down and don’t have energy like that for kids after a certain point. My point was it’s selfish because ain’t no way he will have the stamina to do normal Dad shit after a certain point it’s like asking grandparents to be young. Also best time to have kids is in your early 30s to mid 30s poor people have kids in their teens and early 20s. Of people also want to risk health problems for the kids later in life that’s what they going to end up doing. There’s a reason child birth is a younger persons thing

Bro, did you look at that dude? He’s in shape! People say that all the time but if you’re healthy and they are too it beats the odds. Many times.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Bro, did you look at that dude? He’s in shape! People say that all the time but if you’re healthy and they are too it beats the odds. Many times.
You know looking healthy ain’t everything, when you age you going to have health problems it just happens don’t matter if you got a six pack.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Dudes on here that got a problem with Shamar Moore being a father in his 50s failed to realize that with today's medicine and nutrition that people are living much longer now compared to people back then that didn't have the best medicine or knew about nutrition to eat right having better access to fresh produce.

Most niggas on BGOL ain't even in shape themselves and dont eat right nor exercise that they won't have the longevity like shamar moore.

I see nothing wrong with wanting to be a father in your 40s or 50s and doing it when you're ready to become a father.

If a person takes care of themselves they can add another 30 yrs to their life.
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Rising Star
Right. I'll be 46 in February. People ask why I don't have kids, I say I'm not married. I want to be a father/dad not the other thing
Having kids can be sometimes overrated. They are cute when they are young though. I got nieces and nephews who are under 6 yrs old so if I need the parental feeling, I can get my fix. The fix is only temporary though cause after a few hours I'm on the phone pleading & begging my sister telling her to hurry up and come get her kids lol.

Once you past 45, your main concern or focus in life is trying get outta bed and live to see another day. That stress of raising a child would be too overwhelming on my mind & body at 52 years old.

I do which him luck though. I suspect he might be on testosterone meds, so he might have the energy or stamina of a 20 or 30 year old dude for him to wanna have and raise a child at 52.


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
I saw this on twitter earlier. Surprised the heck out of me. I just knew he was gay.

just cuz he knocked up his beard up doesmt make him straight ...:rolleyes:

but dam tho knocked up a skinny no ass chick with 2 kids already ....i guess ...:dunno:

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Man you taking about a white cave dweller. He don’t count. I’m talking about black people like me. Money doesn’t change change genetics.
Yeah because we have a history have of having perfect health FOH. You don’t know peoples genes.


Rising Star
Side note question:
Because you work on the Upper East side is it rare for you to see black women with small black children? Or do you see more black women with small white children (think Au pair)?

I don't see a lot of black families. Some interracial, but I do see some black families.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Our people always clowning our own for doing things older than most...which is why it's fashionable for us to die in our 20's and 30's. As an older father, there is a LOT more he could teach that kid, as his as attention is likely to be more family focused. Happy for the dude.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Maybe it’s you then. Yo ass is unhealthy, fat and out of shape. But saying healthy older people can’t have healthy children can still happen.
Definitely ain’t me but you live in a fantasy land . There’s a reason why Doctors warn older people about having kids. Don’t matter how many kale shakes you drink. It’s a god damn fact older peoples kids are more prone to defects. What exactly are you debating here? I realize this is a geriatric board full of old niggas but be realistic

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Definitely ain’t me but you live in a fantasy land . There’s a reason why Doctors warn older people about having kids. Don’t matter how many kale shakes you drink. It’s a god damn fact older peoples kids are more prone to defects. What exactly are you debating here? I realize this is a geriatric board full of old niggas but be realistic

Old? I didn’t see you in the workout thread. Post your shit. Show us. Man you been talking to and have been talking to at least 3 to 4 people on this Board who have younger children. Ages 40 to 52. Active. Kids ages to newborn to 12. You can beat the odds if you’re healthy. You don’t know what you’re debating. Doctors say a lot of shit. So. Nobody said kids weren’t prone but that’s not guaranteed.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Old? I didn’t see you in the workout thread. Post your shit. Show us. Man you been talking to and have been talking to at least 3 to 4 people on this Board who have younger children. Ages 40 to 52. Active. Kids ages to newborn to 12. You can beat the odds if you’re healthy. You don’t know what you’re debating. Doctors say a lot of shit. So. Nobody said kids weren’t prone but that’s not guaranteed.
Workout thread? Discussing working out is boring as fuck like watching tik tok work out videos for what? Because i don’t be in there don’t mean I don’t work out or eat right the hell you talking about and it’s not doctors saying shit it’s actual data that having kids later in life are more prone to Down syndrome and other problems so again what are you trying to debate? Nature?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't see a lot of black families. Some interracial, but I do see some black families.
Thanks, the reason I asked is because I often frequent the area around 86th street (Lexington, Third, Second Ave.)

Usually, I see black women either walking with small white children or pushing small white children in strollers. I actually have to do a "double take" when I see a black woman with a small black child in that area.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
So you think healthy 65 year olds have the energy of healthy 35 year olds? Tom Brady 45 but looks like an old man trying to run around. Why do athletes retire in their late 30’s and 40s?
Age doesn't matter because i know and have seen older guys move around better than people in their 30s.

Just because a person is younger don't mean they are more active and can get around better than someone that's their senior.

Tom brady have been in the NFL for a long time and anytime a player plays a contact sport like football, that shit will make any player look old trying to get around when you get knocked down on the ground for a living.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Also, dudes that have kids in their 30's regret that shit and they still wanted to enjoy their life but they knocked her up.

Then them same 30 yr old's don't even take care of their child like they're supposed to and struggle not having a stable job or home for a family.

Just because a person have kids early, don't mean they're ready yet to handle what it takes to be a parent and not everybody is mature enough to handle that shit.

At least shamar has everything to take care of that child and can be a family man becoming a full time father being ready to do so.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Steve Jobs went 2 years treating pancreatic cancer with appleseeds and crystals.

it wasnt age that killed him.
My point was He got cancer when he got older like most people. He was a vegan, ate healthy and worked out but genetics and life plays a part. Age kills everybody as soon as you’re born you’re dying.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
So you think healthy 65 year olds have the energy of healthy 35 year olds? Tom Brady 45 but looks like an old man trying to run around. Why do athletes retire in their late 30’s and 40s?
your comparing pro athletics to parenting is silly. parenting is not a professional sport and playing them with your kids is not a prerequisite for good parenting.

negro have some kids first before talking about what it takes to be a good one.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
So you think healthy 65 year olds have the energy of healthy 35 year olds? Tom Brady 45 but looks like an old man trying to run around. Why do athletes retire in their late 30’s and 40s?
How many non pro athletes that are in their teens to 30s can out throw Tom Brady? Out run Tom Brady? Lift more weights than Brady?