Andrew Tate arrested for sex trafficking in Romania


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Did anyone say they were proud of anything? What are you reading.
I am commenting on something that happened between 2 people separate from myself.
I made a hypothetical statement. I don't know Greta and will never meet her.

And you're proud of this??
And you would be roasting a young woman who hasn't done anything to you for what reason?

What's makes what she said hilarious is partly because tate fucked with her unprovoked and she snapped back without hesitation. Alot of it is in the timing and cleverness of the diss.

Tate lost for being a grown man fucking around with a young girl who wasn't bothering him.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Above is your original claim that I get advice on how to be a man from Tate, for evidence of your claim, you list my post of the top ten Andrew Tate haters (where you are number 1,3,9, and 10) but nowhere does it say I am recommending getting advice on how to be a man from him. So either post where I made this claim or admit what we all know, that you are a slimy-ass lying faggot!
This shouldn't need to be explained to anyone over 2 years old. But you calling people who choose not to listen to him "haters" is the same as you agreeing with the shit he says. Which means you get advice from him. And you keep projecting like a mf with your list but are too dumb to see it.
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Walter Panov

Rising Star
Camille. I get it. I completely get it and reject it because it is logically flawed and not funny.

I like Greta and I like SOME things about Andrew. However what is fair is fair.

If that is her email address she played herself.

She should have said, "No, I will email you. Is your email address still XXX"?
The part is valid for the joke. It's appropriate since he went at her out of the blue.
If she would have said it how you wrote it then that part would have been @ihavenolife.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok. But why does she has a dick?

The part is valid for the joke. It's appropriate since he went at her out of the blue.
If she would have said it how you wrote it then that part would have been @ihavenolife.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you're using anecdotal examples to define and refute broader, abstract principles?
Okay. That makes no sense.
1. I don't know those people or that case.
2. You're implying that there are no situations where I personally would have empathy for the woman over the man. You are wrong there, too. It sounds like your example might be one of those times. I will say that cheating for men is not always the ultimate betrayal that it is for women because many men will fuck other women without bringing feelings into it, although that doesn't excuse it or make it right. (Don't gloss over that part)
It still doesn't change the principles of critical thinking and being able to extract information from a source, recognize biases and use what is needed.

You keep arguing to attack the people distributing the information.
I've said I don't disagree with that. They have all said shit that I don't agree with as well.
They have also all said shit that I do agree with.
There are other dense MFs who can't seem to compute well enough to understand that but I know you do.
I was simply explaining why some of what they say is valid. I even applied it to Candace Owens and I can't stand that bitch. Same principle. Take what you need and keep it pushing.
Regardless of what some want to believe, that's what I do. Not to be confused with stanning.
That's specific to a PERSON, not a principle.

People use anecdotal examples to illustrate their point all the time. KS, tate, politicians, social media etc. The issue with KS and tate is that thier nuggets of truth is embedded in the belief that men and women think and behave vastly different from each other when the reality is given the circumstances and opportunities women will more often than not do exactly the same things men do for much the same hedonistic motivations.

So this belief that men are from Vulcan (all logic) and women are from Klingon (all emotion) is just not as accurate as one might think.

So what I'm attacking isn't so much the person but questioning the basis of thier beliefs that their views stand on. Which often doesn't take into consideration that times change, people change, and the old ways of doing or thinking of something definitely changes.

TJs ex wife is a highly accomplished lawyer...that was unlikely just 50 years ago....impossible 100 years ago..mind you that's 1923...not 18XX or 17XX!

In just the last 50 years things have changed so definitively that most of us take it for when yall talk about "back in the day when men did blah and women were blah..."


When were these halcyon days of yore when women were HAPPY about their station and status in life and society?

And why is it only men tell these stories?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The part is valid for the joke. It's appropriate since he went at her out of the blue.
If she would have said it how you wrote it then that part would have been @ihavenolife.

At first I thought the comeback was pretty funny, but then after thinking about it, its kind

of hypocritical.

Isnt that a form of body shaming, the same thing femenist accuse this fake thing

called "toxic masculinity" of doing..?

and I doubt she wouldve actually said that... maybe one of her people did, but not her,

she may look like a middle aged witch but Greta has more class than that..

thats something a angry femenist or fag would come up with on the spot...

Walter Panov

Rising Star
At first I thought the comeback was pretty funny, but then after thinking about it, its kind

of hypocritical.

Isnt that a form of body shaming, the same thing femenist accuse this fake thing

called "toxic masculinity" of doing..?

and I doubt she wouldve actually said that... maybe one of her people did, but not her,

she may look like a middle aged witch but Greta has more class than that..

thats something a angry femenist or fag would come up with on the spot...
She's an environmentalist. Not a feminist. But whether she is or not it doesn't matter. This wasn't about him being a misogynist. Any man could have given him the same reply she did. She implied he was overcompensating (because he needs to buy cars with big engines) and insecure (because he needs to brag about it).


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Camille. I get it. I completely get it and reject it because it is logically flawed and not funny.

I like Greta and I like SOME things about Andrew. However what is fair is fair.

If that is her email address she played herself.

She should have said, "No, I will email you. Is your email address still XXX"?

It actually was funny. You just can't stop being pedantic long enough to see it.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
This shouldn't need to be explained to anyone over 2 years old. But you calling people who choose not to listen to him "haters" is the same as you agreeing with the shit he says. Which means you get advice from him. And you keep projecting like a mf with your list but are too dumb to see it.
More unsubstantiated claims from the liar! Where did I say anyone who doesn't listen to him must be a hater? Show where I said it or admit you are a lying ass faggot! :angry:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's an environmentalist. Not a feminist. But whether she is or not it doesn't matter. This wasn't about him being a misogynist. Any man could have given him the same reply she did. She implied he was overcompensating (because he needs to buy cars with big engines) and insecure (because he needs to brag about it).

you probably right, but I wouldnt be shocked if she claims she is gay a few years from now..

Is it true what tate said, about her supporting the Blocking of the Sun, aka Geo Engineering, aka chem trails..

IF that is true, then she is definitly part of the Matrix...

If not, then I still admire the lil whipper snapper from sweden...

prove that the youth are really gonna change this world for the better

start with throwing greed and gluttony out the window...

Walter Panov

Rising Star
More unsubstantiated claims from the liar! Where did I say anyone who doesn't listen to him must be a hater? Show where I said it or admit you are a lying ass faggot! :angry:
:lol:You're trying to backpedal out of this shit. Don't try to act like you didn't create a list of "haters" for your hero, faggot, and admit you love that CAC.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dudes in this thread are so mad that anyone is dogging out Tate they're acting like he's their man.

Some of y'all really need to question yourselves.
personally I think as children they saw their fathers disrespect their mothers and thought it was cool.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

just another locked up nigga now...

I wonder what they put his race down as..

I know tiger woods was talkin all that shit about being

a caublasion blah blah blah but when his ass got arrested,

they just put "BLACK" right on the record... there was NO question

of what his race was then and nobody even asked his ass..


in back of that van

He look like one of them light skinned bougie racist from

lousiana, the paper bag mafia masnic negros...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Listen to some stuff this guy said. Wow. He is fucked up. Was it all an act? Cause if he is being truthful. He is duck and also fucked!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Listen to some stuff this guy said. Wow. He is fucked up. Was it all an act? Cause if he is being truthful. He is duck and also fucked!!!
as much as the conspiracists and tate stans want to believe it...dude is NOT in jail because the pink mafia and/or femanazis want him locked away for talking shit. Dude is suspected of real crimes and if anything the macho-misogyny platform he chose to use just called attention to himself.

He did the equivalent of some gangbangin rapper who brags about his crimes in songs and videos. Then wonder how they knew so much.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
as much as the conspiracists and tate stans want to believe it...dude is NOT in jail because the pink mafia and/or femanazis want him locked away for talking shit. Dude is suspected of real crimes and if anything the macho-misogyny platform he chose to use just called attention to himself.

He did the equivalent of some gangbangin rapper who brags about his crimes in songs and videos. Then wonder how they knew so much.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Romanian authorities have seized a collection of cars belonging to misogynistic social media influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan.

It comes days after the 36-year-old self-avowed “success coach” was arrested as part of a human trafficking investigation.

Romanian authorities seized the car collection, estimated to be worth over five million euros, as well a number of buildings including one where the brothers lived and allegedly held six young women, according to a local news report.

A Buggati Chiron, a Rolls Royce, two Ferraris and a Porsche were seized
, according to Romanian outlet Spy News.



