Andrew Tate arrested for sex trafficking in Romania


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Kevin samuels literally used "science" to argue black women are less attractive:

He was going to create an Andrew Tate in his old age if death didnt come first....he died in bed with a mexican.

Wow. Fuck that nigga and I would go at Women praising his death. Again fuck that nigga. Cancer couldn't take him bull did its thing though. Salute


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
let's not forsake the message at the expense of the messenger.
The west is in a bad state with regards to many social issues. Its broad, so I'm going to "cherry pick" some issues so that I'm not typing a book:

Black women aren't getting married at the rate they used to and a lot of the ones that are, are getting divorced. They are making more money but not building families.
That is a detriment to the black community. KS was adamant about therapy and healing so you could go into a relationship healthy with less baggage. Whether you believe in therapy or not, the idea is relationship prep. Prep for a life partner.
Tate talks about the elites and true division - shit that I've said on here for many years - and how they keep people divided through cultural, economical and any division they can in order to distract from everyone realizing that they are the problem.
It all ties together. To keep it more focused:
Two things are needed. The destruction of social media and a war.
Will it come to that? Who knows? Black men need a way to regain their honor and respect and black women need to be humbled into realizing that they don't have the options that they think they do. They've been lied to and are being used to wipe out black America. Then the whites will come in and offer themselves up as the only option. Ultimately, its divide and conquer.

See what youre doing? KS said and articulated things that resonate with how youve ALWAYS felt in the first place therefore you ignore some of the more obvious black female bashing elements he's dived into...dudes did the same thing with tommy sotomayor before he got so obnoxious with it that even they couldnt ignore it after a while.

but lets go with the two things youve said they say:

* Black men need a way to regain their honor and respect

* black women need to be humbled into realizing that they don't have the options that they think they do.

* They've (assuming this means black women) been lied to and are being used to wipe out black America.

Lets look at the most recent and prominent example happening in front of us right...

Now according to the logic and roles and rules of behaviors these guys espouse about men and women in particular black men and women.

Women (black women) are suppose to submit to their man and follow his lead and acknowledge the man is a man and all of that.

Well thats what Marilee Fiebig did. She married her man, they exchanged vows of loyalty and fidelity and had his child (can't submit more than that).


look at the body language...


and she is an accomplished person in her own right.. Fiebig Holmes graduated from the University of Michigan before getting her law degree at Vanderbilt University Law School. Fiebig Holmes has a background in immigration law and has served as the Chief Diversity Officer for Save the Children. Fiebig Holmes has also used her law degree in the fashion world. Listing herself as a "Fashion and Entertainment Executive" on her Instagram bio, she served as Wilhelmina Models' VP of Operations and General Counsel, helping the modeling agency get models to the United States.

Then he cheated on her... they reconciled and he cheated AGAIN and just last week filed divorce papers after 13 years (happy new year).

This black man is making this black woman a single parent. Guess who might get custody?

TJ isn't pookie with the neck tattoos and tear drop tats on his face who sags his pants and everyone but women like the one above sees is a busted ass man BUT her...cause she's you know living her best life and HOT GIRL SUMMER! And all those clichés we find annoying about black women right?

But according KS logic SHE fucked up because SHE should have made a better choice in dealing with the men around her, right? Its HER fault. The problem is on HER side of this equation. And who did TJ CHOOSE over his black wife and family???


How could he not?? Science (according to KS and american society) said that she is physically/ facially MORE attractive on average than black females. Numbers don't lie and the science backs it up.


Marilee clearly did something wrong here correct?? Its her responsibility to keep her man and she couldn't so SHE is the problem here. if NOTHING ELSE....SHE should have sniffed his bullshit out from the beginning and made BETTER CHOICES and she wouldn't be in this situation to begin with!

So goes the logic.

Now TJ doesn't come off like ray ray and pookie but he's tearing his family apart as we type, and he's fucking her and his child over all the same. :smh::hmm:

Where's the honor in that???

Are you even bothering to look at this from her POV and consider how she may be feeling in all of this?? NO. Why would you? Thats feminism! The hell we look like trying to consider how females FEEL about shit??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Thats what Tate would say isn't it??

But at the end of the day thats another SINGLE BLACK WOMAN WITH A CHILD BY HERSELF who may be bitter after all this shit that went down. And KS and tate would say the onus of the blame is on HER side in some way shape or form.

This situation is more prevalent than youre probably willing to admit and its not just highly educated people with 7 figure salaries. Its lower middle class and working class and poor people.

At this point there is NO DIFFERENCE between Marilee Fiebig-Holmes (soon to be just Fiebig) high-powered lawyer and Shaquanda Jones Walmart check out clerk....BOTH got involved with men who fucked around on them and left them and their child for some other bitch.

Kevin samuels, andrew tate and the dudes that follow their "teachings" look down on BOTH of them.

But you guys will call me a male feminist using female logic then rattle off a bunch of personal insults rather than thinking i'm someone looking at both sides of the equation and this is fucked up and somethings not fair here.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
See what youre doing? KS said and articulated things that resonate with how youve ALWAYS felt in the first place therefore you ignore some of the more obvious black female bashing elements he's dived into...dudes did the same thing with tommy sotomayor before he got so obnoxious with it that even they couldnt ignore it after a while.

but lets go with the two things youve said they say:

* Black men need a way to regain their honor and respect

* black women need to be humbled into realizing that they don't have the options that they think they do.

* They've
(assuming this means black women) been lied to and are being used to wipe out black America.

Lets look at the most recent and prominent example happening in front of us right...

Now according to the logic and roles and rules of behaviors these guys espouse about men and women in particular black men and women.

Women (black women) are suppose to submit to their man and follow his lead and acknowledge the man is a man and all of that.

Well thats what Marilee Fiebig did. She married her man, they exchanged vows of loyalty and fidelity and had his child (can't submit more than that).


look at the body language...


and she is an accomplished person in her own right.. Fiebig Holmes graduated from the University of Michigan before getting her law degree at Vanderbilt University Law School. Fiebig Holmes has a background in immigration law and has served as the Chief Diversity Officer for Save the Children. Fiebig Holmes has also used her law degree in the fashion world. Listing herself as a "Fashion and Entertainment Executive" on her Instagram bio, she served as Wilhelmina Models' VP of Operations and General Counsel, helping the modeling agency get models to the United States.

Then he cheated on her... they reconciled and he cheated AGAIN and just last week filed divorce papers after 13 years (happy new year).

This black man is making this black woman a single parent. Guess who might get custody?

TJ isn't pookie with the neck tattoos and tear drop tats on his face who sags his pants and everyone but women like the one above sees is a busted ass man BUT her...cause she's you know living her best life and HOT GIRL SUMMER! And all those clichés we find annoying about black women right?

But according KS logic SHE fucked up because SHE should have made a better choice in dealing with the men around her, right? Its HER fault. The problem is on HER side of this equation. And who did TJ CHOOSE over his black wife and family???


How could he not?? Science (according to KS and american society) said that she is physically/ facially MORE attractive on average than black females. Numbers don't lie and the science backs it up.


Marilee clearly did something wrong here correct?? Its her responsibility to keep her man and she couldn't so SHE is the problem here. if NOTHING ELSE....SHE should have sniffed his bullshit out from the beginning and made BETTER CHOICES and she wouldn't be in this situation to begin with!

So goes the logic.

Now TJ doesn't come off like ray ray and pookie but he's tearing his family apart as we type, and he's fucking her and his child over all the same. :smh::hmm:

Where's the honor in that???

Are you even bothering to look at this from her POV and consider how she may be feeling in all of this?? NO. Why would you? Thats feminism! The hell we look like trying to consider how females FEEL about shit??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Thats what Tate would say isn't it??

But at the end of the day thats another SINGLE BLACK WOMAN WITH A CHILD BY HERSELF who may be bitter after all this shit that went down. And KS and tate would say the onus of the blame is on HER side in some way shape or form.

This situation is more prevalent than youre probably willing to admit and its not just highly educated people with 7 figure salaries. Its lower middle class and working class and poor people.

At this point there is NO DIFFERENCE between Marilee Fiebig-Holmes (soon to be just Fiebig) high-powered lawyer and Shaquanda Jones Walmart check out clerk....BOTH got involved with men who fucked around on them and left them and their child for some other bitch.

Kevin samuels, andrew tate and the dudes that follow their "teachings" look down on BOTH of them.

But you guys will call me a male feminist using female logic then rattle off a bunch of personal insults rather than thinking i'm someone looking at both sides of the equation and this is fucked up and somethings not fair here.
You're doing to much

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Here is the list of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Women in the World:

  1. Bella Hadid – 94.35 per cent
  2. Beyoncé – 92.44 per cent
  3. Amber Heard – 91.85 per cent
  4. Ariana Grande – 91.81 per cent
  5. Taylor Swift – 91.64 per cent
  6. Kate Moss – 91.05 per cent
  7. Scarlett Johansson – 90.91 per cent
  8. Natalie Portman – 90.51 per cent
  9. Katy Perry – 90.08 per cent
  10. Cara Delevingne – 89.99 per cent

List came from:

White People are a trip, but when you have economic power and media influence, then you can put out bullshit like this.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
He's wrong about everything in this clip. The golden ratio applies to the length over the width of your face. You'd basically just have to lose weight for your face to get there. And for symmetry, the continent your ancestors came from does not determine how symmetric your face will be. The only correlation that exists is that "mixed" people have more of a tendency than "non-mixed" people to have symmetrical faces.

This is also how these CAC computer programmer use artificial intelligence for enhancements. That’s why you see these black women with these filters looking crazy as fuck. AI has a big issue capturing black features, especially hair texture. And it’s worse if the person is dark skin.



This is just another example of how white folks will extend their thought process way beyond shit anyone in the world cares about, but they’ll find a way to justify this shit as legit. It’s how the race class concept got started in the first place.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This is also how these CAC computer programmer use artificial intelligence for enhancements. That’s why you see these black women with these filters looking crazy as fuck. AI has a big issue capturing black features, especially hair texture. And it’s worse if the person is dark skin.
Its all done from a european default. All components of the earliest cameras were created with capturing white skin in mind.. Film, processing, lighting, etc.. Minimizing their flaws and accenting attributes. Same with video cameras that came after. All centered around making dull, pale, dry white skin shine on film.

Its why whenever you run into a cac in person they typically look vastly different.. And conversely, when you see a Black celeb in person they usually look better in person.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
See what youre doing? KS said and articulated things that resonate with how youve ALWAYS felt in the first place therefore you ignore some of the more obvious black female bashing elements he's dived into...dudes did the same thing with tommy sotomayor before he got so obnoxious with it that even they couldnt ignore it after a while.

but lets go with the two things youve said they say:

* Black men need a way to regain their honor and respect

* black women need to be humbled into realizing that they don't have the options that they think they do.

* They've
(assuming this means black women) been lied to and are being used to wipe out black America.

Lets look at the most recent and prominent example happening in front of us right...

Now according to the logic and roles and rules of behaviors these guys espouse about men and women in particular black men and women.

Women (black women) are suppose to submit to their man and follow his lead and acknowledge the man is a man and all of that.

Well thats what Marilee Fiebig did. She married her man, they exchanged vows of loyalty and fidelity and had his child (can't submit more than that).


look at the body language...


and she is an accomplished person in her own right.. Fiebig Holmes graduated from the University of Michigan before getting her law degree at Vanderbilt University Law School. Fiebig Holmes has a background in immigration law and has served as the Chief Diversity Officer for Save the Children. Fiebig Holmes has also used her law degree in the fashion world. Listing herself as a "Fashion and Entertainment Executive" on her Instagram bio, she served as Wilhelmina Models' VP of Operations and General Counsel, helping the modeling agency get models to the United States.

Then he cheated on her... they reconciled and he cheated AGAIN and just last week filed divorce papers after 13 years (happy new year).

This black man is making this black woman a single parent. Guess who might get custody?

TJ isn't pookie with the neck tattoos and tear drop tats on his face who sags his pants and everyone but women like the one above sees is a busted ass man BUT her...cause she's you know living her best life and HOT GIRL SUMMER! And all those clichés we find annoying about black women right?

But according KS logic SHE fucked up because SHE should have made a better choice in dealing with the men around her, right? Its HER fault. The problem is on HER side of this equation. And who did TJ CHOOSE over his black wife and family???


How could he not?? Science (according to KS and american society) said that she is physically/ facially MORE attractive on average than black females. Numbers don't lie and the science backs it up.


Marilee clearly did something wrong here correct?? Its her responsibility to keep her man and she couldn't so SHE is the problem here. if NOTHING ELSE....SHE should have sniffed his bullshit out from the beginning and made BETTER CHOICES and she wouldn't be in this situation to begin with!

So goes the logic.

Now TJ doesn't come off like ray ray and pookie but he's tearing his family apart as we type, and he's fucking her and his child over all the same. :smh::hmm:

Where's the honor in that???

Are you even bothering to look at this from her POV and consider how she may be feeling in all of this?? NO. Why would you? Thats feminism! The hell we look like trying to consider how females FEEL about shit??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Thats what Tate would say isn't it??

But at the end of the day thats another SINGLE BLACK WOMAN WITH A CHILD BY HERSELF who may be bitter after all this shit that went down. And KS and tate would say the onus of the blame is on HER side in some way shape or form.

This situation is more prevalent than youre probably willing to admit and its not just highly educated people with 7 figure salaries. Its lower middle class and working class and poor people.

At this point there is NO DIFFERENCE between Marilee Fiebig-Holmes (soon to be just Fiebig) high-powered lawyer and Shaquanda Jones Walmart check out clerk....BOTH got involved with men who fucked around on them and left them and their child for some other bitch.

Kevin samuels, andrew tate and the dudes that follow their "teachings" look down on BOTH of them.

But you guys will call me a male feminist using female logic then rattle off a bunch of personal insults rather than thinking i'm someone looking at both sides of the equation and this is fucked up and somethings not fair here.
So you're using anecdotal examples to define and refute broader, abstract principles?
Okay. That makes no sense.
1. I don't know those people or that case.
2. You're implying that there are no situations where I personally would have empathy for the woman over the man. You are wrong there, too. It sounds like your example might be one of those times. I will say that cheating for men is not always the ultimate betrayal that it is for women because many men will fuck other women without bringing feelings into it, although that doesn't excuse it or make it right. (Don't gloss over that part)
It still doesn't change the principles of critical thinking and being able to extract information from a source, recognize biases and use what is needed.

You keep arguing to attack the people distributing the information.
I've said I don't disagree with that. They have all said shit that I don't agree with as well.
They have also all said shit that I do agree with.
There are other dense MFs who can't seem to compute well enough to understand that but I know you do.
I was simply explaining why some of what they say is valid. I even applied it to Candace Owens and I can't stand that bitch. Same principle. Take what you need and keep it pushing.
Regardless of what some want to believe, that's what I do. Not to be confused with stanning.
That's specific to a PERSON, not a principle.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Its all done from a european default. All components of the earliest cameras were created with capturing white skin in mind.. Film, processing, lighting, etc.. Minimizing their flaws and accenting attributes. Same with video cameras that came after. All centered around making dull, pale, dry white skin shine on film.

Its why whenever you run into a cac in person they typically look vastly different.. And conversely, when you see a Black celeb in person they usually look better in person.

See, pops. That’s exactly why most CACs can’t understand racism like we do. They really don’t see how deep the rabbit hole goes. And honestly, most of them don’t have to think about it.

But you’re right. It’s embedded in technology. And it’s going to get worse because AI is data driven and process information based on behaviors.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Its all done from a european default. All components of the earliest cameras were created with capturing white skin in mind.. Film, processing, lighting, etc.. Minimizing their flaws and accenting attributes. Same with video cameras that came after. All centered around making dull, pale, dry white skin shine on film.

Its why whenever you run into a cac in person they typically look vastly different.. And conversely, when you see a Black celeb in person they usually look better in person.
You completely forgot the magic that is makeup..there’s a reason why make up artist in Hollywood make 6 figs or’s because they make them wet dog smelling vampires look somewhat human.. makeup was to make them ugly people look better.. them artist know how to make dog shit look like chocolate cake.. they specialize in white skin.. this is why cacs look more normal on screen than off.. our skin wasn’t made for that funeral paint that’s why the makeup look off.. flowers don’t need makeup their naturally beautiful aka black skin.. dog shit need a makeover cac skin


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here is the list of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Women in the World:

  1. Bella Hadid – 94.35 per cent
  2. Beyoncé – 92.44 per cent
  3. Amber Heard – 91.85 per cent
  4. Ariana Grande – 91.81 per cent
  5. Taylor Swift – 91.64 per cent
  6. Kate Moss – 91.05 per cent
  7. Scarlett Johansson – 90.91 per cent
  8. Natalie Portman – 90.51 per cent
  9. Katy Perry – 90.08 per cent
  10. Cara Delevingne – 89.99 per cent

List came from:
Why do you even know about that?

We must stop looking to white people for beauty standards

Walter Panov

Rising Star
This is also how these CAC computer programmer use artificial intelligence for enhancements. That’s why you see these black women with these filters looking crazy as fuck. AI has a big issue capturing black features, especially hair texture. And it’s worse if the person is dark skin.



This is just another example of how white folks will extend their thought process way beyond shit anyone in the world cares about, but they’ll find a way to justify this shit as legit. It’s how the race class concept got started in the first place.
It is. They use themselves as the standard and then anyone who deviates from it isn't attractive. But I'm saying in this case, if Kevin Samuels wants to use science to make a point, at least be correct with the science. He was just completely wrong.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why do you even know about that?

We must stop looking to white people for beauty standards

It’s knowledge at minimum. Nothing wrong with developing deeper in standing about the people that has power.

And if you look at the proceedings posts by myself and Amajor, then you’ll see why knowing that info is very relevant.

From a technology aspect, we are generally not included in developing and making of the tools these folks use to enhance themselves. But these same tools are used on us.

I do some work with AI and the programming is 100% geared towards white folks standards. But AI is used many places and apps now of days.
Last edited:

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
It is. They use themselves as the standard and then anyone who deviates from it isn't attractive. But I'm saying in this case, if Kevin Samuels wants to use science to make a point, at least be correct with the science. He was just completely wrong.

That just shows his lack of understanding of a thing. My biggest issue with Kevin wasn’t his messaging. It was his reluctance to include anyone on his show with any sense greater than his to combat some of his nonsense.

He knew exactly who he couldn’t or couldn’t stonewall.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No not at all. Everyone is geeking about her roasting him.
It wasn't the flex everyone thought it was.

If that is her email address it is stupid.

That should have been his response and he would have won!!

You're being sarcastic, right?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Kevin samuels literally used "science" to argue black women are less attractive:

He was going to create an Andrew Tate in his old age if death didnt come first....he died in bed with a mexican.

To be fair though he called Pam Grier an 8, FREQUENTLY called Kelly Rowland a 9, and called Diahann Carroll a 10.

Even if you disagree with the numbers, that's far from the opposite end of the spectrum.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Show me where I ever said that you lying ass fag!!!!! :angry:
Top ten Andrew Tate haters.
- Bitter bitches whos dream is to marry a simp for come up.
2- Simps who are married or are the sons of bitter bitches who are looking for come up men.
3- Non getting pussy betta boys.
4- Fags
5- Dykes
6- Bottom feeder whores
7- Women who hit the wall
8- Ray-Rays and Pookies
9- Dudes with no game
10-Racist white men who feel threathened by the thought of men of color fucking white women.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is. They use themselves as the standard and then anyone who deviates from it isn't attractive. But I'm saying in this case, if Kevin Samuels wants to use science to make a point, at least be correct with the science. He was just completely wrong.

Exactly.. most of them pale bitches hairy as fuck, its them fine hairs you cant see from far away, but you

can smell their furry asses when they sweat, THATS why beckys HATE to sweat, as healthy as sweating is

for you, but when they do sweat, you can smell that furry dog smell... sisters do not have that

furry dog smell...

The only time sisters do have strong oders is when they eat too much red meat, especially pork, diary

products... and dont burn that shit off..

not only does it have an effect on their natural sweet scents turning it into odors, it effects their whole

body, giving them saggy breasts, from lack of minerals...

but when they get that knowledge of self and who they are... bruh I promise you,

vegan chocolate sisters, who drink water and eat way more fruits than sugary cancer producing shit

got the best smelling and best feeling coochies in the world



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’a knowledge a minimum. Nothing wrong with developing deeper in standing about the people that has power.

And if you look at the proceedings posts by myself and Amajor, then you’ll see why knowing that info is very relevant.

From a technology aspect, we are generally not included in developing and making of the tools these folks use to enhance themselves. But these same tools are used on us.

I do some work with AI and the programming is 100% geared towards white folks standards. But AI is used many places and apps now of days.
I guess you're right. That list kinda triggered me for a minute, as if there are NO dark-skinned gorgeous women that should be considered as the most beautiful in the world.

Lisa Yaro
Tiwa Savage
Bria Myles


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Only in the internet can this dude be an actual factor/topic. From what I can gather, he sells game to ninjas that need a co-signer that can articulate how they feel or want to feel about women, not working for the man and being an alpha male.

Now, unless he is teaching ninjas how to finess other ninjas, I have no idea the actual product he is selling (except a lifestyle that - only if you pay $49.99 a month, you can have to).

But, cats want to champion his message, believe that he was targeted, cool. Remind me of some Dr. York or Trump shit. Probably the last time I speak on this, it’s just fascinating to see some of the shit he says (look up what he said about Lewis Hamilton) and the fact that ninjas on BGOL are really following this cat.


Mr. Pool
Here is the list of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Women in the World:

  1. Bella Hadid – 94.35 per cent
  2. Beyoncé – 92.44 per cent
  3. Amber Heard – 91.85 per cent
  4. Ariana Grande – 91.81 per cent
  5. Taylor Swift – 91.64 per cent
  6. Kate Moss – 91.05 per cent
  7. Scarlett Johansson – 90.91 per cent
  8. Natalie Portman – 90.51 per cent
  9. Katy Perry – 90.08 per cent
  10. Cara Delevingne – 89.99 per cent

List came from:
Lmao 100% of the women in the list have had plastic surgery or other procedures done on their face lol lol lol apparently perfection comes from a knife


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
No not at all. Everyone is geeking about her roasting him.
It wasn't the flex everyone thought it was.

If that is her email address it is stupid.

That should have been his response and he would have won!!

Wow. They say it's not funny if you have to explain it, but the email address was the flex/joke. She was telling him to get a life and he had small dick energy bragging about all his cars. He came for her. She didn't start this.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
No not at all. Everyone is geeking about her roasting him.
It wasn't the flex everyone thought it was.

If that is her email address it is stupid.

That should have been his response and he would have won!!
bruh...that email address is an insult to him, not an actual one. it means he has little dick syndrome. hes trying to compensate for his lack of manhood and self confidence by surrounding himself with expensive trinkets.

it absolutely was an embarrassing clap back to him on a global scale.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is just inherent bias in the person originating the program/criteria.
So there is nothing scientific about AI opinon.
It is all BS.

It’s knowledge at minimum. Nothing wrong with developing deeper in standing about the people that has power.

And if you look at the proceedings posts by myself and Amajor, then you’ll see why knowing that info is very relevant.

From a technology aspect, we are generally not included in developing and making of the tools these folks use to enhance themselves. But these same tools are used on us.

I do some work with AI and the programming is 100% geared towards white folks standards. But AI is used many places and apps now of days.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Camille. I get it. I completely get it and reject it because it is logically flawed and not funny.

I like Greta and I like SOME things about Andrew. However what is fair is fair.

If that is her email address she played herself.

She should have said, "No, I will email you. Is your email address still XXX"?

Wow. They say it's not funny if you have to explain it, but the email address was the flex/joke. She was telling him to get a life and he had small dick energy bragging about all his cars. He came for her. She didn't start this.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I understand bro. But it just isn't funny to me at all. Not that funny that the world is geeking like that.
Only saving grace is that a young girl said it and everyone is shocked she was so profane....

That chick could last a second in my world of roasting.

bruh...that email address is an insult to him, not an actual one. it means he has little dick syndrome. hes trying to compensate for his lack of manhood and self confidence by surrounding himself with expensive trinkets.

it absolutely was an embarrassing clap back to him on a global scale.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

when he says shit like this, and how society is pumpin out

pussy men.. I agree..

I a hundred thousand disagree that just because she is your

wife you can be physically abusive..

thats pussy shit, if you carry yourself like a fuckin man

A real woman would act accordingly...!!

The type of women he is attracted to, tend to love

dark skin bruhs and thats where a lot of his issues lie...

he calls them the women.. "wog sockets"

BWHHAHHAHAHAAAAAA ....fuckin english racist

say the darnest things...

the women that find him attractive... sisters and biracial

chicks, he is not attracted to like that...

especially in eastern europe, they LOVE the bruhs

out there...

He knows that.. and lowkey feels some type of way..

he thinks treating them roughly will some how translate

into them falling in love with him...

He KNOW if he was to lose that money.. he losing

all them type of chicks he loves to be around...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I understand bro. But it just isn't funny to me at all. Not that funny that the world is geeking like that.
Only saving grace is that a young girl said it and everyone is shocked she was so profane....

That chick could last a second in my world of roasting.

And you're proud of this??
And you would be roasting a young woman who hasn't done anything to you for what reason?

What's makes what she said hilarious is partly because tate fucked with her unprovoked and she snapped back without hesitation. Alot of it is in the timing and cleverness of the diss.

Tate lost for being a grown man fucking around with a young girl who wasn't bothering him.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
You get advice on how to be a man from a half-a-fag CAC.

Above is your original claim that I get advice on how to be a man from Tate, for evidence of your claim, you list my post of the top ten Andrew Tate haters (where you are number 1,3,9, and 10) but nowhere does it say I am recommending getting advice on how to be a man from him. So either post where I made this claim or admit what we all know, that you are a slimy-ass lying faggot!

Here is my evidence you are nothing but a cock sucking lying fag. Remember in your own words, you said.

Top ten Andrew Tate haters.
- Bitter bitches whos dream is to marry a simp for come up.
2- Simps who are married or are the sons of bitter bitches who are looking for come up men.
3- Non getting pussy betta boys.
4- Fags
5- Dykes
6- Bottom feeder whores
7- Women who hit the wall
8- Ray-Rays and Pookies
9- Dudes with no game
10-Racist white men who feel threatened by the thought of men of color fucking white women.