Anyone investing heavily this year??

How much money did you lose/gain this past week?

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So what’s the call for PFE options I found a
$37 .70bid. .82ask .80last

I bought two options for 165.

They’re not going to be that cheap when the market opens.

This is one of those times you have to becareful. Specifically this is an in and out type of thing. I wouldn’t recommend holding over night.

I’ll try and scalp(buy and sell on less that 24 hours). I may even look into playing some outs for next week after things die down.

Note: Airlines are showing similar gains too.


Truth Teller
So what’s the call for PFE options I found a
$37 .70bid. .82ask .80last

I bought two options for 165.
Do not put your order in yet. Those numbers will change right at 9:30.

Yes, Pfizer will be the play today. As of this second, what you have is good. If we can get in around .80, today will be a good day.


Truth Teller
They’re not going to be that cheap when the market opens.

This is one of those times you have to becareful. Specifically this is an in and out type of thing. I wouldn’t recommend holding over night.

I’ll try and scalp(buy and sell on less that 24 hours). I may even look into playing some outs for next week after things die down.

Note: Airlines are showing similar gains too.
Yes, airlines and cruises will be a good play as well.

Marriott, Disney, Tesla, are all running.

Again, most stocks will be positive today.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
NIO is bulletproof proof. Doing well in the option. PFE got me down at 75$ value at the moment was at 102.

I took profits and ran.
I'm likely not going back in until the end of the week on friday.
Price is likely to dip(cheaper to buy call options)

Then next week on the 17th(Tuesday) is their earning report.

I'll do my research to see what's expected.
But if rumors are true and it's positive then expect $50+

Rest of the week going to look to play the put side of $AAPL.
Historically it always runs up before these events(This tuesday 10th) and tanks just before or during the event.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's all love bro.

We need more knowledgeable brothers on this thread. The main thing I am trying to do is erase the fear that any of these brothers may have.

For those reading this, you are just as smart and capable of turning $1000 into a million as anyone on wall street. Those white boys are not smarter than you. They are not better than you. They had a head start. But, with our help you will be on your way.

You can do this!!!!
Not only did they get a head start but they have access to inside information.

they mainly work to try not getting caught for cheating and that is why it is valuable to us as so-called black men to share what we learn and keep building up what we have, silently, because there is already a target on us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have question, I’m in Robinhood and I own 100 shares of NIO... I went to sell some and it’s telling me I have only access to selling 20. Why am I allowed only a fraction of my shares to sell?

Edit: I had a previous stop order still in place to dump incase an extreme drop happened.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
I have question, I’m in Robinhood and I own 100 shares of NIO... I went to sell some and it’s telling me I have only access to selling 20. Why am I allowed only a fraction of my shares to sell?

Edit: I had a previous stop order still in place to dump incase an extreme drop happened.

oh, i don't know maan. i stopped fucking with that robinhood because of stuff like that. i couldn't figure it out for the love of my life which is ironic considering it was designed to be very simple to use for millenials. i guess cos i am an old head so it was fucking with my mind so i dropped it. hopefully someone here will be able to help out with that


Truth Teller
For those who followed the play and got in on NIO or Pfizer, you should be well into the green.

If this is your first trade, consider selling your contracts before the final bell which is 4:30.

A rule of a successful trader is always secure your profits.
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Truth Teller
That's how we build.
u know what? I will be the bigger man and apologize for what i said to you earlier. i went and i thought about what i said, it was uncalled for...i apologize. it's all love on this thread @tical
This right here made my day.

I really wish the rest of the board was like this. There is enough room for all of us to come up and get rich. We only make up 13% of the population. So, all or most of us getting rich is not a pipe dream.



Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
I'm on the sidelines rn with my fun money tied up in this INTC call :fuckyousay:.. but my dumb ass totally forgot all about paper trading. Taking this opportunity to run some experiments..


Rising Star
OG Investor
i bought some ITM calls on PFE cos it was already too late to get in after a 10 percent run. very short dated call though. i got the november 13 $41 call. so hopefully, even if it doesn't move much i'll break even come thursday at least. i am praying that come thursday, it'll be at least $43.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have question, I’m in Robinhood and I own 100 shares of NIO... I went to sell some and it’s telling me I have only access to selling 20. Why am I allowed only a fraction of my shares to sell?

Edit: I had a previous stop order still in place to dump incase an extreme drop happened.
Used to happen to me too. All platforms are not “dynamic platforms” meaning if you put in a new order it won’t override a previous one.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For those who followed the play and got in on NIO or Pfizer, you should be well into the green.

If this is your first trade, consider selling your contracts before the final bell which is 4:30.

A rule of a successful trader is always secure your profits.

What's your thought about $AAPL tanking before or during their event tomorrow?
That's what the trend has been for the last 2-3 events they've had.

I'm thinking about waiting for confrimation during the event taking a scalp put option.


Truth Teller
What's your thought about $AAPL tanking before or during their event tomorrow?
That's what the trend has been for the last 2-3 events they've had.

I'm thinking about waiting for confrimation during the event taking a scalp put option.
Absolutely wait for confirmation. We will see it happening. When we do, we will ride the wave. I've learned that it's not necessary to be at the very beginning. Just don't be at the end. Also, trading off if confirmations is the only way to avoid losses.

Good call!