Part 1
Here is a contrary opinion on the emergence of Silicon Valley support for former President Trump. Which like all my opinions on here, probably won’t be popular.
It’s a bitcoin play.
Not because the former President is a far stronger proponent of crypto. That’s nice. But doesn’t really impact the price of crypto. It makes it easier to operate a crypto business because of the inevitable, and required, changes at the SEC
What will drive the price of BTC is lower tax rates and tariffs, which if history is any guide (and it’s not always ), will be inflationary.
Combine that with global uncertainty as to the geopolitical role of the USA, and the impact on the US Dollar as a reserve currency, and you can’t align the stars any better for a BTC price acceleration
Part 2
How high can the price go. Way higher than you think. Remember, the market for BTC is global. And the supply has a final limit of 21m BTC, with unlimited fractionalization.
Keep that in mind as you consider what happens if because of geopolitical uncertainty and the decline of the dollar as the reserve currency, BTC becomes a “safe haven” globally. Which means that BTC could be what countries and all of us look to buy as a means to protect our savings.
Crazy ? It already happens in countries facing hyperinflation.
And if things really go further than we can imagine today (and I’m not saying they will. Just that this has a possibility somewhere above zero) , then BTC becomes exactly what the Maxis envision. A global currency