Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
. You posting that bullshit ass video and leaving out they were there to disrupt the event and scream about a Palestinian Ceasefire. You think they are going to willingly let protesters back in on that bullshit? You always posting misinformation . You’re a fucking clown

How dare they protest and ask for a ceasefire to stop innocent people from dying...the nerve of them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So let me get this straight. There are Venezuelan illegals sending money back to people in Venezuela telling them to come to Chicago. How that work? They not taking a plane because you gotta have a visa for that. They are also not taking placement requests at the fucking border. Ain't no damn travel agents down there. Shit don't even pass the logic test and niggas is just cosigning the fuck outta that shit. Man, go head with that shit.
I’m not even going to try to clown you blaze. It sounds so ridiculous you can’t believe the shit. It must be some bullshit. But everything that you can’t believe is happening, is really happening. Everything the man from Chicago said is happening, is actually happening. The “immigrants” say “asylum” and we invite them in. The border patrol has an App you can use to make an appointment to claim asylum and come to the border at specific time or you can fly directly into the city of your choice. If you walk across the border, you will be bussed or flown to the location of your choice. You don’t need a travel agent. If the government flies you to your location, no visa or any ID is necessary. Your asylum hearing averages about 7 years out now.

“Through a Freedom of Information Act request, or FOIA, Bensman says, he learned of the federal government’s “CBP One” mobile application parole program, which “permits inadmissible aliens to make an appointment to fly directly to airports in the interior of the United States, bypassing the border altogether.”

"The Biden administration introduced the CBP One mobile app to illegal aliens as a way to schedule an appointment at a port of entry and be paroled into the interior of the United States. (The acronym CBP refers to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security.)"


BGOL Investor
How dare they protest and ask for a ceasefire to stop innocent people from dying...the nerve of them

Because nothing we do will stop a ceasefire. We could completely pull all support from Israel and they wouldn't stop. There will never be peace in that region ever. Not until one side destroys the other.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because nothing we do will stop a ceasefire. We could completely pull all support from Israel and they wouldn't stop. There will never be peace in that region ever. Not until one side destroys the other.
If your country pulled support for Israel that would help stop this. Without US support Israel is in danger from the other Arab powers in that region. They only exist because these countries are afraid of what America will do

BGOL Investor
If your country pulled support for Israel that would help stop this. Without US support Israel is in danger from the other Arab powers in that region. They only exist because these countries are afraid of what America will do
They wouldn't stop. If someone killed and raped your wife, (whether you were Israeli or Palestinian) you wouldn't stop trying to kill the perpetrators until either they or you were dead.

Neither side will ever stop is my point.
2 state solution? Still won't stop it.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They wouldn't stop. If someone killed and raked your wife, (whether you were Israeli or Palestinian) you wouldn't stop trying to kill the perpetrators until either they or you were dead.

Neither side will ever stop is my point.
2 state solution? Still won't stop it.
I don't blame Palestinians for rebelling against someone who has murdered them for years. You keep trying to make some equivalency out of genocide and that's not this situation. If the US withdrew support for Israel..Israel would cease to exist after

BGOL Investor
I don't blame Palestinians for rebelling against someone who has murdered them for years. You keep trying to make some equivalency out of genocide and that's not this situation. If the US withdrew support for Israel..Israel would cease to exist after
How have I blamed them? I'm saying that neither side will ever stop. As Palestinians raped women, Israeli soldiers raped and murdered them. So the ONLY answer is:

it will stop once ONE side (it can be either side) destroys the other completely. This is a fact.

Say, they agreed to a two-state Solution. Palestine is recognized finally as it's own country/state. Do you honestly think Palestinians would forgive and forget? Naw, I wouldn't if I were them, I spend every day of my life in revenge mode.

So there is no peaceful solution. One side will have to destroy the other. Then there will be peace.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How have I blamed them? I'm saying that neither side will ever stop. As Palestinians raped women, Israeli soldiers raped and murdered them. So the ONLY answer is:

it will stop once ONE side (it can be either side) destroys the other completely. This is a fact.

Say, they agreed to a two-state Solution. Palestine is recognized finally as it's own country/state. Do you honestly think Palestinians would forgive and forget? Naw, I wouldn't if I were them, I spend every day of my life in revenge mode.

So there is no peaceful solution. One side will have to destroy the other. Then there will be peace.
There will be peace of Israel doesn't exist. My response to your hypothetical is the same.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m not even going to try to clown you blaze. It sounds so ridiculous you can’t believe the shit. It must be some bullshit. But everything that you can’t believe is happening, is really happening. Everything the man from Chicago said is happening, is actually happening. The “immigrants” say “asylum” and we invite them in. The border patrol has an App you can use to make an appointment to claim asylum and come to the border at specific time or you can fly directly into the city of your choice. If you walk across the border, you will be bussed or flown to the location of your choice. You don’t need a travel agent. If the government flies you to your location, no visa or any ID is necessary. Your asylum hearing averages about 7 years out now.

“Through a Freedom of Information Act request, or FOIA, Bensman says, he learned of the federal government’s “CBP One” mobile application parole program, which “permits inadmissible aliens to make an appointment to fly directly to airports in the interior of the United States, bypassing the border altogether.”

"The Biden administration introduced the CBP One mobile app to illegal aliens as a way to schedule an appointment at a port of entry and be paroled into the interior of the United States. (The acronym CBP refers to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security.)"

Again, this feels like conflating of circumstances of immigration. People seeking asylum are different - in principle - from people paying coyotes to smuggle them into US for whatever reason. Why are we talking about them the same? For the same reason someone would talk about the civil rights protests and call them riots. Knowing full well that one term is more inflammatory and fear producing than the other. What that alderman said was not about people seeking refuge from imminent danger. Or was he? Do we even care anymore? The government seems to be making differentiation, but the rhetoric is going against that and ball it all up together.

BGOL Investor
There will be peace of Israel doesn't exist. My response to your hypothetical is the same.
Absolutely. This isn't a hypothetical. One side needs to destroy the other completely and then they'll be peace. This isn't about "picking sides" this about facts.

If Palestinians wiped out Israel, then there'd be peace.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
America and Great Britain have a lot of blood on their hands. They created the state of Israel in the heart of Palestinian land. The Balfour Declaration became a license for Zionist Khazars to murder, rape, and exploit Palestinians and Palestinian lands.

The right thing to do is to send the Khazars back to Khazaria (Eastern Europe) where they belong. These are not Shemitic people at all, and the world needs to stop pretending that they are. It's against the law for Israelis (in Israel) to do genealogy, because it'll point to Europe, not to the Middle East. Ashkenazi Jews are Eastern European=Khazarian.

There are some good points made in this thread. I believe that there will "never" be peace in that region until the Khazars leave or are destroyed. Or, the Palestinians are destroyed, because they are already home... there's no place else for them to go.

This was one of the greatest failures/blunders of the 20th Century. :smh:
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BGOL Investor
There are some good points made in this thread. I believe that there will "never" be peace in that region until the Khazars leave or are destroyed. Or, the Palestinians are destroyed, because they are already home... there's no place else for them to go.

And this is the point I was making. We can give history lessons all day, but that doesn't change the fact that there is only one way "peace" will be achieved in that region. One side has to destroy the other.
There will never be a point where (either side will forgive the other for the atrocities reigned on each other) there's only one outcome that'll end it.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Because nothing we do will stop a ceasefire. We could completely pull all support from Israel and they wouldn't stop. There will never be peace in that region ever. Not until one side destroys the other.
As a proud D1 who acknowledges that our ally Israel has a RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES, even I have to admit that our leadersn(probably pushed and BULLIED by the EVIL Republicans) are not doing the will of the American people, and a lesser extension the world.
Think something like 90% are NOT cool with the ongoing genocide going over there, and want the killing and destruction to stop and our support to stop. Once my tax dollars stop funding, then they can do as they please.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, this feels like conflating of circumstances of immigration. People seeking asylum are different - in principle - from people paying coyotes to smuggle them into US for whatever reason. Why are we talking about them the same? For the same reason someone would talk about the civil rights protests and call them riots. Knowing full well that one term is more inflammatory and fear producing than the other. What that alderman said was not about people seeking refuge from imminent danger. Or was he? Do we even care anymore? The government seems to be making differentiation, but the rhetoric is going against that and ball it all up together.
It's just a game they are running to gain entry into the country. They are coached what to say. That's why 80% to 90% of the asylum claims are rejected.


waking people up
BGOL Investor

look at all of those black men supporting the party of gay and trans' rights...

and what she said was a lie.

On Saturday afternoon, the state Democratic Party touted increased Black voter turnout in early and absentee voting, saying more than 76% of such ballots cast in the 2024 primary came from Black voters, 13% more than in 2020.

More people are turning in their votes these days instead of going. DUH