Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Keep fuckin around with your you have a choice

Black folks cracking me up. Living in a dream world. You better do what he said




The Legend
BGOL Investor
not vote for either racist party. Democrats aren't racists? LMAO. You believe the white man wants you to succeed, you slaveminded coon? And if you were smart, you would realize that and your power is that they need your numbers which forces them to appease to get your vote.


they got you in a position where if you dont vote for them, you vote for racists. and you think they are good white folls that will toss some scraps to ya. so you are their bitch because your low IQ cant see past one election.

dumbass house negro.

black wealth hasnt increases in 70 years and you are still wasting your vote. power doesnt come without a fight or leverage.



We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
How are Democrats ruining your life? You mean all the Black Dems in office are a danger? FOH yall just be saying anything to be contrarian
The questions were simple questions. But I guess if you can't answer them then you have to go off of the rails and start ranting about stupid shit.

Now you get the fuck out of here tough guy!


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Got it. Sit on the sidelines bitching & complaining. So you're on the not voting party. Which as I said stupidly supports the republikkkans. What does that get you besides the peace of mind that you're some free thinking individual?

Please explain how voting in my best interests makes me a coon? And before you go down the stupid road, I don't give a shit what the LGBTQ community does or gets. I also don't care about immigrants. It's been a problem for decades. If they take my job, I'm an idiot for letting them.
you are an idiot. it has already been explained. go on and waste your vote and be biden's bitch who might come and fuck you every now and then. white man will save you.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
The questions were simple questions. But I guess if you can't answer them then you have to go off of the rails and start ranting about stupid shit.

Now you get the fuck out of here tough guy!
Those weren’t questions that was you acting like a bitch wanting help for your miserable life . You’re obviously a weak ass nigga begging to be rescued. You right I am a tough guy. You’re not . You’re weak. I’m voting to keep racists from ruining my life as opposed to voting for some imaginary help. Clown ass nigga


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The questions were simple questions. But I guess if you can't answer them then you have to go off of the rails and start ranting about stupid shit.

Now you get the fuck out of here tough guy!
Seems your questions are personal to you. There's no way anyone but you could answer them. @Dr. Truth asked a simple question. How are Democrats ruining your life? Or in your own words "detrimental"?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Those weren’t questions that was you acting like a bitch wanting help for your miserable life . You’re obviously a weak ass nigga begging to be rescued. You right I am a tough guy. You’re not . You’re weak. I’m voting to keep racists from ruining my life as opposed to voting for some imaginary help. Clown ass nigga

They don't see the danger and won't until its too late. They have gone from speaking about DEI in terms of pilots to regular customer service and basic jobs. The conservatives are trying to get traction with the narrative that ANY black hire is a DEI hire that can't be trusted. They never stop with just rhetoric. They will pass laws to appease their base. Just like with CRT and the book banning, they will pass legislation to target us and this affects our pockets directly.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black folks supported the crime bill. Whats the idea that we want crime overrunning our communities?!?!? Bunch of stupid ass niggas. Killa mikes dad was a cop I bet you he supported that bill.
I know you won't understand this but maybe someone else reading this will. To attack crime you fix policies that create poverty and unemployment. Locking people up and separating families doesn't decrease crime


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They don't see the danger and won't until its too late. They have gone from speaking about DEI in terms of pilots to regular customer service and basic jobs. The conservatives are trying to get traction with the narrative that ANY black hire is a DEI hire that can't be trusted. They never stop with just rhetoric. They will pass laws to appease their base. Just like with CRT and the book banning, they will pass legislation to target us and this affects our pockets directly.
If you can't see the current and present danger amongst Democrats then your fully Indoctrinated in thus good vs bad dichotomy that doesn't exist


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Those weren’t questions that was you acting like a bitch wanting help for your miserable life . You’re obviously a weak ass nigga begging to be rescued. You right I am a tough guy. You’re not . You’re weak. I’m voting to keep racists from ruining my life as opposed to voting for some imaginary help. Clown ass nigga
Man man man... Just for once I'd like to meet a couple of you cats in real life.

They were questions, asshole. If you would take your head out of the democrats asshole, may be you could have comprehended the questions. The only weak ass nigga was your father... zero pullout game having ass MoFo.

You're not voting to keep racists out, because they're all fucking racists, Nimrod. How the fuck you think they got there?


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Seems your questions are personal to you. There's no way anyone but you could answer them. @Dr. Truth asked a simple question. How are Democrats ruining your life? Or in your own words "detrimental"?
Of course my questions are personal to me. If I'm trying to find a solution to something, wouldn't it make sense to "ASK?" If a person doesn't want to answer or can't answer that's Okay.

But if you decide to throw insults around because you don't know how to answer... then that's on you... not me.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Seems your questions are personal to you. There's no way anyone but you could answer them. @Dr. Truth asked a simple question. How are Democrats ruining your life? Or in your own words "detrimental"?
Show me where I said that the Democrats are ruining my life? I'll wait.

Let's see, do we have prison reform? Do we have Police reform? Do we banking reform (Banking white black). These are just a few. The Republicans don't give a shit about these issues, I expect for them not too. But, the Democrats who claim to our "friends" seem to not give a shit either.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Of course my questions are personal to me. If I'm trying to find a solution to something, wouldn't it make sense to "ASK?" If a person doesn't want to answer or can't answer that's Okay.

But if you decide to throw insults around because you don't know how to answer... then that's on you... not me.
I'm confused. If you know you're the only person that can answer the questions, why are you asking someone else to answer them?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Show me where I said that the Democrats are ruining my life? I'll wait.

Let's see, do we have prison reform? Do we have Police reform? Do we banking reform (Banking white black). These are just a few. The Republicans don't give a shit about these issues, I expect for them not too. But, the Democrats who claim to our "friends" seem to not give a shit either.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Man man man... Just for once I'd like to meet a couple of you cats in real life.

They were questions, asshole. If you would take your head out of the democrats asshole, may be you could have comprehended the questions. The only weak ass nigga was your father... zero pullout game having ass MoFo.

You're not voting to keep racists out, because they're all fucking racists, Nimrod. How the fuck you think they got there?
Bitch nigga Stop asking people questions personal to you. What the fuck. You talk about my father? At least my father raised me to be a man, not one asking random strangers to solve my personal problems. Weak ass spineless coward bum nigga


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I'm confused. If you know you're the only person that can answer the questions, why are you asking someone else to answer them?
Ok, now I'm lost. Where did I say I'm the only one who could answer them?
This must be some Twilight Zone shit here.

If I asked, "What if I don't like either?" Someone could have said, "Hey Bruh, if you don't like either candidate, maybe you could just do some in depth research on their policies and choose the lesser of two evils."

See... but that's way to civilized for some on the board. We gotta get, "Fuck you... I don't agree with you... and datta datta dah!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man man man... Just for once I'd like to meet a couple of you cats in real life.

They were questions, asshole. If you would take your head out of the democrats asshole, may be you could have comprehended the questions. The only weak ass nigga was your father... zero pullout game having ass MoFo.

You're not voting to keep racists out, because they're all fucking racists, Nimrod. How the fuck you think they got there?
That's the part they don't's mind boggling. Ol "but my side is less racist than the other side dumb asses"


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Bitch nigga Stop asking people questions personal to you. What the fuck. You talk about my father? At least my father raised me to be a man, not one asking random strangers to solve my personal problems. Weak ass spineless coward bum nigga
The only Bitch nigga is you... It seems to me that your father has failed you, Homie. You act like one of those guys who gives their mother a father's day card for Father's Day because Daddy said, "Fuck the both of y'all bitches... I'm out."


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
What if you don't want either? What if both are detrimental to your well being? Then what?
You do know during his term he appointed YOUNG ultra conservative judges that will effect your kids kids generation. And his tax breaks for the wealthy increased taxes for the average American