Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


BGOL Investor
I have no dog in this race and it seems blacks are damned if they vote one way or the other, I vote for who will enrich me and lower my taxes from local all the way up to the president and in my humble opinion (Independents) are the last true americans, fuck red and blue what are you going to give me for my one vote!


The Legend
BGOL Investor
I have no dog in this race and it seems blacks are damned if they vote one way or the other, I vote for who will enrich me and lower my taxes from local all the way up to the president and in my humble opinion (Independents) are the last true americans, fuck red and blue what are you going to give me for my one vote!

I feel you but when is the last time anything the GOP did help you or your people?


waking people up
BGOL Investor
you're splitting hairs. whites are racists in general. just because it's not in your face don't mean they like your black ass


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have no dog in this race and it seems blacks are damned if they vote one way or the other, I vote for who will enrich me and lower my taxes from local all the way up to the president and in my humble opinion (Independents) are the last true americans, fuck red and blue what are you going to give me for my one vote!
I'm invested in the same retirement plan and one of those dogs are anti-crypto and wants a CBDC.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

I'm not against the border bill. I'm not against limits or deportation. I'm only against inhumane treatment, family separation etc. and don't think we should be breaking asylum laws.

Current laws say they can cross anywhere as long as they present themselves to an officer once they get here. This law would change it so if they don't go through a port of entry they would not be eligible for work permits etc, so it would discourage crossing elsewhere. I don't know if it changes the original law though.

Progressives might be mad about this, but I don't consider myself a progressive. Dems have tried to do immigration reform before the GOP ALWAYS kills it. The ones employing immigrants are their donors. As much as they complain about immigrants to throw red meat to their base, they aren't really trying to stop it.

Dems called their bluff, and now the GOP owns the border mess. It's was a smart move. The GOP has never cared about national security, but dems being soft on security is a talking point repeated so often that it has been accepted as fact, true or not.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The "Border Security" bill

Allows 5,000 illegals per day before the border can be shut down. This total doesn't include illegals from Mexico, Canada or minors. So 1.8 million illegals per year allowed entry.

Minors can not be deported.

Illegals get tax payer provided attorneys

Immediate work permits to every illegal released from custody after initial screening.

Any challenge to the law can only be heard by the most liberal court in the U.S. the district court in D.C.

The president can reopen the border any time it's in the "national interest"

$1.4 Billion for organizations that provide shelter, transportation and other services for illegals and $2.3 billion to HHS for "refugee entrant and assistance."

Does not require the president or Secretary of Homeland Security to deport anyone.

Creates pathway to citizenship for 60,000 Afghans brought over after withdrawal

The border wall funding wouldn't start until 2028.

Out of $118 billion, $20 billion goes towards border security.

$60 billion to Ukraine
$14 billion to Israel
$10 billion to Gaza
$2.4 billion for Red Sea conflicts
$4.8 billion for Indo-Pacific purposes

So the "border bill" wouldn't actually solve anything. The additional border agents and judges would just be used to process illegals into the country faster. The house republicans thankfully will not vote for this shitty uni-party bill.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
The "Border Security" bill

Allows 5,000 illegals per day before the border can be shut down. This total doesn't include illegals from Mexico, Canada or minors. So 1.8 million illegals per year allowed entry.

Minors can not be deported.

Illegals get tax payer provided attorneys

Immediate work permits to every illegal released from custody after initial screening.

Any challenge to the law can only be heard by the most liberal court in the U.S. the district court in D.C.

The president can reopen the border any time it's in the "national interest"

$1.4 Billion for organizations that provide shelter, transportation and other services for illegals and $2.3 billion to HHS for "refugee entrant and assistance."

Does not require the president or Secretary of Homeland Security to deport anyone.

Creates pathway to citizenship for 60,000 Afghans brought over after withdrawal

The border wall funding wouldn't start until 2028.

Out of $118 billion, $20 billion goes towards border security.

$60 billion to Ukraine
$14 billion to Israel
$10 billion to Gaza
$2.4 billion for Red Sea conflicts
$4.8 billion for Indo-Pacific purposes

So the "border bill" wouldn't actually solve anything. The additional border agents and judges would just be used to process illegals into the country faster. The house republicans thankfully will not vote for this shitty uni-party bill.

It allows 5000 asylum seekers, not illegals. Its not clear if those are encounters, which can be multiple times with one person or individuals. Ive seen references to both. They get work permits now. It's the illegals who forge documents. They get lawyers now. This is not new. If you are really concerned about the child sex trafficking then you don't want to deport unaccompanied minors.

I haven't seen the text of the bill yet, but just those items lets me know the rest of your list is probably bs.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It allows 5000 asylum seekers, not illegals. Its not clear if those are encounters, which can be multiple times with one person or individuals. Ive seen references to both. They get work permits now. It's the illegals who forge documents. They get lawyers now. This is not new. If you are really concerned about the child sex trafficking then you don't want to deport unaccompanied minors.

I haven't seen the text of the bill yet, but just those items lets me know the rest of your list is probably bs.
The bill doesn't say 5,000 asylum seekers allowed. It says "Aliens." The legal definition of aliens is any person who is not a citizen or a national of the United States. The bill says 5,000 or more encounters per day. You can actually read it, no need to speculate. How can you have multiple encounters with one person per day under the current policy? You show up and they let you in for processing, they aren't immediately expelling you so you can try again in a few hours. The "asylum" seekers are running game. They are coached what to say. That's why 85% are rejected because it's bullshit in the first place. Currently, asylum seekers can apply for work permits after 150 days, they don't get them automatically. This bill grants work permits immediately if you pass the initial screening. The bill requires U.S. taxpayers to fund deportation defense attorneys for unaccompanied aliens under 14 years and aliens found to be "incompetent." The unaccompanied minors are being trafficked into the United States and given to non relatives and disappear. Over 85,000 children who have crossed the border are missing and the Biden administration has no idea where they are. Yes, it's better to send them home. So letting in 5,000 aliens per day is a good deal for America?

"while criminal defendants are entitled to a lawyer free of charge if they cannot afford one, asylum seekers have no such right."
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
With all of the misappropriated funds, poor and incomplete infrastructure projects, and pork-filled bills that our so-called "representatives" pass, the conversation always seems to shift to fucking with the lowest people in the country when it comes to shaving support to save money. Why is that?
The only time brown immigrants (they never, ever talk about the shitloads of immigrants from Eastern Europe, etc.) come into the conversation is election year.

The democrats' solution is to give the gays and jews more money. :dunno:
The republicans' solution is mass deportation. :hmm:
Neither of these two parties will consider real solutions and they both have agreed to keep the country on a two-party system because its better to have one enemy than many enemies.

This is why politics is shit.
Get your money up. Take care of your family. Live the best life you can. Circumnavigate through all bullshit in life. If you are not rich enough to not be phased, they are going to fuck with you no matter what. the only answers are to get rich enough to not care or say fuck it and move out of the country.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It doesn't solve anything. Just allows 5,000 aliens per day.
I'm sure this doesn't mean anything, but just 2 recent stories on the news.


Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
So yall mean to tell me that even though both sides HATE each other, they are WILLING to make CONCESSIONS where shit gets done?!
We are "told" that X party can't do this or that for Black people because "nO onE gETs alONg iN dC".

They treat my people like side pieces and I'm very sick of it.
With all of the misappropriated funds, poor and incomplete infrastructure projects, and pork-filled bills that our so-called "representatives" pass, the conversation always seems to shift to fucking with the lowest people in the country when it comes to shaving support to save money. Why is that?
The only time brown immigrants (they never, ever talk about the shitloads of immigrants from Eastern Europe, etc.) come into the conversation is election year.

The democrats' solution is to give the gays and jews more money. :dunno:
The republicans' solution is mass deportation. :hmm:
Neither of these two parties will consider real solutions and they both have agreed to keep the country on a two-party system because its better to have one enemy than many enemies.

This is why politics is shit.
Get your money up. Take care of your family. Live the best life you can. Circumnavigate through all bullshit in life. If you are not rich enough to not be phased, they are going to fuck with you no matter what. the only answers are to get rich enough to not care or say fuck it and move out of the country.
this part


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm sure this doesn't mean anything, but just 2 recent stories on the news.

Man, I really think China has imported an army into the country ready to set some shit off if a conflict between us and them start. Dr. Bret Weinstein went to the Darian Gap (treacherous jungle between Colombia and Panama where migrants cross on the route here) and found an all Chinese camp with mainly men who were not friendly like the rest of the migrants traveling to the U.S. They were on their way here too. It's really kind of scary how wide open the country is to whomever wants to come in. He starts talking about the Chinese camp at the 13:55 mark. The whole interview is really eye opening about who is actually facilitating the millions of people coming to the border.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, I really think China has imported an army into the country ready to set some shit off if a conflict between us and them start. Dr. Bret Weinstein went to the Darian Gap (treacherous jungle between Colombia and Panama where migrants cross on the route here) and found an all Chinese camp with mainly men who were not friendly like the rest of the migrants traveling to the U.S. They were on their way here too. It's really kind of scary how wide open the country is to whomever wants to come in. He starts talking about the Chinese camp at the 13:55 mark. The whole interview is really eye opening about who is actually facilitating the millions of people coming to the border.

Thanks, I am listening to it now and he asked a very good question.

If corporations have the ability to "buy off" ("Pay for Play") Government officials, What would stop our enemies from doing the same thing?
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

While I usually disagree with Stephen A. Smith on most topics, he made some good points about the Biden Administration and New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

Sometimes, I go on YouTube and bring up videos about events that have occurred that deal with the "Migrant population" in New York City and Chicago, and read the comment section.

Of course I have no way of determining what the race or ethnicity of the people leaving comments are, but I notice there is an air of disapproval regarding how certain matters are being addressed or not addressed.